Master Molecular Biology (834)
Zusätzlich zur online-Anmeldung ist die persönliche Anwesenheit in der Vorbesprechung bzw. ersten Einheit der Lehrveranstaltungen unbedingt erforderlich! Bei Verhinderung ist die Lehrveranstaltungsleitung rechtzeitig (d.h. vor dem Beginn der Lehrveranstaltung) zu informieren, andernfalls kann der Platz in der Lehrveranstaltung an andere Studierende vergeben werden.Informationen betreffend die Anmeldung zu Lehrveranstaltungen anderer Studienprogrammleitungen (das sind jene, deren Nummer nicht mit 30 beginnt) finden sich im jeweiligen Kapitel bzw. bei der jeweiligen Lehrveranstaltung.Bitte achten Sie bereits bei der Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltungen bzw. Prüfungen auf die Auswahl des Moduls für welches Sie es absolvieren möchten!
ABCM (1) Biochemistry (30 ECTS)
MMB I-1 Dynamic Biochemistry (5 ECTS)
MMB I-2 Current Topics in Biochemistry (10 ECTS)
- 301214 UE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Toolkit for in silico sequence analysis - vormals UE IIIB
- 301449 VO [ en ] Current and advanced topics in structural biology
- 301465 SE [ en ] Current Trends in Bioanalytical Technologies
- 301585 VO [ en ] Translation in Eukaryotes I
- 301605 SE Seminar in Genetics - Molecular Biology of RNA
- 301705 VO Plant Molecular Biology III - Energy and Metabolism
MMB I-3 Advanced Biochemical Techniques (10 ECTS)
- 301851 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Advanced Biochemical Techniques
- 301852 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Elective Laboratory Course Advanced Biochemistry
- 301855 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Electiv Laboratory Course Structural Biology
MMB I-4 Elective Laboratory Course Biochemistry (5 ECTS)
- 301851 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Advanced Biochemical Techniques
- 301852 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Elective Laboratory Course Advanced Biochemistry
- 301855 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Electiv Laboratory Course Structural Biology
ABCM (2) Molecular Structural Biology (30 ECTS)
MMB II-1 Dynamic Biochemistry (5 ECTS)
MMB II-2 Current Topics in Structural Biology (10 ECTS)
- 301092 SE [ en ] Modern Concepts in Structural Biology III
- 301185 VO [ en ] Structural Bioinformatics I
- 301214 UE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Toolkit for in silico sequence analysis - vormals UE IIIB
- 301449 VO [ en ] Current and advanced topics in structural biology
- 301465 SE [ en ] Current Trends in Bioanalytical Technologies
MMB II-3 Advanced Structural Biology Techniques (10 ECTS)
- 301288 UE ( ON-SITE ) Molecular Biophysics - Practical Applications
- 301853 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Practical Course in Structural Biology A - Basics
- 301854 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Practical Course in Structural Biology B - Advanced Practical Course
MMB II-4 Elective Laboratory Course Structural Biology (5 ECTS)
- 301288 UE ( ON-SITE ) Molecular Biophysics - Practical Applications
- 301852 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Elective Laboratory Course Advanced Biochemistry
- 301853 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Practical Course in Structural Biology A - Basics
- 301854 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Practical Course in Structural Biology B - Advanced Practical Course
- 301855 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Electiv Laboratory Course Structural Biology
ABCM (3) Molecular Cell Biology (30 ECTS)
MMB III-1 Advanced Cell Biology (5 ECTS)
MMB III-2 Current Topics in Cell Biology (10 ECTS)
- 300158 SE [ de en ] New concepts in light- and electron microscopy - (scientific results, instruments, methods)
- 300210 SE [ en ] Plant cell biology - Insights, concepts, challenges
- 301271 VO [ en ] Principles and practice of advanced microscopic technques - life sciences applications using theory and case studies
- 301275 SE [ en ] Journal Club I - Stem Cell Biology: Evolutionary, developmental and pathological dimensions
- 301580 SE [ de en ] Cell Biology Today: Current Topics, Methodology, and Project Design
MMB III-3 Dynamic Biochemistry (5 ECTS)
MMB III-4 Elective Laboratory Course Cell Biology (5 ECTS)
- 301856 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Advanced Cell Biology Techniques
