Core Phase (102 ECTS)
B1 ABWL Management (6 ECTS)
- 040026 UE [ en ] ABWL Management II
- 040058 VO ABWL Management I
B2 ABWL Production and Logistics (6 ECTS)
- 040136 VO ABWL Production and Logistics
- 040137 UK ABWL Production and Logistics II
B3 ABWL Marketing (6 ECTS)
- 040138 UK [ de en ] ABWL Marketing II
- 040192 VO [ en ] ABWL Marketing I
B4 ABWL Finance (6 ECTS)
- 040002 VO Basic Finance I
- 040003 UK [ de en ] Basic Finance II
Service Courses
- 040829 UK Service Module: Specialization to Basic Finance - Please note that from WS2023 repetition courses (Repetitorium) from the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics cannot be used for modules within a curriculum.
B5 ABWL Accounting (9 ECTS)
- 040064 VO Cost Accounting
- 040375 VO Financial Accounting I
- 040628 VO Financial Accounting II
Service Courses
B6 Quantitative Methods (28 ECTS)
- 040100 VO Mathematics 2
- 040123 UE Mathematics 1
- 040124 UE Mathematics 2
- 040129 VO ( MIXED ) Statistics 1
- 040132 UE [ en de ] ( REMOTE MIXED ) Statistics 1
- 040134 UK Optimization in Mathematics
Service Courses
- 040027 UK ( MIXED ) Repetitorium to VO Mathematics 1 - Please note that from WS2023 repetition courses (Repetitorium) from the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics cannot be used for modules within a curriculum.
- 040808 VK Business German
B7 Economics (12 ECTS)
- 040045 UK [ en ] Macroeconomics
- 040184 UK [ en de ] Microeconomics
B8 Business Sociology and Information Technology (8 ECTS)
- 040010 VO Information Technology
- 040641 VO Sociology for Students of Economics and Business Administration
B9.1 Principles of Law (3 ECTS)
- 040373 VO Introduction to Private and Business Law
B9 Law (12 ECTS)
- 040037 VO Company Law
- 040113 RE Repetitorium to Company Law - Please note that from WS2023 repetition courses (Repetitorium) from the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics cannot be used for modules within a curriculum.
- 040128 RE Repetitorium to Introduction to Private and Business Law - Please note that from WS2023 repetition courses (Repetitorium) from the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics cannot be used for modules within a curriculum.
- 040601 VO Tax Law
- 040602 UK Tax Law
- 040712 UK Business Law
B10 Business English (6 ECTS)
- EXAM Level B2 of the European Reference Frame
- 040130 UE [ en ] Business English II
- 040131 UE [ en ] WI-SPR: Business English I
Last modified: Mo 03.02.2025 11:11