7.01. History
A. Degree Programme: History
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1. Introduction to the Study of History
- 070220 VO Introduction to the Study of History - Introduction to the Study of History
- 070337 VO Introduction to the Study of History - Introduction to the Study of History
2. Lecture Series: The Study of History at the University of Vienna
- 070207 VO Study of History at the University of Vienna - The Study of History at the University of Vienna
3. Introduction into the Production of Historical Knowledge and Texts
- 070098 KU Introduction: Production of Knowledge and Texts - Introduction into the Production of Historical Knowledge and Texts
- 070136 KU Introduction: Production of Knowledge and Texts - Introduction into the Production of Historical Knowledge and Texts
- 070139 KU Introduction: Production of Knowledge and Texts - The Albanian Question since the 19th Century until the Foundation of Albania
- 070185 KU Introduction: Production of Knowledge and Texts - Introduction into the Production of Historical Knowledge and Texts
- 070208 GR Introduction: Production of Knowledge and Texts - Introduction into the Production of Historical Knowledge and Texts
- 070209 GR Introduction: Production of Knowledge and Texts - Introduction into the Production of Historical Knowledge and Texts
- 070688 KU Introduction: Production of Knowledge and Texts - Introduction into the Production of Historical Knowledge and Texts
- 070696 KU Introduction: Production of Knowledge and Texts - Introduction into the Production of Historical Knowledge and Texts
- 070719 KU Introduction: Production of Knowledge and Texts - Introduction into the Production of Historical Knowledge and Texts
4. Reading Historiography
- 070050 GR Memoria in Written Texts of the Middle Ages - Memoria in Written Texts of the Middle Ages
- 070079 GR Reading Historiography - Reading Historiography: Southeastern Europe in the German-language Historiography of Modern Times
- 070142 GR Reading Historiography - Reading Historiography
- 070210 GR Reading Historiography - Reading Historiography
- 070670 GR Reading Historiography - Reading Historiography
5. Methodological and Work Technique Related Compulsory Courses
5.1. Text and Discourse Analysis in Historical Studies
- 070093 KU Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History - Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History: "Slippery Floor"? or Moving on the Diplomatic Circle?
- 070181 KU Text and Discourse Analytical Methods - Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History
- 070305 KU Introduction into Psychoanalysis in History - Remembering-Forgetting. Introduction into Psychoanalysis in History and Cultural Studies 1
- 070324 KU Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History - Text and Discourse Analystical Methods in History: Sources for the History of Slavery in North America
- 070713 KU Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History - Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History
- 070714 KU Text and Discourse Analytical Methods - Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History
5.2. Analysis and Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources
- 070059 VO+UE Analysis&Interpret. of Material&Figurative Sources - Analysis and Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources
- 070194 KU Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources - Analysis and Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources
- 070238 KU Pictorial Sources/History of Piety in Austria - Interpretation of Pictorial Sources for the History of Piety in Austria
- 070301 KU Interpretation of Material&Figurative Sources - Analysis and Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources
- 070462 KU Interpretation of Material&Figurative Sources - Analysis and Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources
5.3. Statistics and Quantification in Historical Science
- 070568 VO+UE Statistics and Quantification in History - Statistics and Quantification in History
- 070678 KU Statistics and Quantification - Statistics and Quantification in the Historical Sciences
- 070718 KU Statistics and Quantification in History - Statistics and Quantification in History
- 070764 KU Statistics and Quantification in History - Statistics and Quantification in History
5.4. Informatics and Media in Historical Science
- 070037 KU EDV and Archives, part 1 - EDV and Archives, part 1
- 070316 KU History of National and International Institutions - History of National and International Institutions
- 070516 KU Informatics and Media in History - Informatics and Media in History
- 070721 KU Informatics and Media in History - Informatics and Media in History
- 070762 VO+UE Media and Art History - Media and Art History
- 090229 AG Arbeitsgemeinachaft: Antike und Film - Arbeitsgemeinachaft: Antike und Film
5.5. Archiving and Conservation
- 070131 KU Conservation - Conservation
- 070179 KU Archiving and Conservation - Archiving and Conservation
- 070230 KU Archival Sciences, part 1 - Archival Sciences, part 1
- 070518 KU Archiving and Conservation - Archiving and Conservation
- 070572 VO Library Science - Library Science
- 070723 KU Archiving and Conservation - Archiving and Conservation
- 070768 KU Archival Sciences, part 1 - Archival Sciences, part 1
5.6. Presentation Techniques
- 070140 KU Presentation Techniques - Presentation Techniques
- 070229 KU Presentation Techniques - Presentation Techniques: Latin America in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 070334 KU Presentation Techniques - Presentation Techniques
- 070443 KU Presentation Techniques - Presentation Techniques
- 070527 KU Presentation Techniques - Presentation Techniques
5.7. Historical Auxiliary Sciences
- 070026 KU The Art of Edition of Early Modern Hist. Documents - The Art of Edition of Early Modern Historical Documents
- 070051 VO+UE Paleography (Middle Ages) - Paleography (Middle Ages)
- 070118 VO+UE Historical Auxiliary Sciences - Historical Auxiliary Sciences
- 070128 KU Historical Auxialiary Sciences - Historical Auxiliary Sciences
- 070138 KU Historical Auxiliary Sciences - Historical Auxiliary Sciences
- 070218 VO+UE The Art of Edition of Historical Documents - The Art of Edition of Historical Documents
- 070512 KU Historical Auxiliary Sciences - Historical Auxiliary Sciences
- 070578 KU Historical Auxiliary Sciences - Historical Auxiliary Sciences
- 070772 VO+UE Research Methods with Records and Documents - Research Methods with Records and Documents
- 090012 VO+UE Griechische Epigraphik II - Griechische Epigraphik II: Griechische Kulte im Spiegel der Inschriften
- 090094 VO Inschriften Alltagsgeschichte - Römische Inschriften als Quellen zur Alltagsgeschichte
- 090143 UE Einführung in die Papyrologie, II - Einführung in die Papyrologie, II (Griechisch vorausgesetzt)
6. Philosophy of Science, Compulsory Courses
6.1. Cultural and Social Studies of Science and Technology, History of Science, Philosophy of Science and Theory of Knowledge
- 070152 VO HIstory and Philosophy of Science - HIstory and Philosophy of Science
- 070153 GR Visual and Textual Representations of Knowledge - Visual and Textual Representations of Knowledge
- 070189 KU Ethnography in East Central and Eastern Europe - Exploring the People: Ethnography in East Central and Eastern Europe from the Enlightenment to World War II
- 070526 KU Knowledge and Belief, Science and Religion - Knowledge and Belief, Science and Religion
- 070656 KU Education and Science in Eastern Europe - Science, Education and Culture in Eastern Europe
- 070724 VO [ en ] Why Global History - Which Global History? - Why Global History - Which Global History? A Critical Introduction
- 070767 GR History and Philosophy of Science - History and Philosophy of Science
- 230565 VO An Instruction to Social Studies of Science - Technology - Science - Society, An Instruction to Social Studies of Science
- 230567 SE How does research produce knowledge? - How does research produce knowledge? Contexts of production, mechanisms of justifications and forms of representation
- 230571 SE When science becomes a research object - When science becomes a research object - An introduction to Science and Technology Studies
- 230574 SE Women in Science-Feminist Restructuring of Science - From "Women in Science" to "Feminist Restructuring of Science" - Theories and Methods at the Interface of Feminist Philosophy of Science and Social Studies of Science
6.2. Theories and Methodologies of History
- 070042 VO Theories and Methodologies of History - Theories and Methodologies of History
- 070177 GR Historical Sciences after the Cultural Turn - Historical Sciences after the Cultural Turn
- 070530 KU Interpreting History - Interpreting History
- 070704 KU Theories of Human and Cultural Sciences about 1900 - Theories of Human and Cultural Sciences about 1900
- 070725 GR Theories and Methodologies of History - Theories and Methodologies of History
- 110341 VO Kulturwissenschaft und Cultural Studies - Kulturwissenschaft und Cultural Studies: Fragen und Theorien
6.3. History of Historiography
- 070082 VO The Ideological Struggle over Bosnia-Hercegovina - The Ideological Struggle over Bosnia-Hercegovina in the Serbian and Croatian Historiography of the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 070129 GR History of Historiography - History of Historiography
- 070190 KU Peasants in Soviet Russia - Peasants in Soviet Russia: A History of Historiography
- 070195 KU Organization of Knowledge and History - Organization of Knowledge and History in Early Modern Times
- 070726 KU History of Historiography - History of Historiography
First and Second Stage of the Degree Programme
1. Thematically, Chronologically and Geographically Oriented Compulsory Courses
- 060126 VO Jiddish culture in the 20th century - Jiddish culture in the 20th century
- 070040 GR The History of Marriage - The History of Marriage
- 070058 GR Jewish History in Central Europe after the Shoah - Jewish History in Central Europe after the Shoah: Positions and Controverses
- 070072 VO Austria after the Cold War - Austria after the Cold War. Politics, Society, Economy, Culture - a Survey
- 070084 VO History of Coinage and Money - History of Coinage and Money
- 070089 KU Soviet Women in World War II. - Soviet Women in World War II.
