Bachelor’s programme in History of Art and Architecture (635 [3] - Version 2018)
Das Studium ist abgeschlossen, wenn 120 ECTS-Punkte gemäß den Bestimmungen in den Pflichtmodulen erworben und Erweiterungscurricula im Ausmaß von 60 ECTS-Punkten erfolgreich absolviert wurden.
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
PM 1 Introduction to History of Art: Selected Studies (5 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE COMM Modul exam: STEOP Introduction to Art History: Selected Studies
- 080117 VO ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Art History: Selected Studies
PM 2 Introduction to Iconography (5 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Modul exam: STEOP Introduction to Iconography
- 080008 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Iconography
PM 3 Introduction to Architectural Terminology and Morphology (5 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE COMM Modul exam: Introduction to Architectural Terminology and Morphology
- 080025 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to the Terminology and Morphology of Architecture
History of Art Survey (20 ECTS)
PM 4 History of Art Survey I (5 ECTS)
PM 5 History of Art Survey II (5 ECTS)
PM 6 History of Art Survey III (5 ECTS)
PM 7 History of Art Survey IV (5 ECTS)
- 080003 VO Art History Survey IV
Case Studies (20 ECTS)
PM 8 Case Study I (10 ECTS)
- 080015 PS Case Study I: Reliquaries throughout the Middle Ages - their Shapes, Materials and Functions
- 080019 PS Case Study I: Fountains in Vienna
- 080028 PS Case Study I: The Tomb of the First Emperor of China
- 080056 PS Case Study I: Diego Velázquez and his Reception from the 19th to the 21st Century - from Delacroix to Manet, Bacon, Picasso, Hamilton and Eve Sussmann
- 080066 PS Case Study I: Camille Pissarro and Key Aspects of Modern Painting
- 080093 PS Case Study I: A new Life: Reforms in Art and Society around 1900
- 080110 PS Case Study I: Illuminated Books of Hours: from Jean Pucelle to Simon Bening
PM 9 Case Study II (5 ECTS)
- 080007 PS Case Study II/III: Diversity in the Imperial Gaze: "Die österr.-ung. Monarchie in Wort & Bild"
- 080016 PS [ en ] Case Study II/III: The Rise of the Minaret: Emergence, Evolution and Symbolism
- 080017 PS Case Study II/III: AI Art
- 080027 PS Case Study II/III: Painting and Colonialism
- 080032 PS Case Study II/III: Joan Jonas and the Beginnings of Video Art
- 080039 PS Case Study II/III: Collecting as an Artistic Practice of Selected Women Artists
- 080044 PS Case Study II/III: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - the Art of the Nomads in Northern China
- 080078 PS Case Study II/III: From Istanbul to Samarkand. Book Painting in Islamic Lands (AD 1300-1500)
- 080083 PS [ en ] Case Study II/III: The Art of Fake: History and Practice of Artistic Forgery
- 080095 PS Case Study II/III: Prague Book Illumination at the Time of King Wenceslas IV of Luxembourg
- 080100 PS Case Study II/III (Summer Course): Venetian Painters at the Viennese Imperial Court in the 18th C.
PM 10 Case Study III (5 ECTS)
- 080007 PS Case Study II/III: Diversity in the Imperial Gaze: "Die österr.-ung. Monarchie in Wort & Bild"
- 080016 PS [ en ] Case Study II/III: The Rise of the Minaret: Emergence, Evolution and Symbolism
- 080017 PS Case Study II/III: AI Art
- 080027 PS Case Study II/III: Painting and Colonialism
- 080032 PS Case Study II/III: Joan Jonas and the Beginnings of Video Art
- 080039 PS Case Study II/III: Collecting as an Artistic Practice of Selected Women Artists
- 080044 PS Case Study II/III: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - the Art of the Nomads in Northern China
- 080078 PS Case Study II/III: From Istanbul to Samarkand. Book Painting in Islamic Lands (AD 1300-1500)
- 080083 PS [ en ] Case Study II/III: The Art of Fake: History and Practice of Artistic Forgery
- 080095 PS Case Study II/III: Prague Book Illumination at the Time of King Wenceslas IV of Luxembourg
- 080100 PS Case Study II/III (Summer Course): Venetian Painters at the Viennese Imperial Court in the 18th C.