- 301857 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Elective Laboratory Course Cell Biology
MMB III-5 Advanced Cell Biology Techniques (5 ECTS)
- 301856 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Advanced Cell Biology Techniques
- 301857 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Elective Laboratory Course Cell Biology
ABCM (4) Molecular Medicine (30 ECTS)
MMB IV-1 Advanced Molecular Medicine (5 ECTS)
- 301586 VO [ de en ] Molecular Medicine 2 - Molecular Aspects of Medical Research
MMB IV-2 Current Topics in Molecular Medicine (10 ECTS)
- 301101 VO [ en ] Epigenetics- From basic mechanisms to medical applications
- 301138 SE [ en ] Behavior, Rhythms and Neurological Diseases
- 301347 VO [ en ] Principles of Molecular Virology
- 301407 VO [ en ] DNA-Tumor Viruses, from Cancer Agent to therapy - Elective Course in Molecular Medicine
- 301585 VO [ en ] Translation in Eukaryotes I
- 301589 SE [ en ] Literature seminar in Molecular Medicine
- 301591 SE [ en ] Literature seminar in Molecular Medicine
- 301706 SE [ de en ] Research-proposal Submission and Assessment in Molecular Medicine
- 301708 SE [ de en ] Biology of cardiac stem cells: Planning of Projects and Experiments plus current literature I
- 301710 VO Embryos and Stemcells - Embryos and Stemcells
- 301907 VO [ en ] Development of novel cancer immunotherapies - from target identification through target validation to clinical trials
MMB IV-3 Advanced Molecular Biology Techniques in Molecular Medicine (10 ECTS)
- 301101 VO [ en ] Epigenetics- From basic mechanisms to medical applications
- 301407 VO [ en ] DNA-Tumor Viruses, from Cancer Agent to therapy - Elective Course in Molecular Medicine
- 301585 VO [ en ] Translation in Eukaryotes I
- 301589 SE [ en ] Literature seminar in Molecular Medicine
- 301591 SE [ en ] Literature seminar in Molecular Medicine
- 301706 SE [ de en ] Research-proposal Submission and Assessment in Molecular Medicine
- 301858 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Elective Laboratory Course (Molecular Medicine) - Part 1
- 301859 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Elective Laboratory Course (Molecular Medicine) - Part 2
MMB IV-4 Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Medicine (5 ECTS)
- 301858 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Elective Laboratory Course (Molecular Medicine) - Part 1
- 301859 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Elective Laboratory Course (Molecular Medicine) - Part 2
ABCM (5) Neurosciences (30 ECTS)
MMB V-1 Basics of Neuroscience (5 ECTS)
- 301137 VO [ en ] Basics of Neuroscience
MMB V-2 Basics of Neuroscience (Lab Course) (15 ECTS)
- 301325 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) UE Basics of Neuroscience
MMB V-3 Current Topics in Neuroscience (5 ECTS)
- 180150 VO [ en ] MEi:CogSci Cognitive Science Lecture Series
- 300472 VO [ en ] Reproductive biology
- 301138 SE [ en ] Behavior, Rhythms and Neurological Diseases
- 301710 VO Embryos and Stemcells - Embryos and Stemcells
MMB V-4 Elective Laboratory Course Neuroscience (5 ECTS)
- 301860 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Elective Laboratory Course Advanced Neurosciences
Block of Elective Modules Molecular Biology (30 ECTS)
- 300178 UE [ en ] Modelling spatial and temporal dynamics of (ecological) animal and plant populations - from theory to practice (UE)
MMB W-1 Advanced Course in Compulsory Subject Molecular Biology (15 ECTS)
- 301850 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Advanced Course in Compulsory Subject Molecular Biology
MMB W-2 Selected Subjects in Molecular Biosciences or Chemistry (15 ECTS)
- 300122 VO [ en ] Biology and Evolution of Archaea - Archaea evolution, genetics, cell biology, ecology and biotechnology
- 300125 VO [ en ] Symbiosis - concepts and model systems (Part 1)
- 300126 VO [ en ] Environmental cell biology - Seminar for Master and PhD Students
- 300224 SE [ en ] Bioinformatics for Microbial Metagenomics
- 300306 UE [ en ] Hands-on Immunolabelling for Light and Electron Microscopy - techniques and preparations for biologists
- 300353 UE [ en ] Applied programming for Bioinformatics - Principles and techniques for simple programming to solve biological problems, using a common programming language. Practical experience with text processing and automation of external programms.
