Aspects and Regions (18 ECTS)
UF GP 03 Aspects and Eras 1 (13 ECTS)
- 070182 EX Field Trip - Berlin - Media of Urbanity
- 070083 EX Field Trip - Melk-Mauthausen/Gusen-Linz-Hartheim-Steyr - Memorials and exhibitions on National Socialism
- 070026 EX ( PH-NÖ ) Field Trip - Knowledge - Remembrance - Telling - Commemoration - Berlin - Begegnung mit Orten der Erinnerung
- 070119 EX Field Trip to Transylvania
- 070101 UE Guided Reading Medieval History - Steppe peoples! Huns, Avars, Magyars and Mongols - between historiography and ancient DNA
- 070206 UE Guided Reading Medieval History - Anti-Judaism in the Middle Ages
- 070262 UE Guided Reading Medieval History - Society, politics and culture in the Middle Ages
- 070126 UE Guided Reading Modern History - Sexual Violence against Children in Historical Perspective
- 070263 UE Guided Reading Austrian History 1 - From the Beginnings up to ca. 1815
- 070338 UE Guided Reading Austrian History I
- 070295 UE Guided Reading - Austrian History 1
- 070297 UE Guided Reading - Austrian History 1
- 070336 UE Guided Reading Austrian History I - Resistance, revolts and revolutions (not only) in the Austrian Middle Ages
- 070203 UE Guided Reading Austrian History 1 - Jewish life in the Habsburg Empire
- 070214 UE Guided Reading Austrian History I - A Survey from the beginnings to c. 1815
- 070104 UE Guided Reading Austrian History 2 - International Relations and Austria
- 070018 UE Guided Reading Austrian History 2 - Migration and Austria in the 20th Century
- 070191 UE Guided Reading Austrian History 2
- 070233 UE [ en ] Guided Reading Austrian History 2 - The Habsburg monarchy revisited (1815-1918)
- 070094 UE Guided Reading Global History - Mourning and burial cultures from antiquity to today
- 070310 UE [ en ] Guided Reading Economic and Social History - An exceptional country? Capitalism, war and social conflict in American history
- 070271 UE Guided Reading Economic and Social History - Financial history
- 070031 UE Guided Reading Economic and Social History - Tolerated "class enemy"? - Private enterprises in state socialism (1945-1989)
- 070325 UE Guided Reading Economic and Social History - internationalism in the postcolonial era - 1945 - 1990
- 070316 UE Guided Reading Economic and Social History - Household, family and livelihood - (ca. 1880 to 1960)
- 070302 UE Guided Reading Economic and Social History - Between the Volga, Nile and the Mediterranean. - Trade, migration and mobility on three continents, 600 to 1500 AD
- 070298 UE Guided Reading Economic and Social History - Economic thinking and knowledge of growth
- 070242 UE Guided Reading Women's and Gender History - Gender, Bodies and Work
- 070280 UE Guided Reading Contemporary History - Places contaminated by their Nazi Past and Places of Survival
- 070099 VO Austrian History I
- 070064 VO Austrian History II
- 070342 UE Guided Reading Austrian History 2 - Austria International
- 070305 UE Guided Reading Austrian History 2 - Between upheavals and new beginnings. Austria 1917-1946
- 070272 UE Guided Reading Economic and Social History
- 070077 UE [ en ] Guided Reading Economic and Social History - Slave Trade and Slavery in Eastern Europe
- 070331 UE Guided Reading East European History - Introduction to comparative and entanglement history with a focus on Southeast Europe. Reading of central texts.
- 070076 UE [ en ] Guided Reading Global History
- 070256 UE Guided Reading - The Jesuits as a Global Organisation
- 070084 VO Austrian History II
- 070085 VO Economic and Social History - Economy and Society in Europe, 1000-2000
- 240127 GR se - Wahllehrveranstaltungen
UF GP 04 Aspects and Regions 2 (5 ECTS)
- 070028 PS BA-Proseminar - Exhibition "Memorial Wall of Names, Nazi Victims and the University of Vienna"
- 070069 PS [ en ] BA-Proseminar - Cities in Ottoman Europe: Historical Sources and Digital Tools
- 070006 PS BA-Proseminar - Russia's war against Ukraine
- 070056 PS BA-Proseminar - From 'Prague Spring' to Martial Law in People's Poland - Central Eastern Europe in the 'long' 1970s
- 070072 PS ( PH-WIEN ) BA-Proseminar - Between colonisation and decolonisation - Images, maps and text sources on European expansion
- 070323 PS [ en ] BA-Proseminar - Public History - Archaeology in Public Debate
- 070092 PS BA-Proseminar - Public History - The work and person of Johann Martin Chladni in his time (1710 - 1759)
- 070103 PS BA-Proseminar - Court files on persons persecuted as homosexuals in Austria. 1938-1945
- 070281 PS [ en ] BA-Proseminar - Propaganda in the Middle Ages: Sermons as a historical source (ca.800-ca.1350)
- 070264 PS BA Proseminar - Urban Families, Kinship and Social Groups and their Networks - in Late Medieval East-Central Europe
- 070105 PS [ en ] BA-Proseminar - a history of entanglements - from things to the environment
- 070011 PS BA Proseminar - The Later Middle Ages (1250-1500)
- 070291 PS BA Proseminar - Personal Papers as Sources of Women's and Gender History
- 070120 PS [ en ] BA-Proseminar - Ritual and Society: Mortuary Practices in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
- 070309 PS BA-Proseminar - TV Histories. Perspectives from Media History and Cultural Studies
- 070322 PS BA Proseminar - Popes and the papacy in the Middle Ages (ca. 300 - ca. 1500)
- 070330 PS BA-Proseminar - Nationality policy(ies) in Poland in the interwar period
- 070335 PS BA-Proseminar - Balkan societies and the Soviet Union
- 070337 PS BA Proseminar - Austrian History I - Austrian historical myths - or: history that never was
- 070228 PS BA-Proseminar - Economic and Social History - Introduction to Microeconomics for Historians
Last modified: Fr 10.01.2025 00:43
Die Wahlregel für die Modulgruppe "Aspekte und Räume" wurde vereinfacht. Sie bezieht sich nur noch auf das Modul UF GSP 03 und betrifft nur noch die drei Pflichtfächer:Wahlregel für das Modul Aspekte und Räume 1 (UF GSP 03):
Im Modul Aspekte und Räume 1 sind insgesamt folgende Pflichtfächer zu absolvieren:
- Österreichische Geschichte 1 (bis ca. 1815),
- Österreichische Geschichte 2 (ab ca. 1815),
- Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte.Das Proseminar (PS) in UF GSP 04 kann auf dieser Grundlage aus einem beliebigen Fach (= Aspekt/Raum) aus Geschichte gewählt werden.Beachten Sie: Absolvierungen der Modulgruppe "Aspekte und Räume" nach der alten Wahlregel gelten als gleichwertig zur neuen Wahlregel. Das heißt, Sie können die Modulgruppe "Aspekte und Räume" auch noch gemäß der alten Wahlregel absolvieren, wenn Sie das Modul bereits in diesem Modus teilweise absolviert haben. Weitere Erläuterungen auf der SPL Homepage: