C. Diploma Programme Physics
First Stage of the Degree Programme
- 260089 VO Introduction to Physics I - (Mechanik, Thermodynamik)
- 260162 UE Exercise course in Introductory Physics I
- 260163 PR Practical exercises for Introductory Physics I
- 260224 VO Analysis for Physicists I
- 260225 UE Problem session to Analysis for Physicists I
- 260226 VO Linear Algebra for Physicists
- 260227 UE Problem session to Linear Algebra for Physicists
- 260207 VO Informatics for Physicists - Introduction to numerical programming in Fortran 90
- 260204 UE Informatics for Physicists - Introduction to numerical programming in Fortran 90 - practical sessions
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Experimental Physics
2.1.1. Course Experimental Physics
- 260243 VO Introduction to Physics III
- 260152 UE Exercise course in Introductory Physics III
2.1.2. Physics Laboratory
- 260029 PR Physics laboratory I - for beginners Advanced Physics Laboratory (Physics Laboratory III)
- 260003 PR Laboratory Computational Physics
- 260012 PR PIII 8 Methods of instrumentation in high energy physics (MaG 37)
- 260041 PR Laboratory Computational Quantum Mechanics - Part 1
- 260057 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics
- 260060 PR Laboratory Materials Physics - Laboratory course on materials physics
- 260095 PR Laboratory Modern Microscope Methods
- 260108 PR Laboratory Electronics - Electronics for Physicists
- 260211 PR Laboratory Quantum Optics
2.1.3. Specialization in Experimental Physics Advanced Physics Laboratory
- 260003 PR Laboratory Computational Physics
- 260057 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics Additional Courses
- 260048 UE Exercises for measurements of magnetic fields I
- 260049 UE Fourier analysis of magnetic fields I
- 260053 SE Seminar coherence of photons and of molecules
- 260085 SE The physics of the nobel prizes
- 260143 VO Deterministic Chaos I - Nonlinear Dynamics in Science
- 260180 VO Radioactivity: Radionuclide Metrology and Data Evaluation - (also supplementary and attending to the practical nuclear physics and radioactivity course)
- 260213 SE [ en ] Quantum Optics Seminar - The Seminar consists of a series of talks, given by mainly international guests. There will be no exam or grades.
2.1.4. Additional Courses in Experimental Physics
- 260002 SE Environmental Physics and Biophysics II - Complex dynamical systems (focus: analysis of pulse and breath)
- 260053 SE Seminar coherence of photons and of molecules
- 260061 VO Photonics
- 260062 VO Trace isotopes in environment and technology I
- 260118 VO Ion Beam Analysis of Materials I
- 260180 VO Radioactivity: Radionuclide Metrology and Data Evaluation - (also supplementary and attending to the practical nuclear physics and radioactivity course)
- 260205 UE Practical Class PC hardware for science I - (mit Realisierung von Messaufbauten)
- 260262 UE Practical work at machineshops
- 300196 UE Advanced biophysical laboratory work
2.2. Theoretical Physics
2.2.1. Course Theoretical Physics
- 260039 VO Theoretical Physics III: Electrodynamics
- 260040 UE Theoretical Physics III: Electrodynamics - Exercises
- 260078 UE Support for T1 and M2 with emphasis on computer algebra and wiki
- 260185 UE Theoretical Physics I: Classical Mechanics - Exercises
- 260192 VO Theoretical Physics I: Classical Mechanics
2.2.2. Theoretical Methods in Physics
- 260013 VO Mathematical Methods of Physics II
- 260016 UE Mathematical Methods of Physics II - Exercises
- 260078 UE Support for T1 and M2 with emphasis on computer algebra and wiki
2.2.3. Specialization in Theory of Quantum Structure and Geometry of Space, Time and Matter
- 260017 VO [ en ] Complex Quantum Systems - Selected topics in Quantum Information Theory and Many-Body Physics
- 260021 VO Quantum field theory and geometry
- 260038 VO Relativity and Cosmology I
- 260050 UE Exercises to "Introduction to relativistic cosmology"
- 260054 VO Nonlocality, entanglement and geometry of quantum systems
- 260064 VO Mathematical Physics I - Local Quantum Physics
- 260065 SE Foundations of modern quantum physics
- 260069 UE Mathematical Physics I - Exercises for Local Quantum Physics
- 260071 VO Mathematical Physics I - Bose-Einstein Condensation
- 260081 UE Relativity and Cosmology I - Exercises
- 260084 SE Mathematical Physics I - Seminar on mathematical physics
- 260137 SE Selected problems in quantum theory
- 260183 VO Tensors, Spinors, Twistors and all that
- 260194 SE Seminar Quantumphysics I
- 260280 VO Introduction to relativistic cosmology
2.2.4. Additional Courses in Theoretical Physics
- 260009 UE Mathematical Methods of Physics III - Exercises for M III
- 260024 VO World conception of modern physics: Relativistic astrophysics and cosmology
- 260053 SE Seminar coherence of photons and of molecules