- 070092 VO Eastern Empires in Modern Europe - Eastern Empires in Modern Europe
- 070119 KU History of the University of Vienna - History of the University of Vienna: Readings in Sources
- 070122 VO Introduction into Historical Regional Studies - Introduction into Historical Regional Studies
- 070130 VO Berlin from the 15th to the 19th Century - From the Residence of the Electors to the Capital of the German Empire. Berlin from the End of the Fifteenth to the End of the Nineteenth Century
- 070143 VO Cultural History - Cultural History
- 070145 KU Imagined Realities - Imagined Realities
- 070146 KU Crashes and Scandals in Austrian Banks - Crashes and Scandals in Austrian Banks in the 20th Century
- 070147 GR The Nazi Genocides - The Nazi Genocides
- 070148 GR On "mannish women" and "sworn virgins" - On "mannish women" and "sworn virgins". Ambigous Gender Models in the Balkans
- 070149 KU The Challenge of Cultural History - The Challenge of Cultural History
- 070150 KU Shopping His/Herstory - Shopping His/Herstory
- 070173 VO Politics and Religion in Modern India - Politics and Religion in Modern India
- 090316 VO Ancient History - Ancient History
- 070178 VO NS and the Policy of Remembrance - NS and the Policy of Remembrance
- 070187 VO Society, Economy, and Culture in Russia - Society, Economy, and Culture in Russia from the Early Modern Period to the October Revolution
- 070192 VO Catholicism and Catholics in Austria - Catholicism and Catholics in Austria/19th and 20th Centuries
- 070211 VO Environmental and Cultural History of the Alps - Environmental and Cultural History of the Alps
- 070213 VO [ de en ] Imágenes: Movies and Images from Latin America - Imágenes: Movies and Images from Latin America
- 070242 KU Rural Economy and Society - Rural Economy and Society in the Later Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period
- 070248 KU Gender in Austrian History - Reading in Sources - Gender in Austrian History - Reading in Sources
- 070306 VO Austrian Constitutional&Administrative History - Austrian Constitutional and Administrative History (Middle Ages)
- 070321 KU Sources of Austrian History - Sources of Austrian History
- 070376 VO From Bavarian "ducatus" to a Carolingian "regnum" - From Early Bavarian "ducatus" to a Carolingian "regnum". Politics , Church, Culture and Social Development between 744 and 843
- 070380 KU Jews and Other Privileged Persons - Jews and Other Privileged Persons. The Policy of Privileges in the Habsburg Monarchy
- 070398 KU The English Revolution of the 17th Century - The English Revolution of the 17th Century - Civil War - Rebellion - Revolution
- 070429 KU The German Labor History of the 19th Century - The German Labor History of the Nineteenth Century
- 070438 KU [ en ] New York City: History, Culture & Politics (fspr.) - New York City: History, Culture and Politics, 1625 to the Present
- 070442 VO Austrian Constitutional and Administrative History - Austrian Constitutional and Administrative History (Modern Age)
- 070448 KU Basic Course Medieval History - Basic Course Medieval History
- 070454 KU The Thirty Years War/European Phenomenon - The Thirty Years War as an European Phenomenon
- 070457 VO History of Germany in European Context since 1914 - History of Germany in European Context since 1914
- 070467 VO Austria between the World Wars - Austria between the World Wars
- 070470 VO Death and Ritual in Vienna - Death and Ritual in Vienna
- 070475 KU Constitutional History of the Church - Constitutional History of the Church
- 070491 KU Sources of Austrian History - Sources of Austrian History
- 070493 VO An Introduction into Feminist Historiography - An Introduction into Feminist Historiography
- 070511 VO Religious Denominations in Austria - Religious Denominations in Austria
- 070517 VO Courtly Culture, part 2 - Courtly Culture, part 2
- 070534 VO Questions about Cultural History of Latin America - Questions about Cultural History of Latin America
- 070549 VO Latin America in the 19th and 20th Centuries - Latin America in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 070564 VO An Outline of European Social History IV - An Outline of European Social History IV: The "Short" Twentieth Century (1914-1989)
- 070565 VO History of Swizzerland - History of Swizzerland in the Middle Ages. With an Introduction into the History of Burgundy and Suevia
- 070571 KU Austrian Constitutional&Administrative History - Exercises in Austrian Constitutional and Administrative History (together with Ch. Lackner)
- 070585 VO World War II - World War II
- 070586 KU [ en ] Colonial Legacies and Political Culture/19th Cent. - Colonial Legacies and Political Culture in the 19th Century: The United States, Brazil, and Colombia in Comparative Perspective
- 070587 KU The Development of Human and Civil Rights - The Development of Human and Civil Rights in Western Europe - Traces of the Constitutions in Early Modern Times
- 070589 KU Discussion on Sources&Secondary Literature - Discussion on Secondary Literature and Sources of the Medieval History of Swizzerland
- 070597 KU Origins&Early History of Universities/Middle Ages - Origins and Early History of the Universities in the Middle Ages
- 070614 KU The United States and Latin America sind 1900 - The United States and Latin America since 1900
- 070648 KU Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires - Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires
- 070655 KU Outlines of the Polish Economic History - Outlines of the Polish Economic History from Comparative Points of View
- 070672 VO Southeastern Europe in the Early Modern Period - Southeastern Europe in the Early Modern Period, ca. 1600-1830
- 070673 KU The Albaniens in the Balkans. - The Albaniens in the Balkans.
- 070681 KU Nobility in Eastern Europe - Nobility in Eastern Europe
- 070682 VO " Slippery Floor"? - " Slippery Floor"? or Moving on the Diplomatic Circle?
- 070689 KU [ es ] Poverty and Charity in Early Modern Europe - Poverty and Charity in Early Modern Europe
- 070691 KU [ fr ] Africa 1960: From Domination to Independence - Africa 1960: From Domination to Independence: The Actors of the Decolonisation
- 070697 VO Plans for Reform in Eastern Europe in Modern Times - Plans for Reform in East-Central and South-Eastern Europe in Modern Times
- 070703 VO History of European Sexuality in the 20th Century - History of European Sexuality in the 20th Century
- 070706 VO Europa about 1900 - Europa about 1900
- 070707 KU Austrian Banking History/19th and 20th Centuries - Austrian Banking History in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 070708 VO Global History - Global History
- 070709 VO History of the European Union - History of the European Union
- 070710 VO Modern African History, 20th Century - Modern African History: Colonialism and Decolonisation, 20th Century
- 070711 KU Serfdom in Eastern Europe in Early Modern Times - Serfdom in Eastern Europe in Early Modern Times. Agrarian Structures, especially the Spread of Serfdom, East of the Elbe-River in their Global Contexts
- 070712 KU 20th Century Vienna - 20th Century Vienna: Economy, Demography, Urban Landscape
- 070717 KU [ es ] Eva Perón - Eva Perón: About Myth and Reality in the Argentinian History
- 070753 VO The Late Middle Ages as Time of Crisis - The Late Middle Ages as Time of Crisis
- 070763 GR The Formation of the Modern State - The Formation of the Modern State
- 070765 VO Genocides in the 20th Century - Genocides in the 20th Century
- 070767 GR History and Philosophy of Science - History and Philosophy of Science
- 090121 VO Geschichte der Spätantike II - Geschichte der Spätantike, II: Von Theodosius zur Auflösung des Weströmischen Reiches
- 100040 VO The Low Countries in European history. - The Low Countries in European history. The modern age
- 102138 PS Urban landscapes.History and culture-Low Countries - Urban landscapes. History and culture in towns of the Low Countries
- 140449 VO European travellers to Africa - European travellers to Africa: Thirst for knowledge or colonial conquest?
- 140451 RV History and society of Africa in 19th/20th century - Lecture series in Non-European History: African history and society in the 19th and 20th century
- 160326 SE [ en ] Wars in Ireland - Wars in Ireland
- 070364 KU [ en ] Working Skills in Global History - Working Skills in Global History (combined with a Tutorial)
- 090288 VO+UE Greece between the Wars - Greece between the Wars
- 070563 KU Social groupings in Hungary - Social groupings in Hungary in the 17th, 18th and 19th century with particular consideration of the imigrants
2. Free Elective Courses
- 030625 KU The federalist reform of the Italian Constitution - The federalist reform of the Italian Constitution
- 060118 VO+UE Description and Identification of Ancient Coins - Description and Identification of Ancient Coins
- 060130 UE Source Studies: Jiddish culture in the 20th cent. - Source Studies: Jiddish culture in the 20th century
- 070031 SE Environmental History - Environmental History
- 070033 VO+UE Storage&Conservation of Audio- and Videotapes - Storage and Conservation of Audio- and Videotapes
- 070055 KU Conversation about Heraldry - Conversation about Heraldry
- 070133 VO+UE Chronology - Chronology
- 070219 KU Charters: Texts, Summaries, Calendars - Charters: Texts, Summaries, Calendars
- 070389 VO Introduction: Methods of Environmental History - Introduction into the Methods of Environmental History
- 090034 VO History of Armenia IV - History of Armenia IV: The time of Seljucids and Mongols
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
1. Research Seminar
- 070038 FS [ en ] Research Seminar in Global History, part 2 - Research Seminar in Global History, part 2 (continued from WS 2006/07)
- 070155 FS Vienna in Hollywood: Film Exile - Vienna in Hollywood: Film Exile - Fritz Lang, Billy Wilder, Fred Zinnemann.
