Postgraduate Programmes
Education and Social Care
Philosophical Practice (051 [2] - Version 2016)
- 251001 SE M 7.1 Vorbereitung und Begleitung des Projekts
- 251002 UE M 4.3 Das Selbst: Angewandte Anthropologie - Patañjalis Yoga-Sutren Spinozas Ethik. Diskussion zweier Modelle angewandter Anthropologie aus dem europäischen und asiatischen Kulturkreis
- 251003 UE M 6.1 Die Gesellschaft: Philosophische Praxis als Gesellschaftskritik und im Kultur- & Kunstbereich
- 251004 VO M 3.2 Philosophische Praxis in Organisationen (profit & non-profit)
Early Care Counselling: Early Intervention, Family Support, Parent Counselling (315)
- 251046 SE ( ON-SITE ) C.2.1 Konzepte und Methoden der Mobilen Frühförderung und Familienbegleitung II
- 251047 SE ( ON-SITE ) C.2.2 Konzepte und Methoden der Eltern-Kleinkind-Beratung II
- 251048 SE ( ON-SITE ) D.2.1 Empirisch-qualitative Methoden
- 251049 SE ( ON-SITE ) E.2.4 Seminar zur Begleitung des Praktikums in einer Einrichtung der Mobilen Frühförderung und Famil
- 251050 SE ( ON-SITE ) A.3 Rechtliche Grundlagen der Arbeit mit Eltern und Kleinkindern im Kontext früher Hilfen
- 251280 SE ( MIXED ) C.1.2 Konzepte und Methoden der Mobilen Frühförderung und Familienbegleitung I ng und Familienbeglei
Studium Generale - a post-professional programme of the University of Vienna (497)
- 251134 VU ( MIXED ) VU Anxieties - from the Perspective of Depth Psychology, Sociology, Political Science and Practical - anhand der Themen "Glaube, Liebe, Hoffnung"
- 251135 KU ( MIXED ) KU Coping with Anxieties - durch "Glaube, Liebe, Hoffnung"
- 251136 KU ( MIXED ) KU Basic Concepts of Human Geography Using Examples from Tourism and Leisure Research, Spatial - räumlichen Bevölkerungsforschung und der Stadtgeographie
- 251137 KU ( MIXED ) KU Basic Concepts of Physical Geography: Principles of Applied Geomorphology as well as Natural Disa - und der Naturkatastrophen- und Risikoforschung
- 251138 VU ( ON-SITE ) VU Digitales Denken
- 251139 KU ( MIXED ) KU Introduction to Philosophy
- 251140 KU ( MIXED ) KU Practical Philosophy
- 251141 VU ( MIXED ) VU Botanik, Bestäubung, Natur- und Artenschutz - Was wir von und über Pflanzen lernen können
- 251295 KU ( ON-SITE ) KU Introduction to Philosophy - Schloss Hofen
- 251300 KU ( ON-SITE ) KU Practical Philosophy - Schloss Hofen
- 251315 KU ( MIXED ) KU Introduction and Concepts in Communication Theory
- 251316 KU ( MIXED ) KU Einführung in ausgewählte Forschungsfelder der Kommunikationswissenschaft
- 251325 VU ( MIXED ) VU Moderne österreichische Literatur
Studium Generale - a post-professional programme of the University of Vienna (adacemic graduate) (498)
- 251134 VU ( MIXED ) VU Anxieties - from the Perspective of Depth Psychology, Sociology, Political Science and Practical - anhand der Themen "Glaube, Liebe, Hoffnung"
- 251135 KU ( MIXED ) KU Coping with Anxieties - durch "Glaube, Liebe, Hoffnung"
- 251136 KU ( MIXED ) KU Basic Concepts of Human Geography Using Examples from Tourism and Leisure Research, Spatial - räumlichen Bevölkerungsforschung und der Stadtgeographie
- 251137 KU ( MIXED ) KU Basic Concepts of Physical Geography: Principles of Applied Geomorphology as well as Natural Disa - und der Naturkatastrophen- und Risikoforschung
- 251138 VU ( ON-SITE ) VU Digitales Denken
- 251139 KU ( MIXED ) KU Introduction to Philosophy
- 251140 KU ( MIXED ) KU Practical Philosophy
- 251141 VU ( MIXED ) VU Botanik, Bestäubung, Natur- und Artenschutz - Was wir von und über Pflanzen lernen können
