Health and Natural Sciences
Personzentrierte Psychotherapie (810)
Pharmaceutical Quality Management (580)
- 251372 VO ( REMOTE ) Rechtliche Grundlagen - vertiefend
- 251374 VO ( REMOTE ) Mikrobiologie - vertiefend
- 251376 VO ( REMOTE ) Biogene Arzneistoffe
Pharmaceutical Quality Management (971)
- 251084 VO ( REMOTE ) Legal basics
- 251363 VO ( REMOTE ) Microbiology (VO)
- 251365 VO ( REMOTE ) Physiology
- 251367 VO ( REMOTE ) Organic chemistry
- 251368 VO Analytic chemistry (VO)
- 251369 VU ( REMOTE ) Analytic chemistry (VU)
- 251378 VO ( REMOTE ) Toxicology
- 251391 VO ( REMOTE ) General and inorganic chemistry
- 251393 VO Pharmaceutical chemistry (VO)
- 251394 VU ( REMOTE ) Pharmaceutical-chemical analytics (VU)
- 251395 VU Microbiology (VU)
- 251397 VO ( REMOTE ) Experimental physics
Psychomotricity (MA) (795)
- 251105 UE ( ON-SITE ) Körper- und Sozialerfahrung I: Grundkurs Erlebnispädagogik
- 251106 KU ( ON-SITE ) Anatomie und Neurophysiologie / kindliche Entwicklungs- und Bewegungsstörungen I
- 251107 UE ( ON-SITE ) Psychomotorik in der Frühförderung und im Kindergarten
- 251109 UE ( ON-SITE ) Körpererfahrung, Körpergestaltung, Selbsterfahrung: Bewegung Atmung Kommunikation I
- 251118 KU ( ON-SITE ) Grundlagen der motorischen und kognitiven Entwicklung im Kindes- und Jugendalter
- 251119 UE ( ON-SITE ) Körper- und Sozialerfahrung II: Erlebnispädagogik Outdooraktivitäten
- 251121 UE ( ON-SITE ) Psychomotorik in der Sekundarstufe
- 251122 UE ( ON-SITE ) Psychomotorik im Alter
- 251123 UE ( ON-SITE ) Körpererfahrung, Körpergestaltung, Selbsterfahrung: Bewegung Atmung Kommunikation II
- 251124 VU ( ON-SITE ) Motodiagnostik
- 251125 VU ( ON-SITE ) Graphomotorik
- 251126 KU ( ON-SITE ) Gutachtenerstellung
- 251127 UE ( ON-SITE ) Psychomotorik mit Erwachsenen
- 251128 KU ( ON-SITE ) Allgemeine Psychomotorik I
- 251153 KU ( ON-SITE ) Allgemeine Psychomotorik II
- 251399 SE Wiss. Arbeiten
Advanced Study in Psychotherapy: Individual Psychology and Self Psychology (817)
- 251129 SE ( ON-SITE ) .
- 251130 SE ( ON-SITE ) Emphasis on Assessment and Treatment Techniques in Psychoanalysis (PA/PsaPth)
- 251131 UE ( ON-SITE ) B5.2 Writer's Workshop III
- 251133 SE ( ON-SITE ) Teaching of Treatment and Initial Interview (IP)
- 251134 SE ( ON-SITE ) Teaching of Treatment and Initial Interview (PA/PsaPth)
- 251137 UE ( ON-SITE ) B3.2 Writer's Workshop I
- 251138 SE ( ON-SITE ) B2.2 Work Discussion IV
Propedeutic Programme in Psychotherapy (818)
- 251043 SE B.2.4 Geriatric Psychotherapy - Gruppe 2
- 251044 VU B.1 Introduction to Medical Terminology - Gruppe 2
- 251045 UE A.6.3 Psychosocial Counselling as a Core Intervention - Gruppe 2
- 251046 VU A.6.1 Theory of Forms of Psychosocial Intervention - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251047 VU B.2.2.1 Basics of Psychiatry, Psychopathology - Gruppe 1
- 251048 VU B.2.2.2 Specific Disorders in Psychiatry, Psychopathology - Gruppe 2
- 251170 SE A.5.2 Psychological and Method-Specific Assessment and Appraisal - Children and Adolescents - Gruppe 1
- 251171 SE A.5.2 Psychological and Method-Specific Assessment and Appraisal - Children and Adolescents - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251172 VU B.2.1 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - Gruppe 1
- 251173 VU A.6.2 Experts from the Field of Forms of Psychosocial Intervention - Gruppe 1
- 251174 SE B.2.4 Geriatric Psychotherapy - Gruppe 1
- 251175 VU B.3 Pharmacology (Theory and Practice) - Gruppe 1
- 251176 SE E.1.1 Professional Ethics for Psychotherapists - Gruppe 1
- 251179 SE E.1.2 Framework Conditions in Health Promotion - Gruppe 1
- 251182 VU E.2.1 Psychotherapy Law - Gruppe 2
- 251183 VU A.1.1 Concepts of Depth Psychology - Gruppe 1
- 251184 VU B.1 Introduction to Medical Terminology - Gruppe 1
- 251187 SE B.2.3 Psychosomatics - Gruppe 2
- 251188 SE E.1.3 Psychotherapy Provision - Gruppe 1
- 251189 VU A.4 Rehabilitation and Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Gruppe 1
- 251190 VU A.3.2 Developmental Psychology - Gruppe 1
- 251191 SE A.5.1 Psychological and Method-Specific Assessment and Appraisal - Adults - Gruppe 1
