PM4b Electives - Special Topics: Contemporary History and Media (21 ECTS)
Achtung: Für eine erfolgreiche Absolvierung des Moduls müssen 8 ECTS aus Zeitgeschichte und 13 ECTS aus den anderen Bereichen absolviert worden sein und darüber hinaus muss sich unter den 21 ECTS mindestens ein SE Seminar zu 8 ECTS befinden (siehe Curriculum).Ebenso wichtig: Eine Leistung iZm einer VO, VU, KU, UE, WS, PS oder Ähnliches zählt nicht als eine Leistung aus einem SE Seminar.
- 010066 VO ( MIXED ) Ethics II - Political Ethics and Social Ethics
- 010086 SE ( REMOTE ) Religion in Austria Under National Socialist Rule 1938-1945
- 010099 FS Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere? Social ethical perspectives
- 010119 SE Ecological crisis - socio-ethical perspectives
- 060001 VO From Lilith to Golem: Introduction to Visual Jewish Cultural History - Film and Media
- 060010 VO Jewish History from the Modern to the Contemporary Period
- 060017 VO Jew-Hatred - A History
- 060018 VO ( REMOTE ) Pogrom - An (Un)intellectual History of the Persecution of Judaism
- 060022 VO Made in Austria - Jewish Austrian Film
- 060026 SE ( REMOTE ) Combatting Antisemitism
- 060030 SE [ de en he ] Zionism and Humanism in Israeli Cinema "before" Israel 1930-1947
- 060040 SE Modern Jewish Thought - An Introduction
- 070015 SE Seminar on History - Church and State in Austria 1848-1938
- 070026 UE ( MIXED ) Readings in the History of Historiography
- 070038 SE Seminar - Biographical research on Rotarians persecuted by National Socialism in Europe
- 070045 UE Monitoring Class for Practical Training
- 070046 UE Readings in the History of Historiography
- 070076 SE Seminar - Expulsion, Flight, Refuge in Austrian Media 1945 to the Present Day
- 070175 SE ( REMOTE ) Seminar - Media as source of Contemporary History
- 070211 SE Seminar - Delusion and suspicion? Enemy images and conspiracy theories
- 070248 UE ( MIXED ) Readings in the History of Historiography
- 070261 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to Audiovisual Sources for Historians
- 070293 VO Lecture - Public History - Public History und interdisziplinäre Geschichtsvermittlung unter Berücksichtigung ausgewählter Themen
- 070298 SE [ en ] Past meets Present - National Socialism, Colonialism, and Identity in Four Viennese Historical Museums
- 070299 VO Lecture - Conceptions of Man, conceptions of the Enemy - Political representations of the self and the other
- 070314 SE ( MIXED ) Seminar - Conspiracy theories in history and the present
- 080006 VU [ de en ] B420 Theories of Culture: Visual Culture and Gender
- 080009 VU ( MIXED ) M320 Cultural Practices and Semiosis in Everyday Life: - Human smuggling, sheperding, helping. Theory and Praxis of irregular migration facilitation
- 080071 VU [ de en ] B330 Specialised Methodology: Sounds of Technology: Listening to Everyday Companions
- 080074 VO ( MIXED ) B430 Special Theories: City and Photography - Historical and Contemporary Practices and Representations of Urban Societies
- 080075 VO ( REMOTE ) B230 Special Fields: - Fragestellungen - Methoden - Anwendungsgebiete
- 080087 PS ( MIXED ) B410 Theories of Culture
- 080092 SE ( MIXED ) M210 Space:
- 143181 KU Virtual 3D Modelling of Ethnographic Objects for Cultural Heritage Engagement
- 143221 KU Racism on the Bookshelf. - Libraries as Places of Anti-Racist and Critical Debate in the Field of Tension between the Processing of Knowledge and the Reproduction of Stereotypical Images of Africa.
