Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
Recommended to Students in Biological Fields of Study
- 260072 SE Complex dynamical systems - biophysical aspects - Complex dynamical systems - biophysical aspects
- 260283 VO Methods in complementary medicine - Common features of methods in complementary medicine - from scientific and intercultural points of view
- 270089 VO Photobiology - Basic concepts of photobiology
- 270257 VO [ en ] Writing and Speaking Scientific English - Writing and Speaking Scientific English
- 300008 VO GIS II - VO - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-Statistics and Remote Sensing in Bio Sciences II (for advanced students)
- 300039 VO Einf.i.d. multivariate Statistik f. Biologen - Einführung in die multivariate Statistik für Biologen
- 300050 VO GMO - the ecological perspective - Genetically Modified Organisms - the ecological perspective
- 300073 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology
- 300139 SE Financing, communication & management of projects - Financing, communication and management of projects - Practices and techniques for project holders
- 300142 UE Computer-assisted presentation techniques - Computer-assisted presentation techniques for botanists
- 300175 VO [ en ] Fractals in Ecology and Fractal Analyses - Fractals in Ecology and Fractal Analyses
- 300191 VO+UE IT-supported methods (biologists) - IT-supported methods for biologists (recommendable for all studies)
- 300201 SE [ en ] Englisch für Biologen/Scientific English - Scientific English: Research reports, talks, style and grammar
- 300228 VO+UE Botanik online - Botanik online: Web-aware presentation of scientific data
- 300240 UE Computerübungen angewandte Statistik f.Biologen - Computerübungen zu angewandte Statistik für Biologen
- 300253 UE Practical computer applications in biology - Practical computer applications in biology (pariculary suitable for candidates of secondary school teacher accreditation, botanists and zoologists)
- 300254 VO Computer applications in biology - Computer applications in biology (particularly suitable for candidates of secondary school teacher accreditation, botanists and zoologists)
- 300279 SE Scientific Film in Biology - Scientific Film in Biology; Production -Design -Cut
- 300280 VO Intoduction to light and video microscopy - Intoduction to light and video microscopy
- 300285 UE Light and video microscopy in practice - Light and video microscopy in practice
- 300287 UE Photo, film and video: scientific docu in biology - Photography, film and video: scientific documentation in biology
- 300302 VO+UE Basics in laboratory-safety, bio-safety and radiat - Basics in laboratory-safety, bio-safety and radiat
- 300345 UE Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Remote Sensing in Bio-Sciences II (for advanced students)
- 300349 VO+UE Project Management for Ecologists - Project Management for Ecologists - Planning, Executing and Evaluating interdisciplinary Projects
- 300378 VO Moderne EDV-unterstützte Auswertungsmethoden - Moderne EDV-unterstützte Auswertungsmethoden für Naturwissenschaftler
- 300385 VO Die Frau in den Naturwissenschaften - Die Frau in den Naturwissenschaften
- 300393 SE [ en ] Hot topics in animal cognition - Hot topics in animal cognition
- 300406 VO Natures energy management - Natures energy management and the energy industry from a human ecology standpoint.
- 300453 VO+UE Management & Evaluation of Multifact. Experiments - Management and Evaluation of Multifactorial and Multivariate Experiments including Statistics , advanced Graphics Software, Production of Presentations and Web Content
- 300454 SE Humanökologie und soziale Ökologie - Humanökologie und soziale Ökologie: Grundlagen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung
- 300517 UE+VO Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy - Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy
- 300550 VO Das Wesen des Menschen III - Das Wesen des Menschen III- Philosophische Anthropologie für NaturwissenschafterInen
- 300567 SE SE; Mann und Frau aus der Sicht der Evolution - SE; Mann und Frau aus der Sicht der Evolution
- 300666 VO Ecology, biotechnology and food production - Ecological implications of (genetical) biotechnology. Food production systems and risk assessment.
- 300667 VO Angewandte Statistik für Biologen - Angewandte Statistik für Biologen
- 300668 UE HTML - Programmieren für das Internet - HTML - Programmieren für das Internet
- 310139 VO Fields of Problems in Molecular Biology - Fields of Problems in Molecular Biology
- 300306 SE Readings of Contemporary Texts in the Natural Sciences - Lektüre neuerer naturwissenschaftlicher Arbeiten
2.1. Branch of Study: Anthropology
2.1.1. Part I Anthropology (Semester 4-6)
- 300024 SE Einführung in wissenschaftl. Lesen und Schreiben - Einführung in wissenschaftliches Lesen und Schreiben
- 300029 UE Chemical laboratory course II for biologists - Chemical laboratory course II for biologists
- 300031 UE Chemical laboratory course III for biologists - Chemical laboratory course III for biologists
- 300039 VO Einf.i.d. multivariate Statistik f. Biologen - Einführung in die multivariate Statistik für Biologen
- 300087 PR Proj.prakt. I; Hominidenev. T 1: Anthrop. Prakt. I - Projektpraktikum I; Hominidenevolution Teil 1: Anthropologisches Praktikum I
- 300088 PR Archäometrie: Osteologische Präparierübungen II - Archäometrie: Osteologische Präparierübungen II (inklusive histologischer Untersuchungsmethoden)
- 300177 VO [ en ] Ecological Anthropology - Ecological Anthropology
- 300182 SE Proj. management in developm. corporation contexts - Project management in developmental corporation contexts
- 300191 VO+UE IT-supported methods (biologists) - IT-supported methods for biologists (recommendable for all studies)
- 300240 UE Computerübungen angewandte Statistik f.Biologen - Computerübungen zu angewandte Statistik für Biologen
- 300241 VO Humangenetik für Biologen - Humangenetik für Biologen
- 300256 VO Spezielle Sozialanthropologie - Spezielle Sozialanthropologie (Thema "Der Menschliche Körper im Spannungsfeld von Natur und Kultur")
- 300257 VO Primatologie II - Primatologie II
- 300301 UE Central European habitat types - Central European habitat types
- 300357 VO Spezielle Humanökologie - Spezielle Humanökologie
- 300359 UE UE z.Einf.i.d. multivariate Stat.f. Biologen - Übungen zur Einf.i.d. multivariate Statistik für Biologen
- 300369 UE Projektpraktikum II; Humanökologie - Projektpraktikum II; Humanökologie
- 300372 UE Projektprakt. I, Hominidenev. T 2: 3D-Messmethoden - Projektpraktikum I; Hominidenevolution Teil 2: 3D-Messmethoden
- 300377 SE Analytical methods in plant physiology and ecology - Analytical methods in plant physiology and ecology
- 300385 VO Die Frau in den Naturwissenschaften - Die Frau in den Naturwissenschaften
- 300420 VO+SE Populationsanthropologie und Demographie - Populationsanthropologie und Demographie
- 300501 UE Central European habitat types - Central European habitat types
- 300550 VO Das Wesen des Menschen III - Das Wesen des Menschen III- Philosophische Anthropologie für NaturwissenschafterInen
- 300567 SE SE; Mann und Frau aus der Sicht der Evolution - SE; Mann und Frau aus der Sicht der Evolution
- 300667 VO Angewandte Statistik für Biologen - Angewandte Statistik für Biologen
2.1.2. Part II Anthropology (Semester 7-10)
- 300011 SE SE: Sozialbiol.Asp.d. Tier-Mensch Interaktion - SE: Sozialbiollogische Aspekte der Tier-Mensch Interaktion
- 300013 VO Frühe Hominide - Frühe Hominide
- 300014 SE Seminar für Diplomanden und Dissertanten - Seminar für Diplomanden und Dissertanten
- 300025 VO [ en ] Writing about morphometrics: methods and rhetoric - Writing about morphometrics: methods and rhetoric
- 300026 SE [ en ] SE: Writing about morphometrics: applications - SE: Writing about morphometrics: applications
- 300061 PR Anthropologisches Praktikum II - Anthropologisches Praktikum II (Somatologie, Dermatoglyphik)
- 300102 VO Behindertenanthropologie II - Behindertenanthropologie II
- 300122 VO Geschichte der Parasitologie I-II - Geschichte der Parasitologie I-II: Antike bis klassische Medizin
- 300160 SE Seminar: Spezielle Humanökologie - Seminar: Spezielle Humanökologie
- 300185 VO [ en ] Ecologica lEconomics - Ecologica lEconomics
- 300188 SE [ en ] SE: Ecological Economics - SE: Ecological Economics