- 260063 VO Mathematical Methods of Physics III
- 260078 UE Support for T1 and M2 with emphasis on computer algebra and wiki
- 260137 SE Selected problems in quantum theory
- 260141 UE Exercises to introduction to Particle Physics
- 260144 VO Introduction to Particle Physics
- 260158 SE Mathematical physics, literature seminar - noncommutative geometry and quantum field theory
- 260183 VO Tensors, Spinors, Twistors and all that
2.3. Computational Physics
2.3.1. Specialization in Computational Physics Advanced Physics Laboratory
- 260003 PR Laboratory Computational Physics
- 260041 PR Laboratory Computational Quantum Mechanics - Part 1 Additional Courses
- 260077 VO Computational Physics I: Basics
- 260100 UE Computational Physics I Problem class
- 260072 SE Computational Physics II - Applied Statistical Physics and Simulation - ASPUS
- 260178 VO Statistical Mechanics of Phase Transitions I
- 180407 VO+UE [ de en ] Complex Dynamical Systems
2.3.2. Additional Courses in Computational Physics
- 260003 PR Laboratory Computational Physics
- 260072 SE Computational Physics II - Applied Statistical Physics and Simulation - ASPUS
- 260077 VO Computational Physics I: Basics
- 260088 VO Theory of interconnected dynamical systems I - From cellular automata to genetic and artificial neural network models
- 260097 SE Recent developments in the theory of interconnected dynamical systems
- 260100 UE Computational Physics I Problem class
- 260178 VO Statistical Mechanics of Phase Transitions I
- 260204 UE Informatics for Physicists - Introduction to numerical programming in Fortran 90 - practical sessions
- 260207 VO Informatics for Physicists - Introduction to numerical programming in Fortran 90
2.4. Environmental and Interdisciplinary Physics
2.4.1. Specialization in Environmental Physics
- 260045 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics - Isotope detection and application
- 260070 SE Seminar for isotope research and nuclear physics
- 260103 SE Physics and chemistry of clouds
- 260259 SE Methods and concepts of risk research I
2.4.2. Atmosphere, Climate, Aerosols
- 260045 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics - Isotope detection and application
- 260070 SE Seminar for isotope research and nuclear physics
- 260083 SE Current topics in aerosol dynamics and optics
2.4.3. Isotopes in Environment and Technology
- 260045 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics - Isotope detection and application
- 260062 VO Trace isotopes in environment and technology I
- 260070 SE Seminar for isotope research and nuclear physics
- 260086 VO Nuclear Safety and Material Related Problems I - (mit Exkursionen)
- 260118 VO Ion Beam Analysis of Materials I
- 260180 VO Radioactivity: Radionuclide Metrology and Data Evaluation - (also supplementary and attending to the practical nuclear physics and radioactivity course)
2.4.4. Resources (Energy, Materials)
- 260045 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics - Isotope detection and application
- 260070 SE Seminar for isotope research and nuclear physics
2.4.5. Environmental Measurement and Data Evaluation
- 260045 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics - Isotope detection and application
- 260070 SE Seminar for isotope research and nuclear physics
- 260180 VO Radioactivity: Radionuclide Metrology and Data Evaluation - (also supplementary and attending to the practical nuclear physics and radioactivity course)
- 260205 UE Practical Class PC hardware for science I - (mit Realisierung von Messaufbauten)
2.4.6. Additional Courses in Environmental and Interdisciplinary Physics
- 260002 SE Environmental Physics and Biophysics II - Complex dynamical systems (focus: analysis of pulse and breath)
- 260045 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics - Isotope detection and application
- 260070 SE Seminar for isotope research and nuclear physics
- 260088 VO Theory of interconnected dynamical systems I - From cellular automata to genetic and artificial neural network models
- 260097 SE Recent developments in the theory of interconnected dynamical systems
- 260143 VO Deterministic Chaos I - Nonlinear Dynamics in Science
- 260161 VO Environmental Physics and Biophysics I - Introduction to Environmental Science
- 280601 VO [ en ] Selected aspects of nuclear safety I - Management of Nuclear Catastrophies I (Ausgewählte Aspekte der nuklearen Sicherheit - Management nuklearer Katastrophen I)
- 280602 VO Radioactive Waste Management I - Its Perception and Acceptance I (Nuklearabfallmanagement - Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz I)
- 280604 VO Provision of energy and risks - Kosten und Umwelt I
2.5. Specialization in Atomic and Subatomic Physics
2.5.1. Advanced Physics Laboratory