- 251315 KU ( MIXED ) KU Introduction and Concepts in Communication Theory
- 251316 KU ( MIXED ) KU Einführung in ausgewählte Forschungsfelder der Kommunikationswissenschaft
- 251325 VU ( MIXED ) VU Moderne österreichische Literatur
Studium Generale - a post-professional programme of the University of Vienna (MA) (499)
- 251211 SE ( ON-SITE ) SE Academic Research and Writing
- 251317 SE ( MIXED ) SE Research Methods for the Master's Thesis
- 251348 SE ( MIXED ) Additional Module - begleitend zur Master-Thesis
Supervision and Coaching (acadamic supervisor and coach) (802 [2] - Version 2016)
- 251029 SE ( ON-SITE ) M3.1 Der systemische Ansatz in Supervision und Coaching
- 251320 UE M6a.4 Lehrsupervision 2
Supervision and Coaching (MSc) (820 [2] - Version 2016)
- 251028 UE ( ON-SITE ) M8.1 Schreibwerkstatt 1
- 251030 SE ( ON-SITE ) M3.1 Der systemische Ansatz in Supervision und Coaching
- 251321 UE M6a.4 Lehrsupervision 2
Developing Human Resources, Teams and Organizations by Experiential Learning following the IOA® Concept (academic education and training program) (850)
Developing Human Resources, Teams and Organizations by Experiential Learning following the IOA® Concept (Master course) (854)
Integration of Children and Adolescents (867)
Health and Natural Sciences
Risk Prevention and Disaster Management (242 [2] - Version 2019)
- 251162 VU ( ON-SITE ) Command and Control Procedure
- 251163 UE ( MIXED ) Case-Related Application of Risk Management, Project Work
- 251164 SE ( MIXED ) Exercise Theory and Methodology
- 251165 VU ( REMOTE ) Psychological Foundations of Traumatic Events: Theoretical Aspects and Practical Guidance
- 251166 VU ( REMOTE ) Triage Systems and their Application
- 251168 SE ( REMOTE ) Master's Thesis
- 251169 VO ( MIXED ) Introduction to Risk Prevention and Disaster Management
- 251170 VO ( MIXED ) Legal and Organisational Aspects
- 251171 VU ( REMOTE ) New Media - Current Theoretical Approaches and Practical Applications
- 251172 VU ( MIXED ) Geodata for Risk Prevention and Disaster Management
- 251173 UE ( MIXED ) Disaster Management - Foundations and "Best Practice"
- 251174 SE ( MIXED ) Academic Research and Writing
- 251175 VU ( REMOTE ) Natural Hazards
- 251176 VU ( REMOTE ) Technological Hazards
- 251177 VO ( MIXED ) Legal Policy and Socio-Economic Foundations
- 251178 VO ( REMOTE ) Foundations of Risk Assessment and Scenario Analysis
- 251179 VO ( REMOTE ) Spatial Risk Planning and Technical Risk Management
- 251201 VU ( REMOTE ) Vulnerability and Protection of Critical Infrastructures - Strategies and Application Examples
Pharmaceutical Quality Management (580)
Psychomotricity (MA) (795)
- 251114 PR ( ON-SITE ) Berufspraktikum
- 251115 UE ( ON-SITE ) Psychomotorik in der Volksschule
- 251122 VU ( ON-SITE ) Behindertenpädagogik
- 251123 VU ( ON-SITE ) Tiefenpsychologische Aspekte der Psychomotorik, Psychomotorik in der Kindes- und Jugendpsychiatrie
- 251231 KU Anatomie und Neurophysiologie / kindliche Entwicklungs- und Bewegungsstörungen II
Personzentrierte Psychotherapie (810)
- 251146 UE 3/1.2. Writer's Workshop I
Advanced Study in Psychotherapy: Individual Psychology and Self Psychology (817)
- 251035 SE ( ON-SITE ) Intersubjectivity
- 251039 SE ( ON-SITE ) Emphasis on Assessment and Treatment Techniques in Psychoanalysis (IP)
- 251041 SE ( ON-SITE ) B5.1 Development and Discussion of the Research Designs
- 251042 SE ( ON-SITE ) Psychopathology (IP)
- 251043 SE ( ON-SITE ) Psychopathology (PA/PsaPth).