- 300415 SE [ en ] Seminar for Molecular Biology of Plants
- 300417 VO [ en ] Molecular Biology of Plants
- 301008 PS [ en ] Proseminar in Immunobiology
- 301060 UE [ en ] Practical course on bioinformatics of microbial genomes and metagenomes
- 301092 SE [ en ] Modern Concepts in Structural Biology III
- 301101 VO [ en ] Epigenetics- From basic mechanisms to medical applications
- 301137 VO [ en ] Basics of Neuroscience
- 301151 UE ( ON-SITE ) Practical Course in fluorescence-/confocal microscopy including image processing - for diploma, PhD and advanced students
- 301169 SE [ en ] Applied Machine Learning for biological problems
- 301185 VO [ en ] Structural Bioinformatics I
- 301214 UE [ en ] ( REMOTE ON-SITE ) Toolkit for in silico sequence analysis - vormals UE IIIB
- 301246 SE+UE [ de en ] Advanced Genetic Engineering - practical course and seminar
- 301271 VO [ en ] Principles and practice of advanced microscopic technques - life sciences applications using theory and case studies
- 301288 UE ( ON-SITE ) Molecular Biophysics - Practical Applications
- 301325 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) UE Basics of Neuroscience
- 301347 VO [ en ] Principles of Molecular Virology
- 301364 VO [ en ] Research topics in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology
- 301407 VO [ en ] DNA-Tumor Viruses, from Cancer Agent to therapy - Elective Course in Molecular Medicine
- 301449 VO [ en ] Current and advanced topics in structural biology
- 301465 SE [ en ] Current Trends in Bioanalytical Technologies
- 301580 SE [ de en ] Cell Biology Today: Current Topics, Methodology, and Project Design
- 301585 VO [ en ] Translation in Eukaryotes I
- 301586 VO [ de en ] Molecular Medicine 2 - Molecular Aspects of Medical Research
- 301599 UE ( ON-SITE ) Laboratory Course: Bioinformatics
- 301605 SE Seminar in Genetics - Molecular Biology of RNA
- 301656 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Practical Course in Cyto- and Developmental Genetics - Eukaryotic Model Systems in Chromosome Biology
- 301696 VO [ en ] Fundamentals in Systems Biology
- 301705 VO Plant Molecular Biology III - Energy and Metabolism
- 301708 SE [ de en ] Biology of cardiac stem cells: Planning of Projects and Experiments plus current literature I
- 301710 VO Embryos and Stemcells - Embryos and Stemcells
- 301853 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Practical Course in Structural Biology A - Basics
- 301854 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Practical Course in Structural Biology B - Advanced Practical Course
- 301861 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Elective Laboratory Course in Genetics and Developmental Biology
- 301904 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Neurophysiology and behavior of C. elegans
- 301906 SE [ en ] Modern approaches in the analysis of neuronal circuits and behavior
- 301907 VO [ en ] Development of novel cancer immunotherapies - from target identification through target validation to clinical trials
MMB W-3 Selected Subjects in Bioinformatics (15 ECTS)
- 300224 SE [ en ] Bioinformatics for Microbial Metagenomics
- 300353 UE [ en ] Applied programming for Bioinformatics - Principles and techniques for simple programming to solve biological problems, using a common programming language. Practical experience with text processing and automation of external programms.
