5.03. Wirtschaftsinformatik
A. Bachelorstudium - Studienplan 2001 (033 526)
1. Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI)
- 050159 VO WW.II.VWI.IT.VO IS Technology
- 050189 UE WW.II.VWI.IT.UE IS Technology
- 050034 VO PI.SWA.SA.VO Software Architectures and Web-Technologies
- 050035 PR PI.SWA.SA.PR Software Architectures and Web-Technologies
- 050116 VO WW.II.GWI.WI.VO Introduction to Business Informatics
- 050117 VU WW.II.GWI.II.VU IS Infrastructure
- 050011 PR WI/PPR PR - Practical Course in Business Informatics
2. Wirtschaftswissenschaften (WW)
- 040012 EK Principles of Accounting
- 040054 VK Organization and Human Resources / Organization
- 040055 VK Organization and Human Resources / Human Resources
- 040058 EK Organization and Human Resources
- 040296 EK Introduction to Business Administration
- 040675 EK Service Module: Specialization to Principles of Accounting
2.1. Schwerpunkt Betriebswirtschaftslehre (SBW)
- 040002 EK Basic Finance
- 040003 VK Intermediate Finance
- 040061 EK Marketing
- 040062 VK Production and Logistics
- 040063 EK Production and Logistics
- 040176 EK [ en ] Marketing
- 040181 FK [ en ] Marketing (E)
- 040428 FK Marketing
- 040597 EK Accounting: Cost Accounting for Advanced Students
- 040600 VK Innovation and Technology Management
2.2. Schwerpunkt Wirtschaftswissenschaften (SWW)
3. Informationsverarbeitung (IT)
- 050022 PR PI.PRG.EF.PR Introduction to Programming - Practical Training in C++
- 050030 VO PI.DBS.DB.VO Database Systems
- 050031 UE PI.DBS.DB.UE Database Systems
- 050041 VO PI.TGS.TS.VO Technical Basics and System Software
- 050042 UE PI.TGS.TS.UE Technical Basics and System Software
4. Strukturwissenschaften (SW)
- 050047 VO PS. MBT.MB.VO Basic Techniques in Mathematics
- 050064 UE PS.MBT.MB.UE Basic Techniques in Mathematics
- 050045 VO PS.DAS.ST.VO Data Analysis and Statistics
- 050068 UE PS.DAS.ST.UE Data Analysis and Statistics
5. Kernfachkombinationen (KFK)
5.1. IT-Grundlagen für E-Commerce (KFK EC)
- 050016 VO KFK EC/1 VO - Electronic Commerce 1
- 050017 UE KFK EC/1 UE - Electronic Commerce 1
- 050018 VU KFK EC/3 VU - Secure Electronic Commerce
- 050019 SE KFK EC/3 SE - Electronic Commerce 3
5.2. Operations Research (KFK OR)
- 040072 EK KFK OR: Operations Research I
- 040073 FK KFK OR: Applied Management Science Part 1
- 040075 VK [ en ] KFK OR: Decision Theory 1 (E)
- 040076 VK KFK OR: Software Applications in OR I
5.3. Organisation (KFK ORG)
- 040083 VK KFK WINF: Business Process Management
- 040430 VK [ en ] KFK ORGA: Organizational Design (E)
- 040519 EK KFK IndM/IM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 040520 VK KFK IndM/IM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 040537 EK BW SOZ: Social Research
- 040647 FK [ en ] KFK ORGA: Individual/Organizional Decision Making (E)
5.4. Produktionsmanagement (KFK PRM)
- 040011 VK KFK PM/LM: Human Resources in Manufacturing & Services
- 040064 VK [ en ] KFK PM/LM: Practical Course (E)
- 040330 FK KFK PM/LM: Operations Management
- 040331 VK [ en ] KFK PM/LM: Transportation Logistics (E)
- 040332 FK [ en ] KFK PM/LM: Human Resources in Manufacturing & Services (E)
- 040335 SE [ en ] KFK PM/LM: Seminar (E)
- 040346 VK [ en ] KFK PM/LM: Logistical Management (E)
5.5. Semantic Web (KFK SW)
- 050173 UE KFK SEW/ES UE - Introduction to Semantic Web
- 050174 VO KFK SEW/ES VO - Introduction to Semantic Web
- 050183 VU KFK SEW/WD Extraction and Integration of Web Data
5.6. Decision Support (KFK DS)
- 040076 VK KFK OR: Software Applications in OR I
- 050152 VU PG.STW.CT.VU Computational Techniques
- 050176 VO KFK DS/SW VO - Introduction to Decision Support
