Courses of the Additional Scientific Qualifications for Biologists
- 280145 LP [ en ] ( REMOTE ) MA-ERD-W-3.26 Conservation Paleobiology and Historical Ecology (PI)
- 300005 SE [ en ] Arthropod Behavioral Ecology
- 300014 VO Aspects of freshwater bioindication - Methods of assessment
- 300016 SE Code of practice in science communication - Professional Use of Print and New Media in your career
- 300018 UE [ en ] Scientific Literature and Communication for Biologists
- 300020 UE Microscopical course on freshwater algae - Microscopical course on freshwater algae in lakes aimed at EC Water Framework Directive
- 300037 VO Biology and Ecology of alpine animals
- 300047 UE Insects in the Nationalpark Donau-Auen: Butterflies and Moths
- 300049 VO ( MIXED ) Biology, ecology and conservation biology of bats
- 300054 VO Selected statistical Methods I: Time Series Analysis
- 300060 UE+EX Limnetic ostracods from Europe - Biodiversity, systematics and bioindication
- 300062 UE Computer-assisted presentation techniques
- 300064 SE Topics of Climate Change
- 300075 VO Basic lecture for starting Masterstudents
- 300082 EX Field excursion to Costa Rica - Rainforest of the Austrians
- 300085 SE [ en ] Evolutionary Systemsbiology
- 300099 EX Excursion to the mires of the Tamsweg area
- 300103 VU ( REMOTE ) Dragonflies- ecology, taxonomy and bioindication
- 300121 VO ( REMOTE ) An Introduction to Epigenetics
- 300127 UE Introductory course on animal gene expression
- 300131 VO Selected acpects of bacterial physiology
- 300134 VO Primary processes of plant nutrition assimilation
- 300156 SE ( REMOTE ) Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
- 300159 VO [ de en ] Conservation Genetics - (Conservation Genetics)
- 300173 SE Biodiversity in the tension field of nature conservation and environmental projection - Lecture series in cooperation with the Austrian Zoological-Botanical Society
- 300193 RV Silent Spring - sixth mass extinction of species: reasons and consequences
- 300206 VO [ en ] Introduction to Marine Pollution
- 300212 UE Palaeontological field school
- 300230 UE Animal Behaviour Observation - Practical Course
- 300231 VO ( REMOTE ) Behavioural biology of aquatic vertebrates - fishes and whales
- 300237 SE ( REMOTE ) Botanical field research and collecting tours
- 300253 VU [ de en ] Methods in Field Research - Focus: Birds and small Mammals
- 300254 UE Computer applications in biology
- 300259 VU Introduction to bryology
- 300262 UE ( ON-SITE ) Comparative morphology and evolution of basal vertebrates
- 300264 SE Seminar in tropical ecology
- 300265 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Safety in the laboratory
- 300266 EX Speleological excursions Caves of Austria and neighboring countries
- 300278 VO ( MIXED ) GMO - the ecological perspective - Genetically Modified Organisms - the ecological perspective
- 300279 EX [ de en ] Palaeontological excursion - Highlights 2
- 300283 UE+EX Identification of amphibian larvae in lab and field
- 300291 VO Electron Microscopy in Biology - Methods, Preparation and Interpreparation
- 300302 SE ( REMOTE ) Laboratory Safety and Security Risk Management - biological, radiological and chemical safety and security in research
- 300334 UE Field course "Amphibian Ecology"
- 300349 UE ( REMOTE ) Project Management for Ecologists - Planning, Executing and Evaluating interdisciplinary Projects
- 300364 SE [ de en ] Evolutionary genetics - Concepts and applications in population genetics and phylogenetics
- 300374 UE [ de en ] Water Framework Directive: Introduction to Macrophyte survey - Practical application
- 300453 VO+UE ( REMOTE ) Management and Evaluation of Multifactorial Experiments - including Statistics , advanced Graphics Software, Production of Presentations and Web Content
- 300517 SE+UE ( MIXED ) Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy
- 300530 UE [ en ] Imaging and visualization in developmental biology - Principles and applications, including 3 D Methods
- 300545 SE ( MIXED ) Efficient Learning - Revision course to Animal Anatomy, Phylogeny and Evolution (300034) (Parallel courses)
- 300548 VO ( REMOTE ) Social-biological aspects of the human-animal interaction
- 300602 UE Data base in place of datachaos-Access for biologists
- 300658 EX Diversity of Bryophyes, Vulneribility and Conservation
- 300727 SE Basic Principles for Communication and Presentation
- 301033 UE Scientific Communication in the Laboratory - "Hands on - Minds on"
- 301407 VO ( REMOTE ) Molecular Pathology - Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Human Disease
- 301632 UE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Exercises for Foundations of Bioinformatics
Last modified: Th 07.12.2023 01:29