DAM Diploma Thesis Module
- 010026 SE ( MIXED ) Deleuze vs Badiou
- 010029 SE ( REMOTE ) Kyoto School
- 010031 SE ( ON-SITE ) "Visible Signs of an Invisible Reality": Liturgical Symbols - still appropriate today?
- 010058 SE ( REMOTE ) Papal Primacy and Infallibility. Its significance in history and theology
- 010063 SE ( ON-SITE ) Basics and methods for Church History - an Introduction
- 010071 FS ( MIXED ) Hegel's Science of Logic: The Absolute Idea
- 010072 FS ( MIXED ) Research Seminar for Graduands - Diplomand*innen-, Dissertant*innen- und Habilitand*innenseminar
- 010074 FS ( MIXED ) Gilles Deleuze. Difference and Repetition
- 010075 SE ( ON-SITE ) Titel - Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Christusbild in der Kunst I
- 010079 SE ( REMOTE ) History of Theology and Religion in Israel
- 010080 FS ( ON-SITE ) Artificial Intelligence
- 010081 SE ( MIXED ) Pastoral Course I
- 010084 SE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) The Orthodox Church in Ecumenical Dialoge - History, Principles, Results
- 010089 SE ( ON-SITE ) Synodality and Primacy in the Eastern Churches (with a Look at the West)
- 010090 FS ( ON-SITE ) Current Topics in Eastern Theology
- 010092 SE ( ON-SITE ) Characteristics and Figures of Christian Conversion
- 010098 SE ( MIXED ) "Indispensable Presence": On the role and importance of Jews and Judaism in pastoral care
- 010099 FS ( ON-SITE ) Current approaches in Christian social ethics - Diplomand*innen-, Dissertant*innen- und Habilitand*innenseminar
- 010101 FS ( ON-SITE ) God and morals. Ethical and interreligious approaches
- 010102 FS [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Intrinsically Evil Acts and Catholic Theological Ethics
- 010105 FS [ en ] ( MIXED ) Current Research Questions in Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology
- 010106 SE ( MIXED ) Aesthetics of Presence. Reception of the poetry of Georg Trakl
- 010107 SE ( REMOTE ) Unconditional demand? About Morality as the essence of human beings
- 010108 FS ( ON-SITE ) The Structure and Mode of Practice of the Roman Curia
- 010109 SE ( ON-SITE ) What is human ? - On the relationship between anthropology and ethics as reflected in interdisciplinary approaches
- 010111 FS ( ON-SITE ) Current Questions of Canon and Religious Law
- 010112 FS ( MIXED ) Research Seminar
- 010113 FS [ en ] ( MIXED ) Learning Ecumenism - Comparing the Catholic and Orthodox Tradition
- 010115 FS ( ON-SITE ) ‘Religious Experience‘ in Catholic Theology? Approaching psychology and phenomenology of religion - Religionspsychologie und -phänomenologie im Gespräch mit katholischer Theologie
- 010118 SE ( ON-SITE ) Jesus Christ - the Logos of God incarnate. Recent approaches to Christology
- 010119 SE ( ON-SITE ) Applied ethics in film
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:58