Banking and Finance - Electives
- 040007 KU [ en ] Investments (MA)
- 040016 KU [ en ] Fixed Income Securities (MA)
- 040071 SE [ en ] Seminar (MA) - Intermediary Asset Pricing
- 040099 KU [ en ] Options and Derivatives (MA)
- 040164 UE [ en ] Python for Finance I (MA)
- 040204 KU [ en ] International Bank Regulation and Risk Management (MA)
- 040206 KU [ en ] Contract Theory (MA)
- 040207 KU [ en ] Portfolio Management (MA)
- 040275 KU [ en ] Banking and Financial Intermediation 2 (MA)
- 040448 PR [ en ] Performance Analysis (MA)
- 040569 KU [ en ] Valuation (MA)
- 040643 SE [ en ] Advanced Topics in Valuation (MA) - wird als Seminar aus Corporate Finance und Banking and Financial Intermediation anerkannt
Last modified: Th 23.01.2025 16:53