PM 12 Individual Specialisation (16 ECTS)
A. Older Literature: An Overview
B. Diachronic Linguistics: An Overview
- 480071 VO Diachronic Slovene Linguistics: An Overview
- 480075 VO Diachronic East Slavonic Linguistics: An Overview
- 480076 VO Diachronic Bosnian / Croatian/ Serbian Linguistics: An Overview
- 480077 VO Diachronic Polish Linguistics: An Overview
- 480078 VO Diachronic Czech and Slovak Linguistics: An Overview
Further Slavic Courses (all slavonic languages)
- 480006 KO Language, Culture and History of Belarus
- 480016 VO Scripts and Languages of the Medieval Slavic Cultures
- 480040 KO News and interesting facts about the Czech language
- 480055 KO Colloquium on Linguistics - The Basics of Phonetics and Phonology of the East Slavic Languages
- 480058 VO Newer Czech Literature: An Overview
- 480059 VO Newer Slovak Literature: An Overview
- 480060 VO Newer Ukrainian Literature: An Overview
- 480061 VO Newer Bulgarian Literature: An Overview
- 480062 VO Newer Slovene Literature: An Overview
- 480065 KO Colloquium on Linguistics - History of the Ukrainian language
- 480066 VO Newer Polish Literature: An Overview
- 480067 VO Newer Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian Literature: An Overview
- 480068 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480074 KO Mentoring for Slavists
- 480118 KO Current Language Development in the Light of Research on Ukrainian Regional Studies
- 480125 VO Austriacisms - common loanwords in German, Slavic and Hungarian
Further Slavic Courses (Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian)
- 480004 UE [ de hbs ] Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480029 KO The Burgenland Croats between assimilation and self-assertion
- 480079 KO Colloquium on Linguistics: South Slavic - Diachronic and synchronic lexicology and related language disciplines (Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian)
Further Slavic Courses (Bulgarian)
- 480037 UE [ bg de ] Bulgarian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
Further Slavic Courses (Polish)
- 480032 UE [ de pl ] Polish Language Course: Advanced Level 2
Further Slavic Courses (Russian)
- 480010 UE [ de ru ] Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480102 KO Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies - Insights into the East Slavic cultural realm: Slavic and beyond
- 480115 UE Russian structure course: grammar and text stylistics
Further Slavic Courses (Slovak)
- 480030 UE [ de sk ] Slovak Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480122 KO [ cs de ] Czech und Slovak Corpus Linguistics
Further Slavic Courses (Slovene)
- 480034 UE [ de sl ] Slovene Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480081 KO Slovene Literature in Film
Further Slavic Courses (Czech)
- 480031 UE [ cs de ] Czech Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480101 KO Linguistic features of czech film language: narrative structure and dialogues
- 480122 KO [ cs de ] Czech und Slovak Corpus Linguistics
Further Slavic Courses (Ukrainian)
- 480033 UE [ de uk ] Ukrainian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480102 KO Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies - Insights into the East Slavic cultural realm: Slavic and beyond
- 480119 UE Ukrainian Video-Based Listening and Auditory Exercises
Last modified: Fr 10.01.2025 00:44
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