9.03. Classical Archaeology
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Classical Archaeology
- 090034 SE Early Christian Baptism Sites in Context
- 090046 VO The Cyclades in the Bronze Age
- 090052 VO Noricum - an introduction to the archaeology of the Roman provinces
- 090054 PS Roman sarcophagi
- 090055 VO Hidden Writings Reflected in Early Christian Monuments
- 090058 SE Sculptures in Roman Collections
- 090059 PS Comparison of Single Image Motifs in Different Art Genres, Regions and Periods
- 090080 PS Minoan-Mycenaean Iconography
- 090102 VO Introduction into Greek Archaeology
- 090104 SE Ptolemaic kings and queens - tradition and innovation in Hellenistic Egypt
- 090128 PS Death and Burial in the Provinces on Rhine and Danube
- 090176 SE Cemeteries and Sepulchral Rituals in Minoan Crete
- 090187 VO Art and Architecture during the reign of Augustus
- 090197 SE Augustus: The Roman conquest of the Rhine and Danube
- 090214 VO Egypt in the time of the Ptolemies and the Roman emperors
- 090215 VO Pottery of the Etruscans
- 090216 VO Composite Beings in Bronze Age Aegean Art: Iconography and Interpretation
- 090217 VO The German Policy during the early Principate: social, economical and political aspects
- 090218 VO Wall painting in the Roman provinces
- 090219 PS Oracles and oracle sites in ancient Greece
- 090221 UE Preparations for a field trip to Egypt
- 090222 KU Describing and comparing artefacts
- 090223 KU Introduction Course Academic Skills
- 090312 PS The Panhellenic Sanctuary of Olympia
I. Basics
- 090046 VO The Cyclades in the Bronze Age
- 090052 VO Noricum - an introduction to the archaeology of the Roman provinces
- 090054 PS Roman sarcophagi
- 090055 VO Hidden Writings Reflected in Early Christian Monuments
- 090059 PS Comparison of Single Image Motifs in Different Art Genres, Regions and Periods
- 090080 PS Minoan-Mycenaean Iconography
- 090102 VO Introduction into Greek Archaeology
- 090128 PS Death and Burial in the Provinces on Rhine and Danube
- 090214 VO Egypt in the time of the Ptolemies and the Roman emperors
- 090215 VO Pottery of the Etruscans
- 090216 VO Composite Beings in Bronze Age Aegean Art: Iconography and Interpretation
- 090217 VO The German Policy during the early Principate: social, economical and political aspects
- 090218 VO Wall painting in the Roman provinces
- 090219 PS Oracles and oracle sites in ancient Greece
- 090222 KU Describing and comparing artefacts
- 090223 KU Introduction Course Academic Skills
- 090312 PS The Panhellenic Sanctuary of Olympia
1. Required Module - Introduction to Archaeology - STEP
- 090102 VO Introduction into Greek Archaeology
- 090223 KU Introduction Course Academic Skills
2. Required Module - Methods of Archaeology - STEP
- 090215 VO Pottery of the Etruscans
- 090222 KU Describing and comparing artefacts
3. Group of Elective Modules - Basics
- 090046 VO The Cyclades in the Bronze Age
- 090054 PS Roman sarcophagi
- 090055 VO Hidden Writings Reflected in Early Christian Monuments
- 090059 PS Comparison of Single Image Motifs in Different Art Genres, Regions and Periods
- 090080 PS Minoan-Mycenaean Iconography
- 090128 PS Death and Burial in the Provinces on Rhine and Danube
- 090187 VO Art and Architecture during the reign of Augustus
- 090214 VO Egypt in the time of the Ptolemies and the Roman emperors
- 090216 VO Composite Beings in Bronze Age Aegean Art: Iconography and Interpretation
- 090217 VO The German Policy during the early Principate: social, economical and political aspects
- 090218 VO Wall painting in the Roman provinces
- 090219 PS Oracles and oracle sites in ancient Greece
- 090312 PS The Panhellenic Sanctuary of Olympia
WM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Greek Archaeology)
- 090214 VO Egypt in the time of the Ptolemies and the Roman emperors
- 090219 PS Oracles and oracle sites in ancient Greece
- 090312 PS The Panhellenic Sanctuary of Olympia