- 300194 EX Höhlenkundliche Exkursion - Höhlenkundliche Exkursion
- 300204 VO Evolution der Kommunikation - Evolution der Kommunikation
- 300233 UE Verhaltensanalyse II - Verhaltensanalyse II
- 300255 SE Paläoethologie - Paläoethologie
- 300259 VO Parasitologie f.Anthrop.: Methoden der Diagnostik - Parasitologie für Anthropologen: Methoden der Diagnose
- 300354 SE SE: Spezielle Sozialanthropologie - SE Spezielle Sozialanthropologie
- 300355 SE Transition Studies II - Transition Studies II
- 300356 VO Transition Studies II - Transition Studies II
- 300357 VO Spezielle Humanökologie - Spezielle Humanökologie
- 300360 SE Seminar Hominidenevolution - Seminar Hominidenevolution
- 300361 SE Humanethologisches Praktikum - Humanethologisches Praktikum
- 300362 SE Humanethologisches Seminar - Humanethologisches Seminar
- 300367 VO Evolution der Kognition - Evolution der Kognition
- 300398 SE Seminar to Course III A - Seminar to Course III A
- 300399 UE Course III A: Laboratory Work in Molecular Biology - Course III A: Laboratory Work in Molecular Biology
- 300454 SE Humanökologie und soziale Ökologie - Humanökologie und soziale Ökologie: Grundlagen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung
- 300547 EX Exkursionen zu paläolith. Fundstellen (f. Anthr.) - Exkursionen zu paläolithischen Fundstellen (für Anthropologen)
- 300548 VO Sozialbiol. Asp.d. Tier-Mensch Interaktion - Sozialbiologische Aspekte der Tier-Mensch Interaktion
- 300549 VO [ en ] Prosimian Systematics - Prosimian Systematics
- 300552 UE Vergleichende Morphologie fossiler Hominiden - Vergleichende Morphologie fossiler Hominiden
- 300554 SE [ en ] SE Comparative Dental Morphology - SE Comparative Dental Morphology
- 300568 SE Umsetz.verhaltensw. Forsch. i.ang. Fragestellungen - Umsetzung verhaltenswissenschaftlicher Forschungen in angewandten Fragestellungen
- 300281 SE Seminar für Diplomanden und Dissertanten - Seminar für Diplomanden und Dissertanten
2.2. Branch of Study: Botany
2.2.1. Part I Botany (Semester 4-6)
- 300008 VO GIS II - VO - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-Statistics and Remote Sensing in Bio Sciences II (for advanced students)
- 300029 UE Chemical laboratory course II for biologists - Chemical laboratory course II for biologists
- 300031 UE Chemical laboratory course III for biologists - Chemical laboratory course III for biologists
- 300071 SE+UE+EX Trophic status & biomonitoring in aquatic systems - Trophic status and biomonitoring in aquatic systems - theory and practical aspects
- 300074 SE Seminar to project course 300298 - Seminar to project course 300298: Isolation and identification of bioactive compounds from plant extracts
- 300084 VO+UE Plant Physiology, part 1 - Laboratory course in Plant Physiology, part 1
- 300137 VO Flora and Vegetation of Central Europe - Flora and Vegetation of Central Europe
- 300142 UE Computer-assisted presentation techniques - Computer-assisted presentation techniques for botanists
- 300228 VO+UE Botanik online - Botanik online: Web-aware presentation of scientific data
- 300253 UE Practical computer applications in biology - Practical computer applications in biology (pariculary suitable for candidates of secondary school teacher accreditation, botanists and zoologists)
- 300254 VO Computer applications in biology - Computer applications in biology (particularly suitable for candidates of secondary school teacher accreditation, botanists and zoologists)
- 300262 UE Comparative systematic methods - Project-Course:Comparative systematic methods on selected economic plants
- 300279 SE Scientific Film in Biology - Scientific Film in Biology; Production -Design -Cut
- 300280 VO Intoduction to light and video microscopy - Intoduction to light and video microscopy
- 300285 UE Light and video microscopy in practice - Light and video microscopy in practice
- 300287 UE Photo, film and video: scientific docu in biology - Photography, film and video: scientific documentation in biology
- 300292 EX Excursion Diversity & Systematics of Higher Plants - Excursions accompanying the course "Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants"
- 300293 VO+UE Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants - Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants
- 300294 VO Plant Systematics and Evolution - Plant Systematics and Evolution
- 300298 UE Phytochemical project course - Phytochemical project course: Isolation and identification of bioactive compounds from plant extracts
- 300301 UE Central European habitat types - Central European habitat types
- 300331 VO Plant Secondary Metabolism - Plant Secondary Metabolism: Occurrence, Structural Diversity and Functions
- 300333 VO+UE Plant Physiology, part 1 - Laboratory course in Plant Physiology, part 1
- 300335 VO+UE Plant Physiology, part 1 - Laboratory course in Plant Physiology, Part 1
- 300345 UE Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Remote Sensing in Bio-Sciences II (for advanced students)
- 300363 UE Field course: River morphology - Field course: River morphology and bank structures in relation to associated vegetation types
- 300379 UE Project Pratical:Vegetation- and Landscape ecology - Project Pratical:Vegetation- and Landscape ecology
- 300380 SE Project Pratical:Vegetation- and Landscape ecology - Project Pratical: Vegetation- and Landscape ecology
- 300381 VO+UE Plant Physiology, part 2 - Plant Physiology, part 2 (extension module): Stomata distribution, transpiration, transpiration and water relations of plants. Chargeable as 3 hour Botany (Basic Module 2) and/or Ecology (Basic Module1).
- 300382 VO+UE Plant Physiology, part 2 - Plant Physiology, part 2: light absorption and CO2 uptake by green plants. Chargeable as 3 hour Botany (Basic Module 2) and/or Ecology (Basic Module 1).
- 300383 VO+UE Plant Physiology, part 2 - Laboratory course in Plant Physiology, part 2: water balance
- 300384 VO+UE Plant Physiology, Part 2 - Laboratory course in Plant Physiology, Part 2: light and development
- 300386 VO+UE Plant Physiology, part 2 - Plant Physiology, part 2: Mineral nutrition of higher plants
- 300425 VO Cell Biology - Cell Biology
- 300429 SE+UE Carbon cycle of alpine ecosystems - Carbon cycle of alpine ecosystems
- 300453 VO+UE Management & Evaluation of Multifact. Experiments - Management and Evaluation of Multifactorial and Multivariate Experiments including Statistics , advanced Graphics Software, Production of Presentations and Web Content
- 300473 SE+UE Heavy metal stress: ecology of organisms - Ecology of organisms from heavy metal habitats: Strategies to cope with stress
- 300501 UE Central European habitat types - Central European habitat types
- 300517 UE+VO Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy - Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy
- 300647 SE PP: DNA marker in plant systematics and evolution - Seminar for project practical: DNA marker and chromosomes in plant systematics and evolution
- 300648 UE PP: DNA- systematics and evolution - Project practical: DNA marker and chromosomes in plant systematics and evolution
2.2.2. Part II Botany (Semester 7-10)
- 270296 VO Eukaryotic Photosynthesis - Eukaryotic Photosynthesis
- 300007 UE Microscopical course on freshwater algae - Microscopical course on freshwater algae in lakes aimed at EC Water Framework Directive
- 300012 SE Botanical Nomenclature - Botanical Nomenclature
- 300034 VO+UE+EX Biology and Ecology of Plant Galls - Biology and Ecology of Plant Galls
- 300035 UE+EX Botanical Mediterranean excursion - Botanical Mediterranean excursion
- 300037 UE Scientific Illustrration - Scientific Illustrration
- 300050 VO GMO - the ecological perspective - Genetically Modified Organisms - the ecological perspective
- 300051 VO+UE architectural and functional diversity - Special course: architectural and functional diversity of vegetative organs
- 300053 EX Excursion to the mires of the Tamsweg area - Excursion to the mires of the Tamsweg area
- 300065 EX Excursion to the Alps and project study - Extensive Excursion to the Alps and project study: Vegetation, Fauna, Land Use, Conservation
- 300068 UE Electron microscopy of plant cells 2 - Electron microscopy of plant cells 2
- 300078 VO Intro. lectures on horticultural plant physiology - Introductory lectures on the basics of the eco-physiological - horticultural training course (obligatory with 300079).Applied ecology.
