Bachelor Linguistics (667 [3] - Version 2016)
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
BA-M1 Introduction to General Linguistics (5 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE StEOP: Introduction to General Linguistics
- 160101 VO [ de en ] ( STEOP ) Introduction to General Linguistics
BA-M2 Introduction to Applied Linguistics (5 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE StEOP: Introduction to Applied Linguistics
- 160102 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Applied Linguistics
BA-M3 Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology (5 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE StEOP: Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
- 160103 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction into Phonetics and Phonology
Compulsory Modules (80 ECTS)
BA-M4 Research Areas in Applied Linguistics I (6 ECTS)
BA-M5 Research Areas in General Linguistics I (8 ECTS)
- 160106 PS Introduction to General Linguistics
- 160107 VO Introduction into Semantics and Pragmatics
BA-M6 Research Areas in Applied Linguistics II (12 ECTS)
- 160108 PS Introduction to Applied Linguistics
- 160109 VO Introduction to Statistics
- 160110 PS Introduction to Transcription and Conversation Analysis
BA-M7 Research Areas in General Linguistics II (12 ECTS)
BA-M8 Introduction to Indo-European Studies (8 ECTS)
- 160113 VO Introduction to Indo-European Studies
- 160129 PS Basics of Indo-European Studies
BA-M9 Research Areas in Applied Linguistics III (6 ECTS)
BA-M11 Advanced Topics in Linguistics I (10 ECTS)
- 160121 SE [ de en ] Empirical Psycholinguistic Studies - BA Seminar
- 160131 SE Empirical seminar in this subject area - Semiotic Landscapes in Times of the Pandemics
BA- M12 Advanced Topics in Linguistics II (8 ECTS)
- 160125 PS Formal Syntax
- 160130 PS Advanced Topics in Linguistics II: Verb Second Phenomena
- 160133 PS Additional course in this subject area - Fachkommunikation und Textverständlichkeit
- 160137 PS Advanced Course in Research in Language Teaching, Language Learning and Language Policy I - Sprache und Arbeit
- 160163 PS Syntax der Logischen Form
- 160141 PS [ en ] Advanced Methods - Digital ethnography for linguists
- 160140 PS Advanced Methods - Academic writing
- 160120 PS [ de en ] Formal Semantics
- 160122 PS [ en ] Psycho- or Patholinguistics Introductory Seminar
- 490109 SE ( REMOTE ) Bimodal-bilingual Language Acquisition, Communication and Language Learning
- 143230 KU ( REMOTE ) From Senegal to the Sudan - the Fulani Language, Part 2
- 143221 KU ( REMOTE ) Language and Textual Practices - From Colonial Language Textbooks and their Heritage to Today's Understanding of Heterogeneous Knowledge Production
Alternative Compulsory Modules (25 ECTS)
BA-APM10a Applied Linguistics (25 ECTS)
- 160117 PS Methods of Applied Linguistics
- 160118 PS Methods of Text Analysis
BA-APM10b Psycholinguistics and Speech-Language Pathology (25 ECTS)
- 160120 PS [ de en ] Formal Semantics
- 160122 PS [ en ] Psycho- or Patholinguistics Introductory Seminar
- 160125 PS Formal Syntax
BA-APM10c Theoretical Linguistics (25 ECTS)
- 160120 PS [ de en ] Formal Semantics
- 160125 PS Formal Syntax
- 160126 PR Scientific Practical Training in Theoretical Linguistics - Wissenschaftliches Praktikum aus Theoretischer Linguistik
Master Indo-European Studies and Historical Linguistics (599)
PM1: Theory of Language Change (8 ECTS)
WMG1: Theory of Grammar and Cognitive Linguistics (10 ECTS)
WM 1.1: Linguistic Theory A (10 ECTS)
- 160165 VO [ de en ] Lecture on Morphology