- 251044 SE ( ON-SITE ) B2.1 Work Discussion III
- 251045 SE ( ON-SITE ) B3.1 Academic Research and Writing and Psychotherapy
Propedeutic Programme in Psychotherapy (818)
- 251052 VU A.6.2 Experts from the Field of Forms of Psychosocial Intervention - Gruppe 1
- 251053 SE B.2.4 Geriatric Psychotherapy - Gruppe 1
- 251054 VU B.3 Pharmacology (Theory and Practice) - Gruppe 1
- 251055 SE E.1.1 Professional Ethics for Psychotherapists - Gruppe 1
- 251056 SE E.1.2 Framework Conditions in Health Promotion - Gruppe 1
- 251057 VU E.2.1 Psychotherapy Law - Gruppe 1
- 251058 VU A.1.1 Concepts of Depth Psychology - Gruppe 1
- 251059 VU B.1 Introduction to Medical Terminology - Gruppe 1
- 251060 SE B.2.3 Psychosomatics - Gruppe 1
- 251061 VU A.4 Rehabilitation and Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Gruppe 1
- 251062 VU A.3.2 Developmental Psychology - Gruppe 1
- 251063 SE A.5.1 Psychological and Method-Specific Assessment and Appraisal - Adults - Gruppe 1
- 251064 SE A.5.1 Psychological and Method-Specific Assessment and Appraisal - Adults - Gruppe 2
- 251067 UE A.6.3 Psychosocial Counselling as a Core Intervention - Gruppe 1
- 251068 VU B.2.2.1 Basics of Psychiatry, Psychopathology - Gruppe 1
- 251069 VU B.2.2.1 Basics of Psychiatry, Psychopathology - Gruppe 2
- 251070 VU B.2.2.2 Specific Disorders in Psychiatry, Psychopathology - Gruppe 1
- 251071 VU A.6.1 Theory of Forms of Psychosocial Intervention - Gruppe 1
- 251072 VU B.4 First Aid in Psychotherapy Practice - Gruppe 1
- 251073 VU E.2.1 Psychotherapy Law - Gruppe 2
- 251074 SE B.2.3 Psychosomatics - Gruppe 2
- 251075 SE E.2.3 Further Laws on Health Care and Social Services - Gruppe 1
- 251076 SE E.2.2 Social Security Law - Gruppe 1
- 251078 VU B.2.2.2 Specific Disorders in Psychiatry, Psychopathology - Gruppe 2
- 251079 SE E.2.2 Social Security Law - Gruppe 2
- 251080 SE E.2.3 Further Laws on Health Care and Social Services - Intensiv-ULG #6
- 251082 SE A.5.2 Psychological and Method-Specific Assessment and Appraisal - Children and Adolescents - Gruppe 1
- 251091 SE A.5.2 Psychological and Method-Specific Assessment and Appraisal - Children and Adolescents - Gruppe 2
- 251093 VU B.2.1 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - Gruppe 1
- 251094 SE E.1.3 Psychotherapy Provision - Gruppe 1
- 251124 SE A.2 Personality Theories - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251125 VU A.4 Rehabilitation and Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Intensiv-ULG #6
- 251126 VU B.3 Pharmacology (Theory and Practice) - Intensiv-ULG #6
- 251128 SE C.2 Qualitative Research - Intensiv ULG #6
- 251200 SE C.3 Philosphy of Science - Gruppe 1
- 251212 SE C.4 Psychotherapy Research - Gruppe 1
- 251239 VU A.1.2 Humanistic Concepts - Gruppe 1
- 251240 VU A.1.1 Concepts of Depth Psychology - Gruppe 2
- 251241 VU A.1.3 Systemic Concepts - Gruppe 1
- 251242 VU A.1.4 Concepts of Learning Theory - Gruppe 1
- 251243 VU A.1.4 Concepts of Learning Theory - Gruppe 2
- 251244 SE A.2 Personality Theories - Gruppe 1
- 251246 VU A.3.1 General Psychology - Gruppe 1
- 251248 VU A.4 Rehabilitation and Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Gruppe 2
- 251253 VU A.6.2 Experts from the Field of Forms of Psychosocial Intervention - Gruppe 2
- 251254 UE A.6.3 Psychosocial Counselling as a Core Intervention - Gruppe 2
- 251255 VU A.1.2 Humanistic Concepts - Gruppe 2
- 251256 VU A.1.3 Systemic Concepts - Gruppe 2
