Elective Courses
4.1.1. Philosophy of Law, Ethics of Law and Methodology - Core Area (Philosophy, Ethics and Theory of Law)
- 030574 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy: On the Theory of Punishment and Criminal Law - Zur Theorie von Strafe und Strafrecht (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030706 SE History of the concept of Constitution - (vertiefende historische Kompetenz) (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030114 KU Legal Methods - Blended-learning gem §21 Studienplan
- 030175 KU Legal Ethics in Biomedicine
- 030427 KU Easteuropean Legal Culture - Introduction into the Russian Legal Thinking
- 030679 KU Core module Legal Philosophy: Fichtes Philosophy of Law
4.1.2. Philosophy of Law, Ethics of Law and Methodology - Elective Area
- 030441 VO Europe and the islamic modernism
- 030108 SE [ en ] Indigenous Peoples`Rights in national and international contexts - (for undergraduate and graduate students)
- 030257 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy - Freedom of the Will and Law
- 030425 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Relgious Law - Women¿s Rights from Plato until today
- 030348 KU [ en ] Legal Realism and the Common Law - Legal Realism and the Common Law
- 030424 KU ERASMUS-VISION - Introduction into the Basics of the Austrian Legal Culture for Erasmus Incomings
- 030506 KU Human Rights, Democracy and Peacekeeping
- 030511 KU Gender, law and power: multicultural dimensions - multicultural dimensions
- 030590 KU Legal issues of European Overseas expansion
- 030678 KU [ de en ] Standards and Methods of Medical Ethics - Introduction to Good Scientific Practice
4.2.1. European and Comparative History of Law - Core Area
4.2.2. European and Comparative History of Law - Elective Area
- 030201 VO Lecture in Historical Foundations of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure - vertiefende historisch Kompetenz
- 030192 SE Seminar on Legal and Constitutional History - Seminar on European and Comparative Legal History
- 030356 SE Seminar on Legal and Constitutional History - From Paris to Lisbon: History of European Integration
- 030418 SE Seminar on Legal and Constitutional History - History of Austrian Criminal law and criminal procedure
- 030375 SE "Seminar"/"Wahlfachkurs" Gender-Studies1 - Seminar "Equal opportunities, social mobility and gender"
- 030394 SE Undergrade Seminar: Roman Private law and ABGB - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen), Thema: Römisches Privatrecht und ABGB (vertiefende historische Kompetenz)
- 030706 SE History of the concept of Constitution - (vertiefende historische Kompetenz) (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030705 SE Exklusive tutorial - (vertiefende historische Kompetenz)
- 030407 SE Development of Human Rights in Austria and the Relationship between Church and State - vertiefende historische Kompetenz (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030430 KU History of Austrian Judicial Laws - Course on History of Austrian Judicial Laws and their European Dimensions
- 030447 KU Legal Sources and Searching - Juristische Medienkompetenz (vertiefende historische Kompetenz)
- 030590 KU Legal issues of European Overseas expansion
4.3. Roman Law and Ancient History of Law
- 030188 SE Seminar on Roman Law - (vertiefende historische Kompetenz) (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
4.4.1. Legal Gender Studies - Core Area (Women's and Gender Research)
- 030375 SE "Seminar"/"Wahlfachkurs" Gender-Studies1 - Seminar "Equal opportunities, social mobility and gender"
- 030428 SE SE "Equal opportunities, social mobility, gender" - Seminar "Equal opportunities, social mobility and gender"
- 030016 KU Equlity between the sexes - Equlity between the sexes
- 030511 KU Gender, law and power: multicultural dimensions - multicultural dimensions
4.4.2. Legal Gender Studies - Elective Area
- 030425 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Relgious Law - Women¿s Rights from Plato until today
- 030510 SE Genderproblems in Labour Law and Social Security Law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030317 KU Gender studies in criminology
4.5. Sociology of Law
4.6.1. Criminal Justice and Criminology - Core Area
- 030435 VO Fundamentals of Criminology - Blended-learning gem §21 Studienplan
- 030095 KU Economic and european criminal law
