PM1b Introduction to the Key Aspects of Theories and History of Media II (15 ECTS)
Achtung: Für eine erfolgreiche Absolvierung des Moduls müssen mindestens 2 der folgenden Bereiche abgedeckt sein: Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft / Politikwissenschaft / Europäische Ethnologie / Soziologie / Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft / Judaistik / Geschichte (Siehe Curriculum). Die Bereiche sind u.a. an den Anfangszahlen der im Vorlesungsverzeichnis angegebenen Lehrveranstaltungsnummer erkennbar.
- 170310 VO Lecture: The History of Film - Classical Hollywood Revisited. History and Theory of Classical Hollywood Cinema
- 170323 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre, Film and Media - Ringvorlesung
- 170993 VO Image and Word Combinations in History and Theory - Forms of experience of photographic media using the example of film and cinema
- 170994 VO ( MIXED ) Development of Media and Forms of Communication
- 170320 VO Lecture: The History of Theatre, Film and Media - Essayism in film and media art II
- 210110 VO [ en ] M1a: Introduction into Political Science
- 210111 VO [ en ] M1b: Introduction into Political Science - (engl.)
- 210135 VO [ en ] M8: SpezialVO Gender and Politics - Gender, Illiberalism, Neoliberalism
- 060010 VO Jewish History from the Modern to the Contemporary Period
- 060017 VO Jew-Hatred - A History
- 220017 VO VERTHE: VO JOURWA Journalism in Times of Media Change
- 220019 VO THEO: VO KSOZ - Sociology of Communication
- 220028 VO VERTHE: VO VERGLPO Political Communication and Media Governance in Comparative Perspective
- 220034 VO THEO: VO POLKO - Political Communication
- 220035 VO THEO: VO PSYCH - Media Psychology
- 220060 VO VERME: VO REP Repetition Course Theory and Methods
- 230120 VO Sociological Theories: Overview and current Developments
- 080012 EX [ de en ] M320 Cultural Practices and Semiosis in Everyday Life: Writing a journal article
- 080092 SE M210 Space: Ready to Hand: From infrastructure to infrastructuring: - Theories and concepts of supply and care
- 230121 SE [ en ] Big issues, personal experiences: Social theory in the world
- 230122 SE Sociology of global inequality (with a focus on Anja Weiß)
- 230123 SE Between social theory and theory of society. Pierre Bourdieu - and his understanding of societal fields, types of capital, social classes and lifestyle formations
- 230124 SE Reading Seminar: Sociology of Norms
- 230125 SE [ en ] Reading Seminar: Feminist political economy - An introduction
- 230126 SE [ en ] Reading Seminar: New Materialism
Last modified: We 31.07.2024 11:52