- 251192 SE A.5.1 Psychological and Method-Specific Assessment and Appraisal - Adults - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251193 UE A.6.3 Psychosocial Counselling as a Core Intervention - Gruppe 1
- 251194 VU B.2.2.1 Basics of Psychiatry, Psychopathology - Gruppe 2
- 251199 VU B.2.2.1 Basics of Psychiatry, Psychopathology - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251201 VU B.2.2.2 Specific Disorders in Psychiatry, Psychopathology - Gruppe 1
- 251202 VU B.2.2.2 Specific Disorders in Psychiatry, Psychopathology - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251204 SE E.2.2 Social Security Law - Gruppe 1
- 251205 SE E.2.3 Further Laws on Health Care and Social Services - Gruppe 1
- 251206 VU A.6.1 Theory of Forms of Psychosocial Intervention - Gruppe 2
- 251207 VU B.4 First Aid in Psychotherapy Practice - Gruppe 1
- 251208 VU E.2.1 Psychotherapy Law - Gruppe 1
- 251209 SE B.2.3 Psychosomatics - Gruppe 1
- 251210 SE E.2.3 Further Laws on Health Care and Social Services - Gruppe 2
- 251211 SE C.3 Philosphy of Science - Gruppe 1
- 251212 SE C.4 Psychotherapy Research - Gruppe 1
- 251213 SE E.2.2 Social Security Law - Gruppe 2
- 251214 SE A.2 Personality Theories - Intensiv-ULG #8
- 251215 VU B.3 Pharmacology (Theory and Practice) - Gruppe 2
- 251216 SE C.2 Qualitative Research - Gruppe 1
- 251239 VU A.1.2 Humanistic Concepts - Gruppe 1
- 251240 VU A.1.1 Concepts of Depth Psychology - Gruppe 2
- 251241 VU A.1.3 Systemic Concepts - Gruppe 1
- 251242 VU A.1.4 Concepts of Learning Theory - Gruppe 2
- 251243 VU A.1.4 Concepts of Learning Theory - Gruppe 1
- 251244 SE A.2 Personality Theories - Gruppe 1
- 251246 VU A.3.1 General Psychology - Gruppe 1
- 251247 VU A.3.2 Developmental Psychology - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251251 VU A.6.1 Theory of Forms of Psychosocial Intervention - Gruppe 1
- 251253 VU A.6.2 Experts from the Field of Forms of Psychosocial Intervention - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251254 UE A.6.3 Psychosocial Counselling as a Core Intervention - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251255 VU A.1.2 Humanistic Concepts - Gruppe 2
- 251256 VU A.1.3 Systemic Concepts - Gruppe 2
- 251258 VU B.1 Introduction to Medical Terminology - Intensiv-ULG #8
- 251259 VU B.2.1 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251262 SE B.2.3 Psychosomatics - Intensiv-ULG #8
- 251263 SE B.2.4 Geriatric Psychotherapy - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251264 SE C.4 Psychotherapy Research - Gruppe 2
- 251265 SE D Ethics - Gruppe 2
- 251266 VU B.3 Pharmacology (Theory and Practice) - Gruppe 2
- 251267 VU B.4 First Aid in Psychotherapy Practice - Intensiv-ULG #8
- 251268 VU B.4 First Aid in Psychotherapy Practice - Gruppe 2
- 251270 VU C.1 Statistics - Gruppe 1
- 251274 SE D Ethics - Gruppe 1
- 251275 SE E.1.1 Professional Ethics for Psychotherapists - Gruppe 2
- 251276 SE E.1.2 Framework Conditions in Health Promotion - Intensiv-ULG #6
- 251277 SE E.1.3 Psychotherapy Provision - Gruppe 2
- 251281 VU A.1.1 Concepts of Depth Psychology - Intensiv-ULG #8
- 251284 VU A.1.2 Humanistic Concepts - Intensiv-ULG #8
- 251287 VU A.1.3 Systemic Concepts - Intensiv-ULG #8
- 251289 VU C.1 Statistics - Intensiv-ULG #8
- 251290 VU A.1.4 Concepts of Learning Theory - Intensiv-ULG #8
- 251291 SE A.2 Personality Theories - Gruppe 2
- 251292 VU A.3.1 General Psychology - Intensiv-ULG #8
Risk Prevention and Disaster Management (242 [2] - Version 2019)
- 251230 VU ( ON-SITE ) Socio-Economic Aspects of Vulnerability and Resilience
- 251283 VU ( ON-SITE ) Sociological and Other Hazards
- 251285 UE ( ON-SITE ) Risk Communication
- 251286 SE ( ON-SITE ) Models and Control of State Disaster Preparedness and Risk Governance
- 251288 VO ( ON-SITE ) Strategic, Operational and Tactical Disaster Management on a National and International Level
- 251302 UE ( ON-SITE ) European Civil Protection Mechanism
- 251303 UE ( ON-SITE ) Crisis Communication
- 251304 VO ( ON-SITE ) Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Disaster Aid
- 251305 VU ( ON-SITE ) Risk Management for Organisations and Systems
- 251316 UE ( ON-SITE ) Integrated Staff Work and Simulation
Last modified: Fr 24.06.2022 00:57