- 030690 KU Course Actual Criminal Policy
4.6.2. Criminal Justice and Criminology - Elective Area
- 030201 VO Lecture in Historical Foundations of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure - vertiefende historisch Kompetenz
- 030697 VO Mental illness and dangerousness
- 030694 VO Forensic Medicine and Law 2
- 030094 SE [ en ] International Criminal Courts (ICC) - (for undergraduade and graduade students)
- 030342 SE Seminar in Criminology - for graduants and doctoral candidates
- 030680 SE Judical Relief by the Supreme Court - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030692 SE Problems of the criminal prosecution of drug offences - in Kooperation mit den Universitäten Innsbruck, Augsburg, Freiburg, i. Br., Basel und Fribourg (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030574 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy: On the Theory of Punishment and Criminal Law - Zur Theorie von Strafe und Strafrecht (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030042 KU Mediation in Penal Law
- 030048 KU Criminal law aspects of environmental law - Gerichtliches Umweltstrafrecht
- 030051 KU Juvenile Delinquency - Blended-learning gem §21 Studienplan
- 030232 KU Proceedings in prison studies
- 030317 KU Gender studies in criminology
- 030677 KU Course: Diversion in criminal matters
- 030689 KU Course: "Victims`Rights"
- 030691 KU [ en ] Course: "Comparative Criminal Procedure"
- 030693 KU Crime prevention
4.7.1. Right of Abode - Core Area
- 030404 VO Landlord/Tenant Law - (Austrian Tenancy Act)
- 030320 KU Main topics of austr. nonprofit landlord - (WGG)
- 030355 KU Procedural Aspects of Landlord/Tenant Law
- 030359 KU Law of real estate agents
4.7.2. Right of Abode - Elective Area
- 030309 VO A practical approach to real estate law and real estate contracts
- 030439 SE Housing Law Seminar - for Diploma and Doctoral thesis candidates
- 030410 KU Case studies: Austrian Tenancy Act
4.8.1. Law of Succession and Asset Succession - Core Area
- 030089 KU Corporate Successon Planning - Tax Law - Gestaltungsformen der Unternehmensnachfolge WFK Erbrecht und Vermögensnachfolge
- 030522 KU Corporate Succession Planning - (under Austrian corporate law and the law on the Austrian private foundation ("Privatstiftung"))
- 030158 KU Main Features of Foreign Law of Succession
- 030521 KU civil procedure in actions relating to succession - in a national and international context
4.8.2. Law of Succession and Asset Succession - Elective Area
4.9. Human Resources Management
4.10.1. Business Law (advanced) - Core Area (Commercial and Business Law)
- 030312 VO Lecture on Austrian Antitrust Law
- 030444 VO Law of Associations and Trusts
- 030468 VO Law of Group Companies and Reorganisations - including Mergers, Demergers and Transformations
- 030140 KU Practical course: The European company - Europäische Aktiengesellschaft
4.10.2. Business Law (advanced) - Elective Area
- 030362 VO Co-operativ Law
- 030325 VO Lecture in Business Taxation
- 030582 VO Drafting Contracts in Business and Corporate Law - Drafting Contracts in Business and Corporate Law
- 030656 VO Contestation according to the bankruptcy act and the contestation act
- 030115 KO [ en ] M & A International Part II (Competition Law)
- 030076 SE [ en ] European Union Business Law Seminar - EC Competition Law, Internal Market Law, Transatlantic Marketplace
- 030246 SE [ en ] Willem C.VIS International Commercial Arbitration Moot - Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (open for Erasmus students)
- 030703 SE European and Member-state Business and Capital Markets Law - Case Studies - (neither for Diploma Candidates nor for Doctoral Candidates)
- 030103 KU Register of firms
- 030514 KU European Competition Law I - Antitrust prohibition
- 030517 KU European Company Law - Supranationale Gesellschaftsformen, Gesellschaftsrechtliche Harmonisierung, Niederlassungsfreiheit und Gesellschaftsrecht, Gesellschaftsrechtl. Judikatur des EuGH
- 030530 KU Copyright Law II
- 030661 KU [ en ] European and International E-Commerce Law
- 030699 KU Fundamental Freedoms
- 030701 KU European Competition Law II - Abuse of Dominance and Merger Control
4.11. Law of Immaterial Property
4.12.1. International Private Commercial Law and Comparative Law - Core Area
- 030557 VO Introduction to Comparative Law
- 030501 VO International Commercial Arbitration
- 030061 VO Comparitive Labour Law
