Master Sociology (905 [2])
Informationen zum Studiengang finden Sie auf der Website der Studienprogrammleitung Soziologie:
MA M - Applied Methods and Research Strategies (12 ECTS)
- 230130 VO ( MIXED ) Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical research
- 230131 UE Qualitative Methods: Observation, Interviews, Analysis of Visual Data
- 230132 UE ( MIXED ) Qualitative Methods: Observation, Interviews, Analysis of Visual Data
- 230133 UE Qualitative Methods: Observation, Interviews, Analysis of Visual Data
- 230134 UE ( REMOTE ) Specific Multivariate Methods of Analysis in the Social Sciences
- 230135 UE ( REMOTE ) Specific Multivariate Methods of Analysis in the Social Sciences
- 230136 UE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Specific Multivariate Methods of Analysis in the Social Sciences
MA T - Sociological Theories: Comparison, Application, Development (12 ECTS)
- 230120 VO ( REMOTE ) Sociological Theories: Overview and current Developments
- 230121 SE Sociology of global inequality (with a focus on Anja Weiß)
- 230122 SE Sociology of Emotions
- 230123 SE ( MIXED ) Material turn: Basic principles of materialist theory and materialist Sociology
- 230124 SE ( MIXED ) Reading Seminar: Theories of social practices and societal change
- 230125 SE Reading Seminar: Sustainability and the Walfare State
- 230126 SE ( MIXED ) Reading Seminar: Peter L. Berger / Thomas Luckmann - The Social Construction of Reality
- 230127 SE Reading Seminar: Karl Polanyi - The Great Transformation - The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Societies and Economic Systems
MA FE - Research Specialisation: Introduction and Overview (6 ECTS)
- 230141 UE ( REMOTE ) Professionalisation of scientific literature review
MA F - Research Specialisation (26 ECTS)
MA F - Research Specialisation: Social Structure, Social Integration ((Alternative Compulsory Module)
- 230142 VO [ en ] Introduction to urban sociology
- 230143 SE ( REMOTE ) Sustainable Consumption
- 230144 SE ( REMOTE ) The impact of digitalisation on society
- 230145 SE [ en ] Global mobilities and local challenges - Sustainability of travel & tourism in the 21st century
- 230152 SE Conveying research findings to the media - Science communication
MA F - Research Specialisation: Social Structure and Social Integration: Recommended Lectures of other Departments:
MA F - Research Specialisation: Family Research, Generations, Lifespan (Alternative Compulsory Module)
- 230146 VO ( MIXED ) Sociology of divorce and separation
- 230147 SE ( MIXED ) Family and parenthood in modern times
MA F - Research Specialisation: Family, Generations, Lifespan - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
MA F - Research Specialisation: Work, Organization, Health (Alternative Compulsory Module)
- 230150 VO Applied Organizational Sociology
- 230151 VO Challenges to the work society
- 230153 SE ( MIXED ) Organization and Health
- 230154 SE Group Dynamics - Systemic learning in training groups
- 230155 FS Research Lab 2: Austrian Corona Panel Societal Consequences of the Pandemic
B. Recommended Lectures of other Departments: MA F Work, Organization, Health
- 210182 VO ( REMOTE ) Health. A society in crisis?
MA F - Research Specialisation: Culture and Society (Alternative Compulsory Module)
- 230148 VO Professionalization and Expert Knowledge (also regarding the Corona Crisis)
- 230149 SE Migration and diversity: Institutional responses to societal heterogeneity
MA F - Research Specialisation: Culture and Society - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
- 233060 UE [ de en ] Science in Society Laboratories
- 233061 UE [ en ] Science Communication Laboratories
MA F- Research Specialisation: Visual Sociology (Alternative Compulsory Module)
- 230156 VO ( MIXED ) Visual Sociology: an Introduction with Focus on Images
- 230157 SE Pictures of organizations and teams in fictional movies
- 230158 VO+SE ( REMOTE ) Ethnographic film/ social science film - Audio-visual material in research, analysis and communication
MA F - Research Specialisation: Visual Sociology - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
MA F - Research Specialisation: Science Studies (Alternative Compulsory Module)
- 233021 VO [ en ] Techno-Science and Society: Communicating and Interacting - Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
- 233022 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Techno-Science and Society: Communicating and Interacting
- 233030 VO [ en ] Politics of Innovation and its Institutional Dimensions: Central Issues, Questions and Concepts - Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
- 233031 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Politics of Innovation and its Institutional Dimensions
- 233041 SE [ en ] Politics and socio-technical change in environmental governance
- 233042 SE [ en ] Engaging with diverse forms of publics in STS
- 233043 SE [ en ] The Politics of Thing-Power - New Materialism and the Ontological Turn in STS
- 233044 SE [ en ] Digital Health Governance - Exploring digital practices and governance in the context of health, medicine, and the body
- 233045 SE [ en ] A Place for Science and Technology Studies
- 233060 UE [ de en ] Science in Society Laboratories
