Master Business Administration (915 [3] - Version 2016)
Introductiory Phase (8 ECTS)
Business Contents (4 ECTS)
- 040024 VO Management I - Marketing (MA)
- 040053 VO [ en ] Management II - Production, Logistics and Supply Chain Management (MA)
- 040148 VO [ en ] Accounting (MA)
- 040255 VO Business Law
- 040270 VO [ en ] Management I - Organization and Personnel (MA)
- 040293 VO Management II - Finance (MA)
Methods (4 ECTS)
- 040038 VO Econometrics and Statistics (MA)
- 040243 VO [ en ] Decision and Game Theory (MA)
Block of Elective Modules Specialization (80 ECTS)
B.1.1. Controlling
B.1.1.1. Controlling I
- 040049 SE Readings in Management Accounting (MA)
- 040326 KU Incentive System Design (MA)
- 040429 KU Spreadsheet Accounting (MA)
- 040479 UK Legal Issues of Corporate Governance
- 040513 KU Fundamentals in Managerial Accounting (MA)
- 040728 UK Public Market Authority
B.1.1.2. Controlling II
- 040030 SE [ en ] Seminar in Managerial Control (MA)
Unternehmensbewertung (4 ECTS)
- 040082 KU Financial Statement Analysis and Business Evaluation (MA)
- 040569 KU [ en ] Valuation (MA)
Vertiefung im Controlling (8 ECTS)
- 040614 UE Practice Controlling A (MA)
Wertorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung
B.1.2. Financial Accounting
B.1.2.1. Financial Accounting I (can also be taken as a minor)
- 040082 KU Financial Statement Analysis and Business Evaluation (MA)
- 040125 KU [ en ] International Financial Accounting B (MA)
- 040657 KU International Financial Accounting A (MA)
- 040967 KU Software of Accounting (MA)
B.1.2.2. Financial Accounting II
- 040051 KU Financial Reporting according to Austrian and German Law (MA) - can be credited as Ausgewählte Teilgebiete des externen Rechnungswesens A, B or C
- 040073 KU Corporate Governance and external Accounting II (MA)
- 040203 KU Financial Reporting and Taxation of Banks and Financial Institutions (MA) - can be credited as Ausgewählte Teilgebiete des externen Rechnungswesens A, B or C
- 040204 KU Financial Reporting and Taxation of Real Estate Companies (MA) - can be credited as Ausgewählte Teilgebiete des externen Rechnungswesens A, B or C
- 040269 SE Seminar in external Accounting (MA)
B.1.3. Marketing and Initernational Marketing
B.1.3.1. Marketing and International Marketing I (can also be taken as a minor)
- 040087 KU Consumer Behavior (MA)
- 040167 UE Staging Marketing B (MA)
- 040177 KU Shopper Marketing (MA)
- 040386 KU Market Research 1 (MA)
- 040882 KU [ en ] International Marketing Simulation (MA)
B.1.3.2. Marketing and International Marketing II
- 040104 KU [ en ] International Marketing Management 2 (MA)
- 040296 SE [ en ] Seminar International Marketing (MA)
- 040410 KU Marketing Communication 2 (MA)
- 040419 KU [ en ] Topics in International Marketing (MA)
- 040501 KU [ en ] Data Analysis for Marketing Decisions (MA)
- 040562 KU [ en ] International Marketing Research 2 (MA)
- 040578 SE Seminar Marketing (MA)
B.1.4. Organization and Personnel
B.1.4.1. Organization and Personnel I (can also be taken as a minor)
- 040035 KU [ en ] Contracts, coordination, and incentives (MA)
- 040220 SE [ en ] Seminar Organization and Personnel (MA)
- 040388 KU [ en ] Personnel Economics I (MA)
- 040519 KU Sociology of Organizations (MA)
- 040599 KU [ en ] Organization Theory I (MA)
B.1.4.2. Organization and Personnel II
- 040319 VO [ en ] Economic Psychology (MA)
Mandatory Courses
- 040217 KU [ en ] Data Analysis on Organization and Personell (MA)
Elective Courses
- 040288 KU [ en ] Psychology of Work and Labour (MA)
- 040314 KU Sociology of Labor Markets (MA)
- 040319 VO [ en ] Economic Psychology (MA)
