Für HörerInnen aller biologischen Studienzweige empfohlen
- 260283 VO Common features of methods in complementary medici - Common features of methods in complementary medicine - from scientific and intercultural points of view
- 260319 VO Diffusion and Migration - Interdisciplinary migration: From Diffusion in Phyics to the Spread of Plants, Animals, Men and Ideas.
- 270257 VO [ en ] Advanced Writing and Speaking Scientific English - Advanced Writing and Speaking Scientific English
- 280168 VO Einführung in die Speläologie - Einführung in die Speläologie (für Erdwissenschafter, Biologen und Geographen)
- 300039 VO Einf.i.d. multvarate Statistik f. Biol. - Einführung in die mulivariate Statistik für Biologen
- 300050 VO GMO ¿ the ecological perspective - Genetically Modified Organisms ¿ the ecological perspective
- 300073 SE Philosophisch-biologisches Seminar - Philosophisch-biologisches Seminar (unter Mitwirkung von Mag. Lengauer) (§ 57.3.5)
- 300139 SE Financing, communication & management of projects - Financing, communication and management of projects - Practices and techniques for project holders
- 300142 UE Computer-assisted presentation techniques - Computer-assisted presentation techniques for botanists
- 300191 VO+UE EDV-gestützte Methoden (Biologen) - EDV-gestützte Methoden für Biologen (für alle Studienzweige empfohlen)
- 300201 SE Englisch für Biologen - Scientific English: Research reports, talks, style and grammar
- 300228 VO+UE Botanik online - Botanik online: Web-aware presentation of scientific data
- 300240 UE Computerübungen angewandte Statistik f.Biologen - Computerübungen zu angewandte Statistik für Biologen
- 300245 UE Course III B: Computing in Molecular Biology - Course III B: Computing in Molecular Biology
- 300253 UE Practical computer applications in biology - Practical computer applications in biology (pariculary suitable for candidates of secondary school teacher accreditation, botanists and zoologists)
- 300254 VO Computer applications in biology - Computer applications in biology (particularly suitable for candidates of secondary school teacher accreditation, botanists and zoologists)
- 300258 VO Ausgewählte statistische Verfahren II - Ausgewählte statistische Verfahren II
- 300280 VO Intoduction to light and video microscopy - Intoduction to light and video microscopy
- 300285 UE Light and video microscopy in practice - Light and video microscopy in practice
- 300287 UE Photo, film and video: scientific docu in biology - Photography, film and video: scientific documentation in biology
- 300302 VO+UE Basics in laboratory-safety, bio-safety and radiat - Basics in laboratory-safety, bio-safety and radiat
- 300326 UE Spektroskopische Methoden (Biologie) - Anwendung spektroskopischer Methoden in der Biologie
- 300345 UE Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Remote Sensing in Bio-Sciences II (for advanced students)
- 300349 VO+UE Project Management for Ecologists - Project Management for Ecologists - Planning, Executing and Evaluating interdisciplinary Projects
- 300371 UE Practicum : ecological implications of the fps - Practicum with respect to ecological implications of the food production systems through microbial communities.
- 300378 VO Moderne EDV-unterstützte Auswertungsmethoden - Moderne EDV-unterstützte Auswertungsmethoden für Naturwissenschaftler
- 300385 VO Die Frau in den Naturwissenschaften - Die Frau in den Naturwissenschaften
- 300393 SE Spezielle Probleme Kognitions- Biologie - Spezielle Probleme der Kognitions- Biologie. Aktuelle Fragen der biologischen Lernforschung
- 300406 VO Natures energy management - Natures energy management and the energy industry from a human ecology standpoint.
- 300445 VO Einführung in die Spektroskopie für Biologen - Einführung in die Spektroskopie für Biologen
- 300453 VO+UE Management & Evaluation of Multifact. Experiments - Management and Evaluation of Multifactorial and Multivariate Experiments including Statistics , advanced Graphics Software, Production of Presentations and Web Content
- 300517 UE+VO Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy - Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy
- 300550 VO Das Wesen des Menschen II - Das Wesen des Menschen II - Philosophische Anthropologie für NaturwissenschafterInen
- 300567 SE SE; Mann und Frau aus der Sicht der Evolution - SE; Mann und Frau aus der Sicht der Evolution
- 300666 VO Ecological implications of(genetical)biotechnology - Ecological implications of (genetical) biotechnology. Food production systems and risk assessment.
- 300667 VO Angewandte Statistik für Biologen - Angewandte Statistik für Biologen
- 300668 UE HTML - Programmieren für das Internet - HTML - Programmieren für das Internet
- 310139 VO Fields of Problems in Molecular Biology - Fields of Problems in Molecular Biology
Last modified: Fr 13.07.2018 00:34