Bachelor Social and Cultural Anthroplogy (610 [2] - Version 2011)
For further information, please, check our webpage: Due to the current COVID-19 situation, short-term changes in teaching and exam modalities may become necessary. Be sure to check the relevant infomation in the course directory even after your registration.
Introductory Phase (15 ECTS)
1.1 Basics of Sociological Methods (6 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Basics of Methodology in Social Sciences
- 230001 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: VO Basics of Methodology in Social Sciences
1.2 Introduction to Cultural and Social Anthropology (9 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Subject-Specific Introduction
- 240000 KU ( OV ) Preparatory Course: STEOP Module Exam - Subject-Specific Introduction to SCA
Basics (52 ECTS)
2.1. Basics of Social Sciences: Social and Cultural Anthropology (15 ECTS)
- 210003 VO BAK2 Current Societal Issues and Social Science Research
- 220074 VO INSOWI A: VO WITHEGI Theory and History of Science
- 220091 VO INSOWI A: VO SOFRA Current Social Issues and Sociological Aspects
- 240003 PS Introduction to scientific working in socio-scientific contexts
2.2. Core Issues (12 ECTS)
- 240004 VO Introduction into the Gender Anthropology
- 240006 VO Introductory course: anthropological studies in colonialism, racism and ethnicity
2.3 Central Fields of Research (12 ECTS)
- 240008 VO Introduction to Political Anthropology
- 240009 VO Introduction to Transcultural Communication
- 240016 VO Introduction to anthropological migration research (3.2.2)
- 240021 VO Introduction to Anthropology of Education (3.2.4)
2.4 History of Theory in Anthropology (13 ECTS)
- 240010 VO Introduction to the History of Theory in Cultural and Social Anthropology
- 240011 VO ( MIXED ) Introduction to Ethnohistory and Historical Anthropology
- 240012 PS [ en de ] Reading Anthropological Texts
Advanced Phase (53 ECTS)
3.1 Methods of Social and Cultural Anthropology (24 ECTS)
- 240013 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240014 PS [ de en ] Qualitative Research Methods
- 240015 PS Introduction to quantitative research methods
3.2 Application-Oriented Fields of Research (10 ECTS)
3.2.1 Intercultural applied Fields in Organisations and Projects (10 ECTS)
3.2.2 Migration - Integration - Asylum (10 ECTS)
- 240016 VO Introduction to anthropological migration research (3.2.2)
- 240017 VO The anthropological expert witness (3.2.2)
- 240018 VS [ en ] Contemporary Anthropology of Forced Migration (3.2.2.)
- 240019 VS Applied anthropology, intercultural competence in the work of integration (3.2.2)
- 240020 VS Migration and Social Inequality (3.2.2) - Theoretical debates and possible fields of work for Anthropologists
- 240024 VS When cultural/social anthropologists go to school: their approaches to education (3.2.2, 3.2.4) - Kultur- u. sozialanthropologische Herangehensweisen im Bildungsbereich
3.2.3 Anthropology and Development Cooperation (10 ECTS)
3.2.4 Museum and Educational Work (10 ECTS)
- 240021 VO Introduction to Anthropology of Education (3.2.4)
- 240022 VS [ en ] Decolonizing the Museum: Provenance research and the politics of restitution (3.2.4)
- 240023 VS Museum Education in Practice. Working with the collection of Weltmuseum Wien (3.2.4)
- 240024 VS When cultural/social anthropologists go to school: their approaches to education (3.2.2, 3.2.4) - Kultur- u. sozialanthropologische Herangehensweisen im Bildungsbereich
3.2.5 Medical Anthropology - Body Awareness - Transculturality (10 ECTS)
3.2.6 Visual Anthropology (10 ECTS)
3.3 Current Issues in Social and Cultural Anthropology (10 ECTS)
3.3.1 Politics - Globalisation (10 ECTS)
- 240008 VO Introduction to Political Anthropology
- 240026 VO The return of great power politics and "Realpolitik"? (3.3.1) - Geopolitical discourses in social and cultural anthropology in the past and present
- 240027 VO [ en ] Anthropology of Globalization (3.3.1)
- 240028 VS [ en ] Political Anthropology: Ethnographies between Capital and Empire (3.3.1)
- 240029 VS Global Health between the Postcolonial and the Planetary (3.3.1)
- 240030 VS Re-thinking Medicine. Health and Healing in Sociopolitical Context (3.3.1)
3.3.2 Law - Peace - Conflict (10 ECTS)
- 240031 VO Political Ecology in CSA: Approaches - Case Studies - Interventions (3.3.2)
- 240032 VO What is Legal Pluralism? (3.3.2)
- 240033 VS [ en ] Ethnographies of violence and displacement (3.3.2)
- 240034 VS [ en ] Unsettled Memories: Memory in Times of Crisis, Displacement and (Im)mobility (3.3.2)
- 240035 VS Save, Secure and Dancing on the Volcano - violence and the issue of control (3.3.2)
3.3.3 Town - Space - Environment (10 ECTS)
3.3.4 Economy - Tourism (10 ECTS)
3.3.5 Religion - World View - Ritual (10 ECTS)
- 010079 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Religion and Globalisation
3.3.6 Art - Media - Narration (10 ECTS)
3.4 Regional Specialisations (9 ECTS)
- 240037 VO Introduction to the Anthropology of the Middle East
- 240038 VO [ en ] Anthropology of the Caribbean
- 240039 VO Introduction to the Anthropology of Oceania
In-Depth Study Phase (30 ECTS)
4.1 Theoretical Discourses (15 ECTS)
- 240041 SE [ de en ] Theoretical discourses
4.2 Fieldwork and Analysis of Data (15 ECTS)
Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53