- 070395 FS Research Seminar - Research Seminar
- 070521 FS Research Seminar, part 2 - Research Seminar, part 2
- 070617 FS Women's Diaries of the 20th Century - Research Seminar within the Framework of the Research Platform of the University of Vienna: Repositioning of Women's and Gender History in the New European Context
- 070727 FS Planned City/Built City: Vienna 1945-2005, part 1 - Planned City / Built City: Vienna 1945-2005, part 1
- 070728 FS Social Science Research Seminar - Social Science Research Seminar: On the Way towards a 'Fatherless' Society?
2. Seminars
- 070141 SE Dalmatian Society in the Early Modern Period - Dalmatian Society in the Early Modern Period
- 070156 SE Women in the Sphere of Power - Women in the Sphere of Power. Popular and Academic Perspectives on Women in the Nazi-Elite
- 070157 SE Interpretation of Historical Natural Science Texts - Interpretation of Historical Natural Science Texts
- 070174 SE Seminar in Economic History - Seminar in Economic History: Property rights, Property Transfer and Land Markets in Medieval Europe
- 070180 SE Seminar for Contemporary History - Seminar for Contemporary History
- 070182 SE Seminar for Contemporary History - Seminar for Contemporary History
- 070184 SE Interdisciplinary Seminar 2 - Interdisciplinary Seminar 2
- 070188 SE A Social History of Eastern Europe - A Social History of Eastern Europe during World War I
- 070193 SE Seminar for Austrian History - Seminar for Austrian History
- 070196 SE Seminar for Contemporary History - Seminar for Contemporary History
- 070424 SE Habsburgs Marriages, part 2 - Habsburgs Marriages, part 2
- 070440 SE Seminar for Medieval History - Seminar for Medieval History
- 070485 SE Seminar for Medieval History - Seminar for Medieval History
- 070515 SE Confession and Politics in the Habsburg Lands - Confession and Politics in the Habsburg Lands, 1500-1800
- 070550 SE Seminar for Modern History - Seminar for Modern History: Wallenstein-Dispute
- 070593 SE From Bavarian "ducatus" to a Carolingian "regnum" - From Early Bavarian "ducatus" to a Carolingian "regnum". Politics , Church, Culture and Social Development between 744 and 843
- 070616 SE Interdisciplinary Seminar I - Interdisciplinary Seminar I: East Asia and the Cultural History of Diplomacy (17-20 c.)
- 070705 SE Political Communication in Early Modern Times - Political Communication in Early Modern Times
- 070729 SE Seminar for Austrian History - Seminar for Austrian History
- 070732 SE Industrial Development in Europe - Comparing Paths of Industrial Development in Europe (19/20 c.)
- 070733 SE Seminar for Economic and Social History - Seminar for Economic and Social History
- 070761 SE Industrialization in the United States - Industrialization in the United States 18th to the Early 20th Century
- 070766 SE Genocides in the 20th Century - Genocides in the 20th Century
- 070770 SE Nationalsm in Africa and Asia - Nationalsm in Africa and Asia
- 090031 SE Seminar für Alte Geschichte - Seminar für Alte Geschichte: Hellenismus (teilweise geblockt)
- 090226 SE Seminar Alte Geschichte - Seminar für Alte Geschichte: Septimius Severus
- 102129 SE European unification since 1945. B, LUX and NL - European unification since 1945. Belgium, Luxemburg and the Netherlands
3. Research Practice
- 070217 FPR Viennese Court Jews in the Early Modern Period - Viennese Court Jews in the Early Modern Period
- 070519 FPR Historical Journals: Conceptualization&Production - Exercises on the Conceptualization and Production of Historical Journals
- 070529 FPR Research Practice - Research Practice
- 070533 FPR [ de es ] Research Practice - Research Practice
- 070734 FPR Industrial Heritage and Museology - Industrial Heritage and Museology at the Example of Lower Austria
- 070735 FPR Research Practice - Research Practice
4. Excursion
- 070107 EX Excursion: Death and Ritual in Vienna - Excursion: Death and Ritual in Vienna
- 070397 EX Historical Excursion to Upper Italy - Historical Excursion to Upper Italy
- 070463 EX Historical Excursion to Madrid and "Old Castile" - Historical Excursion to Madrid and "Old Castile"
- 070503 EX The Ibero-Amercian Library in Berlin/Potsdam - The Ibero-Amercian Library in Berlin/Potsdam
- 070618 EX Excursion: Death and Ritual in Vienna - Excursion: Death and Ritual in Vienna
- 070700 EX Excursion to Rome - Excursion to Rome
- 070736 EX Excursion - Excursion
- 070769 EX Bohemia in Past and Present - Bohemia in Past and Present
5. Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070054 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070060 DS Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070070 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070158 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070159 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070160 DS Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070161 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070162 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070163 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070164 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070165 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070166 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070176 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070221 PV [ en ] Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070241 PV [ en ] Graduate College Global History 2 - Graduate College Global History 2
- 070250 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates: The Concept of Civic Virtue in Classical Republicanism and its Importance for Modern Civil Society
- 070302 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070431 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070432 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070433 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070435 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070449 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070477 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070480 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070487 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070494 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070495 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070532 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070535 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070537 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070538 PV Sciences in Historical Context - Sciences in Historical Context
- 070598 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070674 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070685 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070737 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070738 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070739 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070740 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070741 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070742 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070743 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070744 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070745 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070746 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070747 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070748 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070749 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070771 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 090018 PR Privatissimum - Privatissimum für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen: Das jüdische Politeuma in Herakleopolis
- 090142 SE Seminar für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen - Seminar für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen (Seminar für Hauptfächler)
B. Teacher Training Programme: History, Social Studies and Political Education
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1. Introduction to the Study of History
- 070220 VO Introduction to the Study of History - Introduction to the Study of History
- 070337 VO Introduction to the Study of History - Introduction to the Study of History
2. Introduction to the Teacher Training Programme: History, Social Studies and Political Education
- 070043 KU Introduction to the Teacher Training Programme - Introduction to the Teacher Training Programme "History, Social Studies and Political Education"
- 070750 KU Introduction to the Teacher Training Programme - Introduction to the Teacher Training Programme: "History, Social Studies and Political Education"
3. Introduction into the Production of Historical Knowledge and Texts
- 070098 KU Introduction: Production of Knowledge and Texts - Introduction into the Production of Historical Knowledge and Texts
- 070136 KU Introduction: Production of Knowledge and Texts - Introduction into the Production of Historical Knowledge and Texts
- 070139 KU Introduction: Production of Knowledge and Texts - The Albanian Question since the 19th Century until the Foundation of Albania
- 070185 KU Introduction: Production of Knowledge and Texts - Introduction into the Production of Historical Knowledge and Texts
- 070208 GR Introduction: Production of Knowledge and Texts - Introduction into the Production of Historical Knowledge and Texts
- 070209 GR Introduction: Production of Knowledge and Texts - Introduction into the Production of Historical Knowledge and Texts
- 070688 KU Introduction: Production of Knowledge and Texts - Introduction into the Production of Historical Knowledge and Texts
- 070696 KU Introduction: Production of Knowledge and Texts - Introduction into the Production of Historical Knowledge and Texts
- 070719 KU Introduction: Production of Knowledge and Texts - Introduction into the Production of Historical Knowledge and Texts
4. Basic Lectures
4.1. Basic Course Ancient History
- 070102 KU Methodical and Work Related Course - Methodical and Work Related Course
- 070135 KU Methodical and Work Related Course - Methodical and Work Related Course
- 070175 KU Methodical and Work Related Course - Methodical and Work Related Course
- 090316 VO Ancient History - Ancient History
4.2. Basic Course Medieval History
- 070128 KU Historical Auxialiary Sciences - Historical Auxiliary Sciences
- 070138 KU Historical Auxiliary Sciences - Historical Auxiliary Sciences
- 070309 GK Basic Course Medieval History - Basic Course Medieval History considering "Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History" and "Statistics and Quantification in History"
- 070448 KU Basic Course Medieval History - Basic Course Medieval History
4.3. Basic Course Modern History
- 070093 KU Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History - Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History: "Slippery Floor"? or Moving on the Diplomatic Circle?
- 070314 GK Basic Course Modern History - Basic Course Modern History considering especially the Methods "Analysis and Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources"/ "Archiving and Conservation": On the History of Love in (Early) Modern Times
- 070680 GK Basic Course Modern History - Basic Course Modern History considering especially Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History: Nation-Building in Central and Eastern Europe in the 19th Century
- 070682 VO " Slippery Floor"? - " Slippery Floor"? or Moving on the Diplomatic Circle?
4.4. Basic Course Contemporary History
- 070167 GK Fascism and National Socialism - Basic Course Contemporary History considering especially Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History: Fascism and National Socialism
- 070247 GK Basic Course Contemporary History - Basic Course Contemporary History considering especially Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History
- 070751 GK Basic Course Contemporary History - Basic Course Contemporary History considering especially Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History
4.5. Basic Course Austrian History
- 070191 GK Basic Course Austrian History - Basic Course Austrian History considering the Methods "Analysis and Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources" and "Archiving and Conservation"
- 070238 KU Pictorial Sources/History of Piety in Austria - Interpretation of Pictorial Sources for the History of Piety in Austria
- 070436 GK Basic Course Austrian History - Basic Course Austrian History considering especially Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History
- 070511 VO Religious Denominations in Austria - Religious Denominations in Austria
- 070536 GK Basic Course Austrian History - Basic Course Austrian History considering the Methods "Analysis and Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources"/"Archiving and Conservation"
5. Methodological and Work Technique Related Compulsory Courses
5.1. Text and Discourse Analysis in Historical Studies
- 070093 KU Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History - Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History: "Slippery Floor"? or Moving on the Diplomatic Circle?