WM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Roman Archaeology)
- 090054 PS Roman sarcophagi
- 090187 VO Art and Architecture during the reign of Augustus
- 090217 VO The German Policy during the early Principate: social, economical and political aspects
WM Minoan-Mycenaean Archaeology
- 090046 VO The Cyclades in the Bronze Age
- 090080 PS Minoan-Mycenaean Iconography
- 090216 VO Composite Beings in Bronze Age Aegean Art: Iconography and Interpretation
WM Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090052 VO Noricum - an introduction to the archaeology of the Roman provinces
- 090128 PS Death and Burial in the Provinces on Rhine and Danube
- 090217 VO The German Policy during the early Principate: social, economical and political aspects
- 090218 VO Wall painting in the Roman provinces
WM Early Christian Archaeology
- 090055 VO Hidden Writings Reflected in Early Christian Monuments
- 090059 PS Comparison of Single Image Motifs in Different Art Genres, Regions and Periods
II. Advanced Courses
- 090034 SE Early Christian Baptism Sites in Context
- 090046 VO The Cyclades in the Bronze Age
- 090052 VO Noricum - an introduction to the archaeology of the Roman provinces
- 090055 VO Hidden Writings Reflected in Early Christian Monuments
- 090058 SE Sculptures in Roman Collections
- 090104 SE Ptolemaic kings and queens - tradition and innovation in Hellenistic Egypt
- 090176 SE Cemeteries and Sepulchral Rituals in Minoan Crete
- 090187 VO Art and Architecture during the reign of Augustus
- 090197 SE Augustus: The Roman conquest of the Rhine and Danube
- 090214 VO Egypt in the time of the Ptolemies and the Roman emperors
- 090216 VO Composite Beings in Bronze Age Aegean Art: Iconography and Interpretation
- 090218 VO Wall painting in the Roman provinces
4. Required Module - Pictures
- 090104 SE Ptolemaic kings and queens - tradition and innovation in Hellenistic Egypt
- 090187 VO Art and Architecture during the reign of Augustus
- 090218 VO Wall painting in the Roman provinces
5. Alternative Required Modules
- 090034 SE Early Christian Baptism Sites in Context
- 090052 VO Noricum - an introduction to the archaeology of the Roman provinces
- 090055 VO Hidden Writings Reflected in Early Christian Monuments
- 090058 SE Sculptures in Roman Collections
- 090176 SE Cemeteries and Sepulchral Rituals in Minoan Crete
- 090187 VO Art and Architecture during the reign of Augustus
- 090197 SE Augustus: The Roman conquest of the Rhine and Danube
- 090214 VO Egypt in the time of the Ptolemies and the Roman emperors
- 090216 VO Composite Beings in Bronze Age Aegean Art: Iconography and Interpretation
- 090217 VO The German Policy during the early Principate: social, economical and political aspects
- 090218 VO Wall painting in the Roman provinces
APM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Greek Archaeology)
- 090058 SE Sculptures in Roman Collections
- 090214 VO Egypt in the time of the Ptolemies and the Roman emperors
APM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Roman Archaeology)
- 090058 SE Sculptures in Roman Collections
- 090187 VO Art and Architecture during the reign of Augustus
- 090197 SE Augustus: The Roman conquest of the Rhine and Danube
- 090217 VO The German Policy during the early Principate: social, economical and political aspects
APM Minoan-Mycenean Archaeology
- 090046 VO The Cyclades in the Bronze Age
- 090176 SE Cemeteries and Sepulchral Rituals in Minoan Crete
- 090216 VO Composite Beings in Bronze Age Aegean Art: Iconography and Interpretation
APM Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090052 VO Noricum - an introduction to the archaeology of the Roman provinces
- 090197 SE Augustus: The Roman conquest of the Rhine and Danube
- 090217 VO The German Policy during the early Principate: social, economical and political aspects
- 090218 VO Wall painting in the Roman provinces
