Master Pharmacy (605)
(GZ.52.355/11-VII/D/2/2002, ab WS 02/03)
M1 (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on Metabolic Disorders and Impaired Organ- and System Functions (10 ECTS)
M2 Antiinfectives, Antineoplastic Drugs and (bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Immune System (10 ECTS)
M3 Production of Magistral Formulae (10 ECTS)
- 322003 VO VO Introduction to Practical Course on Magistral Formulae - M3
- 322004 PR Practical Course on Magistral Formulae - MA4 - M3 - (6 Kurse)
M4 (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Cardiovascular System (8 ECTS)
M5 (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Nervous System (7 ECTS)
- EXAM (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Nervous System - M5
- 322006 VO (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Nervous System - M5
M6 Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics for Master Students (6 ECTS)
M7 Selected Chapters of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics (4 ECTS)
- 322070 VU Cell Culture Models in Pharmaceutical Technology - Basics - M7/M14
- 322071 VU Cell Culture Models in Pharmaceutical Technology - M7/M14 - (2 Kurse)
- 322075 VU Selected Chapters of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics - MA8 - M7 - (2 Kurse)
- 322076 VO Planned quality - GMP in industrial manufacturing of medicinal products - M7/M14
- 322079 VU Radiopharmaceutical Technology 2 - M7/M14
M8 Quality Control of Herbal Medicinal Products (5 ECTS)
- 322009 PR Quality Control of Herbal Medicinal Products - M8 - (6 Kurse)
- 322109 PR Quality Control of Herbal Medicinal Products - M8 - (1 Kurs)
- 322609 PR Quality Control of Herbal Medicinal Products - MA9 - M8 - (1 Kurs)
M9 Medication Therapy Management and Public Health (10 ECTS)
- EXAM Metabolism, Drug Interactions and personalized Pharmacotherapy - MA10/ MA11 - M9
- 322010 VO Metabolism and Drug Interactions - M9
- 322011 VO Personalized Pharmacotherapy - M9
- 322012 UE Applied Pharmacokinetics - M9 - (5 Kurse)
- 322013 UE Case Studies and Pharmaceutical Care - M9 - (5 Kurse)
- 322112 UE Applied Pharmacokinetics - M9 - (1 Kurs)
- 322113 UE Case Studies and Pharmaceutical Care - M9 - (1 Kurs)
M10 Evidence Based Pharmacy (5 ECTS)
- 322014 VO Introduction to Evidence Based Pharmacy - M10
- 322015 UE Interpretation of Clinical Studies - M10 - (2 Kurse)
- 322016 VU Self-Medication - M10
M11 Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacoepidemiology (10 ECTS)
- EXAM VO Clinical Pharmacy and Chemical Diagnostics - MA17/ MA18 - M11
- 322017 VO Clinical Pharmacy - M11
- 322018 VO Chemical Diagnostics - M11
- 322019 VU Gender- and Chronopharmacokinetics - M11
- 322020 PR PR Clinical Pharmacy and Chemical Diagnostics - M11 - (6 Kurse)
M12 Law for Pharmacists (2 ECTS)
M13 Selected Chaptures of Pharmaceutical Research (3 ECTS)
- 322022 VU Selected Chaptures of Pharmaceutical-Chemical Research - M13
- 322023 VU Selected Chaptures of Pharmacological Research - M13
- 322024 VU Selected Chaptures of Pharmacognostical Research - M13
- 322025 VU Selected Chaptures of Pharmaceutical-Technological Research - M13
M14 Additional Qualifications and Scientific Specialization (5 ECTS)
- 322050 VU Strategies in structural Clarification from pharmaceutical- and natural Substance with NMR - M14
- 322053 VO Application of modern spectroscopic methods in Pharmaceutical Chemistry - M14
- 322054 VO [ en ] Human Gene Therapy: From basics to clinical applications - M14
- 322061 PR Addictive drugs and their analytics - M14
- 322062 VO Phytopharmaceuticals - Phytotherapy (with Excursion) - M14
- 322063 VU [ en ] Analytical Chemistry in Natural Product Research - M14
- 322065 VO [ en ] Applied Bacterial Genetics - M14
- 322067 VO TCM - New Challenges for Pharmacists - M14
- 322070 VU Cell Culture Models in Pharmaceutical Technology - Basics - M7/M14
- 322071 VU Cell Culture Models in Pharmaceutical Technology - M7/M14 - (2 Kurse)
- 322075 VU Selected Chapters of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics - MA8 - M7 - (2 Kurse)
- 322076 VO Planned quality - GMP in industrial manufacturing of medicinal products - M7/M14
- 322079 VU Radiopharmaceutical Technology 2 - M7/M14
- 322085 VO VO Additional Qualifications and Scientific Specialization - MA23 - M14
Last modified: Fr 26.06.2020 00:49