- 070181 KU Text and Discourse Analytical Methods - Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History
- 070305 KU Introduction into Psychoanalysis in History - Remembering-Forgetting. Introduction into Psychoanalysis in History and Cultural Studies 1
- 070324 KU Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History - Text and Discourse Analystical Methods in History: Sources for the History of Slavery in North America
- 070713 KU Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History - Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History
- 070714 KU Text and Discourse Analytical Methods - Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History
5.2. Historical Auxiliary Sciences
- 070026 KU The Art of Edition of Early Modern Hist. Documents - The Art of Edition of Early Modern Historical Documents
- 070051 VO+UE Paleography (Middle Ages) - Paleography (Middle Ages)
- 070102 KU Methodical and Work Related Course - Methodical and Work Related Course
- 070118 VO+UE Historical Auxiliary Sciences - Historical Auxiliary Sciences
- 070128 KU Historical Auxialiary Sciences - Historical Auxiliary Sciences
- 070135 KU Methodical and Work Related Course - Methodical and Work Related Course
- 070138 KU Historical Auxiliary Sciences - Historical Auxiliary Sciences
- 070175 KU Methodical and Work Related Course - Methodical and Work Related Course
- 070218 VO+UE The Art of Edition of Historical Documents - The Art of Edition of Historical Documents
- 070512 KU Historical Auxiliary Sciences - Historical Auxiliary Sciences
- 070578 KU Historical Auxiliary Sciences - Historical Auxiliary Sciences
- 070772 VO+UE Research Methods with Records and Documents - Research Methods with Records and Documents
- 090012 VO+UE Griechische Epigraphik II - Griechische Epigraphik II: Griechische Kulte im Spiegel der Inschriften
- 090094 VO Inschriften Alltagsgeschichte - Römische Inschriften als Quellen zur Alltagsgeschichte
5.3. Statistics and Quantification in Historical Science
- 070568 VO+UE Statistics and Quantification in History - Statistics and Quantification in History
- 070678 KU Statistics and Quantification - Statistics and Quantification in the Historical Sciences
- 070718 KU Statistics and Quantification in History - Statistics and Quantification in History
- 070764 KU Statistics and Quantification in History - Statistics and Quantification in History
5.4. New Media in Historical Science and Historical Education
- 070169 KU Oral History and its Audiovisual Representations - Oral History and its Audiovisual Representations: International Projects
- 070197 KU New Media in History& in the Teaching of History - New Media in History and in the Teaching of History
- 070756 KU New Media in History and in Teaching of History - New Media in History and in the Teaching of History
5.5. Archiving and Conservation/Analysis and Interpretation of Tangible and Figurative Sources
- 070059 VO+UE Analysis&Interpret. of Material&Figurative Sources - Analysis and Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources
- 070131 KU Conservation - Conservation
- 070179 KU Archiving and Conservation - Archiving and Conservation
- 070194 KU Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources - Analysis and Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources
- 070230 KU Archival Sciences, part 1 - Archival Sciences, part 1
- 070238 KU Pictorial Sources/History of Piety in Austria - Interpretation of Pictorial Sources for the History of Piety in Austria
- 070301 KU Interpretation of Material&Figurative Sources - Analysis and Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources
- 070462 KU Interpretation of Material&Figurative Sources - Analysis and Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources
- 070518 KU Archiving and Conservation - Archiving and Conservation
- 070572 VO Library Science - Library Science
- 070723 KU Archiving and Conservation - Archiving and Conservation
- 070768 KU Archival Sciences, part 1 - Archival Sciences, part 1
6. Philosophy of Science, Compulsory Courses
6.1. Cultural and Social Studies of Science and Technology, History of Science, Philosophy of Science and Theory of Knowledge
- 070152 VO HIstory and Philosophy of Science - HIstory and Philosophy of Science
- 070153 GR Visual and Textual Representations of Knowledge - Visual and Textual Representations of Knowledge
- 070189 KU Ethnography in East Central and Eastern Europe - Exploring the People: Ethnography in East Central and Eastern Europe from the Enlightenment to World War II
- 070526 KU Knowledge and Belief, Science and Religion - Knowledge and Belief, Science and Religion
- 070656 KU Education and Science in Eastern Europe - Science, Education and Culture in Eastern Europe
- 070724 VO [ en ] Why Global History - Which Global History? - Why Global History - Which Global History? A Critical Introduction
- 070767 GR History and Philosophy of Science - History and Philosophy of Science
- 230565 VO An Instruction to Social Studies of Science - Technology - Science - Society, An Instruction to Social Studies of Science
- 230567 SE How does research produce knowledge? - How does research produce knowledge? Contexts of production, mechanisms of justifications and forms of representation
- 230571 SE When science becomes a research object - When science becomes a research object - An introduction to Science and Technology Studies
- 230574 SE Women in Science-Feminist Restructuring of Science - From "Women in Science" to "Feminist Restructuring of Science" - Theories and Methods at the Interface of Feminist Philosophy of Science and Social Studies of Science
6.2. Theories and Methodologies of History
- 070042 VO Theories and Methodologies of History - Theories and Methodologies of History
- 070177 GR Historical Sciences after the Cultural Turn - Historical Sciences after the Cultural Turn
- 070530 KU Interpreting History - Interpreting History
- 070704 KU Theories of Human and Cultural Sciences about 1900 - Theories of Human and Cultural Sciences about 1900
- 070725 GR Theories and Methodologies of History - Theories and Methodologies of History
- 110341 VO Kulturwissenschaft und Cultural Studies - Kulturwissenschaft und Cultural Studies: Fragen und Theorien
6.3. Theories and History of History Didactics
- 070757 VO Theories and History of Didactics in History - Theories and History of Didactics in History
7. Teaching Methodology in History I
- 070168 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History 1 - Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History 1
- 070664 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History 1 - Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History 1: The Image of Southeastern Europe in Austrian History Writing and Publications in the 20th Century
- 070752 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History 1 - Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History 1
- 070754 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History 1 - Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History 1
First and Second Stage of the Degree Programme
1. Thematically, Chronologically and Geographically Oriented Compulsory Courses
- 060126 VO Jiddish culture in the 20th century - Jiddish culture in the 20th century
- 070040 GR The History of Marriage - The History of Marriage
- 070058 GR Jewish History in Central Europe after the Shoah - Jewish History in Central Europe after the Shoah: Positions and Controverses
- 070072 VO Austria after the Cold War - Austria after the Cold War. Politics, Society, Economy, Culture - a Survey
- 070084 VO History of Coinage and Money - History of Coinage and Money
- 070089 KU Soviet Women in World War II. - Soviet Women in World War II.