- 251258 VU B.1 Introduction to Medical Terminology - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251259 VU B.2.1 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - Gruppe 2
- 251262 SE B.2.3 Psychosomatics - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251263 SE B.2.4 Geriatric Psychotherapy - Gruppe 2
- 251264 SE C.4 Psychotherapy Research - Gruppe 2
- 251265 SE D Ethics - Gruppe 1
- 251266 VU B.3 Pharmacology (Theory and Practice) - Gruppe 2
- 251267 VU B.4 First Aid in Psychotherapy Practice - Intensiv-ULG #6
- 251268 VU B.4 First Aid in Psychotherapy Practice - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251269 VU E.2.1 Psychotherapy Law - Intensiv-ULG #6
- 251270 VU C.1 Statistics - Gruppe 1
- 251271 SE C.2 Qualitative Research - Gruppe 1
- 251272 SE C.3 Philosphy of Science - Intensiv-ULG #6
- 251273 SE C.4 Psychotherapy Research - Intensiv-ULG #6
- 251274 SE D Ethics - Intensiv-ULG #6
- 251275 SE E.1.1 Professional Ethics for Psychotherapists - Intensiv-ULG #6
- 251276 SE E.1.2 Framework Conditions in Health Promotion - Intensiv-ULG #6
- 251277 SE E.1.3 Psychotherapy Provision - Intensiv-ULG #6
- 251281 VU A.1.1 Concepts of Depth Psychology - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251282 SE E.2.2 Social Security Law - Intensiv-ULG #6
- 251284 VU A.1.2 Humanistic Concepts - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251287 VU A.1.3 Systemic Concepts - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251289 VU C.1 Statistics - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251290 VU A.1.4 Concepts of Learning Theory - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251291 SE A.2 Personality Theories - Gruppe 2
- 251292 VU A.3.1 General Psychology - Intensiv-ULG #7
Professional Interaction and Counseling (828)
Pharmaceutical Quality Management (971)
- 251232 VO Pharmacognosy
- 251237 VO Microbiology (VO)
- 251238 PR Microbiology (PR)
- 251245 VO Analytic chemistry (VO)
- 251247 VO Toxicology
- 251249 VO Pharmacognosy
- 251250 VO Legal basics
- 251251 VO Physiology
- 251252 VO Organic chemistry
- 251257 VO General and inorganic chemistry
- 251260 VO Pharmaceutical chemistry (VO)
- 251261 VO Pharmaceutical technology
- 251278 SE+PR Pharmaceutical-chemical analytics (SE)
- 251279 VO Pharmacology
International Affairs and Business
Cooperative Urban and Regional Development (864)
- 251081 VU Introduction to the Urban and Regional Development of an Entrepreneurial Region
- 251083 VU Advanced Concepts and Dimensions of an Entrepreneurial Region
- 251084 VU Methodological Approaches to Urban and Regional Development of an Entrepreneurial Region
- 251085 UE Methodological Approaches to Urban and Regional Development of an Entrepreneurial Region
- 251086 UE Cooperative Implementation of Urban and Regional Development of an Entrepreneurial Region
- 251087 UE Interaction and Communication in Participatory Processes of Urban and Regional Development of an Ent
Cooperative Urban and Regional Development (MA) (865)
- 251081 VU Introduction to the Urban and Regional Development of an Entrepreneurial Region
- 251083 VU Advanced Concepts and Dimensions of an Entrepreneurial Region
- 251084 VU Methodological Approaches to Urban and Regional Development of an Entrepreneurial Region
- 251085 UE Methodological Approaches to Urban and Regional Development of an Entrepreneurial Region
- 251086 UE Cooperative Implementation of Urban and Regional Development of an Entrepreneurial Region