- 300079 UE+EX Eco-physiological - horticultural training course. - Eco-physiological - horticultural training course, applied ecology (can be selected only together with theoretical introduction 300078)
- 300080 SE Department Seminar - Seminar for Conservation Biology, Vegetation- and Landscape Ecology
- 300081 VO Vegetation Ecology - an Introduction - Vegetation Ecology - an Introduction
- 300083 VO New System of Eurpean Plants - New System of Eurpean Plants
- 300091 UE Practice in Plant anatomy for advanced Students - Practice in Plant anatomy for advanced Students ( only combined with Nr. 300092)
- 300092 VO Introduction in Plant anatomy f. advanced Students - Introduction in Plant anatomy for advanced Students (only combined with Nr. 300091)
- 300106 SE+UE+EX Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology - Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology and plant production: Stress physiology of photosynthesis, functional growth analysis and energy balances, applied ecology in horticulture and agriculture. Obligatory for diploma and PhD students.
- 300128 VO+UE DNA sequenzing and molecular phylogenetics - DNA sequenzing and molecular phylogenetics
- 300137 VO Flora and Vegetation of Central Europe - Flora and Vegetation of Central Europe
- 300138 EX Botanical excursions - Botanical excursions
- 300139 SE Financing, communication & management of projects - Financing, communication and management of projects - Practices and techniques for project holders
- 300150 UE Habitatmapping II - Habitatmapping II
- 300157 UE+EX Eco-physiological - horticultural training course. - Eco-physiological - horticultural training course, applied ecology (can be selected only with 300161)
- 300158 UE Plant chromosome analysis - Chromosome analysis in flowering plants
- 300161 VO Intro. lectures on horticultural plant physiology - Introductory lectures on the basics of the eco-physiological - horticultural training course (obligatory with 300157).Applied ecology.
- 300167 VO Chromosome evolution in plants - Chromosome evolution in flowering plants: From chromosome counting to chromosome painting
- 300186 EX Floristic mapping campaigns in Austria - Floristic mapping campaigns in Austria
- 300207 UE Freilandübungen zur Ökophysiologie der Pflanzen - Freilandübungen zur Ökophysiologie der Pflanzen
- 300208 VO Field laboratory course in Ecophysiology of plants - Ecophysiology of plants, introduction to the field laboratory course
- 300209 UE Introduction in practical Photobiology - Practical Photobiology
- 300210 VO Lessons in Photobiology - Lessons in Photobiology
- 300212 UE+VO Field survey of aquatic vegetation - Field survey of aquatic vegetation and related modern data analysis and evaluation
- 300215 SE+UE+EX Specific ecology of plants II - Specific ecology of plants II: stressphysiology, photobiology, development and functinal anatomy, urban ecology, ecosystem analysis.
- 300219 SE Special cell physiology and scientific film - Special cell physiology and scientific film
- 300229 UE Practical plant population biology - Practical plant population biology
- 300230 UE Biogeographical Excursions - Biogeographical Excursions
- 300235 VO+SE Seminar in Plant Systematics and Evolution - Seminar in Plant Systematics and Evolution
- 300236 VO Ecology and Ecophysiology of plants - Ecology and Ecophysiology of plants
- 300237 SE Botanical field research and collecting tours - Botanical field research and collecting tours
- 300243 SE Spezielle chemische Physiologie der Pflanzen II. - Spezielle chemische Physiologie der Pflanzen II. (vor allem für Diplomanden und Dissertanten). Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. G. Bachmann und Dr. W. Wanek
- 300251 VO+UE Morphology and function of pollen and spores - Morphology and function of pollen and spores
- 300263 SE EM-Seminar - Seminar in the fields of Ultrastructure Research and Palynology
- 300264 SE Seminar in tropical botany - Seminar in tropical botany
- 300268 EX EX Conservation and Landscape Ecolgy - Excursions on Conservation and Landscape Ecolgy in Austria
- 300272 EX Excursion to the Island of Krk (Croatia) - Excursion to the Island of Krk (Croatia)
- 300273 VO+UE Course on Vegetation Ecology 1, Part A - Course on Vegetation Ecology 1, Part A
- 300276 UE+VO Rhizosphere - Rhizosphere: Biodiversity, Metabolism and Interactions on the Soil-Root Interface
- 300278 UE Special reproductive systems - Special reproductive systems and their role for evolution and ecology
- 300304 UE Courses in identifying bryophytes - Courses in identifiying bryophytes
- 300305 VO Introduction to bryology - Introduction to bryology
- 300325 EX Hydrobotanical excursions - Hydrobotanical excursions: aquatic vegetation in characteristic habitats in Eastern Austria
- 300374 VO Macrophyte survey and Water Framework Directive - Eurpean Water Framework Directive and European Standards: Assessing the ecological status of waterbodies in Europe
- 300392 SE+EX Scientific guidance: Limnology - Scientific guidance for master and PhD students
- 300408 UE+EX Ecological Floristics (field studies) - Ecological Floristics (field studies)
- 300418 SE Scientific guidance - Scientific guidance for master and PhD students
- 300422 VO+UE Stress adaptation of higher plants - Stress adaptation of higher plants
- 300472 EX Excursion to heavy metal habitats in Austria - Excursion to heavy metal habitats in Austria
- 300513 SE molecular biology of chromosomes - molecular biology of chromosomes (for PhD-students)
- 300524 VO Diversity and Plant Palaeobiology - Diversity and Plant Palaeobiology
- 300633 SE Course in bioindication and biomonitoring - How to do a scientific investigation in the field of bioindication and biomonitoring
- 300634 SE Special chapters in veg. ecology & conserv. biol. - Special chapters in vegetation ecology and conservation biology
- 300635 UE Vegetation - Ecological Course 1, Part B - Exercise in vegetation ecology I: data interpretation and data presentation
- 300636 SE Special topics in hydrobotany - Special topics in hydrobotany, especially for MSc and PhD applicants.