- 260045 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics - Isotope detection and application
- 260057 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics
2.5.2. Additional Courses
- 260001 SE Seminar on current topics in subatomic physics
- 260062 VO Trace isotopes in environment and technology I
- 260070 SE Seminar for isotope research and nuclear physics
- 260090 SE Seminar on experimental particle physics
- 260092 VO [ en ] Elementary Particle Physics I
- 260118 VO Ion Beam Analysis of Materials I
- 260133 VO Nuclear astrophysics I - Nucleosynthesis processes from the Big Bang to stars and applications in thermonuclear fusion - Nuclear Reactions in stars and applications
- 260140 VO Introduction to nuclear physics I
- 260141 UE Exercises to introduction to Particle Physics
- 260144 VO Introduction to Particle Physics
- 260153 VO Experimental Particle Physics I
- 260180 VO Radioactivity: Radionuclide Metrology and Data Evaluation - (also supplementary and attending to the practical nuclear physics and radioactivity course)
2.6. Specialization in Solid-State Physics
2.6.1. Advanced Physics Laboratory
- 260060 PR Laboratory Materials Physics - Laboratory course on materials physics
- 260073 PR Laboratory Solid State Physics - Advanced lab course in solid state physics
- 260095 PR Laboratory Modern Microscope Methods
2.6.2. Additional Courses
- 260010 VO Solid State Physics I
- 260011 VO Modern Continuum Mechanics - Principles of modern Continuum Mechanics
- 260019 VO Scattering methods in modern science
- 260022 VO Diffusion in metals and alloys
- 260023 VO Theoretical Solid State Physics I
- 260035 SE Condensed Matter Theory I
- 260047 VO Theoretical and computational surface science
- 260111 UE Solid State Physics I - Exercises
- 260147 SE Atomic ordering in alloys - Discussion on current research in the area atomic order in alloys
- 260168 VO Introduction into PC hardware for scientists I
- 260201 SE Introduction: high-temperature superconductivity
- 260203 VO Introduction into Electron Microscopy I
- 260205 UE Practical Class PC hardware for science I - (mit Realisierung von Messaufbauten)
- 260209 SE ODICS: Order and disorder in complex systems
2.7. Specialization in Materials Physics
2.7.1. Advanced Physics Laboratory
- 260060 PR Laboratory Materials Physics - Laboratory course on materials physics
- 260095 PR Laboratory Modern Microscope Methods
2.7.2. Additional Courses
- 260006 VO Introduction to the theory of phase transitions in solids: Phenomenology and thermodynamics
- 260010 VO Solid State Physics I
- 260011 VO Modern Continuum Mechanics - Principles of modern Continuum Mechanics
- 260019 VO Scattering methods in modern science
- 260022 VO Diffusion in metals and alloys
- 260026 VO [ en ] Phenomena & properties of nanostructured materials
- 260027 SE [ en ] Experimental materials science - nanostructured materials - Present progress of the initiative college "Experimental materials science - nanostructured materials"
- 260032 SE Physical materials testing - New methods
- 260037 VO Fundamentals of Materials Physics
- 260047 VO Theoretical and computational surface science
- 260086 VO Nuclear Safety and Material Related Problems I - (mit Exkursionen)
- 260096 SE Defects, Kinetics and electronic Structure of Condensed Systems
- 260111 UE Solid State Physics I - Exercises
- 260118 VO Ion Beam Analysis of Materials I
- 260147 SE Atomic ordering in alloys - Discussion on current research in the area atomic order in alloys
- 260197 VO Introduction to Applied Material Physics I
- 260201 SE Introduction: high-temperature superconductivity
- 260203 VO Introduction into Electron Microscopy I
- 260205 UE Practical Class PC hardware for science I - (mit Realisierung von Messaufbauten)
- 260209 SE ODICS: Order and disorder in complex systems
- 260259 SE Methods and concepts of risk research I
Third Stage of the Degree Programme
3.1. Specialization in Experimental Physics
- 260043 SE [ en ] Seminar on strongly correlated quantum systems
- 260044 VO [ en ] Advanced Module Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information
- 260048 UE Exercises for measurements of magnetic fields I
- 260049 UE Fourier analysis of magnetic fields I
- 260053 SE Seminar coherence of photons and of molecules
- 260057 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics
- 260083 SE Current topics in aerosol dynamics and optics
- 260085 SE The physics of the nobel prizes
- 260180 VO Radioactivity: Radionuclide Metrology and Data Evaluation - (also supplementary and attending to the practical nuclear physics and radioactivity course)
- 260213 SE [ en ] Quantum Optics Seminar - The Seminar consists of a series of talks, given by mainly international guests. There will be no exam or grades.
3.2. Specialization in Theory of Quantum Structure and Geometry of Space, Time and Matter
- 260017 VO [ en ] Complex Quantum Systems - Selected topics in Quantum Information Theory and Many-Body Physics
- 260021 VO Quantum field theory and geometry
- 260028 SE Seminar on analytical and numerical problems in gravitation
- 260038 VO Relativity and Cosmology I
- 260050 UE Exercises to "Introduction to relativistic cosmology"
- 260054 VO Nonlocality, entanglement and geometry of quantum systems
- 260064 VO Mathematical Physics I - Local Quantum Physics
- 260069 UE Mathematical Physics I - Exercises for Local Quantum Physics
- 260071 VO Mathematical Physics I - Bose-Einstein Condensation
- 260081 UE Relativity and Cosmology I - Exercises
- 260082 SE Literature seminar (theory of relativity)
- 260084 SE Mathematical Physics I - Seminar on mathematical physics
- 260130 SE Seminar on special topics in relativity
- 260137 SE Selected problems in quantum theory
- 260183 VO Tensors, Spinors, Twistors and all that
- 260194 SE Seminar Quantumphysics I
- 260213 SE [ en ] Quantum Optics Seminar - The Seminar consists of a series of talks, given by mainly international guests. There will be no exam or grades.
- 260280 VO Introduction to relativistic cosmology
3.3. Specialization in Computational Physics
- 260003 PR Laboratory Computational Physics
- 260041 PR Laboratory Computational Quantum Mechanics - Part 1
- 260072 SE Computational Physics II - Applied Statistical Physics and Simulation - ASPUS
- 260077 VO Computational Physics I: Basics
- 260100 UE Computational Physics I Problem class
- 260143 VO Deterministic Chaos I - Nonlinear Dynamics in Science
3.4. Specialization in Environmental Physics
3.4.1. Advanced Physics Laboratory
- 260003 PR Laboratory Computational Physics
- 260045 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics - Isotope detection and application
- 260057 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics
- 300196 UE Advanced biophysical laboratory work
3.4.2. Additional Courses for the Acquisition of Environmental Competence
- 260002 SE Environmental Physics and Biophysics II - Complex dynamical systems (focus: analysis of pulse and breath)
- 260062 VO Trace isotopes in environment and technology I
- 260103 SE Physics and chemistry of clouds
- 260180 VO Radioactivity: Radionuclide Metrology and Data Evaluation - (also supplementary and attending to the practical nuclear physics and radioactivity course)
3.5. Specialization in Atomic and Subatomic Physics
- 260001 SE Seminar on current topics in subatomic physics
- 260045 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics - Isotope detection and application
- 260057 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics
- 260062 VO Trace isotopes in environment and technology I
- 260070 SE Seminar for isotope research and nuclear physics
- 260090 SE Seminar on experimental particle physics
- 260092 VO [ en ] Elementary Particle Physics I
- 260118 VO Ion Beam Analysis of Materials I
- 260123 SE [ en ] Seminar in particle physics
- 260133 VO Nuclear astrophysics I - Nucleosynthesis processes from the Big Bang to stars and applications in thermonuclear fusion - Nuclear Reactions in stars and applications
- 260140 VO Introduction to nuclear physics I
- 260141 UE Exercises to introduction to Particle Physics
- 260144 VO Introduction to Particle Physics
- 260153 VO Experimental Particle Physics I
- 260180 VO Radioactivity: Radionuclide Metrology and Data Evaluation - (also supplementary and attending to the practical nuclear physics and radioactivity course)
3.6. Specialization in Solid-State Physics
- 260010 VO Solid State Physics I
- 260011 VO Modern Continuum Mechanics - Principles of modern Continuum Mechanics
- 260019 VO Scattering methods in modern science
- 260022 VO Diffusion in metals and alloys
- 260023 VO Theoretical Solid State Physics I
- 260031 SE [ en ] Seminar in low dimensional quantum solids - Seminar on new results on the properties of low dimensional quantum solids such as fullerenes, nanotubes and graphene as well as implications on their application potential
- 260035 SE Condensed Matter Theory I
- 260046 PR Lab course on nanomaterials
- 260047 VO Theoretical and computational surface science
- 260060 PR Laboratory Materials Physics - Laboratory course on materials physics
- 260076 VO [ de en ] Physics of molecular Nanostructures: Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Graphene - The beauty of instabilities and the influence of basic correlation effects on the properties of molecular nanostructures such as fullerenes, nanotubes and graphene as well as implications on their application potential