- 251087 UE Interaction and Communication in Participatory Processes of Urban and Regional Development of an Ent
- 251306 SE Introduction to Academic Research and Writing
- 251307 SE Seminar to Prepare the Master's Thesis
International Studies (940)
European Studies (959)
- 251107 VO+UE [ en ] EU-Förderlandschaft
- 251108 VO+UE Europarecht
- 251109 VO+SE Internationale Beziehungen nach 1945 I
- 251110 VO+UE Integrationspolitik seit 1945
- 251111 VO+UE Europapläne vor 1945
- 251112 VO+UE [ en ] Frauen- und Sozialpolitik in der EU
- 251116 VO+SE Wirtschaftspolitik 1
- 251117 VO+UE Regieren in Europa
- 251118 VO+UE [ en ] EU-Institutionen
- 251119 SE Europäische Gesellschaften im Wandel
Human Rights (884)
Communication and Media
Court and Public Service Interpreting (academic court and public service interpreter) (462)
- 251065 VO Einführung ins Dolmetschen und Übersetzen
- 251066 VO Gerichts- und Verwaltungsorganisation
- 251205 UE Basiskompetenz Dolmetschen
- 251206 UE Basiskompetenz Übersetzen
- 251208 UE Textproduktion für institutionellen Bedarf (ausgewählte Fachbereiche)
- 251209 UE Translationsrelevante Textproduktion (ausgewählte Fachbereiche)
- 251210 VO Recherche und Terminologiearbeit
Library and Information Studies (MSc) (600 [3] - Version 2019)
- 251199 VU PF 8.2 Information and Knowledge Management
- 251202 VU PF 8.3 Human Resources Management and Human Resources Development
- 251203 VU WF 11.4.1 Innovation Management: Basics
- 251204 VU WF 11.4.2 Change and Risk Management
- 251207 VU PF 8.1 Strategic Planning and Organisational Development
- 251314 SE M 10.1.1 Master's Thesis Seminar I
- 251323 VU WF 11.1.1 Library Construction and Equipment
- 251324 VU WF 11.1.2 Library Plans
- 251326 VU PF 8.1 Strategic Planning and Organisational Development
Library and Information Studies (academic library and information expert) (857 [3] - Version 2019)
- 251308 VU PT 5.1 Project Management
University Library
- 251156 VU PF 2.3 Subject Cataloguing
- 251157 VU PF 1.2 Collection Management
- 251158 VU PF 2.1 Principles of Metadata Management
- 251159 VU PF 1.3 Media and Sustainability
- 251160 VU PF 2.2 Descriptive Cataloguing
- 251189 VU PF 3.3 Library Systems
- 251190 VU WF 7.1.1 Descriptive Cataloguing: Emphasis
- 251191 VU WF 7.4.1 Library Management of Public Libraries
- 251192 VU WF 7.4.2 Types of Media and User-Oriented Work of Libraries
- 251193 VU WF 7.6.1 Managing and Cataloguing Literary Estates
- 251195 VU WF 7.11.1 Book Studies and Management of Historic Book Collections
- 251196 VU WF 7.11.2 Book and Media Research
- 251197 VU WF 7.11.3 Exhibitions and Legal Basics
Austrian National Library
- 251155 VU PF 3.2 Technological Applications
- 251161 VU PF 2.3 Subject Cataloguing
- 251180 VU PF 1.2 Collection Management
- 251182 VU PF 1.3 Media and Sustainability
- 251183 VU PF 2.1 Principles of Metadata Management
- 251184 VU PF 2.2 Descriptive Cataloguing
- 251185 VU PF 3.1 IT Infrastructure
- 251186 VU PF 3.2 Technological Applications
- 251187 VU PF 3.3 Library Systems
- 251188 VU WF 7.1.1 Descriptive Cataloguing: Emphasis
- 251191 VU WF 7.4.1 Library Management of Public Libraries
- 251192 VU WF 7.4.2 Types of Media and User-Oriented Work of Libraries
- 251193 VU WF 7.6.1 Managing and Cataloguing Literary Estates
- 251195 VU WF 7.11.1 Book Studies and Management of Historic Book Collections
- 251196 VU WF 7.11.2 Book and Media Research
- 251197 VU WF 7.11.3 Exhibitions and Legal Basics
Court and Public Service Interpreting (MA) (883)