- 300638 UE Lab Course Moulds on Food Stuffs - Lab Course Moulds on Food Stuffs: Isolation, Identification, and Mycotoxin Analysis
- 300649 VO+UE Gland cells and surface structures - Gland cells and surface structures in animals and and plants
- 300658 EX Bryological Excursions - Bryological Excursions
2.3. Branch of Study: Genetics/Microbiology
2.3.1. Part I Genetics/Microbiology (Semester 4-6)
- 300029 UE Chemical laboratory course II for biologists - Chemical laboratory course II for biologists
- 300031 UE Chemical laboratory course III for biologists - Chemical laboratory course III for biologists
- 300064 VO Intr. to Practical Course in Biophys. Chemistry - Introduction to the Practical Course in Biophysical Chemistry
- 300066 UE Laboratory Course: Advanced Biochemistry I - Laboratory Course: Advanced Biochemistry I
- 300123 VO Gene expression - Gene expression
- 300129 VO Gene- and Biotechnology, Part I - Gene- and Biotechnology, Part I
- 300130 VO Gene- and Biotechnology, Part II - Gene- and Biotechnology, Part II
- 300131 VO General and Molecular Microbiology, Part II - General and Molecular Microbiology, Part II
- 300132 VO General and Molecular Genetics Teil II - General and Molecular Genetics part I
- 300135 UE Laboratory Course in Biochemistry - Laboratory Course II (Module II): Laboratory Course in Biochemistry for Biology Students
- 300151 SE [ en ] Seminar to Course III A - Seminar to Course III A
- 300245 UE Course III B: Computing in Molecular Biology - Course III B: Computing in Molecular Biology
- 300267 VO Cell- and Developmental Genetics - Cell- and Developmental Genetics
- 300329 VO General and Molecular Genetics part II - General and Molecular Genetics part II
- 300343 UE Pract. course in analytical chemistry for biol. - Practical Training Course in Analytical Chemistry for Students of Biology/Genetics
- 300344 PR Practical Course in Biophysical Chemistry - Practical Course in Biophysical Chemistry
- 300415 VO General and Molecular Microbiology, Part I - General and Molecular Microbiology, Part I
- 300655 UE [ en ] Course III A: Laboratory Work in Molecular Biology - Course III A: Laboratory Work in Molecular Biology
- 300661 UE Course III A: Laboratory Work in Molecular Biology - Course III A: Laboratory Work in Molecular Biology
- 300662 SE Seminar to Course III A - Seminar to Course III A
- 310015 UE Semicompulsory Lab Course - Semicompulsory Lab Course
- 310036 VO Semicompulsory Lecture - Semicompulsory Lecture of the diploma program Microbiology and Genetics
- 310044 VO Physical Chemistry for Molecular Biologists II - Physical Chemistry for Molecular Biologists II
- 310139 VO Fields of Problems in Molecular Biology - Fields of Problems in Molecular Biology
2.3.2. Part II Genetics/Microbiology (Semester 7-10)
- 270056 SE Working techniques in protein biochemistry - Working techniques in protein biochemistry
- 270077 VO Techniques in biochemical analysis - Techniques in biochemical analysis
- 270089 VO Photobiology - Basic concepts of photobiology
- 270267 VO Proteintransport and organelle biogenesis - Proteintransport and organelle biogenesis
- 270272 SE Advanced Mol. Cell Biology Seminar - Advanced Molecular Cell Biology Seminar
- 270280 SE Methods in biochemical analytics - Methods in biochemical analytics
- 270293 VO Pathobiochemistry - Pathobiochemistry
- 270296 VO Eukaryotic Photosynthesis - Eukaryotic Photosynthesis
- 300003 SE initiation and repair of meiotic DSBS - initiation and repair of meiotic DSBS
- 300017 SE Dissertantenprivatissimum - Doppelsträngige RNA: Erkennung durch Proteinmotive (Dissertantenprivatissiumum)
- 300036 SE [ en ] Literature Seminar, Part III - Literature Seminar, Part III
- 300038 VO [ en ] VBC Lecture, Part III - VBC Lecture, Part III
- 300052 UE Course in fluorescence/confocal microscopy - Pratical course in fluorescence and confocal microscopy for diploma, PhD and advanced students
- 300059 VO [ en ] Lymphocyte Development - Molecular and cellular aspects of Lymphocyte development
- 300070 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar in Molecular Genetics - Advanced Seminar in Molecular Genetics
- 300094 UE Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria, Lab Course - Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria, Laboratory Course
- 300109 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar in Plant Genetics and -Developm. - Advanced Seminar in Plant Genetics and -Development
- 300143 VO Cell Biology of Mammalian Cells - Cell Biology of Mammalian Cells
- 300144 UE Practical course in Immunology - Practical course in Immunology
- 300152 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar in Molecular Microbiology - Advanced Seminar in Molecular Microbiology (gene expression)
- 300153 UE [ en ] Practical Course in plantdevelopment and biotechn. - Practical Course in Compulsory Subject plantdevelopment and biotechnology
- 300170 VO Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria, Lecture Course - Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria, Lecture Course
- 300171 SE seminar - genetics - seminar - genetics
- 300195 UE Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology - Practical Course in Compulsory Subject Molecular Microbiology
- 300246 UE Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology - Practical Course in Compulsory Subject Molecular Microbiology
- 300283 VO Molecular Transmission Genetics - Transission Genetics: Recombination and the control of progession in the meiotic pathway
- 300291 UE Practical Course in Molecular Genetics & Pathology - Practical Course in Compulsory Subject Molecular Genetics and Pathology
- 300309 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar in Microbiology and Biotechnology - Advanced Seminar in Microbiology and Biotechnology
- 300310 SE Seminar Applied Microbiology - Seminar Applied Microbiology
- 300311 SE News an Views in Microbiology - News an Views in Microbiology
- 300327 VO The search for life in space - The search for life in space. Microbiological concepts in astrobiology.
- 300328 SE [ en ] Mouse genetics and development II - Mouse genetics and development for diploma and phd students II
- 300342 SE Model Cell Culture Systems - Cellbiological Approaches using Model Cell Culture Systems
- 300389 SE seminar for diploma students and PhD-students - seminar for diploma students and PhD-students
- 300402 SE+UE Specific microbial ecology - Specific microbial ecology: Bacterial endosymbionts of amoebae, structure and function of nitrifying bacteria, evolutionary history and detection of sulfate-reducing bacteria, microbial communities of carnivorous plants, DNA microarray techniques, genomics and transcriptomics of parachlamydiae
- 300409 UE Advanced Course in Dev. Biol./Mol. Genetics - Advanced Course in Compulsory Subjects Developmental Biology and Molecular Genetics
- 300411 SE [ en ] Literature sem., structure & function of proteins - Literature seminar, structure and function of proteins
- 300412 UE Advanced Course in Gene- and Biotechnology - Advanced Course in Compulsory Subject Gene- and Biotechnology
- 300414 UE Advanced Course Mol. Microbiol. & Immunobiol. - Advanced Course in Compulsory Subjects Molecular Microbiology and Immunobiology
- 300419 UE Computer-based Sequence and Structure Analysis - Computer-based Sequence and Structure Analysis
- 300437 SE Studies on the control of gen expression - Experimental Studies on the control of gen expression
- 300438 SE Methods in Molecular Genetic - Methods in Molecular Genetic
- 300439 SE Methods in medical biochemistry - Methods in medical biochemistry
- 300446 SE [ en ] Advanced signal transduction seminar - Advanced signal transduction seminar
- 300447 VO [ en ] Molecular Identification of Microorganisms - Molecular Identification of Microorganisms
- 300459 VO Molecular Biotechnology - Molecular Biotechnology
- 300460 VO [ en ] Frontiers of Virology - Frontiers of Virology
- 300475 VO Legal and Ethic Aspects of Genetic Engineering - Legal and Ethic Aspects of Genetic Engineering
- 300514 SE chromosome pairing and nuclear architecture - chromosome pairing and nuclear architecture
- 300536 UE Genetics and Molecular Biology - Genetics and Molecular Biology, A Lecture and Practical for Teachers
- 300640 SE Seminar in Gene- and Biotechnology - Seminar in Gene- and Biotechnology (Plant Genetics)
- 300652 VO Molecular Biology of RNA - Molecular Biology of RNA
- 300653 UE Practical Course in Cyto- and Developm. Genetics - Practical Course in Compulsory Subject Cyto- and Developmental Genetics (Zebrafish)
- 300665 SE Protein Transport and Sorting in Mammalian Cells - Protein Transport and Sorting in Mammalian Cells
- 310035 VO+UE Intellectual Property Rights: Basics - Intellectual Property Rights: Basics for Scientists
- 310038 UE RNA-Profiling in Microbiology/Immunology - RNA-Profiling in Microbiology/Immunology
- 310042 UE Practical Course in Gene- and Biotechn. - Practical Course in Compulsory Subject Gene- and Biotechnology
- 310112 UE Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology - Practical Course in Compulsory Subject Molecular Microbiology
- 310118 SE [ en ] Mechanisms of virulence regulation - Mechanisms of regulation of virulence in procaryotes
- 310121 SE [ en ] Yeast-Seminar - The role of Yeast in Research
- 310132 VO Molecular biology of Plant IV - Molecular biology of Plant IV - biochemistry of plant
- 310139 VO Fields of Problems in Molecular Biology - Fields of Problems in Molecular Biology
- 310140 SE [ en ] Seminar in Developmental Biology - Seminar in Developmental Biology
2.4. Branch of Study: Ecology
- 300308 VO [ en ] Photosynthesis in silico
2.4.1. Part I Ecology (Semester 4-6)
- 300008 VO GIS II - VO - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-Statistics and Remote Sensing in Bio Sciences II (for advanced students)
- 300010 UE Laboratory course: chemistry of natural waters - Laboratory course: chemistry of natural fresh waters (obligatory with 300629)
- 300027 SE+UE North Sea, Wadden Sea field trip - North Sea field trip, Wadden Sea habitats
- 300029 UE Chemical laboratory course II for biologists - Chemical laboratory course II for biologists
- 300031 UE Chemical laboratory course III for biologists - Chemical laboratory course III for biologists
- 300033 SE+UE Field course in tropical biology - Field course in tropical biology in Costa Rica
- 300042 UE Project course Mark-release-recapture studies - Project course Mark-release-recapture studies
- 300043 SE Seminar to project course MMR - studies - Seminar to project course Mark-release-recapture studies
- 300071 SE+UE+EX Trophic status & biomonitoring in aquatic systems - Trophic status and biomonitoring in aquatic systems - theory and practical aspects
- 300074 SE Seminar to project course 300298 - Seminar to project course 300298: Isolation and identification of bioactive compounds from plant extracts
- 300084 VO+UE Plant Physiology, part 1 - Laboratory course in Plant Physiology, part 1
- 300101 VO+UE Zoological identification course, Part A - Zoological identification course (Course for the identification of indigenous animals A)
- 300116 SE+UE Practicum in Behavioural Biology, Gruenau - Project Practicum: Behavioural Biology (social mechanisms) at the Konrad Lorenz Forschungsstelle in Gruenau
- 300145 SE+UE Applied ecology of Mediterranean ecosystems - Applied ecology of Mediterranean ecosystems, Island of Cres, Croatia
- 300176 SE+UE Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) - Identification of uncultured microorganisms by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH)
- 300180 VO+UE+EX Project-course: Great rivers - Project-course: Water Quality and the Water Framework Directive
- 300198 SE+UE+EX Alpin field course in zoology - Alpin field course in zoology
- 300222 UE+EX Nature conservation field course: sea turtles I - Nature conservation field course: Protection of sea turtles in Turkey I
- 300225 SE+UE Project Study "Stream Ecology"(intermediale level) - Project Study "Stream Ecology"
- 300253 UE Practical computer applications in biology - Practical computer applications in biology (pariculary suitable for candidates of secondary school teacher accreditation, botanists and zoologists)
- 300254 VO Computer applications in biology - Computer applications in biology (particularly suitable for candidates of secondary school teacher accreditation, botanists and zoologists)
- 300279 SE Scientific Film in Biology - Scientific Film in Biology; Production -Design -Cut
- 300287 UE Photo, film and video: scientific docu in biology - Photography, film and video: scientific documentation in biology
- 300292 EX Excursion Diversity & Systematics of Higher Plants - Excursions accompanying the course "Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants"
- 300293 VO+UE Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants - Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants
- 300298 UE Phytochemical project course - Phytochemical project course: Isolation and identification of bioactive compounds from plant extracts
- 300301 UE Central European habitat types - Central European habitat types
- 300333 VO+UE Plant Physiology, part 1 - Laboratory course in Plant Physiology, part 1
- 300335 VO+UE Plant Physiology, part 1 - Laboratory course in Plant Physiology, Part 1
- 300345 UE Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Remote Sensing in Bio-Sciences II (for advanced students)
- 300363 UE Field course: River morphology - Field course: River morphology and bank structures in relation to associated vegetation types
- 300364 UE Interdisciplinary laboratory in ecology - Integrative ecological course: Long term monitoring of urban forest ecosystems considering as example the "Wienerwald".