APM Early Christian Archaeology
- 090034 SE Early Christian Baptism Sites in Context
- 090055 VO Hidden Writings Reflected in Early Christian Monuments
III. Extension
- 090221 UE Preparations for a field trip to Egypt
6. Required Module - Excavation, Preservation of Monuments, Museum Studies
7. Alternative Required Modules
APM Field Trip
- 090221 UE Preparations for a field trip to Egypt
APM Instructional Excavation
IV. Supplementary Courses
Groups of Alternative Required Modules
- 090232 UE Les belles infidèles ... translation theories and analysis in modern greek literature
- 090233 UE Transfer of culture, communication and information networks beween east and west in the middle ages
APMG 1 - Language and Advanced Studies
1.1. Large Language Module (Greek)
1.2. Small Advanced Module
APMG 2 - Language and Interdisciplinarity
2.1. Large Language Module (Greek)
2.2. Small Interdisciplinary Module
APMG 3 - Language and Option
3.1. Large Language Module (Greek)
3.2. Small Optional Module
APMG 4 - Languages
4.1. Large Language Module (Greek)
4.2. Small Language Module (Ancient and/or Modern Languages)
APMG 5 - Advanced Courses
5.1. Large Advanced Module
5.2. Small Advanced Module
APMG 6 - Interdisciplinarity
6.1. Large Interdisciplinary Module
6.2. Small Interdisciplinary Module
B. Master Degree Programme in Classical Archaeology
- 090034 SE Early Christian Baptism Sites in Context
- 090046 VO The Cyclades in the Bronze Age
- 090055 VO Hidden Writings Reflected in Early Christian Monuments
- 090057 PV Privatissimum - Colloquium - Institutskolloquium für ExamenskandidatInnen (gemeinsam mit V. Gassner und M. Meyer)
- 090058 SE Sculptures in Roman Collections
- 090104 SE Ptolemaic kings and queens - tradition and innovation in Hellenistic Egypt
- 090176 SE Cemeteries and Sepulchral Rituals in Minoan Crete
- 090187 VO Art and Architecture during the reign of Augustus
- 090197 SE Augustus: The Roman conquest of the Rhine and Danube
- 090198 PV Exclusive Tutorial for Diplomate Candiates, Dissertation Candidates and Interested Individuals - für Diplomanden, Dissertanten und sonstige Interessierte
- 090214 VO Egypt in the time of the Ptolemies and the Roman emperors
- 090215 VO Pottery of the Etruscans
- 090216 VO Composite Beings in Bronze Age Aegean Art: Iconography and Interpretation
- 090217 VO The German Policy during the early Principate: social, economical and political aspects
- 090221 UE Preparations for a field trip to Egypt
I. Required Module - Greek-Roman Archaeology
- 090058 SE Sculptures in Roman Collections
- 090104 SE Ptolemaic kings and queens - tradition and innovation in Hellenistic Egypt
- 090187 VO Art and Architecture during the reign of Augustus
- 090197 SE Augustus: The Roman conquest of the Rhine and Danube
- 090214 VO Egypt in the time of the Ptolemies and the Roman emperors
- 090217 VO The German Policy during the early Principate: social, economical and political aspects
II. Alternative Required Module
- 090214 VO Egypt in the time of the Ptolemies and the Roman emperors
- 090221 UE Preparations for a field trip to Egypt
1. Alternative Required Module - Field Trip
- 090214 VO Egypt in the time of the Ptolemies and the Roman emperors
- 090221 UE Preparations for a field trip to Egypt
2. Alternative Required Module - Instructional Excavation
III. Interdisciplinary Module
IV. Specialisation Module A
- 090034 SE Early Christian Baptism Sites in Context
- 090046 VO The Cyclades in the Bronze Age
- 090055 VO Hidden Writings Reflected in Early Christian Monuments
- 090058 SE Sculptures in Roman Collections
- 090104 SE Ptolemaic kings and queens - tradition and innovation in Hellenistic Egypt
- 090176 SE Cemeteries and Sepulchral Rituals in Minoan Crete
- 090187 VO Art and Architecture during the reign of Augustus
- 090197 SE Augustus: The Roman conquest of the Rhine and Danube
- 090215 VO Pottery of the Etruscans
