Third Stage of the Degree Programme
3.1. Political Science and Constitutional Law
- 030618 VO Constitutional Law I - Allgemeine Staatslehre und Organisationsrecht
- 030713 VO Lecture Constitutional Law II - Grundrechte, Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit
- 030519 VO European Human Rights Protection (EU, Europarat, OSZE)
- 030367 VO+KO Constitutional Law - (also for doctoral candidates)
- 030106 PF Compulsory practical exercise on Constitutional Law
- 030449 PF Compulsory practical exercise on Constitutional Law
- 030624 PF Compulsory practical exercise on Constitutional Law
- 030716 PF Compulsory practical exercise on Constitutional Law
- 030589 RE Revision course on Constitutional Law - Blended-learning gem §21 Studienplan
- 030719 RE Revision course on Constitutional Law - Blended-learning gem §21 Studienplan
- 030622 RE Revision course on Constitutional Law
- 030718 SE Fundamental rights in the european constitutional space - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030151 SE Seminar on Minority Law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030267 SE Seminar on Public Law - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030153 SE Seminar public law: reform of state - recent developments - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030724 SE [ en ] Human Rights and China - Analysis and Response - (für DissertantInnen)
- 030725 SE [ en ] Universal Declaration of Human Rights and 15 years Vienna Declaration and Progr. of Action - (für DissertantInnen)
- 030727 SE Application of Austrian constitutional law by the Austrian Constitutional Court - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030021 SE Seminar on public and European law - Schnittstellen zwischen Europarecht und innerstaatlichem öffentlichen Recht, (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030038 SE Current topics of environmental law - gemeinsam mit RA Dr. Wilhelm Bergthaler und RA Dr. Christian Schmelz (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030277 SE Seminar on Public Law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030311 SE Seminar on Public Law - Federalism and Devolution (also for Graduate and Undergraduate Students)
- 030380 SE Seminar on Public Law - Tutorial workshop in public law for graduate and postgraduate students
- 030279 SE Seminar on Public Law - Recent Case Law on Fundamental and Human Rights (Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students)
- 030673 SE Seminar on Public Law and Comparative Law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030361 SE Legal Theory and methodology - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030706 SE History of the concept of Constitution - (vertiefende historische Kompetenz) (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030156 KU Enquiries in market communication - (public advertising and the law)
- 030565 PR [ en ] Praktikum "Ligitation before European Courts" - Dealing with cases before the European Court of Human Rights
3.2. Administrative Law
- 030299 VO General Administrative Law
- 030276 VO Administrative law - spezial fields
- 030515 VO European Migraton- and Asylum Law
- 030145 PF Compulsory practical exercise on Administrative Law
- 030143 PF Compulsory practical exercise on Administrative Law - unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Europarechts
- 030263 PF Compulsory practical exercise on Administrative Law - Blended-learning gem §21 Studienplan
- 030717 PF Compulsory practical exercise on Administrative Law
- 030714 PF Compulsory practical exercise on Administrative Law
- 030720 RE Revision course on Administrative Law
- 030267 SE Seminar on Public Law - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030153 SE Seminar public law: reform of state - recent developments - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030021 SE Seminar on public and European law - Schnittstellen zwischen Europarecht und innerstaatlichem öffentlichen Recht, (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030038 SE Current topics of environmental law - gemeinsam mit RA Dr. Wilhelm Bergthaler und RA Dr. Christian Schmelz (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030277 SE Seminar on Public Law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030311 SE Seminar on Public Law - Federalism and Devolution (also for Graduate and Undergraduate Students)
- 030485 SE Genetechnologie and Law - Genetechnologie, Law and Ethics
- 030132 SE Tutorial workshop in public law and economical aspects of public law - (Praktikerseminar)
- 030380 SE Seminar on Public Law - Tutorial workshop in public law for graduate and postgraduate students
- 030673 SE Seminar on Public Law and Comparative Law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030631 KU European and Austrian Public Procurement Law
- 030526 KU Data Protection in E-Business and Internet - EU-Data Protection Directive, Austrian State&Federal Data Protection Laws and their relevance for the E-Business
- 030607 KU The Third Pillar of the European Union - Police and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters
- 030745 RE Revision course on Administrative Law
3.3. European Law
- 030664 VO Lecture on European Law - -
- 030647 VO Lecture on European Law - Grundlagen des Europarechts II - Europäisches Verfassungsrecht: Grundlagen und Institutionen (gleichzeitig Hauptvorlesung I aus Europarecht im 3. Studienabschnitt alte Studienordnung)
- 030669 VO Legal professions in EC-Law
- 030515 VO European Migraton- and Asylum Law
- 030519 VO European Human Rights Protection (EU, Europarat, OSZE)
- 030600 VO [ en ] Introduction to European Community Law - Introduction to the legal system of the European Community
- 030569 PF Compulsory practical exercise in EU-Law
- 030326 PF [ en ] Exercices in EU-Law
- 030413 PF Compulsory practical exercise in EU-Law
- 030606 PF Compulsory practical exercise in EU-Law
- 030535 PF Compulsory practical exercise in EU-Law
- 030608 RE Revision Course in EU-Law
- 030663 KO Professional qualification at universities in Europe
- 030474 SE Seminar European Community Law - Current legal questions of law in EC-law (for graduate or undergraduate Students)
- 030727 SE Application of Austrian constitutional law by the Austrian Constitutional Court - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030021 SE Seminar on public and European law - Schnittstellen zwischen Europarecht und innerstaatlichem öffentlichen Recht, (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030603 SE [ en ] Seminar European Community Law - European Community Law (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen )
- 030699 KU Fundamental Freedoms
- 030412 KU Judicial Protection in the European Communities
- 030604 KU EC - public procurement law
- 030585 KU [ en ] Enforcement of EC Cartel Law - shall the EC follow the example of the US
- 030607 KU The Third Pillar of the European Union - Police and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters
- 030565 PR [ en ] Praktikum "Ligitation before European Courts" - Dealing with cases before the European Court of Human Rights
- 030584 VO The System of the European Community Law - economic constitutional law, domestic market law
- 030757 VO The System of the European Community Law - ECs social dimension
3.4. International Law
- 030338 VO Public International Law II - (Core issues of substantive International Law)
- 030383 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise in International Law - Blended-learning gem §21 Studienplan
- 030735 PF Compulsory practical exercise in International Law - Blended-learning gem §21 Studienplan
- 030643 PF Compulsory practical exercise in International Law
- 030339 RE Repetition Course in International Law
- 030094 SE [ en ] International Criminal Courts (ICC) - (for undergraduade and graduade students)
- 030712 SE [ en ] TNCS and Human Rights - (for masters and doctor students)
3.5. Tax Law/Financial Law
- 030414 VO Lecture in Tax Law - combined with voluntary final examination
- 030032 VO Lecture in Federal General Fiscal Code
- 030148 VO Lecture in Value Added Tax
- 030325 VO Lecture in Business Taxation
- 030551 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Tax Law - (kombiniert mit VO)
- 030231 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Tax Law
- 030226 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Tax Law
- 030307 SE Seminar in Tax Law - (for graduands and doctorands)
- 030033 SE Seminar in Tax Law - for graduands and doctorands
3.6. Business Administration and Accounting Law
- 030721 KU Business Economics
- 030722 KU Balance Sheet Law
3.7. Finance
- 030723 KU Financial Studies
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34