- 143255 KU Of Monkeys, Human Beings, the "Holy Spirit Mobile Forces" - and some bits about African Photography - Heike Behrend's Autobiography of her Discipline
- 170310 VO ( REMOTE ) Lecture: The History of Film - Secrets of a Soul. Freud & Film
- 170320 VO Lecture: The History of Media - History and theory of Queer Computing
- 170400 VO Media and Ideology
- 170600 SE MA 1.1. "Forms of Staging and Aesthetic Perception" - The element fire in the arts
- 170601 SE MA 1.1. "Forms of Staging and Aesthetic Perception" - Festwochen Campus
- 170602 SE MA 1.1. "Forms of Staging and Aesthetic Perception" - Media of Practice
- 170610 SE MA 1.2. "Processes of Theatricality and Mediality" - Stand-up comedians and cabaret artists. Art figures, themes and the media
- 170611 SE MA 1.2. "Processes of Theatricality and Mediality" - Film in film
- 170612 SE MA 1.2. "Processes of Theatricality and Mediality" - Wellness, fitness, mindfulness. Technologies of the self and of media in late capitalism
- 170732 UE Media of History - Dialectical images and artistic research
- 170742 UE [ en ] ( MIXED ) ARTivism and Intersectionality in Film and Media
- 170993 VO ( REMOTE ) Image and Word Combinations in History and Theory
- 170994 VO ( REMOTE ) Development of Media and Forms of Communication
- 210013 VO ( REMOTE ) BAK4: Subject area Qualitative methods in the empirical social sciences
- 210030 VO ( REMOTE ) BAK5: History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210062 VO ( MIXED ) BAK9: SpezialVO Political Theories and Research on Theories - What is Christian Democracy? Genealogy of a European ideology
- 210080 VO BAK13: SpezialVO State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - Theories of Party Competition
- 210085 VO ( REMOTE ) BAK14: Spezial VO Gender and Politics
- 210109 VO M1a: Introduction into Political Science
- 210110 VO M1b: Introduction into Political Science
- 210121 VO M5: SpezialVO EU and Europeanisation - The Europeanization of the Member States of the EU and its External Dimension
- 210132 VO M8: SpezialVO Gender and Politics - Feminist Democracy Theories
- 210137 VO ( REMOTE ) M10: SpezialVO Culture and Politics - Image Politics: Political Iconology
- 210182 VO ( REMOTE ) Health. A society in crisis?
- 220017 VO VERTHE: VO JOURWA Journalism in Times of Media Change
- 220019 VO THEO: VO KSOZ - Sociology of Communication
- 220028 VO VERTHE: VO VERGLPO Political Communication and Media Governance in Comparative Perspective
- 220034 VO ( MIXED ) THEO: VO POLKO - Political Communication
- 220035 VO THEO: VO PSYCH - Media Psychology
- 220063 VO ( REMOTE ) VERTHE: VO STRAKO Strategic Communication - Current Approaches in Advertising, PR and Market Comm.
- 220079 VO ( REMOTE ) VERBE: VO GEND Media and Gender
- 230120 VO ( REMOTE ) Sociological Theories: Overview and current Developments
- 230121 SE Sociology of global inequality (with a focus on Anja Weiß)
- 230122 SE Sociology of Emotions
- 230123 SE ( MIXED ) Material turn: Basic principles of materialist theory and materialist Sociology
- 230124 SE ( MIXED ) Reading Seminar: Theories of social practices and societal change
- 230125 SE Reading Seminar: Sustainability and the Walfare State
- 230126 SE ( MIXED ) Reading Seminar: Peter L. Berger / Thomas Luckmann - The Social Construction of Reality
- 230127 SE Reading Seminar: Karl Polanyi - The Great Transformation - The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Societies and Economic Systems
- 230130 VO ( MIXED ) Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical research
- 230148 VO Professionalization and Expert Knowledge (also regarding the Corona Crisis)
- 230156 VO ( MIXED ) Visual Sociology: an Introduction with Focus on Images
- 230157 SE Pictures of organizations and teams in fictional movies
- 230174 VO Society as a medium from mass medias: Which reality is representative for us?
- 230175 UE ( REMOTE ) Digital Ethnography
- 230176 SE Vienna postcolonial? Decolonial investigations into a "global city"
Last modified: We 09.08.2023 01:28