- 090216 VO Composite Beings in Bronze Age Aegean Art: Iconography and Interpretation
- 090217 VO The German Policy during the early Principate: social, economical and political aspects
- 090218 VO Wall painting in the Roman provinces
V. Specialisation Module B
- 090034 SE Early Christian Baptism Sites in Context
- 090046 VO The Cyclades in the Bronze Age
- 090055 VO Hidden Writings Reflected in Early Christian Monuments
- 090058 SE Sculptures in Roman Collections
- 090104 SE Ptolemaic kings and queens - tradition and innovation in Hellenistic Egypt
- 090176 SE Cemeteries and Sepulchral Rituals in Minoan Crete
- 090187 VO Art and Architecture during the reign of Augustus
- 090197 SE Augustus: The Roman conquest of the Rhine and Danube
- 090215 VO Pottery of the Etruscans
- 090216 VO Composite Beings in Bronze Age Aegean Art: Iconography and Interpretation
- 090217 VO The German Policy during the early Principate: social, economical and political aspects
- 090218 VO Wall painting in the Roman provinces
VI. Master Module
- 090057 PV Privatissimum - Colloquium - Institutskolloquium für ExamenskandidatInnen (gemeinsam mit V. Gassner und M. Meyer)
- 090198 PV Exclusive Tutorial for Diplomate Candiates, Dissertation Candidates and Interested Individuals - für Diplomanden, Dissertanten und sonstige Interessierte
C. Diploma Degree Programme in Classical Archaeology
- 090034 SE Early Christian Baptism Sites in Context
- 090046 VO The Cyclades in the Bronze Age
- 090052 VO Noricum - an introduction to the archaeology of the Roman provinces
- 090054 PS Roman sarcophagi
- 090055 VO Hidden Writings Reflected in Early Christian Monuments
- 090057 PV Privatissimum - Colloquium - Institutskolloquium für ExamenskandidatInnen (gemeinsam mit V. Gassner und M. Meyer)
- 090058 SE Sculptures in Roman Collections
- 090059 PS Comparison of Single Image Motifs in Different Art Genres, Regions and Periods
- 090080 PS Minoan-Mycenaean Iconography
- 090102 VO Introduction into Greek Archaeology
- 090104 SE Ptolemaic kings and queens - tradition and innovation in Hellenistic Egypt
- 090128 PS Death and Burial in the Provinces on Rhine and Danube
- 090176 SE Cemeteries and Sepulchral Rituals in Minoan Crete
- 090187 VO Art and Architecture during the reign of Augustus
- 090197 SE Augustus: The Roman conquest of the Rhine and Danube
- 090198 PV Exclusive Tutorial for Diplomate Candiates, Dissertation Candidates and Interested Individuals - für Diplomanden, Dissertanten und sonstige Interessierte
- 090199 UE CAD for Archaeologists
- 090214 VO Egypt in the time of the Ptolemies and the Roman emperors
- 090215 VO Pottery of the Etruscans
- 090216 VO Composite Beings in Bronze Age Aegean Art: Iconography and Interpretation
- 090217 VO The German Policy during the early Principate: social, economical and political aspects
- 090218 VO Wall painting in the Roman provinces
- 090219 PS Oracles and oracle sites in ancient Greece
- 090220 UE Graphic Documentation of Architecture Blocks in the Ephesos Museum
- 090221 UE Preparations for a field trip to Egypt
- 090224 EX Early Greece - Visiting two Special Exhibitions in Karlsruhe and Mannheim
- 090225 UE Gallery Teaching Course in the Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities, - Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
- 090312 PS The Panhellenic Sanctuary of Olympia
1. Lectures
- 090046 VO The Cyclades in the Bronze Age
- 090052 VO Noricum - an introduction to the archaeology of the Roman provinces
- 090055 VO Hidden Writings Reflected in Early Christian Monuments
- 090102 VO Introduction into Greek Archaeology
- 090187 VO Art and Architecture during the reign of Augustus
- 090214 VO Egypt in the time of the Ptolemies and the Roman emperors
- 090215 VO Pottery of the Etruscans
- 090216 VO Composite Beings in Bronze Age Aegean Art: Iconography and Interpretation
- 090217 VO The German Policy during the early Principate: social, economical and political aspects
