Master Philosophy and Economics (642)
M1 Introduction to Interdisciplinary Topics and Methods in Philosophy and Economics (8 ECTS)
M1.1 Introduction to Topics and Methods in Philosophy and Economics (4 ECTS)
M1.2 Reading Seminar in Philosophy and Economics (4 ECTS)
M2 Foundations of Philosophy and Economics (22 ECTS)
M2.E1 Foundational Microeconomics (8 ECTS)
M2.E2 Foundational Econometrics (4 ECTS)
M2.E3 Advanced Microeconomics (12 ECTS)
M2.E4 Advanced Econometrics (8 ECTS)
M2.P1 Central Topics and Texts in Theoretical Philosophy (5 ECTS)
M2.P2 Central Topics and Texts in Practical Philosophy (5 ECTS)
M2.P3 (Extended) Option(s) in Philosophy (5/10/15 ECTS)
- 180102 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Modelling Possibilities
- 180103 SE History of Philosophy of Social Science
- 180104 SE What is Formalism?
- 180109 VO-L ( REMOTE ) The Principle of Sufficient Reason
- 180110 VO-L Theories of Truth
- 180115 SE [ en ] RATIONALITY, INTENTIONALITY, AND PLANNING AGENCY. - The Work of Michael Bratman
- 180117 SE ( REMOTE ) Consequences of Actions: Act - Consequence - Fate - Punishment
- 180165 SE Civil and indecent disobedience
- 180170 VO [ en ] The Story of Economic Ideas: Economic Theories and Methodological Positions - Part II, 20th Century
M3 Interdisciplinary Research Seminars in Philosophy and Economics (10 ECTS)
- 180171 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Interdisciplinary Research Seminar in Philosophy and Economics
M4 Core Subjects in Philosophy and Economics (27 ECTS)
M4.PHME Philosophy, History, and Methodology of Economics (9 ECTS)
M4.PHME-E Economics (4 ECTS)
- 040264 SE [ en ] Philosophy and Economics (MA) - Social Sciences and the Philosophy of the Vienna Circle: Selected Readings
- 180170 VO [ en ] The Story of Economic Ideas: Economic Theories and Methodological Positions - Part II, 20th Century
M4.PHME-P Philosophy (5 ECTS)
- 180172 SE [ en ] Analysis of Economic Concepts
M4.RD Rationality and Decision (9 ECTS)
M4.RD-E Economics (4 ECTS)
- 040040 UK [ en ] Social Choice (MA)
- 040243 VO [ en ] Decision and Game Theory (MA)
M4.RD-P Philosophy (5 ECTS)
- 180113 SE [ en ] Practical Rationality
M4.EWJ Ethics, Welfare, and Justice (9 ECTS)
M4.EWJ-E Economics (4 ECTS)
- 040040 UK [ en ] Social Choice (MA)
- 040112 SE [ en ] Law and Economics (MA)
M4.EWJ-P Philosophy (5 ECTS)
- 180173 SE [ en ] Ethics and Profit: A History of Ideas
M5 Specialisation and Electives in Philosophy and Economics (26 ECTS)
M5.PHME-1 Specialisation in Philosophy, History, and Methodology of Economics (9 ECTS)
M5.PHME-1-E Economics (4 ECTS)
- 040264 SE [ en ] Philosophy and Economics (MA) - Social Sciences and the Philosophy of the Vienna Circle: Selected Readings
- 180170 VO [ en ] The Story of Economic Ideas: Economic Theories and Methodological Positions - Part II, 20th Century
M5.PHME-1-P Philosophy (5 ECTS)
- 180102 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Modelling Possibilities
- 180103 SE History of Philosophy of Social Science
- 180104 SE What is Formalism?
- 180170 VO [ en ] The Story of Economic Ideas: Economic Theories and Methodological Positions - Part II, 20th Century
M5.PHME-2 Extended Specialisation in Philosophy, History, and Methodology of Economics (13 ECTS)
M5.PHME-2-E Economics
- 040264 SE [ en ] Philosophy and Economics (MA) - Social Sciences and the Philosophy of the Vienna Circle: Selected Readings
- 180170 VO [ en ] The Story of Economic Ideas: Economic Theories and Methodological Positions - Part II, 20th Century
M5.PHME-2-P Philosophy
- 180102 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Modelling Possibilities
- 180103 SE History of Philosophy of Social Science
- 180104 SE What is Formalism?
- 180170 VO [ en ] The Story of Economic Ideas: Economic Theories and Methodological Positions - Part II, 20th Century
M5.RD-1 Specialisation in Rationality and Decision (9 ECTS)
M5.RD-1-E Economics (4 ECTS)
- 040040 UK [ en ] Social Choice (MA)
- 040243 VO [ en ] Decision and Game Theory (MA)
- 040246 SE [ en ] VCEE: Seminar in Experimental Economics (MA)
- 040267 KU [ en ] Decision and Game Theory II (MA)
M5.RD-1-P Philosophy (5 ECTS)
- 180115 SE [ en ] RATIONALITY, INTENTIONALITY, AND PLANNING AGENCY. - The Work of Michael Bratman
- 180117 SE ( REMOTE ) Consequences of Actions: Act - Consequence - Fate - Punishment
M5.RD-2 Extended Specialisation in Rationality and Decision (13 ECTS)
M5.RD-2-E Economics
- 040025 KU [ en ] Thinking, Predicting and good Decision-Making (MA)
- 040040 UK [ en ] Social Choice (MA)
- 040243 VO [ en ] Decision and Game Theory (MA)
- 040246 SE [ en ] VCEE: Seminar in Experimental Economics (MA)
- 040267 KU [ en ] Decision and Game Theory II (MA)
M5.RD-2-P Philosophy
- 180115 SE [ en ] RATIONALITY, INTENTIONALITY, AND PLANNING AGENCY. - The Work of Michael Bratman
- 180117 SE ( REMOTE ) Consequences of Actions: Act - Consequence - Fate - Punishment
M5.EWJ-1 Specialisation in Ethics, Welfare, and Justice (9 ECTS)
M5.EWJ-1-E Economics (4 ECTS)
- 040040 UK [ en ] Social Choice (MA)
- 040112 SE [ en ] Law and Economics (MA)
M5.EWJ-1-P Philosophy (5 ECTS)
M5.EWJ-2 Extended Specialisation in Ethics, Welfare, and Justice (13 ECTS)
M5.EWJ-2-E Economics
- 040112 SE [ en ] Law and Economics (MA)
- 040923 KU [ en ] Public Economics
M5.EWJ-2-P Philosophy
M5.I-1 Independent Interdisciplinary Specialisation (9 ECTS)
M5.I-2 Extended Independent Interdisciplinary Specialisation (13 ECTS)
M5-El-1 Elective Topic (4 ECTS)
M5-El-2 Elective Topics (8 ECTS)
M5-El-3 Extended Elective Topics (13 ECTS)
M5-El-4 Specialist Elective Topics (17 ECTS)
M6 MA Thesis Seminar (5 ECTS)
- 180174 SE [ en ] Philosophy and Economics Thesis Colloquium
Last modified: Fr 24.06.2022 00:56