- 300365 UE Integrative Ecological Basic Course - Integrative Ecological Basic Course (introductory level): Biodiversity and ecosystem functions at heavily and slightly impacted reaches of the Wien River
- 300379 UE Project Pratical:Vegetation- and Landscape ecology - Project Pratical:Vegetation- and Landscape ecology
- 300380 SE Project Pratical:Vegetation- and Landscape ecology - Project Pratical: Vegetation- and Landscape ecology
- 300381 VO+UE Plant Physiology, part 2 - Plant Physiology, part 2 (extension module): Stomata distribution, transpiration, transpiration and water relations of plants. Chargeable as 3 hour Botany (Basic Module 2) and/or Ecology (Basic Module1).
- 300382 VO+UE Plant Physiology, part 2 - Plant Physiology, part 2: light absorption and CO2 uptake by green plants. Chargeable as 3 hour Botany (Basic Module 2) and/or Ecology (Basic Module 1).
- 300383 VO+UE Plant Physiology, part 2 - Laboratory course in Plant Physiology, part 2: water balance
- 300384 VO+UE Plant Physiology, Part 2 - Laboratory course in Plant Physiology, Part 2: light and development
- 300386 VO+UE Plant Physiology, part 2 - Plant Physiology, part 2: Mineral nutrition of higher plants
- 300423 UE Integrated ecological field course - Integrated ecological field course: biodiversity and ecosystem function
- 300424 UE Field course - Integrated ecological studies - Field course - Integrated ecological studies
- 300429 SE+UE Carbon cycle of alpine ecosystems - Carbon cycle of alpine ecosystems
- 300431 VO+UE Zoological identification course B - Zoological identification course (Course for the identification of indigenous animals B)
- 300440 SE+UE Field course: Ecology of floodplain-rivers - Field course: Ecology of floodplain-rivers
- 300453 VO+UE Management & Evaluation of Multifact. Experiments - Management and Evaluation of Multifactorial and Multivariate Experiments including Statistics , advanced Graphics Software, Production of Presentations and Web Content
- 300473 SE+UE Heavy metal stress: ecology of organisms - Ecology of organisms from heavy metal habitats: Strategies to cope with stress
- 300501 UE Central European habitat types - Central European habitat types
- 300629 VO Introduction to chemistry of natural fresh waters - Introduction to chemistry of natural fresh waters, lecture and laboratory course (obligatory with 300010)
2.4.2. Part II Ecology (Semester 7-10)
- 300007 UE Microscopical course on freshwater algae - Microscopical course on freshwater algae in lakes aimed at EC Water Framework Directive
- 300008 VO GIS II - VO - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-Statistics and Remote Sensing in Bio Sciences II (for advanced students)
- 300009 VO Field methods in terrestrial animal ecology - Field methods in terrestrial animal ecology
- 300010 UE Laboratory course: chemistry of natural waters - Laboratory course: chemistry of natural fresh waters (obligatory with 300629)
- 300015 SE Chemical ecophysiology - Chemical ecophysiology
- 300032 VO Freshwater Macroecology - Freshwater Macroecology
- 300034 VO+UE+EX Biology and Ecology of Plant Galls - Biology and Ecology of Plant Galls
- 300035 UE+EX Botanical Mediterranean excursion - Botanical Mediterranean excursion
- 300045 EX Flora und Fauna der March-Auen - Seasonal changes of flora and fauna of the March river flood plains
- 300050 VO GMO - the ecological perspective - Genetically Modified Organisms - the ecological perspective
- 300053 EX Excursion to the mires of the Tamsweg area - Excursion to the mires of the Tamsweg area
- 300058 VO+UE Bioinformatics for Genome Analysis - Bioinformatics for Genome Analysis and Comparative Genomics
- 300060 UE Marine Biology laboratory work 2 - Marine Biology laboratory work 2
- 300065 EX Excursion to the Alps and project study - Extensive Excursion to the Alps and project study: Vegetation, Fauna, Land Use, Conservation
- 300078 VO Intro. lectures on horticultural plant physiology - Introductory lectures on the basics of the eco-physiological - horticultural training course (obligatory with 300079).Applied ecology.
- 300079 UE+EX Eco-physiological - horticultural training course. - Eco-physiological - horticultural training course, applied ecology (can be selected only together with theoretical introduction 300078)
- 300080 SE Department Seminar - Seminar for Conservation Biology, Vegetation- and Landscape Ecology
- 300081 VO Vegetation Ecology - an Introduction - Vegetation Ecology - an Introduction
- 300090 SE Scientific guidance: Limnology - Scientific guidance for master and PhD students
- 300105 SE Scientific guidance:ground-water ecology - Scientific guidance for master and PhD students
- 300106 SE+UE+EX Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology - Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology and plant production: Stress physiology of photosynthesis, functional growth analysis and energy balances, applied ecology in horticulture and agriculture. Obligatory for diploma and PhD students.
- 300107 VO+UE Diatoms as bioindicators - Diatoms as bioindicators for the evaluation and development of lakes
- 300114 VO+UE+EX Comparative Anatomy and Morphology of Fishes - Comparative Anatomy and Morphology of Fishes
- 300117 SE Ethologisches u. Ökoethologisches Seminar (Grünau) - Ethologisches u. Ökoethologisches Seminar (Grünau)
- 300120 UE Quantitative methods in freshwater ecology - Quantitative methods in freshwater ecology
- 300137 VO Flora and Vegetation of Central Europe - Flora and Vegetation of Central Europe
- 300138 EX Botanical excursions - Botanical excursions
- 300139 SE Financing, communication & management of projects - Financing, communication and management of projects - Practices and techniques for project holders
- 300141 VO Aspects of freshwater bioindication - Aspects of freshwater bioindication
- 300148 VO+UE+EX Course: fish ecology - Course: fish ecology
- 300150 UE Habitatmapping II - Habitatmapping II
- 300157 UE+EX Eco-physiological - horticultural training course. - Eco-physiological - horticultural training course, applied ecology (can be selected only with 300161)
- 300160 SE Seminar: Spezielle Humanökologie - Seminar: Spezielle Humanökologie
- 300161 VO Intro. lectures on horticultural plant physiology - Introductory lectures on the basics of the eco-physiological - horticultural training course (obligatory with 300157).Applied ecology.
