Universität Wien

Classical Philology, Middle and Neo-Latin

Kurse für die Ergänzungsprüfungen in Latein und Griechisch finden Sie hier.

Bachelor Classical Philology (681 [3] - Version 2014)

Introductory and Orientation Period (16 ECTS)

1a. Basics of Roman Literature (6 ECTS)

1b. Ancient Literature in Context (10 ECTS)

Classical Studies (12 ECTS)

2. Classical Studies (12 ECTS)

Alternative Compulsory Modules Greek (10 ECTS)

3a. Alternative Compulsory Module - Greek 1a (10 ECTS)

3b. Alternative Compulsory Module - Greek 1b

Greek Advanced Level (10 ECTS)

4. Greek 2 (10 ECTS)

Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules 5A-9A: Area of Specialisation "Latin Studies" (77 ECTS)

5a. Grammar and Reading Comprehension 1 (Latin) (11 ECTS)

6a. Grammar and Reading Comprehension 2 (Latin) (15 ECTS)

7a. Classical Studies (Latin) (20 ECTS)

8a. History of Reception (Latin) (16 ECTS)

9a. In-depth studies Greek (15 ECTS)

Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules 5B-9B: Area of Specialisation "Greek Studies" (77 ECTS)

5b. Grammar and Reading Comprehension 1 (Greek) (10 ECTS)

6b. Grammar and Reading Comprehension 2 (Greek) (15 ECTS)

7b. Classical Studies (Greek) (20 ECTS)

8b. History of Reception (Greek) (17 ECTS)

9b. In-depth Studies Latin (15 ECTS)

Bachelor's Paper (10 ECTS)

10. Bachelor´s Thesis Module (10 ECTS)

Bachelor Teacher Training Programme: Greek (193 051, 198 412)

UF GR 01 StEOP Teacher Training Programme Greek (7 ECTS)

UF GR 02 Basics (6 ECTS)

UF GR 03 Language and Methods I (13 ECTS)

UF GR 04 Language and Methods II (11 ECTS)

UF GR 05 Language and Methods III (15 ECTS)

UF GR 06 Widening the Scientific Perspective I (14 ECTS)

UF GR 07 Widening the Scientific Perspective II (11 ECTS)

UF GR 08 Electives (0-10 ECTS)

UF GR 09 Teaching Practice (7 ECTS)

UF GR 10 Widening the Scientific Perspective III (13 ECTS)

Bachelor Teacher Training Programme: Latin (193 056, 198 419)

UF L 01 StEOP-Module Teacher Training Programme (7 ECTS)

UF L 02 The Ancient World and Didactics (13 ECTS)

UF L 03 Grammar and Text Apprehension I (12 ECTS)

UF L 04 Grammar and Text Apprehension I (15 ECTS)

UF L 05 Literary Studies and Historiy of Literary Genres(12 ECTS)

UF L 06 Patterns and Receptions of Classic Latin Literature (14 ECTS)

UF L 07 Didactics (7 ECTS)

UF L 08 Electives (0-10 ECTS)

UF L 09 Teaching Practice (7 ECTS)

UF L 10 Bachelor´s Module Literature (10 ECTS)

Master Classical Philology (683)

Literature in Theory and Practice (18 ECTS)

Greek Language and Literature (17 ECTS)

Latin Language and Literature (17 ECTS)

Specialisation (12 ECTS)

Textual Transmission and Reception (16 ECTS)

Master-Module (9 ECTS)

Master Teacher Training Programme: Greek (196 051, 199 512)

UF MA G 01 Greek Literature (6 ECTS)

UF MA G 02 Greek Linguistics (4 ECTS)

UF MA G 03 Greek Seminar (6 ECTS)

UF MA G 04 Didactical Support of Teaching Practice (4 ECTS)

UF MA G 05 Didactics (6 ECTS)

Master´s Thesis Support (5 ECTS)

Master Teacher Training Programme: Latin (196 056, 199 519)

UF MA L 01 Ancient Literature (5 ECTS)

UF MA L 02 Impact History (5 ECTS)

UF MA L 03 Latin Seminar (6 ECTS)

UF MA L 04 Didactical Support of Teaching Practice (4 ECTS)

UF MA L 05 Didactics (6 ECTS)

Master´s Thesis Support (5 ECTS)

Extension Curriculum Learning Ancient Greek (790)

PM1 Learning Ancient Greek (15 ECTS)

Extension Curriculum Literature of Classical Antiquity (791)

PM1 Literature of Classical Antiquity (15 ECTS)

PM1 Literature of Classical Antiquity (15 ECTS)

PM1 Literature of Classical Antiquity (15 ECTS)

PM1 Literature of Classical Antiquity (15 ECTS)

PM1 Literature of Classical Antiquity (15 ECTS)

Last modified: Fr 24.06.2022 00:56