5.1. Competence in a Foreign Language for Specific Purposes
- 030036 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European Competition Procedures - Procedural Law of EU Competition cases and before the ECJ
- 030039 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Comparative Constitutional Studies - Part VI: Constitutional Review - group 1
- 030090 MC [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Jessup Moot Court, International Law Moot Court
- 030105 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Law & Development
- 030128 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European Labour and Social Security Law
- 030132 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) The Austrian Legal System - an overview - for Erasmus incomings
- 030198 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Mediation for Lawyers
- 030199 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Course: "European Criminal Law"
- 030205 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Law & International Security - Formerly called: Law & Politics of International Conflict Management
- 030208 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) State-Building after Conflict - Formerly called: Law & Politics of International Conflict Management
- 030213 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Selected Issues of International Law and Development
- 030229 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Human Rights Law
- 030238 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Seminar in Int. Law: The prohibition of the use of force and measures of the UN Security Council - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030239 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European and International Business and Technology Law Seminar - for diploma, doctoral and exchange students
- 030243 SE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) EU Asylum- and Migration Law - For diploma and doctoral students
- 030244 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European Union Internal Market Law
- 030251 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Introduction to Japanese Law
- 030262 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Legal English II
- 030263 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) On the history and practice of humanitarian intervention - From the protection of persecuted co-religionists to the protection of universal human rights
- 030274 SE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) "Judeities". Legal, political, social and cultural history of the jews in the modern period - For diploma and doctoral students
- 030275 MC [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Herbert Smith Freehills Competition Law Moot
- 030277 KU [ es ] ( REMOTE ) Introduction to Spanish law and Spanish legal terminology
- 030284 KU [ sl ] ( REMOTE ) Slovenian Civil Law
- 030297 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Public Markets, Securities Regulation and Corporate Governance - A Comparative EU and US Approach
- 030309 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European Union Law Seminar - for diploma, doctoral and exchange students
- 030316 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Women in Law (Part A): Women in Legal Professions - Contemporary Issues - in cooperation with: Women in Law (Part B): Women in Legal Professions - Legal History
- 030323 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Law in Domestic Courts
- 030325 KU [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Hate crime in Austrian and international contexts
- 030327 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) EU Internal Market and Public Procurement Law
- 030330 KU [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Theory and practice of crime scene investigations
- 030356 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Introduction to English Contract and Tort Law
- 030370 KU [ it ] ( REMOTE ) Roman Public Law in Imperial times
- 030371 SE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Seminar: Law and Morality - auch für Diplomand*innen und Dissertant*innen
- 030379 MC [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court
- 030385 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Drafting and Negotiating Cross-border M & A and Joint Venture Contracts
- 030416 SE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) EU Environmental Law: Climate Protection and Energy Regulation - Challenges to the EU facing climate change. For diploma and doctoral students
- 030495 UE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Compulsory practical exercise in EU-Law
- 030502 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Law and Liberalism II: Liberal Neutrality, Neo-Liberalism, Anti-Liberalism - also for diploma and doctoral students
- 030509 SE [ de sl ] ( REMOTE ) Civil Law, Conflict of Laws - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030514 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Principles of Procedure in Public International Law
- 030526 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) EU Judicature - Die Gerichtsbarkeit der Europäischen Union
- 030533 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Introduction to US Law
- 030539 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Principles of International Law
- 030541 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Comparative Constitutional Studies - Part VI: Constitutional Review - group 2
- 030555 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Global History of Business and Economic Law
- 030561 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Legal English I
- 030563 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Legal English II
- 030566 MC [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
- 030568 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Discussion, Negotiation and Presentation in English
- 030570 SE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Seminar in International Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030577 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Legal English II
- 030580 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Private Law Theory
- 030581 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Monetary and Financial Law
- 030594 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Legal English II
- 030595 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) The Jews in Modern Times. A Legal History
- 030600 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Introduction to European Union Law
- 030601 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Free Movement of Persons in European Union Law - Workers, establishment, services and Union citizenship
- 030603 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Seminar in European Union Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030606 MC [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Investment Arbitration Moot Court
- 030619 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Legal English II
- 030628 KU [ fr ] ( REMOTE ) The Relationship Between the State and Religions - Comparing Models of Cooperation and of Secularity
- 030635 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Trade Law
- 030637 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International and European Environmental Law
- 030652 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) EU Constitutional Law: The Evolving Constitution of the European Union - Structures, Principles and Recent Developments
- 030662 MC [ en ] ( REMOTE ) CDRC-VIAC-IBA- Mediation and Negotiation Competition
- 030679 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Criminal Justice - (for undergraduade and graduade students)
- 030680 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Humanitarian Law
- 030682 KU [ fr ] ( REMOTE ) Legal French I - Domestic courts systems
- 030686 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Introduction to Formal Logic in Legal Argumentation - Comparative Case Studies
- 030690 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) EU State Aid Law
- 030703 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Anglo-American Legal English IV - Labor Law, Real Estate/Land Law, Family Law US, UK, Austria
- 030725 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Anglo-American Legal English II - US/UK/Austrian IP Law, Law of Arbitration, Tax Law, Accounting, Insurance Law - can be used for Vienna LLP
- 030756 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) U.S., UK and European Corporate Law - Policy comparison and recent developments
- 030758 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) M & A International Part II - Competition Law (cartel-agreements, mergers) - (Gesellschaftsrecht und Kartellrecht)
- 030761 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot - Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (open for Erasmus students)
- 030789 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Advanced research seminar in international dispute settlement - For the presentation of dissertation projects (for doctoral students)
- 030810 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Comparative Constitutional Law in Global Historical Perspective
- 030812 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Protection of Cultural Heritage
- 030816 SE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Use of Force & UN Security Council: Forms of Violence
- 030823 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Language Beyond Law - The Vehicle Taking Centre Stage: On Laying down, Understanding, Conveying the Law
- 030824 KU [ fr ] ( REMOTE ) Introduction to International Human Rights, Humanitarian and Criminal Law
- 030825 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) The Practice of International Dispute Settlement
- 030827 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Special Legal Issues of the Use of Outer Space Technologies
- 030830 MC [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition - Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 030831 KU [ fr ] ( REMOTE ) French and Austrian Civil Law: historical and comparative approaches
- 030832 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Anglo-American Legal English VI - US/UK/Austrian Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Insolvency Law - Anrechenbar für Vienna LLP
- 030835 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Seminar on International Investment Law - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030836 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Investment Law
- 030853 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Law Crossing Borders - Practices
- 380034 SE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Seminar in International Law for the presentation of PhD Theses proposals
Last modified: We 26.02.2025 00:56