M2 Introduction to the Research Process. Designs and Methods (14 ECTS)
M2a Introduction to the Research Process. Designs and Methods I (8 ECTS)
- 070014 PS ( REMOTE ) BA-Proseminar - Exhibiting urban history. The musealisation of the urban.
- 070055 PS ( REMOTE ) BA-Proseminar - Killing the neighbours. Civil Wars, Partisans and Violence in the 20th Century.
- 070069 UE ( REMOTE ) Workshop on Methodology - Eichmann in Vienna and Jerusalem
- 070074 UE ( REMOTE ) Workshop on Methodology Contemporary History and Media - How we remember and how it came about - Remembering the Holocaust and Nazi crimes in early public history interventions in Austria and the Federal Republic of Germany
- 070089 UE ( REMOTE ) Methodenkurs Contemporary History and Media
- 070157 UE ( REMOTE ) Methodological workshop - Space and Time
- 070174 UE ( REMOTE ) Methodological workshop - Queer Vienna: Knowledge and Counter-Knowledge in an Emancipatory Archive 1
- 070177 PS ( REMOTE ) BA-Proseminar - Silence and Remembrance - The Problem of National Socialism in Austria after 1945
- 070268 PS ( REMOTE ) BA-Proseminar - History of the Mauthausen concentration camp system
- 070287 PS ( REMOTE ) BA-Proseminar - Queer/ing History - On the (contemporary) history of sexualities, bodies and genders
M2b Introduction to the Research Process. Designs and Methods II (6 ECTS)
- 060022 SE [ de en he ] ( ON-SITE ) Israeli Cinema as Cultural History: Israeli History on the big and on the small screen
- 060024 VO ( REMOTE ) Images of Horror - the presentation of the Shoah in international feature films
- 060026 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Bible and Antisemitism - Antisemitic Readings of the Bible from the Beginnings until Today
- 060046 SE ( MIXED ) History of the Jews in the USA
- 060048 VO ( MIXED ) High Noon in Vienna - Fred Zinnemanns Jewish Environment
- 060105 SE [ de en he ] ( ON-SITE ) Israeli Cinema as Cultural History: Women in front and behind the camera
- 080123 SE ( REMOTE ) M110 Media, Discourse and Representation: On the End of the World
- 170400 VO ( ON-SITE ) Excitable Tales - Perspective, empathy and gender in film, media and art
- 170600 SE ( MIXED ) MA 1.1. "Forms of Staging and Aesthetic Perception" - Der orale Raum. Aus den Innereien der Performancekunst
- 170601 SE ( ON-SITE ) MA 1.1. "Forms of Staging and Aesthetic Perception" - Fragile situations. Effects of contemporary theatre and dance performances
- 170602 SE ( REMOTE ) MA 1.1. "Forms of Staging and Aesthetic Perception" - In-between spaces, in-between times. Sofia Coppola's film aesthetics
- 170603 SE ( ON-SITE ) MA 1.1. "Forms of Staging and Aesthetic Perception" - Female photojournalists: From Isonzo to Abu Ghraib.
- 170604 SE MA 1.1. "Forms of Staging and Aesthetic Perception" - Walter Benjamin and Alexander Kluge
- 170610 SE ( REMOTE ) MA 1.2. "Processes of Theatricality and Mediality" - Harry Houdini - Illusionist/Escape Artist
- 170611 SE ( REMOTE ) MA 1.2. "Processes of Theatricality and Mediality" - Future Media in Film
- 170612 SE ( MIXED ) MA 1.2. "Processes of Theatricality and Mediality" - Intractable Choreographies
- 170614 SE ( REMOTE ) MA 1.2. "Processes of Theatricality and Mediality" - Image and Perception
- 210074 VO ( MIXED ) BAK14: SpezialVO Gender and Politics
- 230155 VO ( REMOTE ) Visual Sociology: Gender and Film on screen and off screen
- 230170 SE ( REMOTE ) Urban Globalisation as Postnational Politics
Last modified: We 30.06.2021 10:58