Special Topics (30 ECTS)
PM 11 Special Topics (30 ECTS)
- 080001 UE Course: Oskar Kokoschka and the Art of the 20th Century
- 080002 VO Graphic Techniques
- 080020 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Art and Anthropology
- 080043 UE Course (Summer Course): Press Photography under National Socialism - Case Studies in Austrian Magazines 1938-1945
- 080045 VO Other Voices, Other Rooms. Marginalized Spaces in Art since 1960
- 080047 UE [ en ] Course: Art Reception and the Politics of Spectatorship
- 080049 VO Themes and Media of Persian Painting in the Medieval to Early Modern Periods
- 080054 UE Course: The "Black Atlantic" in Contemporary Art
- 080063 VO Roman Baroque Palaces
- 080067 UE Course: Bernini at the Court of the Sun King. The Diary of Paul Fréart de Chantelou
- 080097 UE Course: Studying the Construction and Transformations of the Austrian Parliament Building - on the Basis of Planning Documents and On-Site Observations
- 080106 UE Course (Summer Course): At the Margins. Drolleries in Medieval Book Illumination
Emphasis (10 ECTS)
PM 12 Methods in History of Art and Architecture / Art Theory (5 ECTS)
- 080026 UE Course: From Malerfürst to Genitalpanik. Current Perspectives on the Art of Viennese Modernism
- 080035 UE Course: Writing Critically. From the Royal Academy to the Online Review
- 080052 UE Course: Introduction to Gender & Postcolonial Studies in Art History
- 080059 UE Course: Selected Writings on Bolognese Baroque Painting
- 080086 UE Course: In Translation: Migration and Exile in German-Speaking Art History after 1933
- 080108 UE Course (Summer Course): Art Theories from France - Discussed in the Museum
PM 13 Practical Applications of History of Art and Architecture (5 ECTS)
- 080002 VO Graphic Techniques
- 080021 UE Course: Hands-on - Working with Original Photographs of the 19th and 20th Century from the Collection of the Albertina
- 080031 UE Course: The Textile Arts
- 080041 UE Course: Scientific Expertise in Austrian Heritage Protection - How to Compose an Expert's Report on a Historical Building
- 080042 UE Course: Desribing and Mediating for Art Historical Practice
- 080061 UE Course (Summer Course): The mumok Collection through the Decades: The 1980s
- 080107 UE Course: Roman Baroque Paintings of the KHM: Work on the Scientific Catalogue
Final Phase (25 ECTS)
PM 14 Art in Vienna (5 ECTS)
- 080006 EX Viennese Art: Metropolitan Homelands on Display: Vienna’s District Museums‘ Collections
- 080014 EX Viennese Art: Architectural History of Vienna - Streets, Squares, and Buildings (12th-21st Century)
- 080048 EX Viennese Art: Dom Museum Wien Backstage - Works from the Permanent Collection and the Exhibition "Being mortal"
- 080094 EX Viennese Art: The Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna
PM 15 Seminar I (10 ECTS)
- 080004 SE Biedermeier in Europe: the Visual Arts from 1815 to 1848
- 080005 SE Building Culture of the Middle Ages in Klosterneuburg Abbey
- 080023 SE Museum in Progress, Vienna. Case studies
- 080024 SE Karl Friedrich Schinkel: Antiquity, Gothic, and Modernity
- 080036 SE Otto Wagner and Viennese Modernism
- 080038 SE Baroque Ceiling Painting in Princely Residences: Representation of Power in the Early Modern Period
- 080040 SE Architect Roland Rainer (1910-2004) and Austrian Post-War Modernism
- 080051 SE Alfred Kubin 1877-1959. Selected Drawings from the Albertina, Vienna
- 080058 SE Undead Painting. Abstraction since 1970
- 080060 SE Chinese Art and the Qianlong-Emperor
- 080062 SE Colonial Heritage and Decolonial Thinking
- 080065 SE Pietro da Cortona (1597-1669) - Painting and Architecture
- 080099 SE Where is God? Visualising Religious Themes in the Mosque
- 080102 SE [ en ] Media of Ottoman Image Making (16th-19th c.) - a World Beyond
- 080103 SE Manets Women in Context - Models of Subversion in Paris, ca. 1860
- 080104 SE Ancient Philosophers and Philosophical Pictorial Themes in 17th Century Art
PM 16 Seminar II (10 ECTS)
- 080004 SE Biedermeier in Europe: the Visual Arts from 1815 to 1848
- 080005 SE Building Culture of the Middle Ages in Klosterneuburg Abbey
- 080023 SE Museum in Progress, Vienna. Case studies
- 080024 SE Karl Friedrich Schinkel: Antiquity, Gothic, and Modernity
- 080036 SE Otto Wagner and Viennese Modernism
- 080038 SE Baroque Ceiling Painting in Princely Residences: Representation of Power in the Early Modern Period
- 080040 SE Architect Roland Rainer (1910-2004) and Austrian Post-War Modernism
- 080051 SE Alfred Kubin 1877-1959. Selected Drawings from the Albertina, Vienna
- 080058 SE Undead Painting. Abstraction since 1970
- 080060 SE Chinese Art and the Qianlong-Emperor
- 080062 SE Colonial Heritage and Decolonial Thinking
- 080065 SE Pietro da Cortona (1597-1669) - Painting and Architecture
- 080099 SE Where is God? Visualising Religious Themes in the Mosque
- 080102 SE [ en ] Media of Ottoman Image Making (16th-19th c.) - a World Beyond
- 080103 SE Manets Women in Context - Models of Subversion in Paris, ca. 1860
- 080104 SE Ancient Philosophers and Philosophical Pictorial Themes in 17th Century Art
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2024 00:39