- 040331 KU [ en ] Empirical Methods in Decision Sciences (MA)
- 040408 KU Industrial Sociology (MA)
B.1.5. Public and Non-profit Management
B.1.5.1. Public and Non-profit Management I (can also be taken as a minor)
- 040013 KU Executive Information Systems in Public Management (MA)
- 040959 KU Strategical Management in Public and Non-profit Management (MA)
B.1.5.2. Public and Non-profit Management II
- 040153 SE Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040166 KU Solidary Economic (MA) - Cooperative economy and Cooperatives
- 040349 SE [ en ] Special Topics in Public and Non-Profit Management (MA)
- 040703 KU Advanced Quantitative Assessment of Public and Non-Profit Strategies II (MA)
B.1.6. Smart Production & Supply Chain Management
B.1.6.1. Smart Production I (can also be taken as a minor)
- 040183 KU [ en ] Operations Strategy and Tactical Planning (MA)
- 040185 KU [ en ] Logistics and Material Management (MA)
- 040669 KU [ en ] Simulation I (MA)
- 040899 KU [ en ] Production Analysis (MA)
B.1.6.2. Supply Chain Management I (can also be taken as a minor)
- 040183 KU [ en ] Operations Strategy and Tactical Planning (MA)
- 040186 KU [ en ] Transportation Logistics (MA)
- 040893 KU [ en ] Supply Chain Management (MA)
- 040894 KU [ en ] LP Modeling I (MA)
B.1.6.3. Smart Production & Supply Chain Management II
- 040161 KU [ en ] Implementation of Optimization Techniques - Part 2 (MA)
Mandatory Courses
- 040023 SE [ en ] Smart Production and Supply Chain Management (MA)
- 040182 KU [ en ] Implementation of Optimization Techniques - Part 1 (MA)
Elective Courses
- 040011 KU [ en ] Special Topics in Smart Production and SCM - SAP (MA)
- 040299 KU [ en ] Simulation II (MA)
- 040676 KU [ en ] Metaheuristics (MA)
- 040897 KU [ en ] LP Modeling II (MA)
B.1.7. Strategic Management
B.1.7.1. Strategic Management I (can also be taken as a minor)
- 040020 KU [ en ] Business Strategy (MA)
- 040046 UE [ en ] Experimental Methods I (MA) - Laboratory Experiments
- 040088 UE [ en ] Empirical Methods I (MA)
- 040115 KU [ en ] Strategic Decision-Making (MA)
- 040228 UE [ en ] Experimental Methods I: Agent Based Modelling in Organisations (MA)
- 040319 VO [ en ] Economic Psychology (MA)
B.1.7.2. Strategic Management II
- 040047 UE [ en ] Experimental Methods II (MA) - Laboratory Experiments
- 040081 UE [ en ] Empirical Methods II (MA)
- 040116 KU [ en ] Strategic Negotiations (MA)
- 040279 SE [ en ] Strategy Seminar (MA)
- 040281 KU [ en ] International Strategy (MA)
B.1.8. Economic Law
B.1.8.1. Economic Law I (can also be taken as a minor)
- 040060 UK Legal issues of cryptocurrencies and virtual forms of financing
- 040089 UK Jurisdiction of Arbitration
- 040093 UK Unfair Competition and Antitrust Law
- 040098 UK Securities- and Equity Market Law
- 040102 UK Law of Private Trusts
- 040103 UK Collective and Association Law
- 040107 UK Law of Corporate Groups
- 040110 UK Intellectual Property Rights
- 040111 UK Law of Corporate Reorganisations and Restructuring
- 040126 UK Public Commercial Law
- 040241 UK International Private- and European Law (MA)
- 040242 KU [ en ] International Trade Law (MA)
- 040284 UK Legal Issues of Electronic Commerce
- 040463 UK Tenancy & Real Estate Law
- 040479 UK Legal Issues of Corporate Governance
- 040588 UK International Tax Planning
- 040589 UK Taxation of Investments (advanced)
- 040590 UK Employment and Social Law
- 040603 UK Introduction to Business Taxation
- 040604 UK Business Taxation (advanced)
- 040722 UK Banking Law
- 040726 UK Topics in Mergers and Acquisitions I
- 040727 UK Topics in Mergers and Acquisitions II
