European and International Business Law (548)
- 251002 KU ( MIXED ) Protection of Fundamental Rights in the EU in an Economic Context
- 251003 KU ( MIXED ) European and International Intellectual Property and Technology Law
- 251004 KU ( MIXED ) International Commercial Arbitration
- 251005 KU ( MIXED ) European Privacy Law
- 251006 KU ( MIXED ) European and international Civil Procedure and Litigation
- 251008 KU ( MIXED ) European Private International Law
- 251009 KU ( MIXED ) European and international Tax Law
- 251010 KU ( MIXED ) Internationales Investitionsrecht
- 251014 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European and International E-Commerce Law
- 251015 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) EU State Aid Law
- 251016 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Dispute Resolution
- 251017 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Investment Law
- 251018 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European and International Tax Law
- 251019 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European Data Protection Law
- 251020 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European Private International Law
- 251021 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Sales Contracts
- 251022 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to European Union Law: The Legal System of the European Union
- 251023 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) WTO Law
- 251024 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) European Internal Market Law
- 251025 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) European Competition Law
- 251026 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Drafting and Negotiating Cross-border M&A Contracts
- 251027 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) European and International Communications Law
- 251028 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) IP Licensing and Technology Transfer in Europe and International
- 251029 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) EU State Aid Law
- 251030 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) The Law and Business of Start-Ups international: Silicon Valley's Approach and Strategies
- 251031 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) European and International Corporate Law
- 251032 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) European and International Copyright Law
- 251033 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) European Consumer Law
- 251034 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to U.S. Intellectual Property Law
- 251035 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) EU Employment Law
- 950016 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Master Thesis Seminar
- 950017 SE ( REMOTE ) European and International Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar I
- 950024 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European and International Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar I
- 950026 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European and International Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar II
- 950027 SE ( REMOTE ) Master Thesis Seminar
- 950028 SE ( REMOTE ) European and International Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar II
- 950030 SE ( REMOTE ) European and international Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar III
- 950031 SE ( REMOTE ) European and International Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar II
- 950032 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European and International Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar I
- 950039 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European and International Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar II
- 950040 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European and International Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar III
- 950042 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European and International Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar IV
European and International Business Law (MLS) (549)
- 950029 SE ( REMOTE ) Presentation of the Master's Thesis Topic
Family Business and Estate Planning (LL.M.) (044 [2] - Version 2020)
- 251187 VU ( ON-SITE ) Possibilities in Foundations and Trusts
- 251188 VU ( ON-SITE ) Law of Corporate Reorganisations and Restructuring and Law of Tax Reorganisations and Restructuring
- 251189 VU ( ON-SITE ) Accounting Law
- 251190 VU ( ON-SITE ) Capital Market Law, Money Laundering and Transparency Rules with Reference to Economic Criminal Law
- 251191 VU ( ON-SITE ) Business Valuation and Corporate and Foundation Governance
Human Rights (LL.M.) (891)
- 251039 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) KU Human Rights Generations and Dimensions
- 251040 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) KU Persons in vulnerable situations, equality and diversity
- 251041 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) KU New challenges for human rights
- 251042 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) KU Human rights in an organisational context, monitoring and advocacy
- 251043 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) KU Human rights litigation, legal mediation and advice
- 251044 UE [ en ] ( MIXED ) UE Moot Court
Information and Media Law (942)
- 251051 SE Technische Grundlagen der Rechtsinformation
- 251052 SE Grundlagen Medienwissenschaft in Österreich und Europa
- 251053 SE Wissenschaftliche und terminologische Grundlagen
- 251054 SE Zivilrechtliche Grundlagen des Informations- und Medienrechts
- 251056 SE Europa- und öffentlichrechtliche Fragen des Informations- und Medienrechts
- 251057 SE Medien und Rundfunkrecht
- 251058 SE Strafrechtliche Fragen des Informations- und Medienrechts
- 251060 SE Vertiefung Urheber- und Medienrecht (Wahlpflichtmodul 3)
- 251235 SE IT-Unternehmenspraxis (Wahlpflichtmodul 4)
- 251250 SE Telekommunikationsrecht (Wahlpflichtmodul 2)
International Law (628)
- 251236 SE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) WTO Law II (pi)
- 251237 SE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Human Rights (pi)
- 251238 SE [ en ] Investment Arbitration (pi)
Canon Law for Lawyers (619)
Tax Law and Accounting (LL.M.) (984)
- 251192 UE Umgründungssteuerrecht - Fallbeispiele
- 251193 VO Umgründungssteuerrecht - Grundlagen
- 251381 SE Master Thesis-Seminar
- 251382 VU Rechnungslegung nach den IFRS
- 251383 VU Konzernrechnungslegung nach österreichischem Recht
- 251384 VU Unternehmensbewertung
- 251385 VU Unternehmensplanung
- 251386 VO Umgründungen im Unternehmensrecht
- 251387 VU Internationales Steuerrecht
- 251388 VU Analyse von Jahres- und Konzernabschlüssen
Real Estate and Residential Property Law (LL.M.) (361)
- 251217 UE ( MIXED ) UE Verfassen einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit - Methodik
- 251218 VO ( MIXED ) VO Wohnungseigentumsrecht
- 251219 SE ( REMOTE ) SE Wohnungseigentumsrecht
- 251221 VU ( MIXED ) VU Schadenersatz- und Gewährleistung
- 251222 VU ( MIXED ) VU Immobilienmaklerrecht
- 251223 VU ( MIXED ) VU Vertragsgestaltung beim Liegenschaftskauf
- 251224 VU ( MIXED ) VU Wohnungsgemeinnützigkeitsrecht
- 251225 VU ( MIXED ) VU Versicherungsrecht
- 251226 VU ( MIXED ) VU Grundbuchs- und Katasterrecht
- 251227 SE ( REMOTE ) SE Masterarbeit-Seminar
Tourism and Law (LL.M.) (002)
- 251164 VU ( MIXED ) VU Provider and Maintenance Contracts
- 251165 VU ( MIXED ) VU Real Estate and Company Purchase, Business Room Rental Law and Business Lease
- 251167 VO ( MIXED ) VO Tax and Fee Law
- 251168 VO ( MIXED ) VO Trade, Competition and Insurance Law
- 251169 VU ( MIXED ) VU Facility and Food Law
- 251170 VU ( MIXED ) VU Booking Platforms and Credit Card Contracts
- 251171 VU ( MIXED ) VU Event and Exhibition Law
- 251172 UE ( MIXED ) Verfassen einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit - Methodik
- 251173 VU ( MIXED ) VU Aviation and Air Passenger Law
- 251313 SE ( REMOTE ) SE Master's Thesis Seminar
Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53