Interdisziplinäre Erweiterungscurricula
Interdisciplinary Extension curriculum Archaeology and Cultural History of Antiquity (598)
PM 1 Working Methods and Concepts in Archaeological Sciences (4 ECTS)
- 060040 VO Introduction Theory and Methods
- 060043 VO Introduction Cultural History of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology
- 090047 VO [ de en ] Basic principles of archaeological fieldwork and documentation of find material
PM 2 Current Research Topics and Research Contents in Archaeology and Cultural History of Antiquity (12 ECTS)
Thematic Focus 1 Cultural History or Epochs of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology
- 060041 VO Introduction Iron Age
Thematic Focus 2 Classical Archaeology
- 090032 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction into Greek Archaeology
- 090033 VO ( REMOTE STEOP ) Introduction into Roman Archaeology
- 090045 VO Introduction to Aegean Archaeology
- 090046 VO Rituals and their representation in the Roman Empire
- 090121 VO ( REMOTE ) Roman Sarcophagi - Typology, Style, Chronology
Thematic Focus 3 Egyptian Archaeology and Cultural History
- 060053 VO ( REMOTE ) Egyptian Religion
- 060130 VO STEOP: Art and Architecture I
Thematic Focus 4 Greek and Roman History plus Etruscology and Studies in Classical Antiquity
- 090018 VO ( REMOTE ) Etruscan history and culture II
- 090019 VO ( REMOTE ) Lecture in Roman History - Zeitalter der Tetrarchen und Konstantins (284-337 n. Chr.)
- 090041 VO ( REMOTE ) Greek History 2
- 090042 VO ( REMOTE ) Roman History 2
Thematic Focus 5 Ancient Numismatics and Monetary History
- 060031 KU Identifying and Describing Numismatic Objects: Antiquity
- 060037 KU Ancient Numismatics and Monetary History
Thematic Focus 6 Jewish History, Culture, Literature and Religion
Interdisciplinary Extension curriculum Archaeology and Cultural History from Late Antiquity to the Modern Period (599)
PM 1 Working Methods and Concepts in Archaeological Sciences (4 ECTS)
- 060040 VO Introduction Theory and Methods
- 090047 VO [ de en ] Basic principles of archaeological fieldwork and documentation of find material
PM 2 Current Research Topics and Research Contents in Archaeology and Cultural History from Late Antiquity to the Modern Period (12 ECTS)
Thematic Focus 1 Epochs of Historical Archaeology
- 060046 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction: Modern times and contemporary archaeology
Thematic Focus 2 History and Cultural Areas of the Byzantine Empire
- 090096 VO ( OV STEOP ) Introduction to Byzantine Studies
- 090101 VO Philosophy, History and Aesthetics in Eleventh-Century Byzantium - Key topics of the thought of Michael Psellos
- 090102 VO Byzantine Sicily - History and Literature
- 090103 VO Byzantium’s Second Capital: History and Histories of Thessaloniki
- 090104 VO Production and tradition of knowledge in the Byzantine book culture
Thematic Focus 2 Classical Archaeology
- 090034 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction into Late Antique and Early Christian Archaeology
Thematic Focus 4 Jewish History, Religion and Literature
- 060030 VO ( REMOTE ) The History of the Polish Jews
Thematic Focus 5 Medieval and Modern Numismatics
Last modified: Fr 25.06.2021 02:04 beachten, dass in beiden Erweiterungscurricula im PM2 nur jeweils EINE Lehrveranstaltung aus einem Themenschwerpunkt zu absolvieren ist.Bei Fragen zu den Interdisziplinären ECs wenden Sie sich bitte an die StudienServiceStelle Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie