Group of compulsory modules: Individual Specialisation: Food Quality and Food Safety (21 ECTS)
WFQ1 Elective Subjects: Individual Specialisation: Food Quality and Food Safety (compulsory module) (15 ECTS)
- 233060 UE ( ON-SITE ) Science in Society Laboratories
- 290105 VO [ en ] ( MIXED ) Climate Change and Climate Crisis - Transformative Concepts and Innovations
- 330002 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Nutrition in Developing Countries - Gender, Nutrition & Development
- 330003 VO+SE ( REMOTE ) Molecular-physiological Aspects of Sports Nutrition
- 330007 SE ( ON-SITE ) Presentationstraining
- 330014 VO ( ON-SITE ) Theories of Health Education and Health Promotion - for Master Study Programme Nutritional Sciences
- 330017 SE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) International Nutrition Policy - Theory and Implementation
- 330022 VO ( ON-SITE ) History of nutrition - History of nutrition
- 330025 UE ( MIXED ) Sensory Evaluation of Foods (practice) - für Masterstudierende
- 330033 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Global Nutrition with Special Emphasis on Public Health
- 330037 VO ( ON-SITE ) Biofunctionality of Foods
- 330043 VO ( MIXED ) Psychology of Nutrition
- 330062 VO ( ON-SITE ) Research Methods in Nutritional Sciences
- 330068 SE ( REMOTE ) Qualitative and quantitative bioanalytics related to chromatographic methods with main focus on HPLC
- 330069 SE Instruction to scientific work - für Masterstudierende der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330070 VO ( REMOTE ) Food and Nutritional Toxicology
- 330084 VO ( REMOTE ) History and Structure of the EU in Relation to Nutrition and Health Policies and Research Activities
- 330087 VO ( ON-SITE ) Environment and Health; Lobbying for Health
- 330090 SE ( ON-SITE ) Seminar to Food Law
- 330102 SE+UE ( ON-SITE ) Nutrition and Epigenetics, Methods and Epidemiologie - Molecular Epidemiology and Epigenetics
- 330134 SE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Journal Club-Selected Topics in Liver Metabolism
- 490400 VU ( MIXED ) PM1 Digital Transformations
- 580002 SE ( ON-SITE ) PhaNuSpo - Scientific Lectures - Scientific Lectures
WFQ2 Internship: Individual Specialisation: Food Quality and Food Safety (compulsory module) (6 ECTS)
- 330090 SE ( ON-SITE ) Seminar to Food Law
Last modified: Fr 14.01.2022 01:03