- 070092 VO Eastern Empires in Modern Europe - Eastern Empires in Modern Europe
- 070119 KU History of the University of Vienna - History of the University of Vienna: Readings in Sources
- 070122 VO Introduction into Historical Regional Studies - Introduction into Historical Regional Studies
- 070130 VO Berlin from the 15th to the 19th Century - From the Residence of the Electors to the Capital of the German Empire. Berlin from the End of the Fifteenth to the End of the Nineteenth Century
- 070143 VO Cultural History - Cultural History
- 070145 KU Imagined Realities - Imagined Realities
- 070146 KU Crashes and Scandals in Austrian Banks - Crashes and Scandals in Austrian Banks in the 20th Century
- 070147 GR The Nazi Genocides - The Nazi Genocides
- 070148 GR On "mannish women" and "sworn virgins" - On "mannish women" and "sworn virgins". Ambigous Gender Models in the Balkans
- 070149 KU The Challenge of Cultural History - The Challenge of Cultural History
- 070150 KU Shopping His/Herstory - Shopping His/Herstory
- 070173 VO Politics and Religion in Modern India - Politics and Religion in Modern India
- 090316 VO Ancient History - Ancient History
- 070178 VO NS and the Policy of Remembrance - NS and the Policy of Remembrance
- 070187 VO Society, Economy, and Culture in Russia - Society, Economy, and Culture in Russia from the Early Modern Period to the October Revolution
- 070192 VO Catholicism and Catholics in Austria - Catholicism and Catholics in Austria/19th and 20th Centuries
- 070211 VO Environmental and Cultural History of the Alps - Environmental and Cultural History of the Alps
- 070213 VO [ de en ] Imágenes: Movies and Images from Latin America - Imágenes: Movies and Images from Latin America
- 070242 KU Rural Economy and Society - Rural Economy and Society in the Later Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period
- 070248 KU Gender in Austrian History - Reading in Sources - Gender in Austrian History - Reading in Sources
- 070306 VO Austrian Constitutional&Administrative History - Austrian Constitutional and Administrative History (Middle Ages)
- 070321 KU Sources of Austrian History - Sources of Austrian History
- 070376 VO From Bavarian "ducatus" to a Carolingian "regnum" - From Early Bavarian "ducatus" to a Carolingian "regnum". Politics , Church, Culture and Social Development between 744 and 843
- 070380 KU Jews and Other Privileged Persons - Jews and Other Privileged Persons. The Policy of Privileges in the Habsburg Monarchy
- 070398 KU The English Revolution of the 17th Century - The English Revolution of the 17th Century - Civil War - Rebellion - Revolution
- 070429 KU The German Labor History of the 19th Century - The German Labor History of the Nineteenth Century
- 070438 KU [ en ] New York City: History, Culture & Politics (fspr.) - New York City: History, Culture and Politics, 1625 to the Present
- 070442 VO Austrian Constitutional and Administrative History - Austrian Constitutional and Administrative History (Modern Age)
- 070448 KU Basic Course Medieval History - Basic Course Medieval History
- 070454 KU The Thirty Years War/European Phenomenon - The Thirty Years War as an European Phenomenon
- 070457 VO History of Germany in European Context since 1914 - History of Germany in European Context since 1914
- 070467 VO Austria between the World Wars - Austria between the World Wars
- 070470 VO Death and Ritual in Vienna - Death and Ritual in Vienna
- 070475 KU Constitutional History of the Church - Constitutional History of the Church
- 070491 KU Sources of Austrian History - Sources of Austrian History
- 070493 VO An Introduction into Feminist Historiography - An Introduction into Feminist Historiography
- 070511 VO Religious Denominations in Austria - Religious Denominations in Austria
- 070517 VO Courtly Culture, part 2 - Courtly Culture, part 2
- 070534 VO Questions about Cultural History of Latin America - Questions about Cultural History of Latin America
- 070549 VO Latin America in the 19th and 20th Centuries - Latin America in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 070564 VO An Outline of European Social History IV - An Outline of European Social History IV: The "Short" Twentieth Century (1914-1989)
- 070565 VO History of Swizzerland - History of Swizzerland in the Middle Ages. With an Introduction into the History of Burgundy and Suevia
- 070571 KU Austrian Constitutional&Administrative History - Exercises in Austrian Constitutional and Administrative History (together with Ch. Lackner)
- 070585 VO World War II - World War II
- 070586 KU [ en ] Colonial Legacies and Political Culture/19th Cent. - Colonial Legacies and Political Culture in the 19th Century: The United States, Brazil, and Colombia in Comparative Perspective
- 070587 KU The Development of Human and Civil Rights - The Development of Human and Civil Rights in Western Europe - Traces of the Constitutions in Early Modern Times
- 070589 KU Discussion on Sources&Secondary Literature - Discussion on Secondary Literature and Sources of the Medieval History of Swizzerland
- 070597 KU Origins&Early History of Universities/Middle Ages - Origins and Early History of the Universities in the Middle Ages
- 070614 KU The United States and Latin America sind 1900 - The United States and Latin America since 1900
- 070648 KU Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires - Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires
- 070655 KU Outlines of the Polish Economic History - Outlines of the Polish Economic History from Comparative Points of View
- 070672 VO Southeastern Europe in the Early Modern Period - Southeastern Europe in the Early Modern Period, ca. 1600-1830
- 070673 KU The Albaniens in the Balkans. - The Albaniens in the Balkans.
- 070681 KU Nobility in Eastern Europe - Nobility in Eastern Europe
- 070682 VO " Slippery Floor"? - " Slippery Floor"? or Moving on the Diplomatic Circle?
- 070689 KU [ es ] Poverty and Charity in Early Modern Europe - Poverty and Charity in Early Modern Europe
- 070691 KU [ fr ] Africa 1960: From Domination to Independence - Africa 1960: From Domination to Independence: The Actors of the Decolonisation
- 070697 VO Plans for Reform in Eastern Europe in Modern Times - Plans for Reform in East-Central and South-Eastern Europe in Modern Times
- 070703 VO History of European Sexuality in the 20th Century - History of European Sexuality in the 20th Century
- 070706 VO Europa about 1900 - Europa about 1900
- 070707 KU Austrian Banking History/19th and 20th Centuries - Austrian Banking History in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 070708 VO Global History - Global History
- 070709 VO History of the European Union - History of the European Union
- 070710 VO Modern African History, 20th Century - Modern African History: Colonialism and Decolonisation, 20th Century
- 070711 KU Serfdom in Eastern Europe in Early Modern Times - Serfdom in Eastern Europe in Early Modern Times. Agrarian Structures, especially the Spread of Serfdom, East of the Elbe-River in their Global Contexts
- 070712 KU 20th Century Vienna - 20th Century Vienna: Economy, Demography, Urban Landscape
- 070717 KU [ es ] Eva Perón - Eva Perón: About Myth and Reality in the Argentinian History
- 070753 VO The Late Middle Ages as Time of Crisis - The Late Middle Ages as Time of Crisis
- 070763 GR The Formation of the Modern State - The Formation of the Modern State
- 070765 VO Genocides in the 20th Century - Genocides in the 20th Century
- 070767 GR History and Philosophy of Science - History and Philosophy of Science
- 090121 VO Geschichte der Spätantike II - Geschichte der Spätantike, II: Von Theodosius zur Auflösung des Weströmischen Reiches
- 090288 VO+UE Greece between the Wars - Greece between the Wars
- 100040 VO The Low Countries in European history. - The Low Countries in European history. The modern age
- 102138 PS Urban landscapes.History and culture-Low Countries - Urban landscapes. History and culture in towns of the Low Countries
- 140449 VO European travellers to Africa - European travellers to Africa: Thirst for knowledge or colonial conquest?
- 140451 RV History and society of Africa in 19th/20th century - Lecture series in Non-European History: African history and society in the 19th and 20th century
- 160326 SE [ en ] Wars in Ireland - Wars in Ireland
- 070364 KU [ en ] Working Skills in Global History - Working Skills in Global History (combined with a Tutorial)
- 070563 KU Social groupings in Hungary - Social groupings in Hungary in the 17th, 18th and 19th century with particular consideration of the imigrants
2. Free Elective Courses
- 030625 KU The federalist reform of the Italian Constitution - The federalist reform of the Italian Constitution
- 060130 UE Source Studies: Jiddish culture in the 20th cent. - Source Studies: Jiddish culture in the 20th century
- 070031 SE Environmental History - Environmental History
- 070033 VO+UE Storage&Conservation of Audio- and Videotapes - Storage and Conservation of Audio- and Videotapes
- 070055 KU Conversation about Heraldry - Conversation about Heraldry
- 070133 VO+UE Chronology - Chronology
- 070219 KU Charters: Texts, Summaries, Calendars - Charters: Texts, Summaries, Calendars
- 070389 VO Introduction: Methods of Environmental History - Introduction into the Methods of Environmental History
- 090034 VO History of Armenia IV - History of Armenia IV: The time of Seljucids and Mongols
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
1. Project Courses
1.1. Project Course 1
- 070171 PK Central Europe and World War I - Central Europe and World War I
- 070172 PK Project Course 1 - Project Course 1
- 070376 VO From Bavarian "ducatus" to a Carolingian "regnum" - From Early Bavarian "ducatus" to a Carolingian "regnum". Politics , Church, Culture and Social Development between 744 and 843
- 070593 SE From Bavarian "ducatus" to a Carolingian "regnum" - From Early Bavarian "ducatus" to a Carolingian "regnum". Politics , Church, Culture and Social Development between 744 and 843
- 090226 SE Seminar Alte Geschichte - Seminar für Alte Geschichte: Septimius Severus
1.2. Project Course 2 (Spanning Epochs)
- 070206 PK Terrorism - Terrorism
- 070658 PK Aurel C. Popovic - Aurel C. Popovic: "The United States of Großösterreich"
- 070759 PK Project Course 2 - Project Course 2
2. Teaching Methodology in History II
- 070064 PK Project Course Teaching Methodology in History 2 - Project Course Teaching Methodology in History 2
- 070100 PK Project Course Teaching Methodology in History 2 - Project Course Teaching Methodology in History 2
- 070295 PK Project Course Teaching Methodology in History 2 - Project Course Teaching Methodology in History 2
- 070755 PK Project Course Teaching Methodology in History 2 - Project Course Teaching Methodology in History 2
3. Political Education
- 070170 KU Political Education - Political Education
- 070720 KU Political Education - Political Education: Structures and Functions of the Legal and Political System
- 070758 KU Political Education - Political Education
4. Excursions
- 070107 EX Excursion: Death and Ritual in Vienna - Excursion: Death and Ritual in Vienna
- 070397 EX Historical Excursion to Upper Italy - Historical Excursion to Upper Italy
- 070463 EX Historical Excursion to Madrid and "Old Castile" - Historical Excursion to Madrid and "Old Castile"
- 070503 EX The Ibero-Amercian Library in Berlin/Potsdam - The Ibero-Amercian Library in Berlin/Potsdam
- 070618 EX Excursion: Death and Ritual in Vienna - Excursion: Death and Ritual in Vienna
- 070700 EX Excursion to Rome - Excursion to Rome
- 070736 EX Excursion - Excursion
- 070769 EX Bohemia in Past and Present - Bohemia in Past and Present
5. Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070054 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070060 DS Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070070 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070158 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070159 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070160 DS Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070161 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070162 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070163 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070164 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070165 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070166 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070176 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070221 PV [ en ] Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070241 PV [ en ] Graduate College Global History 2 - Graduate College Global History 2
- 070250 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates: The Concept of Civic Virtue in Classical Republicanism and its Importance for Modern Civil Society
- 070302 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070431 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070432 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070433 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070435 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070449 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070477 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070480 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070487 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070494 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070495 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070532 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070535 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070537 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070538 PV Sciences in Historical Context - Sciences in Historical Context
- 070598 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070674 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070685 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070737 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070738 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070739 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070740 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070741 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070742 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070743 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070744 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070745 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070746 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070747 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070748 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070749 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070771 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 090018 PR Privatissimum - Privatissimum für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen: Das jüdische Politeuma in Herakleopolis
- 090142 SE Seminar für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen - Seminar für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen (Seminar für Hauptfächler)
6. Social Studies (Old Curriculum)
- 070084 VO History of Coinage and Money - History of Coinage and Money
- 070211 VO Environmental and Cultural History of the Alps - Environmental and Cultural History of the Alps
- 070242 KU Rural Economy and Society - Rural Economy and Society in the Later Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period
- 070429 KU The German Labor History of the 19th Century - The German Labor History of the Nineteenth Century
- 070511 VO Religious Denominations in Austria - Religious Denominations in Austria
- 070517 VO Courtly Culture, part 2 - Courtly Culture, part 2
- 070564 VO An Outline of European Social History IV - An Outline of European Social History IV: The "Short" Twentieth Century (1914-1989)
- 070655 KU Outlines of the Polish Economic History - Outlines of the Polish Economic History from Comparative Points of View
- 070689 KU [ es ] Poverty and Charity in Early Modern Europe - Poverty and Charity in Early Modern Europe
- 070703 VO History of European Sexuality in the 20th Century - History of European Sexuality in the 20th Century
- 070707 KU Austrian Banking History/19th and 20th Centuries - Austrian Banking History in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 070753 VO The Late Middle Ages as Time of Crisis - The Late Middle Ages as Time of Crisis
- 070758 KU Political Education - Political Education
- 230566 SE Biomedicine and Society - Biomedicine and Society: A dissection of a different kind
- 230569 SE Political Technologies - Political Technologies. An exploration of the ragged borderlines between techno-sciences, politics and society
- 230574 SE Women in Science-Feminist Restructuring of Science - From "Women in Science" to "Feminist Restructuring of Science" - Theories and Methods at the Interface of Feminist Philosophy of Science and Social Studies of Science
- 230580 SE Under suspicion - Science and the law - Under suspicion - Introduction into the the changing relations between science and the law from a Science and Technology Studies' perspective
- 230589 SE [ en ] Technological Democracy in Europe - Technological Democracy in Europe - A new challenge for social sciences?
