Second stage of study (120 ECTS)
FTH 18 Christian Philosophy: Advanced Course (6 ECTS)
- 010092 VO ( MIXED ) Classical Writers of Philosophy of Religion
- 010094 VO ( MIXED ) Intercultural Philosophy
- 010351 VO Contemporary Philosophy - Heidegger and Early Greek Philosophy
FTH 19 Practical Theology (15 ECTS)
- 010067 VO Special Pastoral Theologies: Research on Human Values and Formation of Values
- 010084 VU Practical-theological ecclesiology
FTH 20 Historical Theology (9 ECTS)
- 010052 VO Advanced Course in Liturgical Studies
- 010061 VO Advanced Course Patrology
- 010210 VO Introduction to spiritual theology: Theology of prayer
FTH 21 Canon Law: Advanced Course (6 ECTS)
- 010060 VO Advanced Course Canon Law II - The Constitution of the Church
FTH 22 Biblical Studies: Extension Course (15 ECTS)
- 010022 VO Advanced Course New Testament III
- 010039 VO ( REMOTE ) Theology of the New Testament: Christologie(s) in the Gospel of John
- 010056 VO ( MIXED ) Theology of the Old Testament: The Old Testament as the Book of God´s revelation
FTH 23 Theological Ethics: Advanced Course (9 ECTS)
- 010028 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics I (Fundamental Moral Theology) - Moral psychological perspectives
- 010035 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics III: Medical ethics and Bioethics
FTH 24 Systematic Theology: Extension Course (12 ECTS)
- 010015 VO Advanced Course Fundamental Theology (Religion and God in Contemporary Society)
- 010024 VO Ecclesiology
- 010025 VO Eschatology
- 010034 VO Theological Anthropology and Teaching of Grace
FTH 25 Theological Extension Course II (10 ECTS)
1. Ecumenism (5 ECTS)
- 010077 SE Learning ecumenism and ecumenical reconnaissances: Brussels
- 010115 SE [ en ] Classics of Eastern Orthodox Spirituality - Theology and Spirituality of the Eastern Church Fathers
2. Seminar (5 ECTS)
a) Seminar Religious Philosophy
- 010071 FS The End of Hegel. The opening and closing passages from Hegel's Phenomenology, Logic, & Encyclopedia
b) Seminar Systematic-theological Concepts
- 010026 SE [ en ] Concepts of Systematic Theology
c) Intercultural Theology
d) Ethics and Religion
- 010032 SE Clinical Rounds: Bioethical challenges at the beginning of Human Life
- 010109 SE [ en ] What is human ? - On the relationship between anthropology and ethics as reflected in interdisciplinary approaches
FTH 26 Theological Extension Course III (15 ECTS)
- 010009 SE Eastern christian approaches to interreligious dialogue - Issues of orthodox fundamental theology
a) Christian Philosophy
b) Social Ethics
- 010099 FS Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere? Social ethical perspectives
- 010119 SE Ecological crisis - socio-ethical perspectives
- 010128 SE Remembering and Forgetting in postcolonial Genderstudies
c) Religious Studies
d) Old Testament
- 010014 SE ( MIXED ) God, World, and Humans: Creation in the Old Testament
- 010080 FS ( MIXED ) The Psalter as the Book of the Messiah
e) New Testament
f) Theology and History of the Christian East
- 010089 SE Monasticism in the Eastern Churches
- 010115 SE [ en ] Classics of Eastern Orthodox Spirituality - Theology and Spirituality of the Eastern Church Fathers
g) Church History
- 010020 SE The Council of Trent: at the Origins of Catholicism
- 010027 SE What is Man? Anthropological Paradigms in Medieval Scholasticism
h) Theology of Spirituality
- 010013 SE The Holy Spirit and Charisms in Christian Spirituality
- 010051 FS Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) on Spirituality
i) Fundamental Theology
- 010071 FS The End of Hegel. The opening and closing passages from Hegel's Phenomenology, Logic, & Encyclopedia
- 010072 FS ( REMOTE ) Research Seminar for Graduands - Diplomand*innen-, Dissertant*innen- und Habilitand*innenseminar
- 010074 FS "Heideggers Holzwege"
- 010106 SE ( MIXED ) The open artwork and the limits of interpretation. Aesthetics in Umberto Eco
j) Liturgical Studies
k) Dogmatics
- 010026 SE [ en ] Concepts of Systematic Theology
- 010040 FS Jesus - Messiah for Israel? - The movement of the messianic jews from the perspektive of catholic theology
- 010046 SE End-time visions in music - Eschatological motives in the works of Mozart, Brahms, Spohr, Messiaen, Orff, Pärt a.o.
- 010118 SE "Ecstatic jubilation". Poems and prayers as a limitation of language - Accompanying Seminar of the Poetics Lectureship
l) Theological Ethics
- 010032 SE Clinical Rounds: Bioethical challenges at the beginning of Human Life
- 010109 SE [ en ] What is human ? - On the relationship between anthropology and ethics as reflected in interdisciplinary approaches
m) Canon Law
n) Pastoral Theology
- 010081 SE Pastoral Course II
- 010098 SE Controversial issues in the pastoral ministry of the sacraments
o) Religious Pedagogics
- 010112 SE Religious Pedagogics
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:58