- 090218 VO Wall painting in the Roman provinces
2. Proseminars
- 090054 PS Roman sarcophagi
- 090059 PS Comparison of Single Image Motifs in Different Art Genres, Regions and Periods
- 090080 PS Minoan-Mycenaean Iconography
- 090128 PS Death and Burial in the Provinces on Rhine and Danube
- 090219 PS Oracles and oracle sites in ancient Greece
- 090312 PS The Panhellenic Sanctuary of Olympia
3. Practicals
- 090199 UE CAD for Archaeologists
- 090220 UE Graphic Documentation of Architecture Blocks in the Ephesos Museum
- 090221 UE Preparations for a field trip to Egypt
- 090225 UE Gallery Teaching Course in the Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities, - Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
4. Seminars
- 090034 SE Early Christian Baptism Sites in Context
- 090057 PV Privatissimum - Colloquium - Institutskolloquium für ExamenskandidatInnen (gemeinsam mit V. Gassner und M. Meyer)
- 090058 SE Sculptures in Roman Collections
- 090104 SE Ptolemaic kings and queens - tradition and innovation in Hellenistic Egypt
- 090176 SE Cemeteries and Sepulchral Rituals in Minoan Crete
- 090197 SE Augustus: The Roman conquest of the Rhine and Danube
- 090198 PV Exclusive Tutorial for Diplomate Candiates, Dissertation Candidates and Interested Individuals - für Diplomanden, Dissertanten und sonstige Interessierte
5. Field Trips and Practical Training
- 090224 EX Early Greece - Visiting two Special Exhibitions in Karlsruhe and Mannheim
6. Supplementary Courses from Other Departments
D. Erweiterungscurriculum Klassische Archäologie
- 090046 VO The Cyclades in the Bronze Age
- 090052 VO Noricum - an introduction to the archaeology of the Roman provinces
- 090054 PS Roman sarcophagi
- 090055 VO Hidden Writings Reflected in Early Christian Monuments
- 090059 PS Comparison of Single Image Motifs in Different Art Genres, Regions and Periods
- 090080 PS Minoan-Mycenaean Iconography
- 090102 VO Introduction into Greek Archaeology
- 090128 PS Death and Burial in the Provinces on Rhine and Danube
- 090187 VO Art and Architecture during the reign of Augustus
- 090214 VO Egypt in the time of the Ptolemies and the Roman emperors
- 090215 VO Pottery of the Etruscans
- 090216 VO Composite Beings in Bronze Age Aegean Art: Iconography and Interpretation
- 090217 VO The German Policy during the early Principate: social, economical and political aspects
- 090218 VO Wall painting in the Roman provinces
- 090219 PS Oracles and oracle sites in ancient Greece
- 090312 PS The Panhellenic Sanctuary of Olympia
EC Grundlagenmodul
- 090102 VO Introduction into Greek Archaeology
- 090187 VO Art and Architecture during the reign of Augustus
- 090214 VO Egypt in the time of the Ptolemies and the Roman emperors
- 090217 VO The German Policy during the early Principate: social, economical and political aspects
- 090222 KU Describing and comparing artefacts
EC Aufbaumodul
- 090046 VO The Cyclades in the Bronze Age
- 090052 VO Noricum - an introduction to the archaeology of the Roman provinces
- 090054 PS Roman sarcophagi
- 090055 VO Hidden Writings Reflected in Early Christian Monuments
- 090059 PS Comparison of Single Image Motifs in Different Art Genres, Regions and Periods
- 090080 PS Minoan-Mycenaean Iconography
- 090128 PS Death and Burial in the Provinces on Rhine and Danube
- 090187 VO Art and Architecture during the reign of Augustus
- 090214 VO Egypt in the time of the Ptolemies and the Roman emperors
- 090215 VO Pottery of the Etruscans
- 090216 VO Composite Beings in Bronze Age Aegean Art: Iconography and Interpretation
- 090217 VO The German Policy during the early Principate: social, economical and political aspects
- 090218 VO Wall painting in the Roman provinces
- 090219 PS Oracles and oracle sites in ancient Greece
- 090312 PS The Panhellenic Sanctuary of Olympia
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34