Master Advanced Theological Studies
M1 Basic Module: Theology in the European Context (18 ECTS)
- 010014 SE Job on Stage? Job as a drama in terms of content and form
- 010053 SE ( ON-SITE ) Intercultural Theology
- 010056 VO Theology of the Old Testament
M2a Courses in Theology and Philosophy (18 ECTS)
- 010004 VO Introduction to Judaism
- 010035 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics III: Bioethics
- 010115 VO ( ON-SITE ) Religion and Question of God in a postmetaphysical context
- 020030 VO ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to the Methodical Comparing Study of Religions
M2b Courses in Theology and Philosophy (18 ECTS)
- 010026 VO Exegesis of the New Testament: Book of Revelation
- 010034 VO ( MIXED ) Christian Social Ethics I - Sozialverkündigung, Sozialprinzipien und Ethik des Sozialstaats
- 010115 VO ( ON-SITE ) Religion and Question of God in a postmetaphysical context
Comparative Religious Studies
- 010087 VO ( MIXED ) Afterlife: Religious Traditions and Modernity
- 010091 VO ( ON-SITE ) Symbol, Sign, Ritual: Introduction to Aesthetics of Religion
- 020030 VO ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to the Methodical Comparing Study of Religions
Course in History of Religion
- 010009 VO [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Introducing East Asian Religions
- 010094 SE ( ON-SITE ) Islam and Yoga
M3 Advanced Theological Studies (14 ECTS)
- 010029 VO Introduction to Medical Ethics
- 010116 VO Communication and Media Ethics
- 030565 SE Antidiscrimination - Religion and Freedom of consciousness
- 060030 SE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) The Roots of Christian and Muslim Antisemitism in Antiquity - Die antiken Wurzeln des heutigen Antisemitismus
M4 Current Theological Research (20 ECTS)
- 010029 VO Introduction to Medical Ethics
- 010057 SE The Byzantine heritage in Romania: church buildings and their iconography, yesterday and today - Eastern Orthodox Liturgics
- 010116 VO Communication and Media Ethics
- 060030 SE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) The Roots of Christian and Muslim Antisemitism in Antiquity - Die antiken Wurzeln des heutigen Antisemitismus
- 090091 VO Medicine and Philosophy in Byzantium
- 090099 VO [ en ] Catholics in the Ottoman Levant (15th-19th centuries)
- 180046 SE ( ON-SITE ) Hermeneutics of the Flesh
M5 Master Module (20 ECTS)
- 010029 VO Introduction to Medical Ethics
- 010116 VO Communication and Media Ethics
- 090091 VO Medicine and Philosophy in Byzantium
- 090099 VO [ en ] Catholics in the Ottoman Levant (15th-19th centuries)
- 180046 SE ( ON-SITE ) Hermeneutics of the Flesh
Last modified: Fr 13.01.2023 01:01