2.2. Packages
- 240019 SE Material Culture and Museums
- 240022 SE [ en ] Social Transformation and Policy Management
- 240048 SE Elusive Consumption - approaches to a social phenomenon in the context of economic anthropology
- 240049 SE Imaginations and Realities - Travelogues as sources of cultural and social anthropological research
- 240050 SE Media - Anthropology
- 240051 SE 'Migrating masculinities': Crises and control of masculinities in a 'globalized' world
- 240052 SE The global house of the world - the local world of the house: the one and the other side of the household: explotation and enrichment, domination and resistance
- 240053 SE [ en ] Lifeworlds of Children and Young People: anthropological perspectives
- 240054 SE Slavery and visual representations
- 240055 SE Identities, areas of actions, body politics - Medical anthropology's perspektives towards the New Biotechnologies
- 240056 SE Art - culture - tradition: the Australian example
- 240057 SE Exotism, Racism, Sexism: "Aliens" and the homogenizing gaze
- 240058 SE Myth, Ritual, and Symbol (Ngaju Dayak/Borneo)
- 240059 SE [ en ] Visual Culture
- 240060 SE Anthropology of Indigenous Amazonia
- 240061 SE+UE Information Resources and Recherche-Tools for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240062 SE+UE Visual Anthropology (the camera as a research tool)
- 240063 SE+UE Filming Documentaries - Storytelling - Basic Technology - Fieldwork
- 240064 VO Growing old. The social construction of aging.
- 240065 SE Gender, Body and Culture - Transcultural Perspectives and Migration-specific Debates on FGM (female genital mutilation)
- 240066 VO Genderstudies: Power of Space - Space of Power: Relations of Space, Power and Gender
- 240068 VO Popular Islam: Pilgrimage Sites and Encounters with Demons in the Middle East
- 240069 VO Death and burial in cross-cultural perspektive
- 240070 VO Eugenics and New Reproductive Technologies. A History of Continuity
- 240071 VO Bougainville - Solomon Islands - Fiji - Anthropological approaches and interpretations of the so-called "Arc of Instability"
- 240072 VO Famous Controversies in Anthropology
- 240073 VO Myth and Cinema: On the Construction of Meaning in Mythical Narratives
- 240075 VO Introduction to the Religion of Mesoamerica (part I)
- 240076 AL Anthro Lab
- 240077 AL Anthro Lab
- 240078 AL Anthro Lab
- 240079 AL Anthro Lab
- 240103 VO Between Dynamics and Stagnation - Indigenous Minorities, Citizens and State in Northern Europe and the Russian Federation
- 240104 SE+UE [ en ] Making Documentary Videos-an introduction for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240105 SE Woman-Marriage-Family
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34