- 301060 UE [ en ] Practical course on bioinformatics of microbial genomes and metagenomes
- 301169 SE [ en ] Applied Machine Learning for biological problems
- 301599 UE ( ON-SITE ) Laboratory Course: Bioinformatics
- 301696 VO [ en ] Fundamentals in Systems Biology
- 301853 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Practical Course in Structural Biology A - Basics
- 301854 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Practical Course in Structural Biology B - Advanced Practical Course
Additional Scientific Qualifications for Biologists (30 ECTS)
- 300194 SE Biological Invasions - in-depth case studies and literature studies
- 301120 UE ( ON-SITE ) Practical Course in Molecular Genetics and Pathology (Cell Biology)
- 301632 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Exercises for Foundations of Bioinformatics
- 301656 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Practical Course in Cyto- and Developmental Genetics - Eukaryotic Model Systems in Chromosome Biology
- 301708 SE [ de en ] Biology of cardiac stem cells: Planning of Projects and Experiments plus current literature I
- 301907 VO [ en ] Development of novel cancer immunotherapies - from target identification through target validation to clinical trials
Courses of the Additional Scientific Qualifications for Biologists
- 233060 UE [ de en ] Science in Society Laboratories
- 300009 SE Departmental Seminar Anthropology
- 300016 VO Animal Vocalization - Sound Production, Reception and Communication
- 300021 VO Bioacoustics - theory, equipment
- 300036 VO Biological Invasions - Neobiota and their relevance
- 300046 UE [ de en ] Transmission Electron Microscopy of Cells and Tissues -Techniques and Preparation
- 300058 VO Urban Ecology
- 300062 UE Computer-assisted presentation techniques
- 300064 EX Speleological excursions Caves of Austria and neighboring countries
- 300102 VO [ en ] Research Ethics - A hands-on approach - What do I have to consider when writing proposals and working in the laboratory?
- 300105 SE Writer's workshop for biologists - Principles of scientific publication
- 300124 VO The birds of Austria - an ecological and conservationbiological overview
- 300149 SE+UE [ de en ] Light and video microscopy in theory and practice (parallel courses)
- 300154 UE [ en ] Bioacoustics I - Introduction to vertebrate Bioacoustics
- 300167 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
- 300180 SE [ en ] Biology of tropical amphibians
- 300197 VO [ en ] Ecology of Marine Polar Systems
- 300202 UE Animal observations in the zoo - Basic practical course in observation of zoo kept animals
- 300218 UE [ de en ] Scanning electron microscopy - techniques and preparations for biologists
- 300241 VO Tropical ecosystems of South and Central America
- 300314 VO Renewable Energies
- 300351 VO Algae in Freshwaters - Ecophysiology with implications for the bio-assessment of aquatic systems and the response to climate change.
- 300390 EX Highlights of palaeontology 1 - excursion
- 300394 VO [ en ] Introduction to molecular techniques
- 300438 SE [ de en ] Seminar in biometry - Basics of biometrical analysis
- 300461 VO Biology and ecology of European amphibians and reptiles
- 300469 UE [ en ] Management and analysis of spatial Data - GIS III - Programming in ArcGIS, QGIS and R
- 300504 SE How to write a scientific paper
- 300517 SE+UE Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy
- 300527 UE Practical course: molecular phylogeny based on museum specimens
- 300531 SE [ en ] Writing Theses and Articles in English - (parallel courses)
- 300547 EX Excursions to Palaeolithic site
- 300548 SE Mutualistic Interactions of plants and ants
- 300659 SE [ en ] Limnology Seminar - Current research and ecological concepts
- 300669 VO Management of endangered species - practical species protection in marine and terrestrial ecosystems
- 301138 SE [ en ] Behavior, Rhythms and Neurological Diseases
- 301267 VO [ en ] Business in Biotech
- 301465 SE [ en ] Current Trends in Bioanalytical Technologies
- 301584 UE ( ON-SITE ) Project management in science communication
- 301655 SE [ en ] How to protect your creative work
Last modified: Fr 08.01.2021 00:45