UF E 04.1 Rechtsphilosophie - prüfungsimmanent (pi)
- 030015 SE ( REMOTE ) System of a Pragmatic State Philosophy: Plato’s Nomoi - für Diplomand*innen und Dissertant*innen
- 030044 SE ( REMOTE ) Seminar on Legal Philosophy: Fighting Terrorism - a Challenge to the Rule of Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030056 SE [ de en ] Seminar: Law and Morality - also for diploma and doctoral students
- 030067 KU Basic Questions of Legal Philosophy and Legal Ethics
- 030401 KU ( REMOTE ) Foundations of a Pragmatic Legal Ethics: Plato's Politikos
- 030425 SE ( REMOTE ) Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Religious Law: Human Rights - Women´s Rights - Islam and Women's Rights (for undergraduate and graduate students)
- 030702 KU ( REMOTE ) Introduction into the Philosophy of Law and State of the Modern Age - Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Law II
- 180055 SE Honneth's Theory of Justice from an Intercultural Perspective
- 180084 SE Exclusion, Racism, Violence - Philosophical Perspectives
Last modified: Fr 24.06.2022 00:56