- 030271 RE Review course: Conflict of Laws, Convention on the International Sale of Goods
- 030119 KO Selected Topics of the Hungarian Law and the kodifikationambition - Selected Topics of the Hungarian Law and other neighbouring Countries
- 030390 KO Selected Chapters of the Development of Priv. Law - in Former Socialist Countries
- 030158 KU Main Features of Foreign Law of Succession
- 030233 SE Private Law, Conflict of Laws and Comparative Law" - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030246 SE [ en ] Willem C.VIS International Commercial Arbitration Moot - Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (open for Erasmus students)
- 030254 SE Seminar on Private International Economic Law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030377 SE [ en ] Seminar: Approaches to Comparative Law - for Diplom candidates and doctoral students
- 030673 SE Seminar on Public Law and Comparative Law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030348 KU [ en ] Legal Realism and the Common Law - Legal Realism and the Common Law
- 030351 KU [ en ] Contract Law in Europe - The emerging European Contract Law against the background of existing EC law and national contract laws
- 030431 KU Comparative Aspects of Medical Law
- 030566 KU European insolvency Law
4.13.1. Mediation - Core Area (Mediation and Other Forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution)
- 030433 KU Social Skill for Mediators
- 030674 KU International building projects - the art of good mediation
- 030676 KU Strategies of communication
4.13.2. Mediation - Elective Area
- 030432 KU Intercultural Conflict Resolution
- 030042 KU Mediation in Penal Law
- 030278 KU Practical features of Mediation - Structure and Procedure
- 030379 KU [ en ] International negotiations
- 030492 KU Mediation in Labour Relations
- 030494 KU Family Mediation
- 030677 KU Course: Diversion in criminal matters
- 030650 KU Mediation and the role of physical language
- 030758 KU [ en ] Negotiation and Mediation of Employment Disputes
4.14.1. Bank and Insurance Law - Core Area
- 030045 VO Basics of Liability Insurance Law
- 030053 VO Private banking law II: Selected contracts
4.14.2. Bank and Insurance Law - Elective Area
- 030141 VO Basics of Bank Supervision Law
- 030658 VO Main features of the Law of Personal Insurance
- 030290 VO Stock Exchange Law
- 030659 VO Special Aspects of the Law of Damages
- 030445 KU Financial Market Authority
4.15.1. Computer and Law - Core Area
- 030526 KU Data Protection in E-Business and Internet - EU-Data Protection Directive, Austrian State&Federal Data Protection Laws and their relevance for the E-Business
- 030527 KO Electronic Communication with Courts - (electronic companies register, electronic land register, bankruptcy database
- 030529 KU Electronic Signature - IT-related questions: The Electronic Signature
- 030531 KU Competition & Trademark Law and the Internet
- 030662 KU Copyright Law and electronic media
4.15.2. Computer and Law - Elective Area
- 030401 SE Seminar on internet law - (auch für DissertantInnen)
- 030423 SE Seminar in Legal Informatics - Blended-learning gem §21 Studienplan (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030402 KU Tax Law & Information Technology
- 030528 KU [ en ] Lectures on Computers and Law - Blended-learning gem §21 Studienplan
- 030661 KU [ en ] European and International E-Commerce Law
4.16. Form of Contract and Case studies
- 030405 SE Drafting contracts in the feelds of culture - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030077 SE Seminar: Drafting of Employment Contracts - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030737 SE Case studies: Mergers & Acquisitions
- 030746 SE Seminar on Drafting of Research and Technology Agreements - (also for undergraduate and graduate students)
4.17.1. European Law (advanced) - Core Area
- 030652 VO Principles of European Constitutional Law
- 030371 KU European Labour and Social Law
- 030412 KU Judicial Protection in the European Communities
- 030514 KU European Competition Law I - Antitrust prohibition
- 030699 KU Fundamental Freedoms
- 030584 VO The System of the European Community Law - economic constitutional law, domestic market law
4.17.2. European Law (advanced) - Elective Area
- 030664 VO Lecture on European Law - -
- 030669 VO Legal professions in EC-Law
- 030312 VO Lecture on Austrian Antitrust Law