- 160166 VO Lecture on Typology and Comparative Theory of Grammar
WM 1.2: Linguistic Theory B (10 ECTS)
- 160162 VO [ en ] Theory of Grammar and Structure of a Non-Indo-European Language, Lecture
- 160169 VO [ de en ] Lecture in Phonology
WM 1.3: Linguistic Theory C (10 ECTS)
- 160165 VO [ de en ] Lecture on Morphology
- 160169 VO [ de en ] Lecture in Phonology
WM 1.4: Linguistic Theory D (10 ECTS)
- 160162 VO [ en ] Theory of Grammar and Structure of a Non-Indo-European Language, Lecture
- 160165 VO [ de en ] Lecture on Morphology
WM 1.5: Linguistic Theory E (10 ECTS)
- 160166 VO Lecture on Typology and Comparative Theory of Grammar
- 160169 VO [ de en ] Lecture in Phonology
WM 1.6: Linguistic Theory F (10 ECTS)
- 160162 VO [ en ] Theory of Grammar and Structure of a Non-Indo-European Language, Lecture
- 160166 VO Lecture on Typology and Comparative Theory of Grammar
PM2: History and Methods of Historical-Comparative Linguistics (10 ECTS)
PM3: Comparative Indo-European Grammar (30 ECTS)
- 160151 VO Indo-European Morphology - Noun
- 160152 PS Proseminar to Indo-European grammar - Wunder und Schrecken verbaler Derivationsmorphologie
PM4: Historical Grammar of Old Indic (10 ECTS)
WMG2: Historical Grammar of Greek or Latin (10 ECTS)
WM 2.1: Greek (10 ECTS)
WM 2.2: Latin (10 ECTS)
- 160153 VO Historical Grammar of Latin
WMG3: Historical Grammar of a further Indo-European Language (10 ECTS)
WM 3.1: Historical Grammar of a further Indo-European Language of Asia (10 ECTS)
- 160154 PS Proseminar to the Historical Grammar of a further Indo-European Language of Asia - Tocharisch
WM 3.2: Historical Grammar of a further Indo-European Language of Europe (10 ECTS)
- 160155 PS Proseminar to the Historical Grammar of a further Indo-European Language of Europe - Old High German
PM5: Master's Thesis Supervision (4 ECTS)
- 160156 PV Supervision of the Master's Thesis
Master General Linguistics (867)
M1: Introduction to Neurology (8 ECTS)
- 160160 VO [ de en ] Neurolinguistics
M2: Introduction to Cognitive Psychology (10 ECTS)
- 160161 PS [ de en ] Introductory Seminar on Cognitive Psychology for Linguists
M3: Theory of Grammar and Cognitive Linguistics (30 ECTS)
- 160163 PS Syntax der Logischen Form
- 160164 PS Introductory Seminar on Language Acquisition
- 160165 VO [ de en ] Lecture on Morphology
- 160166 VO Lecture on Typology and Comparative Theory of Grammar
- 160170 SE [ en ] Seminar on the Theory of Grammar - Topics in formal Semantics, Syntax and Pragmatics
APM4A: Cognitive Linguistics (26 ECTS)
- 160139 VO Introduction to Statistics for Linguists
- 160167 PV [ de en ] PV 2 in cognitive linguistics with a focus on language acquisition/language learning
APM4B: Theory of Grammar (26 ECTS)
- 160168 PV [ de en ] Privatissimum 2
- 160169 VO [ de en ] Lecture in Phonology
- 160162 VO [ en ] Theory of Grammar and Structure of a Non-Indo-European Language, Lecture
- 143522 KU ( REMOTE ) Introduction to the Old Nubian Language
- 160170 SE [ en ] Seminar on the Theory of Grammar - Topics in formal Semantics, Syntax and Pragmatics
M5: Theory of Diachrony (8 ECTS)
M6: Theory of Science and History of Science (10 ECTS)
Master Applied Linguistics (899)
M1: Discourse Analysis and Sociolinguistics I (26 ECTS)
- 160131 SE Empirical seminar in this subject area - Semiotic Landscapes in Times of the Pandemics
- 160132 PS Discourse in Politics and the Media
- 160133 PS Additional course in this subject area - Fachkommunikation und Textverständlichkeit
M2: Language Education Research and Language Policy I (26 ECTS)
- 160134 SE Empirical Seminar of Research in Language Teaching, Language Learning and Language Policy I - Unterrichtskommunikation