Family Business and Estate Planning (LL.M.) (044 [2] - Version 2020)
- 251051 VU Conflict Management and Communication
- 251309 VU Inter Vivos Transfer of Assets
- 251310 VU Law of Corporate Reorganisations and Restructuring and Law of Tax Reorganisations and Restructuring
- 251311 VU Accounting Law
- 251312 VU Capital Market Law, Money Laundering and Transparency Rules with Reference to Economic Criminal Law
- 251313 VU Business Valuation and Corporate and Foundation Governance
- 251318 VU Asset Planning in Marriage or Civil Partnership
Real Estate and Residential Property Law (LL.M.) (361)
- 251129 VU VU BWL in der Immobilienwirtschaft
- 251130 VU VU Bauträgervertragsrecht
- 251131 VU VU Immobilienbewertung
- 251132 VU VU Projektentwicklung und Projektmanagement
- 251133 VU VU Verfahrensrecht
- 251296 VO VO Steuer- und Gebührenrecht
- 251297 SE SE Geschäftsraummietrecht
- 251298 SE SE Wohnungsmietrecht
- 251299 VU VU Baurecht
- 251301 VO VO Mietrecht
Real Estate and Residential Property Law (MLS) (362)
- 251226 VO VO Mietrecht
- 251227 SE SE Wohnungsmietrecht
- 251228 SE SE Geschäftsraummietrecht
- 251229 VU VU Verfahrensrecht
- 251230 VU VU Bauträgervertragsrecht
- 251233 VO VO Steuer- und Gebührenrecht
- 251234 VU VU Baurecht
- 251235 VO VO Bürgerliches Recht
- 251236 VO VO Öffentliches Recht
European and International Business Law (548)
- 251005 KU ( MIXED ) Introduction to EU Law: The Legal System of the European Union
- 251006 KU ( MIXED ) European Internal Market Law
- 251007 KU ( MIXED ) European Competition Law
- 251008 KU ( MIXED ) WTO Law
- 251009 KU ( MIXED ) European and International Corporate Law
- 251010 KU ( MIXED ) International M&A
- 251011 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to European Union Law: The Legal System of the European Union
- 251012 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) European Internal Market Law
- 251013 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) European Competition Law
- 251014 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) WTO Law
- 251015 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) International Business Arbitration
- 251016 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) International Investment Law
- 251017 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Mergers & Acquisition International
- 251019 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) European and International Patent Law
- 251020 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) European Common Commercial Policy
- 251021 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European and International Tax Law
- 251022 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) European Privacy Law
- 251023 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Business Negotiation Seminar
- 251024 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) State Aid and Subsidies international
- 251025 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) EU Intellectual Property Law
- 251026 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Introduction to U.S. Business Law
- 251031 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) European and International Trademark Law
- 251034 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European Competition Law
- 251036 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) WTO Law
- 251037 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European and International Corporate Law
