First Stage of the Degree Programme
I.1.Introductory Phase
- 170201 UE Introduction to Theatre, Film and Media Studies
- 170013 UE Introduction to Theatre, Film and Media Studies
- 170107 UE Introduction to Theatre, Film and Media Studies
- 170054 UE Introduction to Theatre, Film and Media Studies
- 170041 UE Introduction to Theatre, Film and Media Studies
- 170056 UE Techniques of Scientific Work
- 170052 UE Techniques of Scientific Work
- 170114 UE Techniques of Scientific Work
- 170039 UE Techniques of Scientific Work
I.3.Core Subjects
- 170035 UE Theories and Methods of Theatre Studies
- 170014 UE Theories and Methods of Film Studies
- 170077 UE Theories and Methods of Film Studies
- 170149 UE Theories and Methods of Film Studies - Kino und Demokratie: Theorien zur Filmerfahrung
- 170196 UE Theories and Methods of Media Studies - Konzeptionen von "Realität" und "Medialität" und die Funktion sozialer Phantasmen
- 170259 UE Theories and Methods of Media Studies
- 170164 UE Theories and Methods of Media Studies - Tele-Reality
- 170163 UE Text and Performance Analysis - Das moderne Volksstück
- 170064 UE Text and Performance Analysis - Klassikerinszenierungen
- 170058 UE Text and Performance Analysis
- 170175 UE Film and Television Analysis - Filmtheorien der zwanziger Jahre
- 170166 UE Film and Television Analysis
- 170066 UE Film and Television Analysis - Einführung in Methoden und Grundbegriffe
- 170165 PS The Art of Acting and Direkting
- 170156 PS The Art of Acting and Directing
- 170200 PS The Art of Acting and Directing
- 170211 PS Intermedial Translation - Filmfassungen und -versionen
- 170086 PS Intermedial Translation
- 170248 PS Intermedial Translation - Shakespeare in Vertonung
- 170171 PS Image and Space Concepts in Theatre, Film and Media - Filmsets
- 170185 PS Image and Space Concepts in Theatre, Film and Media - Vom Ergreifen einer Idee - oder Wege und Methoden, den eigenen Mut zu fassen
- 170062 PS Image and Space Concepts in Theatre, Film and Media - Bildende Kunst und Theater im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert: Zeitgenössische Positionen I
I.4.Compulsory Elective Courses
- 170021 VO+UE Introduction to Cultural-Political Thinking - Europäische und nationale Kultur-Agenden im Zeichen der Globalisierung: Einführung in kulturpolitisches Denken
- 170043 UE Peter Handke - between provokation and performance
- 170113 UE Handlungstheorien II - Zum aktuellen Diskurs des theatralen Handelns
- 170160 UE reviewing theatre
- 170143 UE Stage Costume - Introduction; Design and Concept Development
- 170036 VO Development and Early History of the Opera III
- 170213 UE The myth of Joan - Genesis and History. Jeanne d'Arc in Drama and Opera
- 170103 VO International Film History - The Seventies: Time of Upheaval
- 170255 UE Getting stories on air I
- 170136 VO Radio - the art of listening - Radio, Communication, The Medium is the Message
- 170026 UE Model: Children's Group for Interpretative Acting I
- 170078 UE Contemporary theatre for a young audience
- 170123 UE From the Grave - Second Lives in Cinema
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34