- 300162 VO+UE Advanced Marine Ecology I - Advanced Marine Ecology I
- 300163 UE Practical nature conservation - Practical nature conservation
- 300165 EX Excursion Wolga - Excursion - Wolga
- 300175 VO [ en ] Fractals in Ecology and Fractal Analyses - Fractals in Ecology and Fractal Analyses
- 300178 VO Microbial communities of selected ecosystems II - Structure and function of microbial communities of selected ecosystems II
- 300181 SE New methods in fish ecology - New methods in fish ecology
- 300184 VO+SE Lecture for coral reef course - Lecture for course "Marine biological course in the coral reef and terrestrial excursion, Sinai, Egypt"
- 300186 EX Floristic mapping campaigns in Austria - Floristic mapping campaigns in Austria
- 300187 VO Rarities - Rarities: status and biology of extremely rare rare mammals and birds.
- 300197 UE Animal ecological special course - Animal ecological special course: methods and questions in outdoor laboratories
- 300206 VO Introduction to Marine Pollution - Introduction to Marine Pollution
- 300207 UE Freilandübungen zur Ökophysiologie der Pflanzen - Freilandübungen zur Ökophysiologie der Pflanzen
- 300208 VO Field laboratory course in Ecophysiology of plants - Ecophysiology of plants, introduction to the field laboratory course
- 300209 UE Introduction in practical Photobiology - Practical Photobiology
- 300210 VO Lessons in Photobiology - Lessons in Photobiology
- 300212 UE+VO Field survey of aquatic vegetation - Field survey of aquatic vegetation and related modern data analysis and evaluation
- 300215 SE+UE+EX Specific ecology of plants II - Specific ecology of plants II: stressphysiology, photobiology, development and functinal anatomy, urban ecology, ecosystem analysis.
- 300218 SE Selected topics in marine biology II - Selected topics in marine biology II
- 300219 SE Special cell physiology and scientific film - Special cell physiology and scientific film
- 300223 VO+SE [ en ] Photosynthesis and primary production in the sea - Photosynthesis and primary production in the sea
- 300227 EX Tierökologische Spezialexkursionen - Tierökologische Spezialexkursionen
- 300229 UE Practical plant population biology - Practical plant population biology
- 300230 UE Biogeographical Excursions - Biogeographical Excursions
- 300236 VO Ecology and Ecophysiology of plants - Ecology and Ecophysiology of plants
- 300242 UE Habitatmapping1 - Habitatmapping1
- 300243 SE Spezielle chemische Physiologie der Pflanzen II. - Spezielle chemische Physiologie der Pflanzen II. (vor allem für Diplomanden und Dissertanten). Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. G. Bachmann und Dr. W. Wanek
- 300244 SE Scientific guidance: Human Ecolgy - Scientific guidance: Human Ecolgy
- 300247 UE+EX Exkursion ins Mittelmeergebiet - Exkursion: Ökologisch-terrestrische und bestäubungsbiologische Exkursion ins Mittelmeergebiet
- 300252 VO Production Biology - Production Biology
- 300256 VO Spezielle Sozialanthropologie - Spezielle Sozialanthropologie (Thema "Der Menschliche Körper im Spannungsfeld von Natur und Kultur")
- 300264 SE Seminar in tropical botany - Seminar in tropical botany
- 300265 UE Microbial ecology of aquatic systems - Microbial ecology of aquatic systems, selected chapters
- 300266 UE Aquatic microbial Ecology - Aquatic microbial Ecology: introduction to methods
- 300268 EX EX Conservation and Landscape Ecolgy - Excursions on Conservation and Landscape Ecolgy in Austria
- 300269 VO [ en ] Marine Symbiosis - Marine Symbiosis - Evolution, adaptations, and interactions of marine microbial associations
- 300272 EX Excursion to the Island of Krk (Croatia) - Excursion to the Island of Krk (Croatia)
- 300273 VO+UE Course on Vegetation Ecology 1, Part A - Course on Vegetation Ecology 1, Part A
- 300276 UE+VO Rhizosphere - Rhizosphere: Biodiversity, Metabolism and Interactions on the Soil-Root Interface
- 300278 UE Special reproductive systems - Special reproductive systems and their role for evolution and ecology
- 300290 VO Introduction to pollination biology - Introduction to pollination biology
- 300295 VO+UE Field course "Aquatic Habitats" - Field course "Aquatic Habitats" (advanced level)
- 300304 UE Courses in identifying bryophytes - Courses in identifiying bryophytes
- 300305 VO Introduction to bryology - Introduction to bryology
- 300314 VO+UE+EX [ en ] Fauna and flora of marine habitats - Fauna and flora of marine habitats
- 300316 EX Ecological research fororganic farming - Ecological research fororganic farming - Examples from the practice
- 300317 SE Scientific guidance - Scientific guidance: Agro-Ecology
- 300320 SE Scientific guidance - Scientific guidance for master and PhD students
- 300325 EX Hydrobotanical excursions - Hydrobotanical excursions: aquatic vegetation in characteristic habitats in Eastern Austria
- 300331 VO Plant Secondary Metabolism - Plant Secondary Metabolism: Occurrence, Structural Diversity and Functions
- 300334 PR Field course "Amphibian Ecology" - Field course "Amphibian Ecology"
- 300338 EX Wirbeltierökologische Exkursion - Wirbeltierökologische Exkursion in außermitteleuropäische Lebensräume; ökologische Aspekte des Vogelzuges am Beispiel der Türkei
- 300345 UE Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Remote Sensing in Bio-Sciences II (for advanced students)
- 300347 VO+UE Phylogeny of prokaryotes - Phylogeny of prokaryotes
- 300349 VO+UE Project Management for Ecologists - Project Management for Ecologists - Planning, Executing and Evaluating interdisciplinary Projects
- 300355 SE Transition Studies II - Transition Studies II
- 300356 VO Transition Studies II - Transition Studies II
- 300357 VO Spezielle Humanökologie - Spezielle Humanökologie
- 300366 SE Selected chapters of microbial ecology - Selected chapters of microbial ecology
- 300369 UE Projektpraktikum II; Humanökologie - Projektpraktikum II; Humanökologie
- 300374 VO Macrophyte survey and Water Framework Directive - Eurpean Water Framework Directive and European Standards: Assessing the ecological status of waterbodies in Europe
- 300392 SE+EX Scientific guidance: Limnology - Scientific guidance for master and PhD students
- 300401 VO Basics of micro. degradation processes in aquat. s - Basics of microbial degradation processes in aquatic systems
- 300402 SE+UE Specific microbial ecology - Specific microbial ecology: Bacterial endosymbionts of amoebae, structure and function of nitrifying bacteria, evolutionary history and detection of sulfate-reducing bacteria, microbial communities of carnivorous plants, DNA microarray techniques, genomics and transcriptomics of parachlamydiae
- 300406 VO Natures energy management - Natures energy management and the energy industry from a human ecology standpoint.
- 300408 UE+EX Ecological Floristics (field studies) - Ecological Floristics (field studies)
- 300418 SE Scientific guidance - Scientific guidance for master and PhD students
- 300420 VO+SE Populationsanthropologie und Demographie - Populationsanthropologie und Demographie
- 300422 VO+UE Stress adaptation of higher plants - Stress adaptation of higher plants
- 300428 VO+UE Chironomidae identification course - Chironomidae identification course (advanced level)
- 300435 VO Animal biogeography - Principles of animal biogeography
- 300451 EX Natura 2000 - European Nature Conservation - Natura 2000 - nature conservation in the European Union
- 300454 SE Humanökologie und soziale Ökologie - Humanökologie und soziale Ökologie: Grundlagen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung
- 300464 VO Behavioral Ecology - Behavioral Ecology
- 300466 VO+UE+EX Rotifers from Austria - Systematics, biology and ecology of the limnetic rotifers from Austria
- 300467 VO Animal Parasites - Animal Parasites
- 300472 EX Excursion to heavy metal habitats in Austria - Excursion to heavy metal habitats in Austria
- 300474 SE+EX National Parks in Austria - National Parks in Austria- Conservation goals, Management and Perspectives
- 300477 EX ecological inland excursions - Ecological inland excursions to important ecosystems in the pannonian region
- 300493 PR Practical soil zoology - Practical soil zoology
- 300494 VO System ecology of the animals - Fundamentals to the system ecology of the animals
- 300499 VO+SE+EX Voices of Austrian birds - Voices of Austrian birds
- 300515 VO+UE Nature-protection oriented agriculture in Austria - Nature-protection oriented agriculture in Austria
- 300516 SE+UE Intensive course in microbial ecology - Intensive course in microbial ecology
- 300539 VO Austrian butterflies and their habitats - Austrian butterflies - identification, ecology and conservation; with field demonstrations
- 300541 VO Lecture Series Bird Ecology - Lecture Series Bird Ecology
- 300544 UE museological technics - Museological technics. Introduction to the preparation of insects.
