M2a Introduction to the Research Process. Designs and Methods I (8 ECTS)
Curricular vorgegebene Teilnahmevoraussetzung für M3 und M5: Positiver Abschluss von M1 und M2.
- 070013 PS Proseminar - Theory and Practice of Analog and Digital Game Culture
- 070014 PS Proseminar - Digitalization and Lifeworld
- 070057 PS BA-Proseminar - Borders, Migration, Exile and Subversion in Film Noir
- 070105 PS BA-Proseminar - The contemporary history of the Danube
- 070127 UE Methodenkurs Contemporary History and Media
- 070137 PS BA-Proseminar - Anarchism and Gender Relations
- 070154 PS BA-Proseminar - The History of International Organizations
- 070174 UE Methodological workshop History of science - Related to Nature. Research on Totemistic Societies from Pater W. Schmidt to Descola
- 070197 UE Methodological workshop - Falldossiers als Historische Quelle
- 070208 UE Methodenkurs Comtemporary History and Media - Oral History
- 070273 PS Proseminar - Space and Gender - Politische Bewegungen in der Habsburgermonarchie (19./20. Jahrhundert)
- 070275 UE Methodological Course
Last modified: Fr 08.01.2021 00:46