- 040728 UK Public Market Authority
- 040729 VK Sonderfragen des Insolvenzrechts (MA)
B.1.8.2. Economic Law II
Economic Law II - Electives
- 040060 UK Legal issues of cryptocurrencies and virtual forms of financing
- 040089 UK Jurisdiction of Arbitration
- 040093 UK Unfair Competition and Antitrust Law
- 040098 UK Securities- and Equity Market Law
- 040102 UK Law of Private Trusts
- 040103 UK Collective and Association Law
- 040107 UK Law of Corporate Groups
- 040110 UK Intellectual Property Rights
- 040111 UK Law of Corporate Reorganisations and Restructuring
- 040126 UK Public Commercial Law
- 040241 UK International Private- and European Law (MA)
- 040242 KU [ en ] International Trade Law (MA)
- 040284 UK Legal Issues of Electronic Commerce
- 040463 UK Tenancy & Real Estate Law
- 040479 UK Legal Issues of Corporate Governance
- 040588 UK International Tax Planning
- 040589 UK Taxation of Investments (advanced)
- 040590 UK Employment and Social Law
- 040603 UK Introduction to Business Taxation
- 040604 UK Business Taxation (advanced)
- 040722 UK Banking Law
- 040726 UK Topics in Mergers and Acquisitions I
- 040727 UK Topics in Mergers and Acquisitions II
- 040728 UK Public Market Authority
- 040729 VK Sonderfragen des Insolvenzrechts (MA)
Economic Law II - Mandatory Course
- 030345 SE Seminar Economic Law
- 040155 SE Seminar Economic Law (MA)
B.2.1. Banking and Finance
Banking and Finance - Mandatory Courses
- 040094 KU [ en ] Corporate Finance 1 (MA)
- 040119 KU [ en ] Banking and Financial Intermediation 1 (MA)
Banking and Finance - Electives
- 040029 SE [ en ] Seminar Basel Regulation and Bank Resiliency (MA)
- 040031 KU [ en ] Python for Finance I (MA)
- 040090 KU [ en ] Corporate Finance 2 (MA)
- 040095 KU [ en ] Investment Banking (MA)
- 040097 KU [ en ] Commercial Banking (MA)
- 040118 KU [ en ] Corporate Restructuring (MA)
- 040259 SE [ en ] Seminar Corporate Finance (MA)
- 040275 KU [ en ] Banking and Financial Intermediation 2 (MA)
- 040442 KU [ en ] Advanced FM: Market Microstructure (MA)
- 040514 KU [ en ] Python for Finance II (MA)
- 040569 KU [ en ] Valuation (MA)
- 040642 SE [ en ] Seminar Portfoliomanagement (MA)
B.2.2. Economics
Economics - Mandatory Courses
Economics - Electives
- 040040 UK [ en ] Social Choice (MA)
- 040196 UK [ en ] Money and Banking (MA) - Track in Macroeconomic Policy
- 040256 UK [ en ] Panel Data Econometrics (MA) - Track in Data Analysis
- 040267 KU [ en ] Decision and Game Theory II (MA)
B.2.3. Electronic Business
Electronic Business - Mandatory Courses
- 040022 SE [ de en de ] Recent developments in eBusiness and eLogistics (MA)
- 040180 KU Introduction to Electronic Business (MA)
- 040189 UE Case Studies of eBusiness and eLogistics (MA)
Electronic Business - Electives
- 040016 KU [ en ] Service Science (MA)
- 040043 KU [ de en ] eServices (MA) - Games, Gamification and Gaming Industry
- 040139 UE Collaboration and eBusiness (MA)
- 040191 UE Applications of eBusiness and eLogistics (MA) - Business Analytics
B.2.4. Operations Research
- 040114 UK [ en ] Optimization under Uncertainty (MA)
- 040918 SE [ en ] Applications of Operations Research (MA)
- 040968 UK [ en ] Graph Algorithms and Network Flows (MA)
B.2.5. Business Informatics
- 040083 KU Business Process Management (MA)
- 040190 KU Advanced Topics in Business Informatics (MA) - Business Intelligence und Advanced Analytics
B.2.6. Economical Sociology
Economical Sociology - Mandatory Course
- 040151 KU Economic Sociology - Basics (MA)
Economical Sociology - Electives
- 040004 KU Further Topics in Economic Sociology (MA) - Comparative labor relations
- 040188 KU Research Practicum (MA)
