6.01. Ur- und Frühgeschichte
- 060005 VO West Mediterranean Neolithic - The Neolithic Period in the Western Mediterranean
- 060006 VO+UE Field Research II - Field Research II
- 060007 PS Field Research I - Field Research I
- 060008 PV Exclusive tutorial - Exclusive tutorial
- 060009 UE Practical assessment of Iron Age finds - Practical assessment of Iron Age finds
- 060011 SE Seminar for Doctoral Students - Seminar for Doctoral Students
- 060013 VO Introduction to the Palaeolithic - Introduction to the Palaeolithic
- 060014 UE Stratigraphic Practice - Stratigraphic Practice
- 060016 PV Exclusive tutorial I - Exclusive tutorial I
- 060017 PV Exclusive tutorial - Exclusive tutorial
- 060022 LG Practical fieldwork 1/2, Vix - Practical fieldwork 1/2 on the late hallstatt Fürstensitz on the Mont Lassois near Vix (Burgundy)
- 060023 VO Introduction to iron age - Introduction to iron age
- 060024 PS Proseminar iron age - Proseminar iron age
- 060026 SV Nobility in medieval times - Nobility in early and later medieval times in Europe
- 060027 SE Medieval trade - Medieval trade
- 060028 SE cult and religion in medival times - the Archeology of cult and religion in medival times
- 060029 PV Exclusive tutorial - Exclusive tutorial
- 060030 PV Exclusive tutorial - Exclusive tutorial
- 060031 UE+EX Survey on an medieval estate - Survey on an medieval estate
- 060036 PV Exclusive tutorial - Exclusive tutorial
- 060075 PV Exclusive tutorial - Exclusive tutorial
- 060076 EX Excursion: Burgenland - Excursion: Burgenland - Prehistory, Geology and Mineralogy
- 060077 UE Introduction into prehistory of Albania - Introduction into prehistory of Albania
- 060081 EX Excursion to prehsitroic sites in Burgundy - Excursion to prehsitroic sites in Burgundy
- 060086 LG archaeological excavation for advanced - archaeological excavation for advanced
- 060087 PV Exclusive tutorial - Exclusive tutorial
- 060090 SE Bronze Age Weaponry - Bronze Age Weaponry
- 060091 UE Photographic Documentation - Photographic Documentation for Archaeologists
- 060092 UE Aerial archaeology, practical part II - Aerial archaeology, practical part II
- 060094 LG Training course in excavation in Upper Styria - Training course in excavation in Upper Styria
- 060095 UE Surveying for archaeologists - Surveying for archaeologists
- 060096 UE Photogrammetrical applications in archaeology - Photogrammetrical applications in archaeology
- 060097 UE Experimental Archaeology - Experimental Archaeology
- 060098 UE archaeological- geomagnetical practice - archaeological- geomagnetical practice
- 060099 PS proseminar early history - proseminar early history
- 060100 BU Determination early history finds - Practice to determine finds from early historic periods (Roman times and late antique)
- 060101 UE geophysical prospecting - geophysical prospecting
- 060103 LG Practical fieldwork 1/2, Bibracte - Practical fieldwork 1/2 in the oppidum Bibracte on Mont Beuvray (Burgundy)
- 060104 PV Exclusive tutorial - Exclusive tutorial
- 060105 LG Practical fieldwork 1/2, Linz-Göttweig - Practical fieldwork 1/2: Hillforts on the middle Danube (Linz-Römerberg, Upper Austria and Göttweig, Lower Austria)
- 060113 EX Excursion: early history in Austria - Excursion to sites from early historic period in Austria
- 060114 PV exclusive tutorial for graduates - exclusive tutorial for graduates
- 060134 VO+UE Archaeometallurgy: Basics and Experiments - Archaeometallurgy: Basics and Experiments
- 060135 UE Introduction-Anthropology -Prehistory - Introduction-Anthropology for Students of Prehistory
- 060137 UE archaeozoological field methods - archaeozoological field methods
- 060147 UE introduction to archaeobotanic fieldwork - introduction to archaeobotanic fieldwork
- 060148 EX Excursion to sites and museums in Albania - Excursion to sites and museums in Albania
- 060149 PV Exclusive tutorial II - Exclusive tutorial II
- 060155 UE Neolithic Flint tools (Linz) - Early and middle neolithic Flint tools in the Linz Region
- 060156 VO Methods of prehistory and early history /practice - Methods of prehistory- and early history in the practice
- 060157 PV Exclusive tutorial - Exclusive tutorial
- 060158 LG Field School I und II: Krems-Wachtberg - Field School I und II: Krems-Wachtberg, palaeolithic open air site
Last modified: Tu 23.10.2018 01:49