- 030442 VO Freedom of Relgion and Belief in Europe
- 030515 VO European Migraton- and Asylum Law
- 030600 VO [ en ] Introduction to European Community Law - Introduction to the legal system of the European Community
- 030519 VO European Human Rights Protection (EU, Europarat, OSZE)
- 030601 VO [ en ] Free Movement of Persons in European Community Law
- 030516 VO civil procedure in Europe I - (Introduction to civil procedure based on international and European community law)
- 030663 KO Professional qualification at universities in Europe
- 030115 KO [ en ] M & A International Part II (Competition Law)
- 030474 SE Seminar European Community Law - Current legal questions of law in EC-law (for graduate or undergraduate Students)
- 030603 SE [ en ] Seminar European Community Law - European Community Law (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen )
- 030076 SE [ en ] European Union Business Law Seminar - EC Competition Law, Internal Market Law, Transatlantic Marketplace
- 030086 SE Seminar on European Civil Procedure - in cooperation with the University of Pécs (for undergraduate and graduate students)
- 030709 SE Seminar on European Civil Procedure - in cooperation with the Athens National and Kapodistrian University (for undergraduate and graduate students)
- 030102 SE Seminar: European Economic Law - Recent Developments - (auch für DissertantInnen)
- 030279 SE Seminar on Public Law - Recent Case Law on Fundamental and Human Rights (Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students)
- 030356 SE Seminar on Legal and Constitutional History - From Paris to Lisbon: History of European Integration
- 030370 SE [ en ] European and International Technology Law Seminar - Intellectual Property Rights, Information Technology Law, Biotechnology Law (auch für Dipl. und Diss. anrechenbar)
- 030500 SE European and international cultural assets protection - (WFK Europarecht)
- 030727 SE Application of Austrian constitutional law by the Austrian Constitutional Court - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030016 KU Equlity between the sexes - Equlity between the sexes
- 030095 KU Economic and european criminal law
- 030140 KU Practical course: The European company - Europäische Aktiengesellschaft
- 030308 KU [ en ] Regulation of Trade in Goods and Services - Basic Principles of EC and WTO Law
- 030351 KU [ en ] Contract Law in Europe - The emerging European Contract Law against the background of existing EC law and national contract laws
- 030368 KU European Foreign Policy
- 030517 KU European Company Law - Supranationale Gesellschaftsformen, Gesellschaftsrechtliche Harmonisierung, Niederlassungsfreiheit und Gesellschaftsrecht, Gesellschaftsrechtl. Judikatur des EuGH
- 030566 KU European insolvency Law
- 030585 KU [ en ] Enforcement of EC Cartel Law - shall the EC follow the example of the US
- 030604 KU EC - public procurement law
- 030607 KU The Third Pillar of the European Union - Police and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters
- 030661 KU [ en ] European and International E-Commerce Law
- 030665 KU Main problems of european economic law in the area of labour and social security law
- 030668 KU [ en ] International Constitutional Law in a European Perspective
- 030701 KU European Competition Law II - Abuse of Dominance and Merger Control
- 030565 PR [ en ] Praktikum "Ligitation before European Courts" - Dealing with cases before the European Court of Human Rights
- 030757 VO The System of the European Community Law - ECs social dimension
4.18. Revision and Controlling
4.19.1. Medical Law - Core Area
- 030396 VO Malpractice Law
- 030488 VO Medical Law II - (besonderer Teil)
- 030175 KU Legal Ethics in Biomedicine
4.19.2. Medical Law - Elective Area
- 030672 VO Medicamens and social security
- 030487 VO Self-employment in Medicin
- 030006 KO Austrian Law on Medicines and Pharmacies
- 030065 SE Undergrade Seminar: Austrian Health Care Law... - Undergrade Seminar: Austrian Health Care Law in the 20th Century
- 030395 SE Undergrade Seminar: The history of medical Law - ( für DiplomandInnen) (vertiefende historische Kompetenz)
- 030406 SE Seminar in Medical Law - Current topics in Medical Law (Seminar for Students and Graduates)
- 030485 SE Genetechnologie and Law - Genetechnologie, Law and Ethics
- 030431 KU Comparative Aspects of Medical Law
- 030575 KU Biotechnology Law II - Legal Aspects of the Use of New Technologies in Medicine and Bioethics
