Master Sociology (905 [2])
Informationen zum Studiengang finden Sie auf der Homepage der Studienprogrammleitung Soziologie:
MA M - Applied Methods and Research Strategies (12 ECTS)
- 230006 VO Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical research
- 230065 UE Qualitative Methods: Observation, Interviews, Analysis of Visual Data
- 230066 UE Qualitative Methods: Observation, Interviews, Analysis of Visual Data
- 230067 UE Qualitative Methods: Participant observation, interview and artefact analysis
- 230068 UE Specific Multivariate Methods of Analysis in the Social Sciences
- 230069 UE Specific Multivariate Methods of Analysis in the Social Sciences
- 230070 UE Specific Multivariate Methods of Analysis in the Social Sciences
MA T - Sociological Theories: Comparison, Application, Development (12 ECTS)
- 230040 VO Sociological Theories: Overview and current Developments
- 230041 SE Organizations in Systems Theoretical perspective
- 230042 SE Game Theory for the Social Sciences
- 230043 SE Authoritarian Sociology and Sociology of Authoritarianism
- 230045 SE Reading Seminar: Sociology of Emotions
- 230046 SE Reading Seminar: The anthropogenic climate change - A practical and theoretical problem of sociology
- 230115 SE [ en ] Reading Seminar: Concepts and theories of ageing
MA FE - Research Specialisation: Introduction and Overview (6 ECTS)
- 230108 VO Areas of Specialisation: Introduction and Overview
- 230109 UE Professionalisation of scientific literature review
MA F - Research Specialisation (26 ECTS)
MA F - Research Specialisation: Social Structure, Social Integration ((Alternative Compulsory Module)
- 230019 VO Social structural transformations and actual problems of European Societies
- 230047 SE Critique and Intervention
- 230048 SE [ en ] Politics and society - Political Sociology
- 230049 FS Research Lab 1: Pathways to the Future
MA F - Research Specialisation: Social Structure and Social Integration: Recommended Lectures of other Departments:
- 230089 VO Interdisciplinary urban research
MA F - Research Specialisation: Family Research, Generations, Lifespan (Alternative Compulsory Module)
- 230026 VO Family- Fertility - Migration: Demographic processes in change
- 230057 SE Risk behavior and deviance during adolescence
- 230058 SE Ageing, Generations and the Life-Course - Sociological concepts on age and ageing
MA F - Research Specialisation: Family, Generations, Lifespan - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
MA F - Research Specialisation: Work, Organization, Health (Alternative Compulsory Module)
- 230028 VO Health and Health Promotion in Organisational Settings
- 230071 VO+SE Sociology of Organization: (Gender-) Theories of Group/Team
- 230072 SE Organising Labour in Global Production Networks
B. Recommended Lectures of other Departments: MA F Work, Organization, Health
MA F - Research Specialisation: Culture and Society (Alternative Compulsory Module)
- 230027 VO Sociology of self-portrayal - Introduction to Sociology of elementary contacts
- 230059 SE Construction and Boundaries in Sociological Research
MA F - Research Specialisation: Culture and Society - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
- 233060 UE [ en ] Science in Society Laboratories
MA F- Research Specialisation: Visual Sociology (Alternative Compulsory Module)
- 230029 VO Visual Sociology: Gender and Film - Theories, Pictures, Work, Studies
- 230073 VO+SE Principles, Approaches and Practices of Visual Methods
- 230074 SE Ethnographic film/ social science film - Audio-visual material in research, analysis and communication
MA F - Research Specialisation: Visual Sociology - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
MA F - Research Specialisation: Science Studies (Alternative Compulsory Module)
- 233041 SE [ en ] Cities - Planning - Infrastructure - An STS Perspective
- 233042 SE [ en ] The Politics and Poetics of Hacking - Open-Source Science and Technology
- 233043 SE [ en ] Bodies & Data - Exploring the intersections of biology, identity and technology
- 233044 SE [ en ] Power, politics, and technology in the 21st century - STS in action
- 233045 SE [ en ] Identity and community - and how they come to matter in contemporary technoscience
- 233060 UE [ en ] Science in Society Laboratories
MA AR - Master's Thesis Seminars (8 ECTS)
- 230103 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar: Synopsis
- 230104 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar: Synopsis
- 230106 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230107 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230114 WS Workshop: Master Thesis
MA AR - Master's Thesis Seminars: Recommended Seminars of other Departments