7. Introduction into Constitutional Law and Politicial Institutions of Austria (Old Curriculum)
- 070170 KU Political Education - Political Education
- 070720 KU Political Education - Political Education: Structures and Functions of the Legal and Political System
- 070758 KU Political Education - Political Education
- 070760 VO Constitutional Law and Political Institutions - Introduction into Constitutional Law and Political Institutions of Austria
8. Interdisciplinary Seminars (Old Curriculum)
8.1. Interdisciplinary Seminar I
- 070616 SE Interdisciplinary Seminar I - Interdisciplinary Seminar I: East Asia and the Cultural History of Diplomacy (17-20 c.)
8.2. Interdisciplinary Seminar II
- 070184 SE Interdisciplinary Seminar 2 - Interdisciplinary Seminar 2
- 070761 SE Industrialization in the United States - Industrialization in the United States 18th to the Early 20th Century
C. Modules
a. Women's and Gender History
- 070040 GR The History of Marriage - The History of Marriage
- 070089 KU Soviet Women in World War II. - Soviet Women in World War II.
- 070148 GR On "mannish women" and "sworn virgins" - On "mannish women" and "sworn virgins". Ambigous Gender Models in the Balkans
- 070150 KU Shopping His/Herstory - Shopping His/Herstory
- 070156 SE Women in the Sphere of Power - Women in the Sphere of Power. Popular and Academic Perspectives on Women in the Nazi-Elite
- 070248 KU Gender in Austrian History - Reading in Sources - Gender in Austrian History - Reading in Sources
- 070314 GK Basic Course Modern History - Basic Course Modern History considering especially the Methods "Analysis and Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources"/ "Archiving and Conservation": On the History of Love in (Early) Modern Times
- 070493 VO An Introduction into Feminist Historiography - An Introduction into Feminist Historiography
- 070617 FS Women's Diaries of the 20th Century - Research Seminar within the Framework of the Research Platform of the University of Vienna: Repositioning of Women's and Gender History in the New European Context
b. Global History
- 070038 FS [ en ] Research Seminar in Global History, part 2 - Research Seminar in Global History, part 2 (continued from WS 2006/07)
- 070092 VO Eastern Empires in Modern Europe - Eastern Empires in Modern Europe
- 070133 VO+UE Chronology - Chronology
- 070141 SE Dalmatian Society in the Early Modern Period - Dalmatian Society in the Early Modern Period
- 070147 GR The Nazi Genocides - The Nazi Genocides
- 070172 PK Project Course 1 - Project Course 1
- 070173 VO Politics and Religion in Modern India - Politics and Religion in Modern India
- 070181 KU Text and Discourse Analytical Methods - Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History
- 070187 VO Society, Economy, and Culture in Russia - Society, Economy, and Culture in Russia from the Early Modern Period to the October Revolution
- 070196 SE Seminar for Contemporary History - Seminar for Contemporary History
- 070213 VO [ de en ] Imágenes: Movies and Images from Latin America - Imágenes: Movies and Images from Latin America
- 070457 VO History of Germany in European Context since 1914 - History of Germany in European Context since 1914
- 070463 EX Historical Excursion to Madrid and "Old Castile" - Historical Excursion to Madrid and "Old Castile"
- 070503 EX The Ibero-Amercian Library in Berlin/Potsdam - The Ibero-Amercian Library in Berlin/Potsdam
- 070534 VO Questions about Cultural History of Latin America - Questions about Cultural History of Latin America
- 070586 KU [ en ] Colonial Legacies and Political Culture/19th Cent. - Colonial Legacies and Political Culture in the 19th Century: The United States, Brazil, and Colombia in Comparative Perspective
- 140451 RV History and society of Africa in 19th/20th century - Lecture series in Non-European History: African history and society in the 19th and 20th century
- 070364 KU [ en ] Working Skills in Global History - Working Skills in Global History (combined with a Tutorial)
- 070438 KU [ en ] New York City: History, Culture & Politics (fspr.) - New York City: History, Culture and Politics, 1625 to the Present
- 070549 VO Latin America in the 19th and 20th Centuries - Latin America in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 070614 KU The United States and Latin America sind 1900 - The United States and Latin America since 1900
- 070616 SE Interdisciplinary Seminar I - Interdisciplinary Seminar I: East Asia and the Cultural History of Diplomacy (17-20 c.)
- 070648 KU Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires - Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires
- 070672 VO Southeastern Europe in the Early Modern Period - Southeastern Europe in the Early Modern Period, ca. 1600-1830
- 070691 KU [ fr ] Africa 1960: From Domination to Independence - Africa 1960: From Domination to Independence: The Actors of the Decolonisation
- 070708 VO Global History - Global History
- 070709 VO History of the European Union - History of the European Union
- 070710 VO Modern African History, 20th Century - Modern African History: Colonialism and Decolonisation, 20th Century
- 070711 KU Serfdom in Eastern Europe in Early Modern Times - Serfdom in Eastern Europe in Early Modern Times. Agrarian Structures, especially the Spread of Serfdom, East of the Elbe-River in their Global Contexts
- 070717 KU [ es ] Eva Perón - Eva Perón: About Myth and Reality in the Argentinian History
- 070724 VO [ en ] Why Global History - Which Global History? - Why Global History - Which Global History? A Critical Introduction
- 070725 GR Theories and Methodologies of History - Theories and Methodologies of History
- 070732 SE Industrial Development in Europe - Comparing Paths of Industrial Development in Europe (19/20 c.)
- 070759 PK Project Course 2 - Project Course 2
- 070765 VO Genocides in the 20th Century - Genocides in the 20th Century
- 070766 SE Genocides in the 20th Century - Genocides in the 20th Century
- 070770 SE Nationalsm in Africa and Asia - Nationalsm in Africa and Asia
- 140058 VO Rel. Constructs & Socio-Pol. Structures in Tibet - Religious Constructs and Socio-Political Structures in Tibet
- 140071 VO Overview of African history 2: 16th-18th century - Overview of African history 2: African societies from the 16th to the 18th century
- 140075 VO Modern Arab History 1-2 - Modern Arab History 1-2
- 140089 PS Indian Goddesses in East and West - Indian Goddesses in East and West
- 140093 PS (Auto-)Biographical Narration in South Asia - (Auto-)Biographical Narration in South Asia
- 140160 VO History of the Arabs 2 - History of the Arabs 2
- 140194 VO Introduction to the history of North Africa II - Introduction to the history of North Africa II
- 140330 VO Introduction to the history of Southern Africa II - Introduction to the history of Southern Africa II
- 140331 VO Introduction to the history of Southern Africa I - Introduction to the history of Southern Africa I
- 140391 VO Education in the Ottoman Empire - Education in the Ottoman Empire
- 140449 VO European travellers to Africa - European travellers to Africa: Thirst for knowledge or colonial conquest?