- 160135 PS [ de en ] Research on Minorities
- 160136 PS Foreign Language Didactics / Methodology
- 160137 PS Advanced Course in Research in Language Teaching, Language Learning and Language Policy I - Sprache und Arbeit
- 160138 PS [ de sgn ] Advanced Course in Research in Language Teaching/Learning/Politics (Jour fixe Sign Language)
M3: Advanced Methods of Applied Linguistics (10 ECTS)
- 160139 VO Introduction to Statistics for Linguists
- 160140 PS Advanced Methods - Academic writing
- 160141 PS [ en ] Advanced Methods - Digital ethnography for linguists
APM4A: Discourse Analysis and Sociolinguistics II (20 ECTS)
- 160142 PV Privatissimum 2
- 160143 PV Privatissimum 2
- 160144 PV Privatissimum 2
APM4B: Language Education Research and Language Policy II (20 ECTS)
- 160145 PV Privatissimum 2
- 160146 PV Privatissimum 2
M5: Theory of Science and History of Science (10 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Basics in Celtic Linguistics (formerly Celtic Languages) - (164)
Basics in Celtic Linguistics (15 ECTS)
- 160193 VO [ cy en ] Introduction to a Britannic Language - Neukymrisch (Walisisch) für Anfänger
- 160196 UE [ cy en ] Exercise to a Britannic Language - Neukymrisch (Walisisch)
- 160197 VO [ de ga ] Introduction to a Goidelic Language - Modern Irish
- 160198 UE [ de ga ] Exercise to a Goidelic Language - Introduction to Modern Irish - Practising structures of the language and pronunciation
Extension Curriculum Celtic Linguistics and Studies in Classical Antiquity (166)
Celtic Linguistics and Studies in Classical Antiquity (15 ECTS)
- 160192 VO History of Celtic Languages
- 160194 VO [ en ] Structure and Typology of Celtic Languages
Extension Curriculum Language and Cognition (167 [2] - Version 2016)
EC-SK1 Language and Cognition 1 (5 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE StEOP: Introduction to General Linguistics
- 160101 VO [ de en ] ( STEOP ) Introduction to General Linguistics
EC-SK2: Language and Cognition 2
- EXAM ON-SITE StEOP: Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
- 160103 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction into Phonetics and Phonology
EC-SK3a Alternative Compulsory Module Language and Cognition 3a
- 160106 PS Introduction to General Linguistics
EC-SK3b Alternative Compulsory Module Language and Cognition 3b (5 ECTS)
EC-SK3c Alternative Compulsory Module Language and Cognition 3c (5 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Language and Society (168 [2] - Version 2016)
EC-SG-1 Language and Society 1 (5 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE StEOP: Introduction to Applied Linguistics
- 160102 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Applied Linguistics
EC-SG-2 Language and Society 2 (6 ECTS)
EC-SG-3 Language and Society 3 (4 ECTS)
Additional Courses
- 160198 UE [ de ga ] Exercise to a Goidelic Language - Introduction to Modern Irish - Practising structures of the language and pronunciation
- 160197 VO [ de ga ] Introduction to a Goidelic Language - Modern Irish
- 143242 VO ( REMOTE ) Linguistic Stylistic Devices for Conflict Potential and Preventing Conflicts
- 143339 VO ( REMOTE ) On Morphosyntactic Features in African Languages
- 160171 PV Privatissimum 2
- 143251 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Comparative Studies of African Language Structures
Last modified: Fr 25.06.2021 02:04
Tues, October 5th 2010 at 2:00 p.m.
1090 Vienna
Sensengasse 3a
Semester orientation session for beginners:
Tues, October 5th 2010 at 1:00 p.m.
1090 Vienna
Sensengasse 3a