- 050177 PS KFK DS/SW PS - Introduction to Decision Support
6. Sonstige Lehrveranstaltungen
B. Masterstudium - Studienplan 2001 (066 926)
1. Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI)
- 050160 VU PI.WI1.BP.VU Business Process Management
- 050161 VU PI.WI1.WT.VU Workflow Technologies
- 050199 VU PI.WI2.EB.VU E-Business
- 050200 PR PI.WI2.EB.PR E-Business
- 050221 VU PI.WI2.KS.VU Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
2. Wirtschaftswissenschaften (WW)
- 040072 EK KFK OR: Operations Research I
- 040111 FK BW VM: Project Management 1
- 040330 FK KFK PM/LM: Operations Management
- 040582 UK [ en ] Network Economics
3. Informationsverarbeitung (IT)
- 050131 VO PG.ASE.SE.VO Advanced Software Engineering
- 050132 UE PG.ASE.SE.UE Advanced Software Engineering
4. Strukturwissenschaften (SW)
- 050151 VU PG.STW.DA.VU Data Analytical Methods
- 050152 VU PG.STW.CT.VU Computational Techniques
- 050070 VU System Dynamics and Modeling
5. Kernfachkombinationen (KFK)
5.1. Multimediale Systeme (KFK MM)
- 050210 VO WK.MS.MS2.MS.VO Multimedia Systems 2
- 050211 UE WK.MS.MS2.MS.UE Multimedia Systems 2
- 050212 PR WK.MS.PMS.PM.PR Multimedia Systems
5.2. Organisation (KFK ORG)
5.3. Produktionsmanagement (KFK PRM)
5.4. Knowledge Engineering (KFK KE)
- 050201 VU WK.SI.EV.VU Evolution
- 050202 PR WK.SI.PS.PR Practical Course on Semantic IS
5.5. Vernetzte Systeme (KFK VS)
- 050208 VU WK.VS.NPE.NP.VU Network Performance Evaluation
- 050209 PR WK.VS.PVS.PV.PR Laboratory for Networked Systems
5.6. ICT-Projektmanagement und Organisationsentwicklung (KFK ICT)
- 050093 VU Communication and Soft Skills - entspricht KFK PM/SS VU
- 050160 VU PI.WI1.BP.VU Business Process Management
- 050161 VU PI.WI1.WT.VU Workflow Technologies
- 050199 VU PI.WI2.EB.VU E-Business
- 050200 PR PI.WI2.EB.PR E-Business
- 050221 VU PI.WI2.KS.VU Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
5.7. Grid Computing (KFK GC)
- 050214 VU WK.SC.GRT.GT.VU Grid Technologies
- 050215 PR WK.SC.PSC.PS.PR Scientific Computing Lab
5.8. Innovations- und Technologiemanagement (KFK ITM)
- 040011 VK KFK PM/LM: Human Resources in Manufacturing & Services
- 040083 VK KFK WINF: Business Process Management
- 040084 UK KFK WINF: E-Business - Technologien und Anwendungen
- 040228 UK KFK ITM: Strategical ITM
- 040292 UK KFK ITM: ITM in Health Care
- 040293 SE [ en ] KFK ITM: OR in Health Care (E)
- 040332 FK [ en ] KFK PM/LM: Human Resources in Manufacturing & Services (E)
- 040339 VK KFK eB/ITM: Business Modelling in ITM
- 040340 SE [ en ] KFK ITM: Recent Developments in ITM (E)
- 040341 VK [ en ] KFK ITM: Applications of ITM (E)
- 040457 FK [ en ] KFK eB/ITM: Applications of eBusiness and eLogistics
- 040487 UK KFK ITM: Operational Innovation and Technology Management
- 050176 VO KFK DS/SW VO - Introduction to Decision Support
- 050177 PS KFK DS/SW PS - Introduction to Decision Support
6. Sonstige Lehrveranstaltungen
- 040238 SE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 040264 SE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 050133 SE Seminar for Master Students
C. Diplomstudium - Studienplan 1995/1997 (175)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34
Nachanmeldung (zu Restplätzen und ggf zusätzlichen Lehrveranstaltungen): 26. - 28. September 2007Zusätzlich zur online-Anmeldung ist die persönliche Anwesenheit in der Vorbesprechung bzw. ersten Einheit der Lehrveranstaltungen unbedingt erforderlich!Informationen betreffend die Anmeldung zu Lehrveranstaltungen anderer Studienprogrammleitungen (das sind jene, deren Nummer nicht mit 05 beginnt) finden sich im jeweiligen Kapitel bzw. bei der jeweiligen Lehrveranstaltung.