- 140466 RV Interdisciplinary Lectures: Mega Cities - Interdisciplinary Lectures: Mega Cities
- 140467 RV Interdisc. Lectures: War(s) in the Periphery - Interdisciplinary Lectures: War(s) in the Periphery
- 140476 RV North-South relations in historical perspective - Lecture Series: North-South relations in historical perspective
- 140504 VO History of Mesopotamia II - Introduction to Ancient Near Eastern Studies III - History of Mesopotamia II: from Hammurapi to Alexander
- 150001 PS Koreanologisches Proseminar II: Die Joseon-Zeit - Koreanologisches Proseminar II: Die Joseon-Zeit - Wandlungsprozesse in Politik, Gesellschaft und Geistesleben
- 150008 VO Einführung: Japanische Wirtschaft/Politik - Einführung: Japanische Wirtschaft/Politik
- 150009 SE Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Ostasien - Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Ostasien
- 150027 VO+UE Ökon. u. polit. Entwicklung Japans u. Südkoreas II - Ökonomische und politische Entwicklung Japans und Südkoreas im Vergleich II (Vertiefung)
- 150031 VO Einführung: Japanische Geschichte - Einführung: Japanische Geschichte
- 150035 VO VO LK 110 : Einf. chinesische Literatur 20.Jht. - VO LK 110; Vorlesung aus Literatur und Kunst: Einführung in die chinesische Literatur (20. Jahrhundert)
- 150036 PS [ en ] GG 410; Crime and Punishment in Modern China - GG 410; Crime and Punishment in Modern China
- 150062 VO+UE Ökon. u. polit. Entwicklung Japans u. Südkoreas I - Ökonomische und politische Entwicklung Japans und Südkoreas im Vergleich I
- 150073 UE Koreabeobachtung II - Koreabeobachtung II
- 150074 SE Koreanologisches Seminar - Koreanologisches Seminar: Investitionspotenziale und Wirtschaft in Nordkorea
- 150090 VO Fremden- und Asylgesetz in Japan - Fremden- und Asylgesetz in Japan
- 150095 VO VO PR 110 Introduction to Chinese Law - VO PR 110 Introduction to Chinese Law
- 150151 VO PR 110 ; Mao Zedong - PR 110 ; Mao Zedong
- 150201 SE [ en ] PR 420; Sustainable Users Concepts for China - SE PR 420; Sustainable Users Concepts for China Engaging Scientific Scenarios
- 150204 VO [ en ] PR 110: The rise of China and responses - PR 110: The rise of China and the worlds responses
- 150207 PS [ en ] GG 410; Constructing Mao Zedong - GG 410; Constructing Mao Zedong
- 150213 VO GG110; Vorlesung alte Geschichte - GG110; Einführung in die alte chinesische Geschichte
- 150229 UE UE GG 110:Chinabild(er) im Wandel der Zeit - UE GG 110:Chinabild(er) im Wandel der Zeit
- 210121 SE G2, G3, G7: Crises, Conflicts & Coop. in East Asia - Crises, Conflicts and Cooperation in East Asia (G2/G3/G7)
- 210128 PS G2, G7: Globalization: Chances for Africa? - Globalization: Chances for Africa or Marginalisation? (G2/G7)
- 210129 SE G2, G3, G10:Globalizat.,Interdepend.&Global Govern - Globalization, Interdependence and Global Governance (G2/G3/G10)
- 230483 SE Theories of Globalisation - SE out of Other Theories: Theories of Globalisation
- 230485 SE Quality of Life of Women in the 3rd and 1st World - SE out of Feminist Theories: Quality of Life of Women in the Third and First World
- 330033 VO [ en ] Global Nutrition - Global Nutrition
- 330091 VO Global Agricultural Markets - Global Agricultural Markets
- 340138 VO [ en ] Global English and international communication - Global English and international communication
- 150045 SE Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Ostasien - Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Ostasien (Gruppe 2)
c. Historical Science Studies
d. Cultural Science and Cultural Studies
e. Medieval History
f. Eastern European History
- 070079 GR Reading Historiography - Reading Historiography: Southeastern Europe in the German-language Historiography of Modern Times
- 070082 VO The Ideological Struggle over Bosnia-Hercegovina - The Ideological Struggle over Bosnia-Hercegovina in the Serbian and Croatian Historiography of the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 070092 VO Eastern Empires in Modern Europe - Eastern Empires in Modern Europe
- 070093 KU Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History - Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History: "Slippery Floor"? or Moving on the Diplomatic Circle?
- 070140 KU Presentation Techniques - Presentation Techniques
- 070141 SE Dalmatian Society in the Early Modern Period - Dalmatian Society in the Early Modern Period
- 070187 VO Society, Economy, and Culture in Russia - Society, Economy, and Culture in Russia from the Early Modern Period to the October Revolution
- 070188 SE A Social History of Eastern Europe - A Social History of Eastern Europe during World War I
- 070189 KU Ethnography in East Central and Eastern Europe - Exploring the People: Ethnography in East Central and Eastern Europe from the Enlightenment to World War II
- 070190 KU Peasants in Soviet Russia - Peasants in Soviet Russia: A History of Historiography
- 070563 KU Social groupings in Hungary - Social groupings in Hungary in the 17th, 18th and 19th century with particular consideration of the imigrants
- 070655 KU Outlines of the Polish Economic History - Outlines of the Polish Economic History from Comparative Points of View
- 070658 PK Aurel C. Popovic - Aurel C. Popovic: "The United States of Großösterreich"
- 070672 VO Southeastern Europe in the Early Modern Period - Southeastern Europe in the Early Modern Period, ca. 1600-1830
- 070673 KU The Albaniens in the Balkans. - The Albaniens in the Balkans.
- 070678 KU Statistics and Quantification - Statistics and Quantification in the Historical Sciences
- 070680 GK Basic Course Modern History - Basic Course Modern History considering especially Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History: Nation-Building in Central and Eastern Europe in the 19th Century
- 070681 KU Nobility in Eastern Europe - Nobility in Eastern Europe
- 070682 VO " Slippery Floor"? - " Slippery Floor"? or Moving on the Diplomatic Circle?
- 070697 VO Plans for Reform in Eastern Europe in Modern Times - Plans for Reform in East-Central and South-Eastern Europe in Modern Times
- 070764 KU Statistics and Quantification in History - Statistics and Quantification in History
- 070769 EX Bohemia in Past and Present - Bohemia in Past and Present
g. Environmental History
h. Economic History
D. Master Programme Historical Research, Historical Auxiliary Sciences and Archiving
- 070026 KU The Art of Edition of Early Modern Hist. Documents - The Art of Edition of Early Modern Historical Documents
- 070033 VO+UE Storage&Conservation of Audio- and Videotapes - Storage and Conservation of Audio- and Videotapes
- 070037 KU EDV and Archives, part 1 - EDV and Archives, part 1
- 070051 VO+UE Paleography (Middle Ages) - Paleography (Middle Ages)
- 070059 VO+UE Analysis&Interpret. of Material&Figurative Sources - Analysis and Interpretation of Material and Figurative Sources
- 070084 VO History of Coinage and Money - History of Coinage and Money
- 070118 VO+UE Historical Auxiliary Sciences - Historical Auxiliary Sciences
- 070122 VO Introduction into Historical Regional Studies - Introduction into Historical Regional Studies
- 070131 KU Conservation - Conservation
- 070133 VO+UE Chronology - Chronology
- 070218 VO+UE The Art of Edition of Historical Documents - The Art of Edition of Historical Documents
- 070219 KU Charters: Texts, Summaries, Calendars - Charters: Texts, Summaries, Calendars
- 070230 KU Archival Sciences, part 1 - Archival Sciences, part 1
- 070306 VO Austrian Constitutional&Administrative History - Austrian Constitutional and Administrative History (Middle Ages)
- 070316 KU History of National and International Institutions - History of National and International Institutions
- 070321 KU Sources of Austrian History - Sources of Austrian History
- 070442 VO Austrian Constitutional and Administrative History - Austrian Constitutional and Administrative History (Modern Age)
- 070475 KU Constitutional History of the Church - Constitutional History of the Church
- 070491 KU Sources of Austrian History - Sources of Austrian History
- 070571 KU Austrian Constitutional&Administrative History - Exercises in Austrian Constitutional and Administrative History (together with Ch. Lackner)
- 070572 VO Library Science - Library Science
- 070700 EX Excursion to Rome - Excursion to Rome
- 070762 VO+UE Media and Art History - Media and Art History
- 070768 KU Archival Sciences, part 1 - Archival Sciences, part 1
- 070772 VO+UE Research Methods with Records and Documents - Research Methods with Records and Documents
E. Master Programme Global History
- 070038 FS [ en ] Research Seminar in Global History, part 2 - Research Seminar in Global History, part 2 (continued from WS 2006/07)
- 070092 VO Eastern Empires in Modern Europe - Eastern Empires in Modern Europe
- 070133 VO+UE Chronology - Chronology
- 070141 SE Dalmatian Society in the Early Modern Period - Dalmatian Society in the Early Modern Period
- 070147 GR The Nazi Genocides - The Nazi Genocides
- 070172 PK Project Course 1 - Project Course 1
- 070173 VO Politics and Religion in Modern India - Politics and Religion in Modern India
- 070181 KU Text and Discourse Analytical Methods - Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History
- 070187 VO Society, Economy, and Culture in Russia - Society, Economy, and Culture in Russia from the Early Modern Period to the October Revolution
- 070196 SE Seminar for Contemporary History - Seminar for Contemporary History
- 070213 VO [ de en ] Imágenes: Movies and Images from Latin America - Imágenes: Movies and Images from Latin America
- 070241 PV [ en ] Graduate College Global History 2 - Graduate College Global History 2
- 070457 VO History of Germany in European Context since 1914 - History of Germany in European Context since 1914
- 070463 EX Historical Excursion to Madrid and "Old Castile" - Historical Excursion to Madrid and "Old Castile"
- 070503 EX The Ibero-Amercian Library in Berlin/Potsdam - The Ibero-Amercian Library in Berlin/Potsdam
- 070534 VO Questions about Cultural History of Latin America - Questions about Cultural History of Latin America
- 070549 VO Latin America in the 19th and 20th Centuries - Latin America in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 070614 KU The United States and Latin America sind 1900 - The United States and Latin America since 1900
- 070616 SE Interdisciplinary Seminar I - Interdisciplinary Seminar I: East Asia and the Cultural History of Diplomacy (17-20 c.)