- 251038 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European and International E-Commerce Law
- 251040 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Drafting and Negotiating Cross-border M&A Contracts
- 251285 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) European and International Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar I
- 251286 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) European and International Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar II
- 251288 SE [ en ] ( MIXED ) Master Thesis Seminar
- 251293 SE ( MIXED ) Master Thesis Seminar
- 251294 KU ( REMOTE ) European and International Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar II
- 251303 KU ( MIXED ) European Labor and Social Security Law
- 251304 KU European and International Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar I
- 251305 SE ( REMOTE ) European and international Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar III
- 251319 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European and International Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar I
European and International Business Law (MLS) (549)
Canon Law for Lawyers (619)
- 251147 VO Sakramente II: Eherecht
- 251148 VO Strafrecht
- 251149 VO Prozessrecht - Allgemeines
- 251150 VO Eheprozess
- 251151 VO Aktuelle Fragen: Staat-Kirche I
- 251152 VO Aktuelle Fragen: Staat-Kirche I
International Law (628)
- 251213 SE [ en ] Research Seminar in International Law of the ILC (pi)
- 251214 SE [ en ] The Law of Treaties (pi)
- 251215 SE [ en ] Legal Foundations of World Politics (pi)
Human Rights (LL.M.) (891)
- 251218 KU [ en ] KU Human Rights and the law: legal sources, methodology and interpretation
- 251219 KU [ en ] KU Definition, History, Justification and Dimensions of Human Rights
- 251220 KU [ en ] KU Human Rights: Monitoring and Enforcement Mechanisms
- 251221 KU [ en ] KU Assessing Human Rights violations, Filing Human Rights complaints and Strategic Litigation
- 251222 KU [ en ] KU The nation-state as basic unit for the protection of Human Rights and the principle of subsidia
- 251223 KU [ en ] KU UN Human Rights Systems and Mechanisms
- 251224 KU [ en ] KU Regional Human Rights Systems
- 251225 KU [ en ] KU Human rights practice, approaches and human rights education
Human Rights (MLS) (892)
- 251216 VO [ en ] VO Introduction to Legal Studies for non-lawyers
- 251217 KU [ en ] KU Introduction to Legal Studies for non-lawyers - Application and Exercises
Information and Media Law (942)
- 251153 SE ( MIXED ) Datenschutz- und Datensicherheitsrecht (Wahlpflichtmodul 1)
- 251154 SE ( REMOTE ) Informationstechnische Grundlagen
- 251181 SE ( REMOTE ) Telekommunikationsrecht
Tax Law and Accounting (LL.M.) (984)
- 251088 VU ( ON-SITE ) Unternehmensplanung
- 251089 VU ( ON-SITE ) Unternehmensfinanzierung
- 251090 VU ( ON-SITE ) Investitionsrechnung
- 251092 VU ( ON-SITE ) Buchhaltung und Kostenrechnung
- 251095 VO ( ON-SITE ) Umsatzsteuer und Verkehrsteuern - Grundlagen
- 251096 VO ( ON-SITE ) Einkommen- und Körperschaftsteuer - Grundlagen
- 251097 UE ( ON-SITE ) Einkommen- und Körperschaftsteuer - Fallbeispiele
- 251098 VU ( ON-SITE ) BAO und Finanzstrafrecht
- 251099 UE ( ON-SITE ) Umsatzsteuer - Fallbeispiele
- 251100 UE ( ON-SITE ) Verfassen einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit - Methodik
- 251101 VU ( ON-SITE ) Unternehmensbewertung
- 251102 VU ( ON-SITE ) Jahresabschlüsse nach österreichischem Recht
Last modified: Fr 14.01.2022 01:03