Bachelor Protestant Theology (190 [3] - Version 2014)
Die Anmeldung zu prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen erfolgt über das Online-Vorlesungsverzeichnis U:FIND bzw. über U:SPACE und ist von 13.02.2023,12:00 Uhr bis 03.03.2023, 12:00 Uhr möglich.Die Anmeldung (= Registrierung) zu nichtprüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen (VO/VOL) ist das ganze Semester hindurch möglich.Bei einzelnen Lehrveranstaltungen (Exkursionen, Übungen oder Seminaren) kann es abweichende Formen der Anmeldung und Anmeldefristen geben. Nähere Informationen zu den einzelenen Lehrveranstaltungen entnehmen Sie bitte dem VVZ.Um die Anmeldung durchführen zu können, benötigen Sie einen gültigen U:Net Account. Weitere Information (Anlegen U:Net Account, Verlängerung der Gültigkeit, Services etc.) finden Sie unter
BA-EVANG 1 Introduction to Theology (StEOP)
- 020006 UE ( KPH Krems STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Biblical Studies (Old Testament and New Testament)
- 020024 VO-L ( MIXED ) STEOP: Theological Encyclopedia
BA-EVANG 2 Introduction to the History of Christianity (StEOP)
BA-EVANG 3 Biblical Hebrew
- 020007 UE ( MIXED ) Biblical Hebrew II
BA-EVANG 4 Methods of Exegis
- 020001 PS NewTestament Proseminar
BA-EVANG 5 Introduction to and History of the Old Testament
- 020008 VO-L ( MIXED ) Introduction to the Old Testament
BA-EVANG 6 Exegis of the New Testament
- 020009 UE Translation of Texts from the Hebrew Bible - Texte zu Reinheit und Unreinheit und zu Opferpraktiken
BA-EVANG 7 History of the Early Christian Literature
- 020002 VO-L ( MIXED ) History of Early Christian Literature
BA-EVANG 8 Exegis of the New Testament
BA-EVANG 9 Problems of the History of Early Christianity
BA-EVANG 10 Methods in Church History and Early Christianity
- 020012 BA Church History Proseminar
BA-EVANG 11 History of Reformation and Protestantism
- 020013 VO-L ( MIXED ) History of Protestant Reformation
- 020014 VO-L ( MIXED ) History of Protestantism in Austria
BA-EVANG 12 History, Culture and Monuments of Christianity
- 020015 VO-L ( MIXED ) Middle Ages - History of Christianity during the Middle Ages
- 020016 VO-L ( MIXED ) History of Christianity in the 19th and 20th Century
BA-EVANG 13 Introduction to Systematic Theology
BA-EVANG 14 Introduction to Ethics
- 020025 VO ( MIXED ) Ethics I: Intoduction to theological ethics
BA-EVANG 15 Homiletics and Liturgy Past and Present
BA-EVANG 16 Pastoral Counselling, Psychology of Religion, and Religious Law
- 020033 VO-L [ en ] ( MIXED ) Introduction to the Law of Religions and Religious Communities in Europe - Einführung in das Recht der Religionen und Religionsgemeinschaften in Europa
- 020034 VO-L ( MIXED ) Introduction to Pastoral Care
- 020035 UE Basic Questions of Practical Theology - A guided Tour for Beginners
- 020039 UE Basic Questions of Religious Psychology - Ausgewählte Kapitel der Religionspsychologie
BA-EVANG 17 Religious Education
- 020042 UE ( MIXED ) Parish Education - Gemeindepädagogik am Beispiel der religiösen Erziehung von Kindern
BA-EVANG 18 Didactics of Protestant Religious Education (6 ECTS)
- 020041 VO-L ( MIXED ) Didactics of Religious Education
- 020047 UE ( MIXED ) Empirical Methods for Religion Teachers and Pastors
- 020053 UE Interreligious Learning
BA-EVANG 19 Internship in Education and Teaching
- 020048 UE+PR ( MIXED KPH Krems ) Practical Course in Education
BA-EVANG 20 Philosophy
- 020026 SE Philosophy - Religionsphilosophie Immanuel Kants
BA-EVANG 21 Study of Religions (7 ECTS)
- 010044 VO Introduction to Comparative Religion
- 010091 VO Introducing Hindu Religions
- 010093 VO ( REMOTE ) Introducing Buddhism
- 010105 VO Introduction to the General History of Religions
- 020055 VO ( MIXED ) Introduction to Islam - History of Islam from Muhammad to the epoch of the Abbasides
BA-EVANG 22 Excursion
BA-EVANG 23 Elective Modules/ Electives (25 ECTS)
BA EVANG 23.1 Gender in the Religious, Ethical and Cultural Context
BA-EVANG 23.2 History of Religion
BA-EVANG 23.3 Comparative Religion (5 ECTS)
BA-EVANG 23.4 Applied Study of Religions (5 ECTS)
BA-EVANG 23.5 Jewish Exegesis
BA-EVANG 23.6 Early Christianity in its Cultural Context
BA-EVANG 23.7 Early Christian Writings Outside the New Testament
BA-EVANG 23.8 Bibliodrama
- 020005 SE Experiencing Bibliodrama
BA-EVANG 23.9 History of Protestantism in Austria and the Habsburg Monarchy
BA-EVANG 23.10 The Cultural History of Christianity
BA-EVANG 23.11 Philosophy of Religion
- 020032 SE Deepening Seminar on Systematic-Theological Research - "Gott erkennen?"
BA-EVANG 23.12 Theology of Religion
BA-EVANG 23.13 Fundamental Theology
BA-EVANG 23.14 Ecumenical Theology
BA-EVANG 23.15 Ethics of Medicine and Nursing
- 020056 SE Seminar: Medicine and Nursing Ethics - Patient:innensicherheit und Empowerment
BA-EVANG 23.16 Practical Fields of Theological Action
BA-Evang 23.17 Fields of Theological Research
- 020019 UE Conversation in modern Hebrew
- 020031 PS Introduction to scientific working
- 020032 SE Deepening Seminar on Systematic-Theological Research - "Gott erkennen?"
- 020045 UE ( MIXED KPH Krems ) Theologize with children and youth
- 100010 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
BA-Evang 23.18 Fields of Theological Research
- 020019 UE Conversation in modern Hebrew
- 020031 PS Introduction to scientific working
- 020032 SE Deepening Seminar on Systematic-Theological Research - "Gott erkennen?"
- 020045 UE ( MIXED KPH Krems ) Theologize with children and youth
- 100010 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
BA-Evang 23.18 Fields of Theological Research
- 020019 UE Conversation in modern Hebrew
- 020031 PS Introduction to scientific working
- 020032 SE Deepening Seminar on Systematic-Theological Research - "Gott erkennen?"
- 020045 UE ( MIXED KPH Krems ) Theologize with children and youth
- 100010 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
BA-EVANG 1 Introduction to Theology (StEOP)
Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53