- 040314 KU Sociology of Labor Markets (MA)
- 040408 KU Industrial Sociology (MA)
- 040519 KU Sociology of Organizations (MA)
Choice Module (8 ECTS)
- 040016 KU [ en ] Service Science (MA)
- 040024 VO Management I - Marketing (MA)
- 040031 KU [ en ] Python for Finance I (MA)
- 040035 KU [ en ] Contracts, coordination, and incentives (MA)
- 040038 VO Econometrics and Statistics (MA)
- 040053 VO [ en ] Management II - Production, Logistics and Supply Chain Management (MA)
- 040060 UK Legal issues of cryptocurrencies and virtual forms of financing
- 040083 KU Business Process Management (MA)
- 040092 KU Project Management 2 (MA)
- 040098 UK Securities- and Equity Market Law
- 040103 UK Collective and Association Law
- 040107 UK Law of Corporate Groups
- 040111 UK Law of Corporate Reorganisations and Restructuring
- 040125 KU [ en ] International Financial Accounting B (MA)
- 040148 VO [ en ] Accounting (MA)
- 040167 UE Staging Marketing B (MA)
- 040180 KU Introduction to Electronic Business (MA)
- 040182 KU [ en ] Implementation of Optimization Techniques - Part 1 (MA)
- 040183 KU [ en ] Operations Strategy and Tactical Planning (MA)
- 040185 KU [ en ] Logistics and Material Management (MA)
- 040186 KU [ en ] Transportation Logistics (MA)
- 040189 UE Case Studies of eBusiness and eLogistics (MA)
- 040191 UE Applications of eBusiness and eLogistics (MA) - Business Analytics
- 040217 KU [ en ] Data Analysis on Organization and Personell (MA)
- 040221 KU [ en ] Global Strategy (MA)
- 040243 VO [ en ] Decision and Game Theory (MA)
- 040245 SE Cooperative Management (MA)
- 040255 VO Business Law
- 040270 VO [ en ] Management I - Organization and Personnel (MA)
- 040285 UK ( OV ) OLV - Guide into your studies for Master`s
- 040288 KU [ en ] Psychology of Work and Labour (MA)
- 040290 UK [ en ] Industrial Organization (MA) - Track in Competition and Regulation
- 040293 VO Management II - Finance (MA)
- 040299 KU [ en ] Simulation II (MA)
- 040331 KU [ en ] Empirical Methods in Decision Sciences (MA)
- 040463 UK Tenancy & Real Estate Law
- 040501 KU [ en ] Data Analysis for Marketing Decisions (MA)
- 040514 KU [ en ] Python for Finance II (MA)
- 040562 KU [ en ] International Marketing Research 2 (MA)
- 040589 UK Taxation of Investments (advanced)
- 040603 UK Introduction to Business Taxation
- 040604 UK Business Taxation (advanced)
- 040609 KU [ en ] International Negotiations (MA)
- 040669 KU [ en ] Simulation I (MA)
- 040676 KU [ en ] Metaheuristics (MA)
- 040729 VK Sonderfragen des Insolvenzrechts (MA)
- 040882 KU [ en ] International Marketing Simulation (MA)
- 040959 KU Strategical Management in Public and Non-profit Management (MA)
Master´s Thesis Conservatory (2 ECTS)
- 040069 SE Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040144 SE Conversatorium for Master Candidates - Wirtschaftssoziologie und Soziologie (SPL 4 + SPL 23)
- 040150 SE [ de en ] Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040152 SE Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040153 SE Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040174 SE [ de en ] Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040175 SE Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040211 SE Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040214 SE [ de en ] Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040276 SE Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040321 SE [ en ] Master's Thesis Seminar
- 040323 SE [ en ] Conversatorium for Master Candidates
Service Module
- 040232 UE [ de en ] Scientific Writing
- 040808 VK Business German
Last modified: Fr 26.06.2020 00:48