C. Diploma Programme Nutritional Sciences
- 330029 VO [ en ] Nutrition and Gene Regulation
- 330101 UE Radiation Biology Practicals
- 330106 VO Methods of Genetics, and Molecular Mechanism in Nutrition
First Stage of the Degree Programme
- 330112 UE Practical Training in Biochemistry
1.1. Compulsory Courses
- 330001 VO General and Organic Chemistry - für Ernährungswissenschafter
- 330010 VO Chemistry of natural materials - Organische Chemie der Naturstoffe
- 330019 VO Physics for Students of Nutritional Sciences
- 330041 UE Physics Laboratory Course - for Students of Nutritional Sciences
- 330013 VO Botany and General Biology
- 330002 VO Human Anatomy and Histology
- 330034 UE Histology and Cytology
- 330044 UE chemical exercises for nutritional scientists
- 330088 VO Human Physiology
- 330021 VO Human ecology - Mensch und Biosphäre
- 330014 VO Fundamentals of Biochemistry
- 330107 UE Nutritional Practice
- 330042 VO Ecological Fundamentals of Farm Production
- 330011 VO Quality Assessment and Sensory Analysis of Food
- 330043 VO Introduction to Microbiology and Hygene
- 330037 UE Microbiology Practicals
- 330103 UE Food Storage and Preservation Practicals
- 330099 UE I.T. and Biometry Practicals
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Compulsory Courses
- 330004 SE Seminar on Nutritional Physiology
- 330108 UE Practices in Nutiritional Physiology
- 330047 VO Pathophysiology
- 300058 VO Analytical Chemistry 1 for Biological Studies - and Nutritional Science Studies
- 300057 VO Analytical Chemistry 2 for Biological Studies - and Nutritional Science Studies
- 300059 VO Analytical Chemistry 3 for Biological Studies - and Nutritional Science Studies
- 330065 UE Practise in food chemistry - für Ernährungswissenschafter
- 330035 PR Lab Course of Analytical Food Chemistry
- 330022 VO Introduction to Food Law
- 330023 VO General Food Technology
- 330049 VO Chemical Food Preservation and Processing
- 330024 VO Food Toxicology
2.2. Areas of Specialisation
2.2.1. Compulsory Main Subject "Special Nutrition and Dietetics"
- 330036 UE Principles of Special Nutrition
- 330059 VO Clinical Nutrition
- 330051 SE Nutrition and Health Policy - Grundlagen und Strategien
2.2.2. Optional Subjects "Food Production and Technology"
- 330025 VO Cereal Technology
- 330026 VO Processing Fruits and Vegetables - (siehe unter Ankündigungen der BOKU Wien und Aushänge im Institut)
- 330083 UE Sensory Evaluation of Foods (practice) "Psychology of Nutrition/Nutrition Education"
- 330006 VO+SE Methodology of Nutrition Counselling - Beratungsmethodik und Fallbeispiele der Ernährungsberatung
- 330017 VO Consumer Policy & Consumer Protection "Nutrition and the Environment"
- 330064 VO Global Nutrition
- 330094 SE Nutritional Problems in Developing Countries "Nutrition Economy"
- 330070 VO Marketing and Sales Research
- 330007 VO+SE Theory of Consumer Behaviour
- 330017 VO Consumer Policy & Consumer Protection
- 330100 VO Nutrition Economy
- 330064 VO Global Nutrition
- 330094 SE Nutritional Problems in Developing Countries
2.3. Free Choice
- 030416 KU [ en ] Legal and Political Aspects I (F) - of International Security I
- 300711 VO [ en ] Writing and Speaking Scientific English
- 320013 VO Flavour Chemistry - (Vorlesung für Dissertanten, Diplomanden, Hörer der Studienrichtung Chemie sowie Teil I der Vorlesung, "Zusatz- und Fremdstoffe in Lebensmitteln" für Hörer der Studienrichtung Ernährungswissenschaften)
- 330018 SE Seminar for Doctoral and Diploma Candidates
- 330030 SE Nutritional Sciences Colloquium - Aktuelle Aspekte der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330040 VO Ecological & Biochemical Aspects of Antinutritional Food Compounds
- 330048 SE Nutrition Economy in Developing Countries - Aspekte der Ernährungsökonomie in Entwicklungsländern
- 330060 VO Revision Course in Physics for Nutritionists
- 330071 VO Molecular Genetics
- 330072 VO [ en ] Nutritional Epidemiology
- 330076 VO [ en ] Quality Control systems, Principles of GLP
- 330077 VO Free Radicals in Biological Systems
- 330078 SE Media Studies and Teaching Techniques
- 330082 VO [ en ] Nutrition and Gene Regulaton
- 330084 VO Radiation Biology I
- 330090 PR Statistics for PhD students
- 330029 VO [ en ] Nutrition and Gene Regulation
- 330101 UE Radiation Biology Practicals
- 330106 VO Methods of Genetics, and Molecular Mechanism in Nutrition
2.4. Supervision of Scientific Research Papers
- 330031 SE Guidance to Scientific Work - für Diplomanden und Doktoranden
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34