- 300570 EX Desmidiologic Fen Excursion - Desmidiologic Exkursion to Fens of the Northern Limestone Alps
- 300624 SE Seminar in Population Ecology - Seminar in Population Ecology (especially for MSc and PhD candidates)
- 300629 VO Introduction to chemistry of natural fresh waters - Introduction to chemistry of natural fresh waters, lecture and laboratory course (obligatory with 300010)
- 300630 SE Recent publications in marine biology - Recent publications in marine biology
- 300631 SE Scientific guidance: Limnology - Scientific guidance for master and PhD in Limnology
- 300632 VO+SE+EX Special ecology of terrestrial animals II - Special ecology of terrestrial animals II with the following subjects: biodiversity, biology, bioindication, nature conservation, system ecology, ecophysiological parameters of selected animal groups
- 300633 SE Course in bioindication and biomonitoring - How to do a scientific investigation in the field of bioindication and biomonitoring
- 300634 SE Special chapters in veg. ecology & conserv. biol. - Special chapters in vegetation ecology and conservation biology
- 300635 UE Vegetation - Ecological Course 1, Part B - Exercise in vegetation ecology I: data interpretation and data presentation
- 300636 SE Special topics in hydrobotany - Special topics in hydrobotany, especially for MSc and PhD applicants.
- 300637 SE Guidance for scientific work - Guidance for scientific work in Limnology
- 300638 UE Lab Course Moulds on Food Stuffs - Lab Course Moulds on Food Stuffs: Isolation, Identification, and Mycotoxin Analysis
- 300651 VO Quantitative freshwater ecology/ statistics - Quantitative freshwater ecology: statistical methods
- 300657 VO Freshwater invertebrates - Biology and systematics of freshwater invertebrates
- 300658 EX Bryological Excursions - Bryological Excursions
- 300659 SE Limnology Seminar - Current research and ecological concepts
- 300666 VO Ecology, biotechnology and food production - Ecological implications of (genetical) biotechnology. Food production systems and risk assessment.
- 330030 VO Safety evaluation of novel foods - Safety evaluation of novel foods
- 300308 VO [ en ] Photosynthesis in silico
2.5. Branch of Study: Palaeobiology
2.5.1. Part I Palaeobiology (Semester 4-6)
- 280347 UE Introduction into organic facies (practical) - Introduction into organic facies (practical)
- 280348 VO Introduction into organic facies (lecture) - Introduction into organic facies (lecture)
- 280381 UE Palaeontological excavations - Palaeontological excavations
- 280386 UE Palaeontological field school (bear cave/Slovakia) - Palaeontological field school (bear cave in Slovakia)
- 280483 UE Palaeontological field course - Palaeontological field course
- 300029 UE Chemical laboratory course II for biologists - Chemical laboratory course II for biologists
- 300031 UE Chemical laboratory course III for biologists - Chemical laboratory course III for biologists
- 300301 UE Central European habitat types - Central European habitat types
- 300501 UE Central European habitat types - Central European habitat types
2.5.2. Part II Palaeobiology (Semester 7-10)
- 280011 SE Palaeontological preparation techniques - Palaeontological preparation techniques
- 280491 VO Karst areas of Middle Europe - Karst areas of Middle Europe
2.6. Branch of Study: Zoology
2.6.1. Part I Zoology (Semester 4-6)
- 300027 SE+UE North Sea, Wadden Sea field trip - North Sea field trip, Wadden Sea habitats
- 300029 UE Chemical laboratory course II for biologists - Chemical laboratory course II for biologists
- 300031 UE Chemical laboratory course III for biologists - Chemical laboratory course III for biologists
- 300033 SE+UE Field course in tropical biology - Field course in tropical biology in Costa Rica
- 300042 UE Project course Mark-release-recapture studies - Project course Mark-release-recapture studies
- 300043 SE Seminar to project course MMR - studies - Seminar to project course Mark-release-recapture studies
- 300077 VO Animal Physiology: Nerve, Muscle, Senses - Animal Physiology: Nerve, Muscle, Senses
- 300093 EX Zoological Basic Excursions - Zoological Basic Excursions
- 300095 EX Zoological basic excursion - Zoological basic excursion (terrestrial entomology)
- 300096 EX Zoological basic excursions - Zoological basic excursions
- 300101 VO+UE Zoological identification course, Part A - Zoological identification course (Course for the identification of indigenous animals A)
- 300116 SE+UE Practicum in Behavioural Biology, Gruenau - Project Practicum: Behavioural Biology (social mechanisms) at the Konrad Lorenz Forschungsstelle in Gruenau
- 300146 VO+UE Baupläne der Tiere B - Zoologische Übungen: Baupläne der Tiere, Teil B (für Hauptfach Zoologie verpflichtend)
- 300156 SE+UE Adv. techniques - Ultrastructural Research - Advanced techniques of electronmicroscopy and ultrastructural research
- 300179 VO Vergleichende Embryologie - Vergleichende Embryologie: Entwicklungssysteme der Tiere (Entwicklungsbiologie B 608)
- 300198 SE+UE+EX Alpin field course in zoology - Alpin field course in zoology
- 300214 UE Animal Physiology Laboratory: Nerve, Muscle, Sense - Animal Physiology Laboratory: Nerve, Muscle, Sense
- 300227 EX Tierökologische Spezialexkursionen - Tierökologische Spezialexkursionen
- 300247 UE+EX Exkursion ins Mittelmeergebiet - Exkursion: Ökologisch-terrestrische und bestäubungsbiologische Exkursion ins Mittelmeergebiet
- 300250 SE+UE Ecological behaviour of pollinetor insects - Ecological behaviour of pollinetor insects
- 300275 UE Tierphysiologische Übungen II - Tierphysiologische Übungen II: (in Parallelkursen; Zulassungsvoraussetzung: positiver Abschluß der VO Tierphysiologie I+II)
- 300299 EX Zoological Basic Excursions - Zoological Basic Excursions
- 300301 UE Central European habitat types - Central European habitat types
- 300315 VO Animal Development - Development of invertebrate Animals: organogenesis and larvae
- 300337 SE+UE Verhaltensphysiologisches Projektpraktikum - Verhaltensphysiologisches Projektpraktikum
- 300338 EX Wirbeltierökologische Exkursion - Wirbeltierökologische Exkursion in außermitteleuropäische Lebensräume; ökologische Aspekte des Vogelzuges am Beispiel der Türkei
- 300431 VO+UE Zoological identification course B - Zoological identification course (Course for the identification of indigenous animals B)
- 300434 SE+UE [ de en ] Research projects in embryology - Research projects in embryology
- 300436 VO Introduction into Bioethics - Introduction into Bioethics
- 300501 UE Central European habitat types - Central European habitat types
- 300517 UE+VO Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy - Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy
- 300561 SE+UE [ en ] Methods in molecular phylogenetics - Methods in molecular phylogenetics: DNA extraction to phylogenetic analyses
- 300656 SE+UE Practical course in animal cognition - Practical course in animal cognition
- 300674 SE+UE Ultrastructural Research - Ultrastructural Research
2.6.2. Part II Zoology (Semester 7-10)
- 300001 SE Instruction scientific working - Instruction scientific working
- 300004 SE Research training - Research training
- 300005 SE Scientific Research - Instruction in scientific research (Research fields Ethology, Behavioural Ecology)
- 300006 SE Scientific Studies - Scientific studies in morphological and molecular Systematics
- 300009 VO Field methods in terrestrial animal ecology - Field methods in terrestrial animal ecology
- 300018 SE [ en ] Scientific Literature and Communication - Scientific Literature and Communication for Biologists
- 300019 VO Biosystems Theory I - Variability, information, entropy ¿ basics of biosystems theory I
- 300020 SE [ en ] Topics in Behavioral Biology - Topics in Behavioral Biology
- 300021 SE [ en ] Introduction on scientific work - Introduction and guidelines on scientific work and methods in Ethology
- 300022 SE Lab Safety - Fundamental Principles of Lab Safety: preventive measures and appropriate behaviour
- 300023 VO Ornithology II - Introduction to the Ornithology II: general Ornithology: reprodaction biology
- 300028 VO Comp. Anatomy of Reptiles and Birds - Comparative Anatomy of Reptiles and Birds