- 040314 SE Conversatorium for Master Candidates - Wirtschaftssoziologie und Soziologie (SPL 4 + SPL 23)
MA SE - Advanced Sociology Module (Theories, Methods, Research Specialisation (12 ECTS)
- 230005 VO Multiple sustainability. Interpretations, analysis and politics of sustainable development
- 230019 VO Social structural transformations and actual problems of European Societies
- 230026 VO Family- Fertility - Migration: Demographic processes in change
- 230027 VO Sociology of self-portrayal - Introduction to Sociology of elementary contacts
- 230028 VO Health and Health Promotion in Organisational Settings
- 230029 VO Visual Sociology: Gender and Film - Theories, Pictures, Work, Studies
- 230045 SE Reading Seminar: Sociology of Emotions
- 230046 SE Reading Seminar: The anthropogenic climate change - A practical and theoretical problem of sociology
- 230075 VO Presence lost - Society between ideology and utopia - Theme and Variations about Karl Mannheim
- 230076 SE Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches - From a theoretical, methodological and empirical point of view
- 230077 SE Design and Testing of Questionnaires
- 230078 UE Advanced Quantitative Methods: Data Analysis with R
- 230079 UE Introduction to Big Data Analysis
- 230088 UE Advanced Methods in Qualitative Research: Selected Types of Interviews - Theory and Practice
- 230114 WS Workshop: Master Thesis
- 230115 SE [ en ] Reading Seminar: Concepts and theories of ageing
MA SE - Advanced Sociology Module (Theories, Methods, Research) Specialisation): Recommended Lectures of other Departments
- 010001 VO Lecture Series: Sexual Abuse of Minors. Crime and Responsibility
- 010036 SE Artificial Intelligence
- 010037 FS Beyond the two sexes - Inter- and transsexuality as a challenge to society and theology
- 010089 SE "City of God" - On the relationship between religion- city- migration
- 010092 SE Key Works in the Sociology of Religion
- 010107 SE Introduction to the Sociology of Religion
- 040200 KU Economic Sociology - Basics (MA)
- 040201 KU Advanced Economic Sociology (MA)
- 040243 VO [ en ] Decision and Game Theory (MA)
- 040519 KU Sociology of Organizations (MA)
- 040523 KU Sociology of Labor Markets (MA)
- 040577 KU Industrial Sociology (MA)
- 070052 VO VO Women's and Gender History of National Socialism - Research Questions and New Research
- 070060 VO Lecture - Division of Work and Gender Hierarchy - From the Early Modern Period to the 21st Century
- 070245 VO Focus Introduction: Women's and Gender History
- 070318 VO Introduction to In-Depth Studies - Economic and Social History
- 230089 VO Interdisciplinary urban research
- 233041 SE [ en ] Cities - Planning - Infrastructure - An STS Perspective
- 233042 SE [ en ] The Politics and Poetics of Hacking - Open-Source Science and Technology
- 233043 SE [ en ] Bodies & Data - Exploring the intersections of biology, identity and technology
- 233044 SE [ en ] Power, politics, and technology in the 21st century - STS in action
- 233045 SE [ en ] Identity and community - and how they come to matter in contemporary technoscience
- 240047 VO+UE ( MOB ) VM1 / VM8 - Contested expertise in science and politics - Institutionen, AkteurInnen, und Praktiken im Feld der Migrationsforschung
- 240054 VO VM3 / VM4 - Introduction to Latin American Studies - (De-) Kolonialität und soziale Ungleichheiten
- 240062 VO+UE ( SGU ) VM4 / VM3 - Rassism and antirassism in development - A critical Analysis
- 240064 VO ( BDG ) Education and International Development - Globale Konvergenzen & Divergenzen in der Bildungswelt
- 240065 VO+UE VM2 / VM3 - Global view on Research, Technology Development and Innovation - ('Technoglobalisation')
- 240080 SE [ de en ] ( SGU ) VM3 / VM6 - Care, ageing and migration in global dependency
- 240109 VO VM7 - One out of Five - Interdisciplinary lecture series focusing on Violence on Women and Children
- 240125 VO ( SGU ) VM3 /VM7 - Race, Class, Gender, and Intersectionality: Feminist Theorizing on Global Inequality - Race, Class, Gender, Intersektionalität: Feministische Theorieansätze globaler sozialer Ungleichheit
MA PW - Project Management, Academic Research and Writing and Communication (8 ECTS)
- 230110 UE Project managing with focus on managing research projects
- 230111 UE Knowledge Communication - Writing a good paper - Wie entsteht ein guter Text ?
- 230112 UE [ en ] The Art of Argument: Reading and Writing Sociological Texts in English
MA PW - Project Management, Academic Research and Writing and Communication - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
- 230130 TR Project Management and Evaluation
Last modified: Fr 10.01.2020 00:35