Module V: In Depth Studies (16 ECTS)
The successful completion of MM1 and MM2 is required. Free choice from all three areas of study. One Research seminar and one Lecture Course obligatory.
Research Seminar
Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100124 SE Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100129 SE Medieval and Early German Literature
Modern German Literature
- 100084 SE Masterseminar Neuere deutsche Literatur
- 100125 SE Masterseminar Neuere deutsche Literatur
- 100128 SE Modern German Literature
- 100158 SE Modern German Literature
- 100159 SE Modern German Literature
- 100160 SE Modern German Literature
- 100161 SE Modern German Literature
- 100172 SE Modern German Literature
- 100187 SE Masterseminar Neuere deutsche Literatur - Autorinnenkolloquium mit Teresa Präauer
- 100192 SE Masterseminar Neuere deutsche Literatur
- 100168 SE Language attitudes and discrimination - soziolinguistische Forschung im historischen Kontext
- 100169 SE Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Linguistics
- 100201 SE Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Linguistics
Lecture courses
Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100008 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100010 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
Modern German Literature
- 100006 VO Lecture course: Austrian Studies
- 100012 VO Österreichische Gegenwartsliteratur
- 100015 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100017 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100018 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100019 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100095 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - Österreichische Autorinnen und Autoren der Zweiten Republik
- 100113 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100021 VO Lecture course:
- 100022 VO Lecture course: Linguistics
- 136101 VO Quantitative Methods in the Digital Humanities
Last modified: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44