Protestant Theology
Old Testament Studies and Biblical Archaeology
- 020061 VO+UE Exegesis of Capita Selecta from the Book of Esther
- 020062 VO+UE Exegesis of Capita Selecta from the Book of Esther
- 020063 UE Exercise in Exegesis of Hebrew Bible Texts
- 020064 VO Basic Problems in Old Testament Theology
- 020065 VO Historiography of Israel - Intoduction to Old Testament Historiography
- 020066 SE Old Testament Seminar-Women in The Book of Genesis
- 020067 PV Old Testament Privatissimum
- 020068 VO Biblical Archaeology: Lebanon
- 020105 UE Hebrew
New Testament Studies
- 010140 VO+UE New Testament Greek I
- 020069 PV Privatissiumum: Colloquium for graduands and doctoral students
- 020071 VO Galatians
- 020073 VO History of the Early Church
- 020074 UE Apocryphal Gospels
- 020075 PS+SA Intoduction into New Testament Exegesis (Biblical Exegesis II)
- 020076 UE Experiencing Bibliodrama
- 020077 SE The Trials of Jesus and Paul
Ecclesiastical History, Christian Archaeology and Ecclesiastical Art
- 020078 KO Texts and monuments of late antiquity. An advanced seminary.
- 020079 SE Martin Luther the three most important book of 1520
- 020080 SE Ravenna. A late antique capital.
- 020081 VO History of Reformation
- 020092 VO Church History and Theological Thought - 4th - 6th Century - ---
- 020102 VO Church, State and Religion in Europe in the 19th and 20th century
- 020103 SE Pietism
- 020104 PV Privatissimum
Systematic Theology
- 020082 VO Dogmatic III
- 020083 VO Intoductions to dogmatic considering classic protestant tradition
- 020084 SE+SA Schleiermacher's theological ethics
- 020085 VO Intoduction to nursing ethics
- 020086 PV Exclusive tutorial: Current discussion and issues of Systematic Theology
- 020087 VO Central problems of Christology
- 020088 SE Contemporary Christology
- 020089 PV Privatissimum: main problems of modern systematic theology
- 020090 PS Systematic-theological proseminar: methods and approaches of systematic theology
- 020091 UE Introduction to scientific working
Practical Theology and Religious Psychology
- 020093 UE Main Themes of personal growth and self-experience for theologians I
- 020094 UE Main Themes of personal growth and self-experience for theologians IV
- 020095 UE Rhetorical Communication I: Conducting Conversations
- 020110 UE Church music/Hymns - P. Gerhardt, Ph. Nicolai - their hymns in comparision to contemporary hymn creation
- 020111 VU Rites, Celebrations, Worship: Introduction to Liturgics
- 020112 SE+SA Seminar in Homiletics II: Preparing a Sermon
- 020113 SE Seminar in Pastoral Care/Pastoral Psychology - Spirituality - a Term Searching for its Meaning
- 020114 PV Research Seminar - for MA and PhD Students and Students enrolled in the Socrates-Program Psychology of Religion
Religious Education
- 020096 VO Religious Education III
- 020097 SP+SA Practical course of religious instruction II
- 020098 UE Teaching methods and media in the classroom
- 020099 UE Bibliodrama course. Advanced training to work with Bibliodrama - WS 2007/08-SS2009
- 020100 UE Women in the Bibel and RE
- 020101 UE Children in the film. Theological, ethical and religious educational aspects.
- 020106 PV Privatissimum: Research in Religious Education
- 020107 EX Excursion: The religious situation in Romania
- 020109 VU Parish Education
- 020115 UE Bible: Didactical Training (The Parable of the Prodigal Son)
Church Law
- 020108 SE Religious law in Austria - Churches and schools-Religious education and confessional private schools in Austrian legal order
Religious Science
- 020117 VO Introduction to the Scientific Study of Religions - (Emphasis on the Development and History of Religions)
- 020118 SE Muslims in Hospitals
- 020119 SE Theory of Science of the Study of Religions - according to Joachim Wach's "Religionswissenschaft. Prolegomena zu ihrer wissenschaftstheoretischen Grundlegung", Leipzig 1924 ( = "Introduction to the History of Religions", translated and edited by Kitagawa, J.M./Alles, G.D.: New York/London 1988).
- 020120 VO Introduction to Islam
Women¿s Research
- 020066 SE Old Testament Seminar-Women in The Book of Genesis
- 020116 UE Theological Gender Studies - ".... here is neither male nor female" - or is it ? Basic questions, methods and relevance of theological Gender Studies
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34