- 260111 UE Solid State Physics I - Exercises
- 260147 SE Atomic ordering in alloys - Discussion on current research in the area atomic order in alloys
- 260201 SE Introduction: high-temperature superconductivity
- 260209 SE ODICS: Order and disorder in complex systems
3.7. Specialization in Materials Physics
- 260010 VO Solid State Physics I
- 260011 VO Modern Continuum Mechanics - Principles of modern Continuum Mechanics
- 260015 SE Seminar on micro- and nanomaterials
- 260019 VO Scattering methods in modern science
- 260022 VO Diffusion in metals and alloys
- 260026 VO [ en ] Phenomena & properties of nanostructured materials
- 260027 SE [ en ] Experimental materials science - nanostructured materials - Present progress of the initiative college "Experimental materials science - nanostructured materials"
- 260031 SE [ en ] Seminar in low dimensional quantum solids - Seminar on new results on the properties of low dimensional quantum solids such as fullerenes, nanotubes and graphene as well as implications on their application potential
- 260032 SE Physical materials testing - New methods
- 260037 VO Fundamentals of Materials Physics
- 260046 PR Lab course on nanomaterials
- 260047 VO Theoretical and computational surface science
- 260060 PR Laboratory Materials Physics - Laboratory course on materials physics
- 260076 VO [ de en ] Physics of molecular Nanostructures: Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Graphene - The beauty of instabilities and the influence of basic correlation effects on the properties of molecular nanostructures such as fullerenes, nanotubes and graphene as well as implications on their application potential
- 260096 SE Defects, Kinetics and electronic Structure of Condensed Systems
- 260111 UE Solid State Physics I - Exercises
- 260118 VO Ion Beam Analysis of Materials I
- 260147 SE Atomic ordering in alloys - Discussion on current research in the area atomic order in alloys
- 260197 VO Introduction to Applied Material Physics I
- 260201 SE Introduction: high-temperature superconductivity
- 260209 SE ODICS: Order and disorder in complex systems
3.8. Additional Advanced Physics Laboratory
- 260012 PR PIII 8 Methods of instrumentation in high energy physics (MaG 37)
- 260045 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics - Isotope detection and application
- 260057 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics
- 260073 PR Laboratory Solid State Physics - Advanced lab course in solid state physics
- 260211 PR Laboratory Quantum Optics
3.9. Additional Courses in Theoretical Physics
- 260009 UE Mathematical Methods of Physics III - Exercises for M III
- 260028 SE Seminar on analytical and numerical problems in gravitation
- 260043 SE [ en ] Seminar on strongly correlated quantum systems
- 260044 VO [ en ] Advanced Module Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information
- 260063 VO Mathematical Methods of Physics III
- 260158 SE Mathematical physics, literature seminar - noncommutative geometry and quantum field theory
- 260183 VO Tensors, Spinors, Twistors and all that
3.10. Additional Special Courses
- 260002 SE Environmental Physics and Biophysics II - Complex dynamical systems (focus: analysis of pulse and breath)
- 260053 SE Seminar coherence of photons and of molecules
- 260061 VO Photonics
- 260077 VO Computational Physics I: Basics
- 260079 SE Soft Skills - Scientific publishing and presentation
- 260100 UE Computational Physics I Problem class
- 260118 VO Ion Beam Analysis of Materials I
- 260149 AR Working group on philosophy and natural sciences
- 260168 VO Introduction into PC hardware for scientists I
- 260180 VO Radioactivity: Radionuclide Metrology and Data Evaluation - (also supplementary and attending to the practical nuclear physics and radioactivity course)
- 260201 SE Introduction: high-temperature superconductivity
- 260205 UE Practical Class PC hardware for science I - (mit Realisierung von Messaufbauten)
Free Optional and Other Courses
- 260002 SE Environmental Physics and Biophysics II - Complex dynamical systems (focus: analysis of pulse and breath)
- 260034 VO Introduction to vector and tensor calculus I
- 260055 SE Soft Skills - Tutorial for women in physics
- 260070 SE Seminar for isotope research and nuclear physics
- 260079 SE Soft Skills - Scientific publishing and presentation
- 260121 SE Gender - Physics - Technics
- 260146 SE Methods in Science Teaching at the University
- 260149 AR Working group on philosophy and natural sciences
- 260151 VO Soft Skills - Epistemology of Physics
- 260212 EX Excursions to Large Scale Research Facilities
- 260262 UE Practical work at machineshops
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35