Human Rights (LL.M.) (891)
- 251064 KU [ en ] Human Rights Generations and Dimensions
- 251065 KU [ en ] Persons in vulnerable situations, equality and diversity
- 251066 KU [ en ] New challenges for human rights
- 251067 KU [ en ] Human rights in an organisational context, monitoring and advocacy
- 251068 KU [ en ] Human rights litigation, legal mediation and advice
- 251069 UE [ en ] Moot Court
M1 Human Rights - General Theory and Legal Approaches (10 ECTS)
M2 Human Rights as a Multi-Level Approach (Human Rights Systems) (8 ECTS)
M3 Specific Human Rights and Special Human Rights Challenges (10 ECTS)
M4 Practical Aspects of Human Rights (7 ECTS)
M5 Moot Court Competition (8 ECTS)
Last modified: Th 21.07.2022 16:34