Module 2: Social History of Literature/Literature and Media (30 ECTS)
Die LV 141083 "Ecocriticism in African Literature" (WS 2023) und 143356 "Afriphone Literatures" (WS 2023) sind als KO im Modul 2 anrechenbar (Anmeldung über Interessensmodul).
- 135821 SE MA-SE: Between Auschwitz and the GULAG: Semprun - Kertész - Solschenizyn - Schalamow
- 135822 SE Master Seminar: Pinocchio Parallel Readings
- 135823 KO [ en ] ( MIXED ) KO-M2: Rwanda 1994: Humanity’s collective Memory(cide) 30 years later
- 135824 KO KO-M2: Orientalism
- 141083 KU [ en ] Ecocriticism in African Literature
- 143356 KU [ en ] Afriphone Literatures: From Oral to Written Texts in African Languages
Last modified: We 03.07.2024 14:52