- 030678 KU [ de en ] Standards and Methods of Medical Ethics - Introduction to Good Scientific Practice
- 020132 KU Clinical Rounds - in health professions from ethical and legal view
- 020133 KU Medical law in pracitce - with exkursions
- 030452 PV Individual tutorial in Medical Law
4.20.1. Environmental Legislation - Core Area
- 030048 KU Criminal law aspects of environmental law - Gerichtliches Umweltstrafrecht
- 030134 KU Civil law and environmental law
4.20.2. Environmental Legislation - Elective Area
- 030038 SE Current topics of environmental law - gemeinsam mit RA Dr. Wilhelm Bergthaler und RA Dr. Christian Schmelz (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030485 SE Genetechnologie and Law - Genetechnologie, Law and Ethics
- 030471 KU Product specific environmental legislation
- 030472 KU Forest Law
- 030626 KU Austrian and European Animal Prodection Law
4.21.1. Public Commercial Law - Core Area (Commercial Constitutional Law and Commercial Administrative Law)
- 030540 KU The Law of Utilities Regulation - with a special focus on economic aspects
4.21.2. Public Commercial Law - Elective Area
- 030277 SE Seminar on Public Law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030095 KU Economic and european criminal law
- 030156 KU Enquiries in market communication - (public advertising and the law)
- 030308 KU [ en ] Regulation of Trade in Goods and Services - Basic Principles of EC and WTO Law
- 030445 KU Financial Market Authority
- 030512 KU Public Procurement Law
- 030526 KU Data Protection in E-Business and Internet - EU-Data Protection Directive, Austrian State&Federal Data Protection Laws and their relevance for the E-Business
- 030631 KU European and Austrian Public Procurement Law
- 030627 KU Telecommunications Law
4.22. Finance (advanced)
4.23.1. Fundamental and Human Rights - Core Area
- 030519 VO European Human Rights Protection (EU, Europarat, OSZE)
- 030322 PR [ de en ] Protection of Fundamental Rights by the Constitutional Court
- 030506 KU Human Rights, Democracy and Peacekeeping
- 030565 PR [ en ] Praktikum "Ligitation before European Courts" - Dealing with cases before the European Court of Human Rights
4.23.2. Fundamental and Human Rights - Elective Area
- 030399 VO Legal Position of religious communities in Austria - Zur Rechtsstellung der Religionsgemeinschaften in Österreich
- 030442 VO Freedom of Relgion and Belief in Europe
- 030515 VO European Migraton- and Asylum Law
- 030094 SE [ en ] International Criminal Courts (ICC) - (for undergraduade and graduade students)
- 030108 SE [ en ] Indigenous Peoples`Rights in national and international contexts - (for undergraduate and graduate students)
- 030151 SE Seminar on Minority Law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030156 KU Enquiries in market communication - (public advertising and the law)
- 030610 SE Freedom of Religion and belief in Austria and Europe; Recent Austrian and European Court Decisions - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030567 SE Discrimination for ethnic and religios reasons - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030712 SE [ en ] TNCS and Human Rights - (for masters and doctor students)
- 030718 SE Fundamental rights in the european constitutional space - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030724 SE [ en ] Human Rights and China - Analysis and Response - (für DissertantInnen)
- 030725 SE [ en ] Universal Declaration of Human Rights and 15 years Vienna Declaration and Progr. of Action - (für DissertantInnen)
- 030727 SE Application of Austrian constitutional law by the Austrian Constitutional Court - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030279 SE Seminar on Public Law - Recent Case Law on Fundamental and Human Rights (Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students)
- 030407 SE Development of Human Rights in Austria and the Relationship between Church and State - vertiefende historische Kompetenz (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030425 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Relgious Law - Women¿s Rights from Plato until today
- 030476 KU Practise of Austrian Human Rights Protection
- 030590 KU Legal issues of European Overseas expansion
- 030707 KU Experience European Convention of Human Rights
- 030632 KU Working for Human Rights in Practice
- 030160 PV Humen Rights Round Table