- 300045 EX Flora und Fauna der March-Auen - Seasonal changes of flora and fauna of the March river flood plains
- 300050 VO GMO - the ecological perspective - Genetically Modified Organisms - the ecological perspective
- 300056 SE Seminar for masters- and PhD-students - Seminar for masters- and PhD-students
- 300060 UE Marine Biology laboratory work 2 - Marine Biology laboratory work 2
- 300072 SE Scientific research - Instruction fo scientific research in comparative anatomy and morphology
- 300075 VO How to organize the diploma thesis - Basic lecture for starting graduands
- 300076 SE Research and Methods in Neurobiology - Research and Methods in Neurobiology
- 300082 SE Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten - Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten in Verhaltensökologie
- 300085 SE Zoological Colloquium - Zoological Colloquium
- 300086 SE Scientific methods - Scientific methods in histology
- 300089 SE Research Studies - Research Guidance
- 300103 SE Scientific Studies - Introduction to and guidance in ultrastructural research
- 300110 VO Tier- und Pflanzennamen - Etymologie, (Volks-)Medizin und Mythologie in Tier- und Pflanzennamen
- 300114 VO+UE+EX Comparative Anatomy and Morphology of Fishes - Comparative Anatomy and Morphology of Fishes
- 300115 SE Bioology and evolution "perciform fishes" - Bioology and evolution "perciform fishes" (Perciformes) on the basis of selectet chapters
- 300117 SE Ethologisches u. Ökoethologisches Seminar (Grünau) - Ethologisches u. Ökoethologisches Seminar (Grünau)
- 300149 VO Hormone als chemische Boten - Hormone als chemische Boten des Gehirns, des endokrinen und des Immunsystems
- 300166 SE Introduction to scientific research - Introduction to scientific research (population biology, herpetology)
- 300187 VO Rarities - Rarities: status and biology of extremely rare rare mammals and birds.
- 300191 VO+UE IT-supported methods (biologists) - IT-supported methods for biologists (recommendable for all studies)
- 300197 UE Animal ecological special course - Animal ecological special course: methods and questions in outdoor laboratories
- 300200 SE Introduction to scientific work - Introduction to scientific work
- 300201 SE [ en ] Englisch für Biologen/Scientific English - Scientific English: Research reports, talks, style and grammar
- 300202 SE Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten - Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten in Vgl. Anatomie und Morphologie
- 300203 SE Seminar (Fortgeschrittene, DissertantInnen) - Seminar für Fortgeschrittene und DissertantInnen in Verhaltensbiologie
- 300211 VO Vertebrates: comparative histology - Comparative histology and microscopical anatomy of vertebrates
- 300217 SE Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten - Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten in Arthropoden-Systematik
- 300220 VO Ausgewählte Kapitel der Stoffwechsel-Physiologie - Ausgewählte Kapitel der Stoffwechsel-Physiologie: Stoffwechsel unter Extrembedingungen
- 300226 SE Scientific Studies - Scientific Studies
- 300231 VO Behavioural biology of aquatic vertebrates - Behavioural biology of aquatic vertebrates: fishes, whales and dolphins
- 300248 SE Introduction into research methods - Introduction into research on reproductive and evolutionary biology and didactics
- 300261 SE Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten - Anleitungen zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten in Parasitologie und Faunistik: Seminar für Diplomanden und Dissertanten:
- 300269 VO [ en ] Marine Symbiosis - Marine Symbiosis - Evolution, adaptations, and interactions of marine microbial associations
- 300270 SE Seminar für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen - Seminar für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen in Vgl. Anatomie&Morphologie
- 300271 SE Innovative Konzepte der Biologie - Innovative Konzepte der Biologie - Theories of Evolution (integriert mit den Altenberg Seminars in Theoretical Biology)
- 300277 VO Population biology of amphibians - Population biology of amphibians
- 300288 SE Scientific work - Scientific work
- 300289 SE Actual researches in evolutionary zoology - Actual researches in evolutionary zoology
- 300290 VO Introduction to pollination biology - Introduction to pollination biology
- 300296 PR Entomological Laboratory - Entomological and taxonomic studies on selected insects
- 300297 SE Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten - Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichem Arbeiten und Methoden der Neurobiologie
- 300302 VO+UE Basics in laboratory-safety, bio-safety and radiat - Basics in laboratory-safety, bio-safety and radiat
- 300314 VO+UE+EX [ en ] Fauna and flora of marine habitats - Fauna and flora of marine habitats
- 300315 VO Animal Development - Development of invertebrate Animals: organogenesis and larvae
- 300318 SE Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten - Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten in Theoretischer Biologie
- 300321 SE Neurobiology Seminar - Neurobiology Seminar: Ongoing Research and Journal Club
- 300334 PR Field course "Amphibian Ecology" - Field course "Amphibian Ecology"
- 300336 VO Methods of the population analysis ( Biometry IV ) - Methods of the population analysis ( Biometry IV )
- 300346 SE Scientific research - Instruction in scientific research
- 300370 SE Scientific Studies - Scientific Studies in Anatomy and Morphology
- 300393 SE [ en ] Hot topics in animal cognition - Hot topics in animal cognition
- 300428 VO+UE Chironomidae identification course - Chironomidae identification course (advanced level)
- 300435 VO Animal biogeography - Principles of animal biogeography
- 300462 SE Phylogeny actually - Actual problems and results in Phylogeny
- 300464 VO Behavioral Ecology - Behavioral Ecology
- 300465 SE+UE Measurement of transmembrane ionic currents - Measurement of transmembrane ionic currents
- 300467 VO Animal Parasites - Animal Parasites
- 300468 SE Senses and Behavior - Senses and Behavior
- 300482 VO The world of mites - The world of mites: morphology, biology, ecology, phylogeny, medical and commercial relevance
- 300494 VO System ecology of the animals - Fundamentals to the system ecology of the animals
- 300499 VO+SE+EX Voices of Austrian birds - Voices of Austrian birds
- 300515 VO+UE Nature-protection oriented agriculture in Austria - Nature-protection oriented agriculture in Austria
- 300539 VO Austrian butterflies and their habitats - Austrian butterflies - identification, ecology and conservation; with field demonstrations
- 300541 VO Lecture Series Bird Ecology - Lecture Series Bird Ecology
- 300544 UE museological technics - Museological technics. Introduction to the preparation of insects.
- 300555 VO+SE [ en ] Comparative Biology of Cognition - Comparative Biology of Cognition
- 300557 VO Human-Animal Interactions (Anthropozoology) - Human-Animal Interactions: evolutionary functions and mechanisms, animals as social partners, species management
- 300564 SE [ en ] Current Topics in Ethology - Current Topics in Ethology
- 300565 VO Marine Bioerosion - Marine Bioerosion, the organisms and their environmental impact
- 300628 UE Advanced histology - Advanced course in comparative histology
- 300639 SE Introduction to Research in Neurobiology - Introduction to Research in Neurobiology and Training in Neurobiological Techniques
- 300645 VO [ en ] Animal Cognition 2 - Animal Cognition 2
- 300646 PR Bioacoustics proseminar - Bioacoustics proseminar for diploma and doctoral students of the research group
- 300650 SE Supervision in Research Practice - Supervision in Research Practice in Behavioural Biology
- 300657 VO Freshwater invertebrates - Biology and systematics of freshwater invertebrates
- 300663 VO Basic Neurobiology - Basic Neurobiology: From Ionchannels to Learning Mechanisms
- 300671 SE Scientific Working - Instruction for scientific Working referring to metazoan Relationships
- 300672 PR Animal observations in the zoo - Basic practical course in observation of zoo kept animals
- 300673 VO Sexual selection and reproductive behaviour - Sexual selection and reproductive behaviour
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34