Bachelor Classical Archaeology (685 [2] - Version 2011)
Basics (50 ECTS)
Introductory and Orientation Period (20 ECTS)
Introduction to Archaeology (12 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Introduction into Archaeology Exam
- 090082 KU ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: How to do to scientific research. An introduction
Methods of Archaeology (8 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Methoden der Archäologie
- 090098 VO ( STEOP ) Lecture Typology, Style, Chronology - Ancient Greek and Roman Mosaics. From the Origins to Late Antiquity
- 090106 KU ( STEOP ) STEOP: Describing, Comparing - Antike Plastik in der Abgusssammlung
Group of Elective Modules - Basics (30 ECTS)
WM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Greek Archaeology) (10 ECTS)
- 090075 VO Locations and monuments of commemoration in Greek culture
- 090098 VO ( STEOP ) Lecture Typology, Style, Chronology - Ancient Greek and Roman Mosaics. From the Origins to Late Antiquity
- 090105 PS Images for all: Architectural sculpture from the archaic to the Hellenistic period
WM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Roman Archaeology) (10 ECTS)
- 090074 VO Roman Historical Reliefs: From Augustus till Constantine
- 090098 VO ( STEOP ) Lecture Typology, Style, Chronology - Ancient Greek and Roman Mosaics. From the Origins to Late Antiquity
- 090081 PS Ancient Roman amphitheaters
WM Minoan-Mycenaean Archaeology (10 ECTS)
- 090077 VO Artistic media in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090076 PS Clothes, weapons and ships: Everyday life in the Aegean Bronze Age
WM Provincial-Roman Archaeology (10 ECTS)
- 090099 VO Funerary monuments in the Roman provinces - methods and contexts
- 090081 PS Ancient Roman amphitheaters
WM Early Christian Archaeology (10 ECTS)
- 090098 VO ( STEOP ) Lecture Typology, Style, Chronology - Ancient Greek and Roman Mosaics. From the Origins to Late Antiquity
- 090085 PS [ en ] Daily Life and Professions in Late Antiquity
Advanced Courses (20 ECTS)
Pictures (10 ECTS)
- 090075 VO Locations and monuments of commemoration in Greek culture
- 090074 VO Roman Historical Reliefs: From Augustus till Constantine
- 090077 VO Artistic media in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090083 SE Dionysos
Alternative Compulsory Modules (10 ECTS)
APM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Greek Archaeology) (10 ECTS)
- 090075 VO Locations and monuments of commemoration in Greek culture
- 090098 VO ( STEOP ) Lecture Typology, Style, Chronology - Ancient Greek and Roman Mosaics. From the Origins to Late Antiquity
- 090083 SE Dionysos
APM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Roman Archaeology) (10 ECTS)
- 090074 VO Roman Historical Reliefs: From Augustus till Constantine
- 090098 VO ( STEOP ) Lecture Typology, Style, Chronology - Ancient Greek and Roman Mosaics. From the Origins to Late Antiquity
- 090101 SE Terra Sigillata
- 090102 SE [ en ] Glass in Archaeological Contexts: Artefacts and Production
APM Minoan-Mycenean Archaeology (10 ECTS)
- 090077 VO Artistic media in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090078 SE Archaeology of gender in the Aegean Bronze Age
APM Provincial-Roman Archaeology (10 ECTS)
- 090099 VO Funerary monuments in the Roman provinces - methods and contexts
- 090101 SE Terra Sigillata
APM Early Christian Archaeology (10 ECTS)
- 090098 VO ( STEOP ) Lecture Typology, Style, Chronology - Ancient Greek and Roman Mosaics. From the Origins to Late Antiquity
- 090102 SE [ en ] Glass in Archaeological Contexts: Artefacts and Production
Extension (20 ECTS)
Excavation, Preservation of Monuments, Museum Studies (12 ECTS)
- 090079 VO Introduction to Field Archaeology
- 090086 KU Archeology in archives: The history of classical archeology and archaeological research in Vienna - Zur Geschichte der Klassischen Archäologie und der archäologischen Forschung in Wien
- 090103 KU Documentation and restauration of pottery from the Molino San Vincenzo excavation - from archaeological context to museum exhibition
Alternative Compulsory Modules (8 ECTS)
APM Field Trip (8 ECTS)
- 090089 KU Pompeii and Gulf of Naples (in preparation of an excursion)
- 090090 EX Pompeii and Gulf of Naples
APM Instructional Excavation (8 ECTS)
Supplementary Courses (18 ECTS)
Block of Elective Modules (10 ECTS)
Großes Sprachmodul (Griechisch) (10 ECTS)
- 090009 VO Einführung in die griechische Sprache II
Großes Vertiefungsmodul (10 ECTS)
- 090075 VO Locations and monuments of commemoration in Greek culture
- 090074 VO Roman Historical Reliefs: From Augustus till Constantine
- 090077 VO Artistic media in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090099 VO Funerary monuments in the Roman provinces - methods and contexts
- 090098 VO ( STEOP ) Lecture Typology, Style, Chronology - Ancient Greek and Roman Mosaics. From the Origins to Late Antiquity
- 090083 SE Dionysos
- 090101 SE Terra Sigillata
- 090078 SE Archaeology of gender in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090102 SE [ en ] Glass in Archaeological Contexts: Artefacts and Production
Großes Interdisziplinäres Modul (10 ECTS)
- 060035 KU Identifying and describing numismatic objects: Antiquity
- 060037 KU Ancient Numismatics and monetary history
- 090016 VO Ancient History and Classical Studies
- 090017 VO Lecture in Roman History
Wahlmodulgruppe Kleine Ergänzung (8 ECTS)
Kleines Vertiefungsmodul (8 ECTS)
- 090074 VO Roman Historical Reliefs: From Augustus till Constantine
- 090075 VO Locations and monuments of commemoration in Greek culture
- 090076 PS Clothes, weapons and ships: Everyday life in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090077 VO Artistic media in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090079 VO Introduction to Field Archaeology
- 090081 PS Ancient Roman amphitheaters
- 090085 PS [ en ] Daily Life and Professions in Late Antiquity
- 090086 KU Archeology in archives: The history of classical archeology and archaeological research in Vienna - Zur Geschichte der Klassischen Archäologie und der archäologischen Forschung in Wien
- 090098 VO ( STEOP ) Lecture Typology, Style, Chronology - Ancient Greek and Roman Mosaics. From the Origins to Late Antiquity
- 090099 VO Funerary monuments in the Roman provinces - methods and contexts
- 090103 KU Documentation and restauration of pottery from the Molino San Vincenzo excavation - from archaeological context to museum exhibition
- 090104 KU [ en ] Arabic for Archaeologists
- 090105 PS Images for all: Architectural sculpture from the archaic to the Hellenistic period
Kleines Interdisziplinäres Modul (8 ECTS)
- 060035 KU Identifying and describing numismatic objects: Antiquity
- 060037 KU Ancient Numismatics and monetary history
- 090016 VO Ancient History and Classical Studies
- 090017 VO Lecture in Roman History
Kleines Optionalmodul (8 ECTS)
Kleines Sprachmodul (alte und/oder moderne Sprachen) (8 ECTS)
- 090104 KU [ en ] Arabic for Archaeologists
Final Stage (12 ECTS)
Bachelor´s Module (12 ECTS)
- 090083 SE Dionysos
- 090101 SE Terra Sigillata
- 090078 SE Archaeology of gender in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090102 SE [ en ] Glass in Archaeological Contexts: Artefacts and Production
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2019 00:32
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