4.24. Science and Education Law
4.25.1. Technology Law (Technology and Economy) - Core Area
- 030571 KU Technology Law II
- 030575 KU Biotechnology Law II - Legal Aspects of the Use of New Technologies in Medicine and Bioethics
- 030576 KU Technology Transfer Law - Patent Licence Agreements and Know-how Agreements
4.25.2. Technology Law (Technology and Economy) - Elective Area
- 030006 KO Austrian Law on Medicines and Pharmacies
- 030370 SE [ en ] European and International Technology Law Seminar - Intellectual Property Rights, Information Technology Law, Biotechnology Law (auch für Dipl. und Diss. anrechenbar)
- 030485 SE Genetechnologie and Law - Genetechnologie, Law and Ethics
- 030490 KU [ en ] Legal Issues of the Use of Outer Space Technologies - Blended-learning gem §21 Studienplan
- 030530 KU Copyright Law II
- 030627 KU Telecommunications Law
- 030661 KU [ en ] European and International E-Commerce Law
- 030746 SE Seminar on Drafting of Research and Technology Agreements - (also for undergraduate and graduate students)
4.26. Political Theory and Political Science
- 030743 VO [ en ] Introduction to Economic Theory
4.27.1. Cultural Law - Core Area (Cultural and Church Law)
- 030369 VO Law of Culture
- 030499 VO Law of Cultural Protection - National European and International Perspectives
- 030530 KU Copyright Law II
4.27.2. Cultural Law - Elective Area
- 030599 VO Sportslaw
- 030610 SE Freedom of Religion and belief in Austria and Europe; Recent Austrian and European Court Decisions - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030405 SE Drafting contracts in the feelds of culture - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030500 SE European and international cultural assets protection - (WFK Europarecht)
- 030432 KU Intercultural Conflict Resolution
4.28.1. Church Law - Core Area (Cultural and Church Law)
- 030442 VO Freedom of Relgion and Belief in Europe
- 030399 VO Legal Position of religious communities in Austria - Zur Rechtsstellung der Religionsgemeinschaften in Österreich
4.28.2. Church Law - Elective Area
- 030441 VO Europe and the islamic modernism
- 030610 SE Freedom of Religion and belief in Austria and Europe; Recent Austrian and European Court Decisions - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030567 SE Discrimination for ethnic and religios reasons - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030052 SE Law of Chrstian East - Orthodox Churches in Europe
- 030407 SE Development of Human Rights in Austria and the Relationship between Church and State - vertiefende historische Kompetenz (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030736 SE [ cs ] Czech and European Law in Intercultural and Interreligious context
4.29.1. Real Property and Construction Law - Core Area (Law of the Construction Industry)
- 030512 KU Public Procurement Law
- 030744 KU Building Contracts and Liability
4.29.2. Real Property and Construction Law - Elective Area
- 030499 VO Law of Cultural Protection - National European and International Perspectives
4.30.1. International Relations Law (Including International Organisations) - Core Area
- 030030 KU [ en ] International Organizations (F)
- 030284 KU [ en ] International Economic and Investment Law (F) - Blended-learning gem §21 Studienplan
- 030393 KU [ en ] Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (F)
4.30.2. International Relations Law (Including International Organisations) - Elective Area
- 030094 SE [ en ] International Criminal Courts (ICC) - (for undergraduade and graduade students)
- 030368 KU European Foreign Policy
- 030379 KU [ en ] International negotiations
- 030386 MC [ en ] Telders International Law Moot Court (F)
- 030480 KU International Economic Law
- 030483 KU [ en ] Legal and Political Aspects of International Security II (F)
- 030490 KU [ en ] Legal Issues of the Use of Outer Space Technologies - Blended-learning gem §21 Studienplan
- 030559 KU [ fr ] Law of International Relations in French II
4.31.1. Tax Law (advanced) - Core Area (Tax Law and Accounting)
4.31.2. Tax Law (advanced) - Elective Area
4.32. Development Cooperation Law
- 030108 SE [ en ] Indigenous Peoples`Rights in national and international contexts - (for undergraduate and graduate students)
- 030590 KU Legal issues of European Overseas expansion
4.33. New Public Management
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34