- 070648 KU Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires - Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires
- 070672 VO Southeastern Europe in the Early Modern Period - Southeastern Europe in the Early Modern Period, ca. 1600-1830
- 070691 KU [ fr ] Africa 1960: From Domination to Independence - Africa 1960: From Domination to Independence: The Actors of the Decolonisation
- 070438 KU [ en ] New York City: History, Culture & Politics (fspr.) - New York City: History, Culture and Politics, 1625 to the Present
- 070708 VO Global History - Global History
- 070709 VO History of the European Union - History of the European Union
- 070710 VO Modern African History, 20th Century - Modern African History: Colonialism and Decolonisation, 20th Century
- 070711 KU Serfdom in Eastern Europe in Early Modern Times - Serfdom in Eastern Europe in Early Modern Times. Agrarian Structures, especially the Spread of Serfdom, East of the Elbe-River in their Global Contexts
- 070717 KU [ es ] Eva Perón - Eva Perón: About Myth and Reality in the Argentinian History
- 070724 VO [ en ] Why Global History - Which Global History? - Why Global History - Which Global History? A Critical Introduction
- 070725 GR Theories and Methodologies of History - Theories and Methodologies of History
- 070732 SE Industrial Development in Europe - Comparing Paths of Industrial Development in Europe (19/20 c.)
- 070759 PK Project Course 2 - Project Course 2
- 070765 VO Genocides in the 20th Century - Genocides in the 20th Century
- 070766 SE Genocides in the 20th Century - Genocides in the 20th Century
- 070770 SE Nationalsm in Africa and Asia - Nationalsm in Africa and Asia
- 140058 VO Rel. Constructs & Socio-Pol. Structures in Tibet - Religious Constructs and Socio-Political Structures in Tibet
- 140071 VO Overview of African history 2: 16th-18th century - Overview of African history 2: African societies from the 16th to the 18th century
- 140075 VO Modern Arab History 1-2 - Modern Arab History 1-2
- 140089 PS Indian Goddesses in East and West - Indian Goddesses in East and West
- 140093 PS (Auto-)Biographical Narration in South Asia - (Auto-)Biographical Narration in South Asia
- 140160 VO History of the Arabs 2 - History of the Arabs 2
- 140194 VO Introduction to the history of North Africa II - Introduction to the history of North Africa II
- 140330 VO Introduction to the history of Southern Africa II - Introduction to the history of Southern Africa II
- 140331 VO Introduction to the history of Southern Africa I - Introduction to the history of Southern Africa I
- 140391 VO Education in the Ottoman Empire - Education in the Ottoman Empire
- 140449 VO European travellers to Africa - European travellers to Africa: Thirst for knowledge or colonial conquest?
- 140451 RV History and society of Africa in 19th/20th century - Lecture series in Non-European History: African history and society in the 19th and 20th century
- 140466 RV Interdisciplinary Lectures: Mega Cities - Interdisciplinary Lectures: Mega Cities
- 140467 RV Interdisc. Lectures: War(s) in the Periphery - Interdisciplinary Lectures: War(s) in the Periphery
- 140476 RV North-South relations in historical perspective - Lecture Series: North-South relations in historical perspective
- 140504 VO History of Mesopotamia II - Introduction to Ancient Near Eastern Studies III - History of Mesopotamia II: from Hammurapi to Alexander
- 150008 VO Einführung: Japanische Wirtschaft/Politik - Einführung: Japanische Wirtschaft/Politik
- 150009 SE Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Ostasien - Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Ostasien
- 150027 VO+UE Ökon. u. polit. Entwicklung Japans u. Südkoreas II - Ökonomische und politische Entwicklung Japans und Südkoreas im Vergleich II (Vertiefung)
- 150031 VO Einführung: Japanische Geschichte - Einführung: Japanische Geschichte
- 150035 VO VO LK 110 : Einf. chinesische Literatur 20.Jht. - VO LK 110; Vorlesung aus Literatur und Kunst: Einführung in die chinesische Literatur (20. Jahrhundert)
- 150036 PS [ en ] GG 410; Crime and Punishment in Modern China - GG 410; Crime and Punishment in Modern China
- 150062 VO+UE Ökon. u. polit. Entwicklung Japans u. Südkoreas I - Ökonomische und politische Entwicklung Japans und Südkoreas im Vergleich I
- 150073 UE Koreabeobachtung II - Koreabeobachtung II
- 150090 VO Fremden- und Asylgesetz in Japan - Fremden- und Asylgesetz in Japan
- 150095 VO VO PR 110 Introduction to Chinese Law - VO PR 110 Introduction to Chinese Law
- 150225 SE LK 410; Classic Movies from China the post - 1949 era - SE LK 410; Classic Movies from China the post - 1949 era
- 070364 KU [ en ] Working Skills in Global History - Working Skills in Global History (combined with a Tutorial)
- 070586 KU [ en ] Colonial Legacies and Political Culture/19th Cent. - Colonial Legacies and Political Culture in the 19th Century: The United States, Brazil, and Colombia in Comparative Perspective
- 150001 PS Koreanologisches Proseminar II: Die Joseon-Zeit - Koreanologisches Proseminar II: Die Joseon-Zeit - Wandlungsprozesse in Politik, Gesellschaft und Geistesleben
- 150151 VO PR 110 ; Mao Zedong - PR 110 ; Mao Zedong
- 150201 SE [ en ] PR 420; Sustainable Users Concepts for China - SE PR 420; Sustainable Users Concepts for China Engaging Scientific Scenarios
- 150204 VO [ en ] PR 110: The rise of China and responses - PR 110: The rise of China and the worlds responses
- 150207 PS [ en ] GG 410; Constructing Mao Zedong - GG 410; Constructing Mao Zedong
- 150213 VO GG110; Vorlesung alte Geschichte - GG110; Einführung in die alte chinesische Geschichte
- 150229 UE UE GG 110:Chinabild(er) im Wandel der Zeit - UE GG 110:Chinabild(er) im Wandel der Zeit
- 210121 SE G2, G3, G7: Crises, Conflicts & Coop. in East Asia - Crises, Conflicts and Cooperation in East Asia (G2/G3/G7)
- 210128 PS G2, G7: Globalization: Chances for Africa? - Globalization: Chances for Africa or Marginalisation? (G2/G7)
- 210129 SE G2, G3, G10:Globalizat.,Interdepend.&Global Govern - Globalization, Interdependence and Global Governance (G2/G3/G10)
- 230483 SE Theories of Globalisation - SE out of Other Theories: Theories of Globalisation
- 230485 SE Quality of Life of Women in the 3rd and 1st World - SE out of Feminist Theories: Quality of Life of Women in the Third and First World
- 330033 VO [ en ] Global Nutrition - Global Nutrition
- 330091 VO Global Agricultural Markets - Global Agricultural Markets
- 340138 VO [ en ] Global English and international communication - Global English and international communication
- 150045 SE Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Ostasien - Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Ostasien (Gruppe 2)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34
Lehrveranstaltungen der Studienrichtung Geschichte werden von fünf Instituten angeboten: Institut für Alte Geschichte (9.01), Institut für Geschichte, Institut für Osteuropäische Geschichte, Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte und Institut für Zeitgeschichte. Studieninformationsblätter sind an allen Instituten für die Studienrichtung Geschichte erhältlich.Mit WS 2002/2003 ist ein neuer Studienplan in Kraft getreten, der für alle Studierenden gilt, die mit oder nach dem WS 2002/2003 ihr Studium begonnen bzw. neu aufgenommen haben.Die zu den Lehrveranstaltungen angegebenen Codenummern beziehen sich auf die entsprechenden Prüfungsteile des Studienplans, wobei die (meist in Klammern stehenden) D-Nummern auf die Anrechenbarkeit der Lehrveranstaltungen im alten Studienplan hinweisen.Die Anmeldung für sämtliche Lehrveranstaltungen der Studienrichtung Geschichte - also auch für Vorlesungen und DiplomandInnen- und DissertantInnenseminare - erfolgt im SS 2007 v. 24. Februar 2007, 12.00 Uhr bis 3. März 2007 unter http://geschichte.bach.univie.ac.at/
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Seminarraum Geschichte 3 (= der ehemalige Gemeinsame Gruppenübungsraum Geschichte 1 auf Stiege 9, 2. Stock)
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Zum Bedauern der Studienprogrammleitung Geschichte hat die Studienrichtungsvertretung Geschichte das Kommentierte Vorlesungsverzeichnis mit Sommersemester 2006 eingestellt. Als Ersatz finden Sie nähere Informationen zu den einzelnen Lehrveranstaltungen unter "Weitere Informationen" im Online-VVZ.