- 233061 UE [ en ] Science Communication Laboratories
MA AR - Master's Thesis Seminars (8 ECTS)
- 230160 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar: Creation of an exposé
- 230161 SE ( REMOTE ) Master-Thesis-Seminar: Creation of an exposé
- 230162 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar: Creation of an exposé
- 230163 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230164 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230165 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230166 WS Mastering the Master
MA AR - Master's Thesis Seminars: Recommended Seminars of other Departments
- 040144 SE Conversatorium for Master Candidates - Wirtschaftssoziologie und Soziologie (SPL 4 + SPL 23)
MA SE - Advanced Sociology Module (Theories, Methods, Research Specialisation (12 ECTS)
- 230101 SE Fieldwork strategies
- 230102 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Introduction to Longitudinal Data Analysis
- 230103 PR ( REMOTE ) Introduction to stata
- 230124 SE ( MIXED ) Reading Seminar: Theories of social practices and societal change
- 230125 SE Reading Seminar: Sustainability and the Walfare State
- 230126 SE ( MIXED ) Reading Seminar: Peter L. Berger / Thomas Luckmann - The Social Construction of Reality
- 230127 SE Reading Seminar: Karl Polanyi - The Great Transformation - The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Societies and Economic Systems
- 230142 VO [ en ] Introduction to urban sociology
- 230146 VO ( MIXED ) Sociology of divorce and separation
- 230148 VO Professionalization and Expert Knowledge (also regarding the Corona Crisis)
- 230150 VO Applied Organizational Sociology
- 230151 VO Challenges to the work society
- 230156 VO ( MIXED ) Visual Sociology: an Introduction with Focus on Images
- 230166 WS Mastering the Master
- 230174 VO Society as a medium from mass medias: Which reality is representative for us?
- 230175 UE ( REMOTE ) Digital Ethnography
- 230176 SE Vienna postcolonial? Decolonial investigations into a "global city"
MA SE - Advanced Sociology Module (Theories, Methods, Research) Specialisation): Recommended Lectures of other Departments
- 010035 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics III: Medical ethics and Bioethics
- 010067 VO Special Pastoral Theologies: Research on Human Values and Formation of Values
- 010085 VO [ en ] Atheism
- 010099 FS Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere? Social ethical perspectives
- 020052 SE Seminar: Medicine and Nursing Ethics - Zukunftsvision Patient Safety - aktuelle rechtliche Herausforderung der Patient:innensicherheit
- 040151 KU [ de en ] Economic Sociology - Basics (MA)
- 040201 KU Advanced Economic Sociology (MA)
- 040243 VO [ en ] Decision and Game Theory (MA)
- 040314 KU Sociology of Labor Markets (MA)
- 040408 KU Industrial Sociology (MA)
- 040519 KU Sociology of Organizations (MA)
- 100005 VO+KO Lecture course: Language in Austria
- 100006 VO Lecture course: Austrian Studies
- 180049 VO Foundations of Applied Ethics
- 210132 VO M8: SpezialVO Gender and Politics - Feminist Democracy Theories
- 210182 VO ( REMOTE ) Health. A society in crisis?
- 233021 VO [ en ] Techno-Science and Society: Communicating and Interacting - Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
- 233022 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Techno-Science and Society: Communicating and Interacting
- 233030 VO [ en ] Politics of Innovation and its Institutional Dimensions: Central Issues, Questions and Concepts - Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
- 233031 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Politics of Innovation and its Institutional Dimensions
- 233041 SE [ en ] Politics and socio-technical change in environmental governance
- 233042 SE [ en ] Engaging with diverse forms of publics in STS
- 233043 SE [ en ] The Politics of Thing-Power - New Materialism and the Ontological Turn in STS
- 233044 SE [ en ] Digital Health Governance - Exploring digital practices and governance in the context of health, medicine, and the body
- 233045 SE [ en ] A Place for Science and Technology Studies
- 240057 VO Commodities and Development: Current Issues and Historical Context - Globale Warenketten und ungleiche Entwicklung
- 280250 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Transitions Towards Sustainability: Possibilities and Pitfalls - Environmental Engagements: talks (PI)
- 290061 VO Theory of Spatial Planning
- 290088 VU [ en ] Climate Change and Climate Justice
- 300464 VO Behavioral Ecology
- 360008 DR Justice and Society - Approaches to Practical Social Philosophy
MA PW - Project Management, Academic Research and Writing and Communication (8 ECTS)
- 230170 UE ( REMOTE ) Project managing with focus on managing research projects
- 230171 UE ( REMOTE ) Knowledge Communication - Writing a good paper - Wie entsteht ein guter Text ?
- 230172 UE ( REMOTE ) Knowledge Communication - Writing a good paper - Wie entsteht ein guter Text ?
- 230173 UE ( REMOTE ) Write a paper and I will tell you what you think - Academic texts as an expression of our world of thought
MA PW - Project Management, Academic Research and Writing and Communication - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
Last modified: Fr 24.06.2022 00:56