Introductory Stage (Module 1-3)
1.1 Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
- 030677 OV ( REMOTE OV ) Orientation Course - für Beginner*innen des Diplomstudiums Rechtswissenschaften
1.1.1. PM1 Introduction to the Science of Law and Its Methods
- EXAM COMM Written module examination in Introduction to Law and Legal Methods
- 030133 VO Introduction to law and its methods Exercises
- 030164 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030636 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030638 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030639 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030640 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030641 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030642 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030643 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030646 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030647 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030648 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030649 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030650 UE Introduction to law and its methods Courses
- 030085 KU Introduction to law and its methods Revision Courses
1.1.2. StEOP Compulsory Exercises Romanistic Fundamentals
- 030043 PF ( STEOP ) StEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property
- 030048 PF ( STEOP ) StEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property
- 030070 PF ( STEOP ) StEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property
- 030112 PF ( STEOP ) StEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property
- 030123 PF ( STEOP ) StEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property
- 030137 PF ( STEOP ) StEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property
- 030142 PF ( STEOP ) StEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property
1.1.3. StEOP Compulsory Exercises Recent History of Law and Constitution
- 030152 PF ( STEOP ) StEOP: Compulsory practical exercise on modern legal and constitutional history
- 030247 PF ( STEOP ) StEOP: Compulsory practical exercise on legal and constitutional history
- 030407 PF ( STEOP ) StEOP: Compulsory practical exercise on legal and constitutional history
- 030685 PF ( STEOP ) StEOP: Compulsory practical exercise on legal and constitutional history
1.2. PM2 European and International Basics (25 ECTS)
1.2.1. Romanistic Fundamentals of European Private Laws and Case Resolution Techniques Courses
- 030007 KU Intensive preparation for the FÜM1 (Romanistic Fundamentals) - for students with previous knowledge only!
- 030052 PKU Digest Exegesis
- 030053 PKU Digest Exegesis
- 030071 PKU Interactive Course on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property and Principles
- 030149 KU History of Roman Law - mit vertiefender historischer Kompetenz
- 030331 PKU Digest Exegesis
- 030392 KU Roman Society - Law of Persons / Family
- 030672 KU Workshop in Legal writing
- 030793 PKU Interactive Course on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations and Principles Exercises
- 030047 UE Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations
- 030095 UE Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations
- 030143 UE Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations
- 030146 UE Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations
- 030186 UE Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations Seminars / Moot Courts
- 030060 MC [ en ] International Roman Law Moot Court - for diploma students
- 030524 SE Current research in the area of Roman Law and the Civilian Traditions of Private Law - also for diploma and doctoral students
- 030549 SE Credit transactions and banking law in Rome and Athens - Actors, constructions and their legal-historical context Privatissima
1.2.2. Recent History of Law and Constitution Lecture Courses
- 030078 VO Jews und Jewries in Austria. A Legal History.
- 030120 VO Lecture on legal and constitutional history - History of Private Law
- 030376 VO Legal and constitutional history of modern times - Constitutional history Exercises
- 030033 UE Practical exercises on legal and constitutional history (selected key aspects)
- 030046 UE Practical exercise on private law history
- 030131 UE Practical exercise on legal and constitutional history
- 030193 UE Practical exercises on legal and constitutional history (selected key aspects)
- 030211 UE Practical exercises on constitutional history
- 030344 UE Practical exercise on private law history
- 030804 UE Practical exercises on constitutional history Seminars / Moot Courts
- 030393 SE Seminar of Legal History - Africa in the League of Nations era
- 030418 SE Seminar: Terrorism and State Terror - selected aspects of legal history - for diploma students
- 030486 SE After injustice: Comparative perspectives on law and memory after dictatorship
- 030528 SE "Chancellor Dictatorship" 1933/34-1938 and "Nazi Leader's State" 1938-1945 in Austria in Comparison - for diploma students
- 030566 MC [ en ] Ius Commune Moot Court - The Imperial Aulic Council
- 030684 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - for diploma and doctoral students Courses
- 030130 KU From poor relief to social welfare
- 030141 KU History of international law
- 030256 KU Course Retrocedent Constitutional History 20th century
- 030335 KU Centralist or federal? State formation in Austria-Hungary 1867-1879
- 030438 KU Globalisation and Legal Pluralism Revision Courses
- 030261 RE Revision course on legal history - Block-LV zum Jänner-MP-Termin
- 030402 RE Revision course in legal and constitutional history (main topics) - Block-LV zum März-MP-Termin
- 030422 RE Revision cours: legal and constitutional history (main topics) - Block-LV zum November-MP-Termin
1.2.3. Introduction to International Principles of Law European Law - Basics Lecture Courses Exercises
- 030150 PUE Exercise in Fundamentals of European Law for Beginners - Preparation for the written exams "FÜM 1"
- 030325 PUE [ en ] Excercise in Fundamentals of European Law for Beginners - Preparation for the written exams
- 030336 PUE Exercise in Fundamentals of European Law for Beginners - Preparation for the written exams "FÜM 1"
- 030475 PUE Exercise in Fundamentals of European Law for Beginners - Preparation for the written exams "FÜM 1"
- 030508 PUE Exercise in Fundamentals of European Law for Beginners - Preparation for the written exams "FÜM 1"
- 030610 PUE [ en ] Excercise in Fundamentals of European Law for Beginners - Preparation for the written exams
- 030680 PUE [ en ] Excercise in Fundamentals of European Law for Beginners - Preparation for the written exams International Law - Basics Lecture Courses
- 030477 VO [ en ] Foundations of International Law Exercises
- 030532 PUE Exercise in Fundamentals of International Law for Beginners - Special preparation for the written exam "FÜM I" with a focus on case discussions
- 030633 PUE Exercise in Fundamentals of International Law for Beginners - Preparatory course to the lecture on the introduction into International Basics of Law
- 030712 PUE [ en ] Exercise in International Law for Beginners
1.3. PM3 Competence in Legal Case Analysis (6 ECTS)
1.3.1. Exercise in Case Analysis in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030162 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030253 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030409 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030556 UE ( REMOTE ) Compulsory Course in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030657 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030663 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030696 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Civil Law for Beginners
1.3.2. Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030022 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030075 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030089 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030106 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030242 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030351 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030434 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners - in Verbindung mit VO 030855 Blitzstart Strafrecht
- 030459 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030460 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030466 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030467 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030469 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030470 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030480 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030494 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030854 UE Exercise in Case Analysis in Criminal Law for Beginners
- 030855 VO Quickstart Criminal Law - in Verbindung mit UE 030434 Anfängerübung zur Falllösung aus Strafrecht
1.3.3. Legal Research
- 030040 KU ( MIXED ) Legal Research
- 030367 KU Legal research in the cross-border context - Fiinding sources of law with special consideration to public international, EU law and selected foreign legal orders
Last modified: Fr 10.01.2025 00:43