16.01. Musikwissenschaft
Erster Studienabschnitt
- 160013 UE Harmony - Harmony
- 160014 UE Harmony - Harmony
- 160023 PS Italian Baroque Opera - Italian Baroque Opera
- 160026 PS New media & Music technologies II - New media & Music technologies II
- 160028 PS Functional music - Functional music
- 160032 PS Haydn,Mozart,Beethoven:The string quartets - Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven: The string quartets
- 160131 PS Minimal music - Minimal music
- 160171 UE Introduction into Hearing of Structures - Introduction into Hearing of Structures
- 160175 UE Counterpoint - Counterpoint
- 160184 UE Musicological Working Techniques - Musicological Working Techniques
- 160187 PS Extra-European musical instruments - Extra-European musical instruments
- 160192 PS Topos Research: Battaglia, Pastorale etc. - Topos Research: Battaglia, Pastorale etc.
- 160365 PS Medieval music theory - Innovative concepts in medieval music theory
First or Second Stage of the Degree Programme
- 160012 PR Library Knowledge - Library Knowledge
- 160017 EX Musical traditions of the Vezo and Masikoro I - Musical traditions of the Vezo and Masikoro (Madagascar) I
- 160020 VO+UE Analysis of Works by R. Schumanns - Analysis of Works by Robert Schumanns
- 160024 VO+UE Problems of Bruckner Research II - Problems of Bruckner Research II
- 160027 UV African Music I - African Music I
- 160030 UV Musical aesthetics in the 18th century and beyond - Musical aesthetics in the 18th century and beyond
- 160035 UV Ethnomusicology 2 - Ethnomusicology 2
- 160122 VO+UE Introduction into Byzantine liturgical music - Introduction into Byzantine liturgical music
- 160168 UV Sound recording as a source for musicology II - The sound recording as a source for musicology II
- 160169 PR Workshop on audiovisual carriers - Workshop on audiovisual carriers
- 160179 UV Soundtrack for societal conventions - Soundtrack for societal conventions
- 160186 UV Introduction to systematic musicology II - Introduction to systematic musicology 2nd part
- 160189 UE Streaming media 2 - Acoustic labor practical course: Streaming media 2
- 160190 UV Women composers live - Women Composers Live - confrontation and discussion
- 160195 UV History of Music IV - History of Music IV
- 160196 UE 19th Century Harmony - 19th Century Harmony
- 160289 UV Psychoacoustics II - Psychoacoustics II
- 160301 PR Textual Criticism, Hermeneutics and Editing Music - Hunting alfter the Text: Textual Criticism, Hermeneutics and Editing Music
- 160302 VO+KO The Horowitz-Factor - The Horowitz-Factor:Introduction to Computational Music Performance Research
- 160303 UE Writing About Music - Writing About Music
- 160304 UV Historical Organology:The bowed string instruments - Historical Organology: The bowed string instruments
- 160316 UV Folk Music as Cultural Phenomenon - Folk Music as Cultural Phenomenon
- 160318 UE Theory of Jazz and Popular Music - Theory of Jazz and Popular Music of the 20th Century II
- 160319 UE Introduction to modal and black mensural notation - Introduction to modal and black mensural notation
- 160355 UV Musical-rhetoric figures - Musical-rhetoric figures and "Affektenlehre" in the music of the 17th and 18th century
- 160364 UV The Development of the Genres in Gregorian Chant - The Development of the Genres in Gregorian Chant. Esthetics and Modal Structures
- 160366 VO+UE Musical criticism - Musical criticism
- 160367 UV Fascination Contemporary Music - Fascination Contemporary Music
- 160368 UV Histories of Popular Music - Histories of Popular Music: Media Cultural Perspectives on Popular Culture
- 160369 UV [ en ] Gender, Race, Class and Sexuality in Western Music - Gender, Race, Class and Sexuality in Western Musical Culture
- 160370 UE [ en ] Gender, Sexuality and Violence in Music - Gender, Sexuality and Violence in Music
- 160379 EX Excursion to the Appenzell II - Excursion to the Appenzell II
Zweiter Studienabschnitt
- 160016 SE Music and silence - Music and silence
- 160029 SV Music of Madagascar and Mascarene Islands - The music of Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands
- 160031 SE The other world of music - The other world of music
- 160033 SE Dance and Music - Dance and Music. Current Projects in Dance Research
- 160034 SV The History of Brazilian Popular Music - The History of Brazilian Popular Music (MPB)
- 160095 SV Haydn and Mozart - Haydn and Mozart
- 160183 SE Historical Musicological Seminar - Historical Musicological Seminar
- 160193 SE Joseph Haydn's Symphonies - Joseph Haydn's Symphonies
- 160294 SE Musical hermeneutics - Musical hermeneutics
- 160296 SE Workshop Jazz II - Workshop Jazz II
- 160312 SE Heinrich Heine and the music - Heinrich Heine and the music
- 160314 UE Qualitative research methods in musicology - Qualitative research methods in musicology
- 160363 SV Performanz, Performance, and Performativity - Concepts of Performanz, Performance, and Performativity in Contemporary Music
- 160371 SE [ en ] Topics in Music, Gender, and Sexuality - Topics in Music, Gender, and Sexuality
Lehrveranstaltungen für Diplomanden und Dissertanten
- 160047 SE Seminar for master and doctoral candidates - Seminar for master and doctoral candidates
- 160123 SE Seminar for master and doctoral candidates - Seminar for master and doctoral candidates
- 160173 SE Seminar for master and doctoral candidates - Seminar for master and doctoral candidates
- 160178 SE Seminar for master and doctoral candidates - Seminar for master and doctoral candidates
- 160182 SE Seminar for master and doctoral candidates - Seminar for master and doctoral candidates
- 160188 SE Seminar for master - Seminar for master
- 160191 SE Seminar for master and doctoral candidates - Seminar for master and doctoral candidates
- 160194 SE Seminar for master and doctoral candidates - Seminar for master and doctoral candidates
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34