Master Education (848)
Group of Compulsory Modules (30 ECTS)
M1 Education as an Academic Discipline (10 ECTS)
M1a Education as an Academic Discipline (lecture) (5 ECTS)
- 190126 VO ( MIXED ) Education as an Academic Discipline - Pedagogy - fundamental questions
M1b Education as an Academic Discipline (seminar) (5 ECTS)
- 190038 SE ( REMOTE ) Education as an Academic Discipline - Medien und Bildung
- 190075 SE ( MIXED ) Education as an Academic Discipline - Der spürende Körper. (Neo-)phänomenologische und bildungswissenschaftliche Perspektiven.
- 190080 SE ( REMOTE ) Education as an Academic Discipline - Bildungswissenschaft als Disziplin? Zur pädagogischen Bedeutsamkeit systematischen Denkens
- 190110 SE ( REMOTE ) Education as an Academic Discipline - Bildungswissenschaft als Disziplin? Ein Bestimmungsversuch am Beispiel der Frage der sozialen Ungleichheit
M2 Philosophy of Science and Educational Research Methods (10 ECTS)
M2a Philosophy of Sience and Educational Research Methods (lecture) (5 ECTS)
- 190025 VO ( MIXED ) Philosophy of Science and Educational Research Methods - Wissenschaftstheorie und Epistemologie der Bildungswissenschaft
M2b Philosophy of Sience and Educational Research Methods (seminar) (5 ECTS)
- 190042 SE ( REMOTE ) Philosophy of Science and Educational Research Methods - How can we know what we know? Epistemologies, styles of reasoning and the quest for truth.
- 190092 SE [ de en ] ( MIXED ) Philosophy of Science and Educational Research Methods - Wissenschaftstheorie und linguistic turn in der Bildungswissenschaft
- 190114 SE [ de en ] ( MIXED ) Philosophy of Science and Educational Research Methods - Constructivist approaches in educational research: sociomateriality and practice theory
- 190127 SE ( REMOTE ) Philosophy of Science and Educational Research Methods - Comparing ontological and epistemological foundations of theories and their methodological consequences
M3Theory of Educational Science (10 ECTS)
M3a Theory of Educational Science I: Education and Change (5 ECTS)
- 190013 SE ( REMOTE ) Theory of Educational Science I: Education and Change - Theorien der Medienpädagogik
- 190108 SE ( ON-SITE ) Theory of Educational Science I: Education and Change - Zur medienpädagogischen Bildungssoziologie Dieter Baackes
M3b Theory of Educational Science II: Curriculum and Instructions (5 ECTS)
- 190023 SE ( MIXED ) Theory of Educational Science: Curriculum and Instructions - Schule und Privatisierung. Vermarktung oder Freiheit?
M3c Theory of Educational Science III: Special Needs and Inclusive Education (5 ECTS)
- 190032 SE ( MIXED ) Theory of Educational Science: Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Special needs
- 190113 SE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Theory of Educational Science: Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Inklusive Bildung aus multi-perspektivischer Sicht
M3d Theory of Educational Science IV: Education, Counseling and Human Development (5 ECTS)
- 190112 SE ( MIXED ) Theory of Educational Science IV: Education, Counseling and Human Development - Biographie als theoretische Perspektive auf Bildungsprozesse
- 190128 SE ( MIXED ) Theory of Educational Science IV: Education, Counseling and Human Development - Studierendenerfahrungen erforschen - Narrative Interviewformen, rekonstruktive Analysemethoden mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Diskriminierungsverhältnisse
Alternative Compulsory Modules (30 ECTS)
APM-M4 Education and Change (30 ECTS)
M4.1 Development and Change of Educational Theories (10 ECTS)
- 190053 SE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Development and Change of Educational Theories - Struggles for an American Curriculum Theory: The Curriculum Field at UW Madison from the 1970s to the 2020s
M4.2 Theories of Education and Learning in the Dynamic Worlds of Media (10 ECTS)
M4.3 Concepts of Humans and Theories of Education (5 ECTS)
- 190081 SE ( ON-SITE ) Concepts of Humans and Theories of Education - Empirismus und Sensualismus als pädagogische Konzepte
M4.4 Ethic Challenges in Education (5 ECTS)
APM-M5 Curriculum and Instructions (30 ECTS)
M5.1 School and Education Research (10 ECTS)
- 190076 SE ( MIXED ) School and Education Research - Die "Humanities" und ihr gesellschaftlicher Bildungsauftrag: Legitimation, Institutionalisierung und Traditionen
M5.2 Professionalisation and Professionalism in Pedagogical Professions (10 ECTS)
- 190123 SE ( ON-SITE ) Professionalisation and Professionalism in Pedagogical Professions - Selbstbilder - Fremdbilder - Mythen: Das Bild von LehrerInnen und Lehrern in Literatur, Musik, Film und in der Erziehungswissenschaft vor dem Hindtergrund der Professionalisierungsdebatte
M5.3 Planning, Evaluation and Assessment in Education (5 ECTS)
M5.4 Historical and Social Conditions of Teaching and Learning (5 ECTS)
- 190115 SE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Historical and Social Conditions of Teaching and Learning - Schule und Staat am Beispiel Österreichs
APM-M6 Special Needs and Inclusive Education (30 ECTS)
M6.1 Pedagogical Approaches to Cultural Diversity and Social Disadvantage (10 ECTS)
- 190077 SE ( MIXED ) Pedagogical Approaches to Cultural Diversity and Social Disadvantage - Behindertenrecht und Behindertenpolitik in Österreich vor dem Hintergrund der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention
"M6.2 Education and Training with Impaired Senses, Behaviour, Cognition, Language and Social-Emotional Development" (10 ECTS)
- 190102 SE [ en ] ( MIXED ) Education and Training with Impaired Senses, Behav., Cogn., Language and Social-Emotional Developm. - Disability at the Intersection of Gender and Poverty
M6.3 Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy with Focus on Special Educational Needs (10 ECTS)
- 190010 SE ( REMOTE ) Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy with Focus on Special Educational Needs - Der reflexive Umgang mit Diagnosen in Bildung und Ausbildung
APM-M7 Education, Counseling and Human Development (30 ECTS)
M7.1 Education, Biography and Age (10 ECTS)
- 190054 SE ( MIXED ) Education, Biography and Age - Theoretische Grundlagen der Biographieforschung III (Lektüreseminar)
- 190104 SE ( ON-SITE ) Education, Biography and Age - Sozialer Aufstieg durch Bildung. Biographieanalytische Rekonstruktionen
- 190271 SE ( REMOTE ) Education, Biography and Age - Biographical self-reflection and educational competence
M7.2 Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality (10 ECTS)
- 190035 SE ( MIXED ) Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality - Geschlecht und Intersektionalität in Bildungsinstitutionen
- 190079 SE ( REMOTE ) Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality - (Bildungs)Biographien im Bild - Bild in den (Bildungs)Biographien
- 190082 SE ( REMOTE ) Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality - Die Konstitution des heterogenen Raums und dessen Bedeutung für das Subjekt
M7.3 Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy (10 ECTS)
- 190086 SE ( MIXED ) Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Über Zusammenhänge zwischen Theoriebezug, Rahmen und Setting, Beziehungsgeschehen und Veränderungsprozesse.
- 190121 SE ( REMOTE ) Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Ansätze pädagogischer Beratung in der Migrationsgesellschaft
- 190141 SE ( ON-SITE ) Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - The narration of the trauma in the context of biographical research
Elective Modules (30 ECTS)
WM-M8 Educational Theories in International and Historical Comparison (10 ECTS)
- 190030 SE [ en ] ( MIXED ) Educational Theories in International and Historical Comparison - Education and International Development. Perspectives and Challenges.
WM-M9 Didactics: Teaching and Learning with Media (10 ECTS)
- 190088 SE ( ON-SITE ) Didactics: Teaching and Learning with Media - Lektionen aus Corona und die Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildung
WM-M10 Special Ethical Questions (5 ECTS)
- 190084 SE ( ON-SITE ) Special Ethical Questions - Pädagogik und Bildungswissenschaft im Gespinst normativer Ordnungen.
- 190111 SE ( MIXED ) Special Ethical Questions - Ethical challenges for education as exemplified by transhumanism
WM-M11 Anthropology and Pedagogy (5 ECTS)
- 190094 SE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Anthropology and Education - Images, objects and spaces: Histories of Education and Visual, Material and Spatial Studies
WM-M12 Education - Alterity - Cultur(alism) (10 ECTS)
- 190087 SE [ de en ] ( MIXED ) Education - Alterity - Cultur(alism) - Culture, Language and Education (In)equality
- 190131 SE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Education - Alterity - Cultur(alism) - Migration, Exil, Grand Tour: Ortswechsel und Bildung vom Mittelalter bis zur Moderne
WM-M13 Education, Socialisation and Society (5 ECTS)
- 190063 SE [ de en ] ( MIXED ) Education, Socialisation and Society - Curriculum, textbooks and the fabrication of loyal national citizens
WM-M14 Education and Gender (5 ECTS)
- 190089 SE ( MIXED ) Education and Gender - Wessen Wissen? Situiertes Wissen und Bildung.
- 190101 SE ( MIXED ) Education and Gender - (Häusliche) Gewalt in Geschlechter- und Generationenverhältnissen
WM-M15 Consultation and Consultation Research (10 ECTS)
- 190007 SE ( MIXED ) Counseling and Counseling Research - Beratung von Jugendlichen mit Behinderungen, ihren Eltern zur Unterstützung von Bildungsprozessen: Systemische Theorien und Ergebnisse aus aktueller Forschung.
- 190091 SE ( MIXED ) Counseling and Counseling Research - Supervision als Beratungsformat in pädagogischen Arbeitsfeldern
- 190105 SE ( REMOTE ) Counseling and Counseling Research - Psychosocial counceling and institutional conditions
WM-M16 Science Practicum (5 ECTS)
- 190046 PR ( REMOTE ) M16 Science Practicum
- 190120 PR ( ON-SITE ) M16 Science Practicum - Library placement - Students tutoring students
Master's Thesis: Seminar (5 ECTS)
M17a Master's Thesis: Seminar (5 ECTS)
- 190051 SE [ de en ] ( MIXED ) Master's Thesis: Seminar - Foundations of Education
- 190057 SE ( REMOTE ) Master's Thesis: Seminar - Masterarbeiten in der empirischen Forschung
- 190068 SE ( MIXED ) Master's Thesis: Seminar - Masterarbeiten im Bereich Bildung und Entwicklung sowie Inklusive Pädagogik und Psychoanalytische Pädagogik
- 190290 SE ( MIXED ) Master's Thesis: Seminar - Master's theses in the research area education and counselling in the life course
Last modified: Fr 14.01.2022 01:03